Index Compiled by the author 'A4': the German rocket bomb, JB, Adony (Hungary): Red Army occupies, Japanese reinforcements to, 366-7 616 intercepted,4l S AS (Belgian fishing vessel): at Dunkirk, Adriatic Sea: and help for Yugoslav Alexander Nevsky: an Order named 8, partisans, 4JI afrer,347 A-54: an Allied agent inside Germany, Adven'ure (British destroyer): Alexander, General Sir Harold: at 1S,ll0 damaged, '9 Dunkirk, 81, 8}; at Rangoon, 306; Aachen (Germany): encircled, 600; Aegean Islands: Jews depotted from, falls back to India, 3'5; and El falls, 60.4, 606; Allies push eastwud 406; and an escape line, 4'5~; Alamein, 371; and Tunisia, 41&-,; in from,6IJ Germans trapped on, 584 Italy, 459, S09, 5u -3, 54' Aarhus (Denmark): air attack on Africa: 'will be defended' (Hitler), 4'9 Alexander, John: taken prisoner, 648 Gestapo headquaners at, 608, 610 Afridi (British deslroyer): hit, 58 Alexander of Yugoslavia, King: and the Aaron W",d (US deslroyer): sunk, 41, Afrermath, the: the 'ugly creatures' of, Cetnilc.sl 181 Aba (a British hospital ship): attacked, 7JO Alexandria (Egypt): french warships .84 Agordat (Eritrea): occupied, '55 at , 109; British rc-inforcements reach, Abadan (Iran): threat to oil at, 348 Aha (Okinawa): Americas enter, 668 111,143; Hitler's thoughts on, 1)5; a Abbeville: (france): Germans reach, 6,; Aid to Russia Appeal: launched, 140 threat to, 145; an Italian manned­ British hold line near, 87 Air Medal (with Oak Leaf Clusters): torpedo raid on, ..so; British fall back Abbottabad (India): a listening post, awarded,61t towards, 336, 337; Rommel denied ~, Air power: and 'poetic justice" ".H; and capture of, ,.1 Abdullah, Emir of Transjordan: and "a strange, stern iustice', 500 Alexandrovka (Leningrad): captured, 133 'tbe end is sure', J78 .... i,.dale (British destroyer): sunk, In Algeria: Allied landing on, in prospect, Ahemana A.olI (Gilberl Islands): Aisne River (france): battle on, 83, 86 347, 371, 374, 375; Rommel fail. to attacked, 476 Aitape (New Guinea): landings on, 51' regain border of, 402.; used for Brjtish 'Aberdeen' (Burma): landing a., 506 Ajax (British destroyer); in action,s, 34 'shuttle bombing' raids, 4J' Abetz, Otto: in Paris, 1-«; at .uagi (Japanese aircrafr carrier): sunk, Algiers (Algeria): a secret landing at, Ras.enburg, :l.J5 no 371; Allied forces disembark at, 375, Abraham: God's promise to, H8 Akulovo (near Moscow): Germans 376; a French warship reaches, )83; a Abramescu, General: refused driven from, 1('1 manned-torpedo attack on, 385; a permission to withdraw, S74 Akyab (Burma): reconquest of, fails, war crimes trial at, 50S Abusch, Waller: execuIed,:l.7 ,,08 Aliakhmon Line (Greece): German. Acas'a (Bri.ish destroyer): sunk, 8, Alam Haifa (Western Desert): Rommel advanec on, 173; Germans overrun, Achilles (British destroyer): sunk, 8, forced '0 withdraw from, JS8 174 Adak (Aleutian Islands): American Alamogordo (New Mexico): an atomic Alimnia Island (Aegean Sea): bombers attack from, JJ~ bomb tested at, 704, 707 commandos captured near, 514 Adana (Turkey): Churchill's mission Albania: invasion of Greece from, IH; Allen, Captain: shot, 78'11 to, 517 Greek troops advance into, .4', 148; Allenstein (East Prussia): acquired by Addis Ababa (E.hiopia): British an Italian counter-auade in, fails, 161; Poland, 711 advance to, 153; evacuated, 169; the halians advance from once more, Allied Declaration (of '7 December Emperor returns to, 179 171-3; declares war on Russia, W1; 194:1.): and the fate of the Jews, ,87 Addu Atoll (Maldive Islands): 3'4 resistance activity in, ...." 717; and an Altman, Mania: murdered, 66, Aden: bombed, !/D Allied deception plan, 494; partisans Alor Star (Malaya): '49, :1.78 Adenauer, Dr Konrad: and reparations in, harass Germans, 5'4; Germans Alsace (france): Allies advance for Jews, 73S; and the return of fall back from, 615; in the Sovie. bloc, towards, 613 German prisoners-of~war in Russia, 713 Altafjord (nonhern Norway): a 738 Albert Canal (Belgium): attacked, 61 German warship at, 340 Adlon Hotel (Berlin): and a British air A.lb_rt H. Boe (US Liberty Ship): ready Altenwalde (West Germany): a German raid, 118 for sea, 715 rocket .ested a., by the Bri.ish, 7'4 Admiral Gral Spee (German pocket Albert, Lucien: killed, 511 , Altona': the code word to postpone battleship): sinks a British merchant Alderney (Channel Islands): forced -BarbarOSIa',191 ship, 18; scuttled, '4 labourers on way from, drowned, 551 .... "marl (German auxiliary ship): Admiral Hipper (German heavy Aldershot (England): bombed, 108 boarded, 4:1. cruiser): beaten off, 187 Ale:kseyevka (Ukraine): a Jewish unit in Aluminium: the search for, to make .... dmiral von Schur (German pocket action al, 407 aircraft, 110 battlc:ship): attacks a convoy, 138; in Alen~on (france): Free french .roops Alytus (Lithuania): battle at, '99 the Arctic, 340 reach,567 Amagi (Japanese aircraft carrier): sunk, Admiral.y (Leningrad): spires of, :l.n Alesund (Norway): plan to land at, IS; 709 Admiralty Island. (Pacific): captured, Norwegians arrested al, ShOl, 311 Amaquiri (japanese destroyer): in 5.6 Aleutian 1,lands: landings on, no; action, .... 9 INDEX Amberieu (France): sabotage at, 51B camp near, 12.7; bombing raid on, 418; approach, 348; Germans driven from, Amboina (Dutch East Indies): fate of liberat~d, 585; to be cut off, 585; 397; battles west of, 398 prisoners-of-war on, 2.97 'Flying Bomb' attacks on, 601, 608, Armenia: German plans for, [93 American-British-Conversations (A8C): 613,616; help for, 611-1; Hider's plan Armstrong, Brigadier Gen~ral Clare H.: held in Washington, 154; agreement to recapture, 615; a rocket bomb at Antwerp, 6u-2. reached during, 167 attack on,; rocket equipment Armstrong, George: hanged, 132. American Civil War: the first execution despatched to America rhrough, 695 'Arnaud' (Alec Rabinovitch): his for desenion since, 636 4.nzio (Italy): a planned landing at, 490; sabotage mission, 504 American Rangers: participate in landing at, 491, 492.; Allies pinned Arndt, Professor Walther: executed, Dieppe raid, H 3 down at, 495; and Angelita, 496; and 546 American Red Cross: Roosevelt's a German offensive, 497; the Arnhem (Holland): a parachute landing appeal for, 76 bridgehead at, trapped, 498; at, 593; air supplies to, 594; Canadian Amerika (Hitler's train): 4, 1}3, 134, continuing battle at, 499, 509; a break­ forces reach, 666 147,172,279; damaged, 476-7 out from, 52.6-? Arnim, General von: in Tunisia, his Amery, Julian: active behind German Aosta, Duke of: evacuates Addis losing battle, 402. lines in Albania, 71.7 Ababa, 169 Arras (France): a British counter-attack Amery I John: his trial and execution, Aparri (Philippines): Japanese land at, at, 70 71 7 176 Areno (Italy); partisans near, in action, Amieos (France): Germans reach, 69; Apeldoorn (Holland): Jewish mental 544; partisans near, captured, 554 executions in, 499 patients sent to Auschwitz from 395; Arno River (Italy): American troops Amsterdam (Holland): children flee, 67; a hijack attempt near, followed by cross, 584 strikes, and reprisals, in 158; an reprisals, 646 •Aromatic' (Edward Rizzo): a British execution in, ]60; Jews expelled into, Arab Legion, the: 'will fight anybody', agent, 177 188; a bombing mission against, 42.S; IB1 Arrow Cross, the: in Budapest, 603; a 'horrifying' scene in, reported to 'Arabel': a double agent, 111, 537, 541, executions by, 604 Hider. 440; Anne Frank in, 516; Anne 611 Artois (France): British troops in, 73 Frank deported from, 565; 'Death Arakan Coast (Burma): advance along, 'Aryan' superiority: 2.4, 366, 390"""91, Candidates' in, 646 646 40B-9 Anami, General: against surrender. A,ando,a Sta, (luxury liner): sunk, Ascension Island (South Atlantic): and 716; commits suicide, 717 106 the sinking of the LAconia, 360 Ancona (ltaJy): Jews of, warned in time, Arawe Peninsula (New Britain): an Asche (a French secret agent): and 466 American landing on, 481 Enigma, 39 Andalsnes (Norway): landing at, 55; Arc de Triomphe (Paris): swastika on, Aschersleben (Germany): bombed, 489, withdra wal from, 57 94; prlsoners.-of-war machine gunned 101 Andaman Islands (Bay of Bengal): at, 580; Churchill and de Gaulle at, Ascot (British merchant ship): Japanese occupy, 312.; a clandestine 611 torpedoed, 500 landing on, 394j Japanese on, Archambault, Jean-Paul: his sabotage Ascq (France): a reprisal in, 512.-3 surrender, 725 mission, in France, 515; his mission Asia: Stalin's possible withdrawal into, Anders, General Wladyslaw: describes behind japanese lines in Burma, 694 2.35; and terror, 2.97 a battlefield, 526 Arctic Circle: British troops north of, Asia (Goering's train): at Calais, 1l.3 Anderson, Staff Sergeant Beaufort T.: 61 'Asia for the Asiatics': and the Indian his courage, 661. Archan~e1 (Soviet Union): planned National Army, 178 Andrew of Greece, Prince: 148, 166, 465 German advance to, 115, 147; British Asiatic Russia: a barner to be erected Andrew of Greece, Princess: hides Jews, aid to Russia through, ~14, 11}; against, 147 46 5 British convoys to, 139. 141, 32.5. 32.7 'Asiatics'; Stalin's comment (on the 'Angel of Death': at Auschwitz, 43' Archer (British aircraft carrier): in Russians and japanese), 173 Angelita (an Italian girl): at Anzio, 496 action.4}1 Askaris: war dead of, 746 Angers (France): a clandestine landing Arctic Convoys: 2.13, 2. 39, 142. 32. •., 325, Assam (India): and the siege of Kohima, near, 'PS; arrests near, SIS 31.7, 33~340' 359; a wd,om~ rdief 114 Anglo-Egyptian Sudan: Italians for, 377; continuation of, discussed, Astoria (US heavy cruiser): sunk, 350 Withdraw
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