riict-ffij VOLUME 28 NUMBER 49 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1992 • WESTLAND, MICHIGAN • 36 PAGES FIFTY CENTS 19U SuiMtan CommuniMiont Cttpwrton IN THE PAPER I 1 9 A developer wants to rezone a major parcel opposite request to rezone the property to com­ See related story, 2A TODAY City Hall for a Kroger superstore and a Sam's Ware­ mercial from its current office/resi­ dential classification. house business. The developer has met with nearby The city administration is urging rant to discuss a suggested 100-foot homeowners to discuss potential problems. There is approval of the rezoning, which would buffer to separate Dowling from the Yule season: There's lots of holi­ also opposition from one city councilman who wants to allow the proposed development. planned construction and other de­ day activity at Westland retain the residential/office zoning classification. Besides the city council, homeown­ tails of the plan. Center./ZK ers on nearby Dowling are also con­ Several council members, who met BY LEONARD POGER acres on the northwest corner of Ford cerned about the proposed commer­ , with the developer at a study session EDITOR and Central City Parkway. Several cial development, but are willing to Monday night, had objections to the School dispute: The Wayne- A super-sized Kroger Supermarket new restaurants could also be built meet with the developer to discuss commercial rezoning proposal. Westland school board and ad­ and a Sam's Warehouse business are on the parcel, if the city council ap­ possible buffers to keep their privacy City Planning Director George Wil- planned for a large parcel across the proves the developer's rezoning pro­ invasion to a minimum. helmi told the Observer that the site ministration have disputed a street from Westland City Hall. posal. The residents and the developer homeowners' claim that a program A developer wants to rezone 35 But the council is divided on the met Tuesday night in a local restau- See SUPERSTORE, 2A to encourage early retirements of teachers is costing the district money. /2A No more delays?: City officials are St. Matthew collects food for needy hoping to receive federal funds St. Matthew Lutheran School was which would help eliminate a ma­ given an unusual assignment earlier this month by David McNeil, prin­ jor traffic problem in the city's cipal and Christian education direc­ southwest section./4A tor. He challenged the church school to bring cans of food to school. The TASTE food will be given to needy families within the church and local com­ munities in December. Splendid table: Chef Larry talks McNeil said the class with the with Lynne Rossetto Kasper about largest collection would be treated her newly published cookbook to a pizza party. To keep track of the collections, "The Splendid Table." Her book the cans brought in by students are features cuisine from Northern It­ weighed and charted daily. aly and incorporates stories from In the project's first two weeks, students have brought in 1,500 the regionr/lB pounds of food. The food supply will be used in Cookie time: Newly released the church food pantry which sup­ cookbooks offer ideas for holiday plies need families in the church and community. With the response goodies to give as gifts, and enjoy. by students so overwhelming, some There are even some cookie recipes of the food will also be delivered to that your children will enjoy another church. The church school is on Venoy making. /IB north of Ford and serves 140 stu­ dents from numerous western MALLS & MAINSTREETS Wayne County communities. The project began Nov. 4 with students given five weeks to collect Warm welcome: "Shopping-cen­ ART EMANUELE/STAF? PHOTOGRAPHER the food and find out which class tered" columnist Linda Bachrack will get the pizza party. School project: Brandon McCullen (left) and Rachael Siggens were among St. Matthew stu- Students have until the Friday, details special objects and smells Dec. 11, deadline to collect food. that can give your home that holi­ • dents whojielped collect food for needy families. day feeling./SB STREET SCENE Board member questions proposed post BY DARRELL CLEM district would see a net gain of only budget. That position also has been Gut check: War­ STAFF WRITER one administrator. Thomas has noted posted. "A" Wayrie-Westland school board SCHOOLS that one administrative post has re­ But Winter, a Canton Township rior Soul singer trustee has raised questions about a of Plante & Moran. Thomas supports mained vacant since former Deputy resident and former Wayne Memorial and Livonia na­ newly posted job that will add a cabi­ the plan. Superintendent Thomas Svitkovich High School principal who was elect­ tive Kory Clarke net member to the district's adminis­ But Winter has questioned left earlier this year for a new job in ed to the board five months ago, re­ tration. whether the hiring of a new associate Flint. mains concerned about the associate checks in with superintendent for general adminis­ The only other substantial change superintendent position, which would Nearly $100,000 would be better his third release, tration is appropriate, considering made thus far in Thomas' adminis­ focus heavily on adult education and spent by hiring two high school coun­ that district residents have asked tration amounted to a promotion. grades seven through 12. He has "Salutations selors, rather than adding another school officials to "be leaner and That occurred in October when for­ questioned whether the administra­ cabinet member to Superintendent from the Ghetto meaner and work harder," Winter mer executive director Gary Dell was tive shake-up has been effectively Larry Thomas' administration, said Nation."/6B said.' named assistant to the superintend­ planned. trustee Francis "Bud" Winter. The audit report recommends — ent. Winter said the district already has The posted job, already approved and the board has approved — hiring The board hasn't quibbled over the a director of adult education, and "I by the board, is part of a cabinet-level an associate superintendent and an need for an additional finance official don't think we need an associate su- SPORTS shake-up recommended in an admin­ additional finance official. to assist chief finance officer Randy istrative audit conducted by the firm Despite the two new positions, the Liepa, who oversees a $100-million See POST, 2A Vigna retires: Long time Franklin High football coach Armand Vigna retired after 18 seasons with the Patriots, which serves northeast Mom to stand trial in robbery at Meijer Westland./lC BY DARRELL CLEM The incident occurred at 10:10 p.m. in district court on Nov. 19, and a STAFF WRITER The victim was robbed of her purse, plea of not guilty was entered on her Prep football: The state Class AA A 28-year-old Detroit woman CRIME which contained $60 in cash plus behalf. Westland police have said she football championship was on the accused of plotting a gunpoint rob­ credit and bank cards. The items remains jailed on a $20,000 cash bery with her 14-year-old son at the Her son is also expected to face a were later recovered. bond. line between Redfora Catholic Westland Meijer Btore has been or­ charge of armed robbery, although his The boy then fled to a waiting car She could face a maximum sen­ Central and defending champion dered to stand trial for armed rob­ case is still pending in juvenile court. that police have accused his mother tence of life in prison, if convicted. A Saginaw Arthur Hill./IC bery. charge of armed robbery against her The two were charged in a Nov. 18 of driving. The suspects were later ar­ son could result in his being placed in robbery in which a young boy robbed rested after Livonia police stopped a Lechandria Pershon Franklin, 28, custody of juvenile authorities until a 47-year-old Detroit woman at gun­ car that matched the description of was ordered to stand trial in Detroit age2Ii INDEX Recorder's Court after she waived a point in the Meijer parking lot, on the getaway vehicle, a red Pontiac preliminary examination Wednesday the southeast corner of Warren Road Fiero. The boy was turned over to juvenile Classifieds . B.C.D Malls. .... ffB in Westland's 18th"District Court. andNewburgh. Lechandria Franklin was arraigned authorities following his arrest. Auto . Sec. D Obituaries . .4A Crossword . 4C Personal* . 7B Employment .. C,D Street Scene . 6B Index . .. 4C Sports ... IC Santa is coming PUCES & FACES Donation Real estate . .C Santa Claus Will visit Westland City Hall next Monday night, Dec. 7, as part of the municipal OUR PHONE NUMBERS government's annual Christmas tree-lighting cere­ Friendship Center, 1119 Newburgh. The Westland Firefighters Public Awareness mony. The program will start at 6:30 p.m. The The day will start at 11 a.m. with an explana­ Committee recently donated $500 to Keep Michi­ public is Invited to join in the caroling. After the tion for parents of participating students and gan Beautiful Inc., a private, non-profit group Nemroom: 591-2300 lights of the Civic Center are turned on, hot choco­ guests. The student/pen pal selections will be which promotes public awareness of environmen­ late and cookies will be served at the nearby cen­ drawn and then they will pair off for lunch and tal and historical preservation. The check was ac­ Newsroom Fax: 591-7279 tral fire station. conversation. cepted by KMB president Joseph Benyo, a former Nlghtllne/Sports: 953-2104 Both groups will benefit from the program — Westland fire official, and city councilman Tom Reader Comment Line: 953-2042 Bridging the generations the students from language arts activities and in Brown, a KMB board member.
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