Piner High School Alumni Newsletter A joint publication of the Piner High School Foundation and Hall of Fame Volume 10, Issue 1 September 2018 Piner High’s First Graduates - 50 Years Ago! When Piner High School opened lowing are memories from Piner’s tee tasked with deciding the col- in Sept 1966, it started with three first graduating class in 1968. ors, mascot and all the extra details grades, freshman, sophomores and Marcia (Thompson) Richter stat- that could start the traditions for juniors. The following year Piner ed that in the Spring of 1966, she the new school. “In reality, I felt had all four grades—9th thru 12th, the staff had already determined producing the first the results. The colors graduating class in the would not have been Spring of 1968. Be- USC’s colors if I had a fore those first juniors real say. The staff put up came to Piner they with complaints about were sophomores at forcing me to move on different high schools to this foreign place. I and all felt a little dif- had so many reasons ferent about having why I shouldn’t make to leave their current this change, but no one high school to come cared. During the sum- to Piner. Some were mer between SRHS looking forward to at- and PHS, some of the tending a brand-new teachers going with us high school, others to Piner, asked me and had strong feelings a few others to help get about wanting to the school ready for the stay at their current opening. I enjoyed the high school. When experience of being with the School District these enthusiastic peo- realigned the bound- ple working together, aries for the new 1968 Yearbook photo: Toni Lawson, stamping textbooks and (third) high school in other school supplies. Marcia Thompson, and Linda King Santa Rosa, most of This was the start to own the students for Piner and fellow sophomore Mike Till- our place at this new came from Santa Rosa High School man were called into the office at home. I felt like I was becoming (SRHS). Larry Olenberger did not SRHS. Marcia was very happy at ‘part’ of something. At SRHS I was want to go to Piner, because he SRHS knowing she was going to just part of so many other people. had just earned his first block let- graduate from there like several The possibilities were there to grab ter at SRHS, and looked forward generations on both sides of her onto at our brand new Piner High!” to someday trying to earn enough family had done. But to her sur- One thing that puzzled Marcia block letters in multiple sports over prise, she and Mike were informed was that right after the new school the next two years to get to wear that they were “going to the new year started, she ran for Student that white block sweater that few high school that was in a field on Body President. This was not like athletes were able to earn. On the the west side of town, that wasn’t her to be out in front of people. She other hand, Donna (Starr) White even finished yet!” stated, “I stood up there and told looked forward to going to Piner. She and Mike were asked to She saw the brand-new school as Cont’d. on page 3 a way to meet new friends. The fol- serve on a student/staff commit- PinerPiner High High S Schoolchool’s th 13 Annual Crab Feed Dinner Crab Feed Dinner Saturday, January 26, 2019 Saturday, January 21, 2017 Friedman Event Center - 4676 Mayette Avenue Friedman Event Center - 4676 Mayette Avenue Raffles – Auctions - Dessert Auction Raffles – Auctions - Dessert Auction JoinJoin in in on on our our dessertdessert auctionauction andand finishfinish the night withwith oneone oror more more ofof thethe manymany speciallyspecially prepared treats ReservedReserved seating seating withwith purchasespurchases of 10 or more tickets.tickets. 5:5:0000 p.m. p.m. NoNo HostHost BarBar Beer/WineBeer/Wine & Silent Auction 7:007:00 p.m.p.m. DinnerDinner -- $$5055.00.00 PerPer Person LLimitedimited seatingseating soso orderorder early PickPick upup youryour ticketstickets atat anyany Oliver’sOliver’s Market oror MailMail inin youryour orderorder withwith payment ForFor informationinformation callcall (707)(707) 571-7420 CrabCrab Feed Feed andand SilentSilent AuctionAuction Dinner 201917 MenuMenu Items Items: : AppetizersAppetizers -- SaladSalad –– BreadBread –– PastaPasta - Crab – Dessert –– CoffeeCoffee/Tea/Tea NameName ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ PleasePlease print print name name MailingMailing Address Address ________________________________________ ________________________________________ PhonePhone Number Number _________ _______________________________________________________________________ MakeMake allall checkschecks payablepayable to: PinerPiner HallHall ofof FameFame POPO Box Box 1212284284 SantaSanta Rosa,Rosa, CA 95406 PleasePlease reserve reserve __________ ticketstickets,, CheckCheck enclosed I Iam am unable unable toto attend,attend, butbut havehave enclosedenclosed a tax- deductibldeductiblee contributioncontribution inin supportsupport of Piner High School.School. 2 Piner High’s First Graduates - 50 Years Ago! (Cont’d.) everyone why I would be a good at this job. I cam- and his freshman year in the small town of Fortuna, paigned and put myself out there where I had never with a population of about 3000 people in Humboldt been or imagined myself. I lost, but it put me in a posi- County. His family moved to Santa Rosa in the sum- tion to become very involved in student government, mer of 1965 and he attended SRHS his sophomore having some “say” with the staff, starting clubs, and year. In comparison to the small-town surroundings enjoying my life at Piner.” he had been used to, SRHS seemed enormous and The school was not finished when we started. Dirt the number of students huge. He knew only a handful and dust were everywhere. Lockers were outside and from his new neighborhood on Willowside Rd, which placed so that they created little pockets where people is west of Fulton Rd. He states, “I was quite pleased could pull all sorts of nefarious acts. That was new to when I learned I’d be attending Piner High for my ju- most of us. The classrooms were new with bright light- nior and senior years. I knew it would be made up of a ing and the young staff seemed excited to be there. smaller group of west-side students I could go to class with, get to know better and make friends with. As it I loved the opportunities we found at Piner. I was turned out, my optimism was well founded. I made fortunate to have a class with Miss Shaw. She was the many close friends during my two years at Piner [He first teacher or adult who ever encouraged me to ap- and his classmates were top dogs at the school for two ply for colleges. She had attended Chapman College years in a row]. Now when I think back to those years, and even set up a visit there where I talked to the Pres- it’s always warm memories of those good friends that ident of the college. He made me feel so welcome, be- come to mind first and foremost. One of the biggest cause he had heard about me from her view. Though challenges we faced those first two years was that I ended up attending Chico State College, where I met there were no established traditions to follow—we my husband, Roy, that helped me in so many ways. started from scratch in so many areas. I was Student The experience gave me a feeling that I might have a Body Vice President for the fall of my senior year and different future. I even tried out for Class Speaker at I remember being frustrated that the Student Senate our graduation. I played in the orchestra for my last couldn’t seem to organize or reach consensus on the time that evening. I had gained some confidence and goals we wanted to accomplish, much less actually ac- many lifelong friends through my experiences at that complish something meaningful, and as president of tiny school in the “boonies!” the Interact Service Club, I recall that we struggled to Marsha has been married to Roy for 47 years and identify worthwhile service projects to tackle, partly they have two grown children and 5 grandchildren. because we had no past history with such things. So, Marcia is one of the organizers for her 50th Class Re- looking back, even though it seemed we had the ad- union in Oct of this year. Regarding the Reunion com- vantage of a fresh clean chalkboard to start with, the mittee she says, “We have laughed and reminisced lack of past traditions and practices to help focus our every time we talk. We are still close after all these efforts was a hinderance. years. I treasure these Piner people as I treasure my Regarding teachers, we students were fortunate that memories of this special school.” as a whole, they were very experienced. Three stand Wayne Rasmussen wrote, “Thinking back, I’m very out in my mind: Coach Gaddie for his quick, wry wit; impressed with the selection of the inspired, youth- Chemistry and physics teacher, Mr. Rathman, for his ful and fun teaching staff. Football coach McKamey dry sense of humor and low-key teaching style; and would tell me everyday as he taped my ankles before Coach Bill Rogers for his steady, positive, supportive practice and games that I had the shiniest angles alive and encouraging manner. [Wayne also played on the tennis team]! Everyone at The physical facility was certainly different for its school on Senior Character Day in 1968 remembers time with everything on a single level and all exterior the stink of the cheese rubbed all over the four gar- corridors.
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