Missouri University of Science and Technology Scholars' Mine The Missouri Miner Newspaper Special Collections 12 Mar 1954 The Missouri Miner, March 12, 1954 Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/missouri_miner These newspapers reflect the attitudes, perspectives, and beliefs of different times. Neither the library nor the university endorses the views expressed in these collections, some of which contain images and language which may be offensive to some readers. Recommended Citation "The Missouri Miner, March 12, 1954" (1954). The Missouri Miner Newspaper. 1469. https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/missouri_miner/1469 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars' Mine. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Missouri Miner Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Scholars' Mine. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ST.PATS IS ONLY 1 YOU-CAN OBTAIN YOUR WEElOFF! GET YOUR THE MISSOURIMINER TICKETS FROMST. ANY TICKETS NOW FOR THE BIG EVENT ~ft:1,,J of.~ IJ.~ PAT'.SBOARD MEMBER ---~----,== = VOLUME----------------------- 40 ROLLA, MO., Friday, March 12, 1954 ------------------ NUMBER 20 ---- - -------------------- --- --------------------- Lindenwood Singers ST PAT'S ARRIVAL, 1953 STYLE St. Pat Will Arrive Serenade Students At MSM On Friday SPRING VACATIONWILL TALENTEDSOLOISTS 745 People Had Chests · Gener~l L~ctures STARTAT 4 :00P.M. AND NOVELTY SINGERSX-Rayed While Unit Committee to Pr~sent WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON STARRED LAST SAT.Was on MSM Campus Another Travel Film Prof. J. K. Roberts, of the Wednesday evening, March Arise Miners and prepa r e' for the coming of that kindly old Th e annual concert given at Civil Engineering Department 17, the students of MSM will anounced yesterday that 745 be given the opportunity of see- gentleman from the Emerald MSM by the Lindenwood Col­ students, members of the facul­ ~ ing the unusua l and highly in­ Isle! Yes, in a few days St. Pat­ leg e chorus of St. Charl es, Mo., ty, and other MSM employees teresting color film entitled rick will soon be here to life wa s held Saturday evening, had their chests X-rayed dur­ "The Ethiopian Story," narrated from our shoulders for a few March 6, at 7:30 p.m. in Park­ ing the two day stay of the X­ by Fredric Christian. This pro­ days ,the bui-den of shotgun quiz­ zes and eight o'clock classes, an d er Hall. Ray unit, on Monday and Tues­ gram is another in a seri ,es of day of the past week. lectures given by the General to give us hope and courage to Th e program, which was pre­ Lectures Program in conjunct­ Sur vive until June. sented under the auspices of Prof. Rob erts attributed the !VUC8zs smooth functionfng of this ser ­ ion with the Explorer's Club of For the benefit of those Fresh­ the MSM General Lectures Rolla. men who seem to be bewildered '!VAIOl!Es Program, was divided into vice partly; to the members of three sections, the first of which Theta Tau professiona l engin­ The program which starts at Iby what is _going on, the coming • JqJ,1aTni, •11 singing eering fraternity who acted as s p.m. in Parker Hall will be of St. Patrick, the. patron of all featw-ed the Chorus downtrodden engmeers, means works of Handel ' and Haydyn, clerks for the W1it. llewellJ11e­ . that we can put aside our bat­ by Julie and a flute duet Miss Th e number of students who tered slide rules and No- Doz pills Lin­ rk GllllU Karsten and Miss Carol took this opportW1ity to have and concentrate on the more cul­ h art. their chests x-rayed is espec ial­ ~b7 tural things in life such as wo­ The second section consisted ly gratifying considering the men, dancing, women , partying, ile Timer were of "Puer i Hae Bra eorum," fact that many students and women. by ThomPson,, "The Echo x-rayed b)" the W1it whe n i t was on Pine Street last week. St. Patrick, has noted the es­ OOOR.I.TII Sopg, " by Di L asso, which fea ­ St. Pat . is sho wn _above in hi s las ~ year's a rriv al ou the traditional Fr isco hand car. The big pecially battered condition of the tured a double chorus adding moment thi s yea r will be at 1:30 Friday afternoon when the Patron Saint will make his appearencc Miners and has through his as ­ the echo effect, a so lo by Miss to beg in the ceremonies . sistants on the St . Pat's Board, , Offenbach's Dean of Penn. State 'OPHER J acqueline Lyerly procured for our entertainmen t "Song from thte Tales of H off - Requests Information one of the nation's leading bands ... man," and the Finale of Act I IN.T. FELLOWSHIPRepresentatives TO of HIIIIIJIIUIIIIIIHIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIHIIIIIIIIJIIIUJI,, in the form of Ra lph Flan.negan ELEK of "Iolanthe" by Sullivan. For Nuclear Schools who will play both Friday and - In ~aval Research Labs QUAffl!ls Donovan's "H ymn to the State College, Pa. - (LP.) PRESENT MOVIE SERIES NEXTWEEK•s . Saturday night in J ackling Gym. .Night ," Cole 's "Patter, Patter," order for engin.eering colleges THIS EVENING_ ATTo Interview Seniors This year as in previous years, to move ahead m the new and • Herats' "Music When Soft 730 Scientific and engineering re­ the celebration will begin by a important field of nucleai:.en­ Voices Die," and "Come Live the Naval Ord­ INTERVIEWS majority of the Miners s leeping gineering, c loser coope r ati on is f T~ e S ~tern_~iional Fell_owship Pr esentatives of With Me," by Milton Rehg, who 1 until noon on Thursday in order needed wit h the federal gove rn­ ~ent ~n· e~e:~g nance Test Station, China Lak e llllllllllllllllllllltlllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l was the director of the pro­ ~~~:e~ra~ ~v~~~; to catch up on many lost hour s ment and the Atom ic En erg y gram, made up part of the to bring - to the students and fac- and Pa sadena Calif., and Naval Monday, March 15 - Mallin~ of s leep from the past few weeks, Commission , says Dr. Eric A. third section, which included a ulty a better undersianding of Civil Engineering Research & ck~·odt Chemi.cal Works, Mech­ FREDRIC CHRISTIAN and also to give him more Wa lk er, dean of the School of wor ld affairs. The Fellowship 's Evaluation Laboratory , Port a~1cal: Electnca l, ~hemica l En­ novelty number by the " Li n ­ presented by Mr. Christian who strength for things to come. Engineering at the Pennsylvan­ , Calif., will be on gmeers and Chemists. denwood Girl Trio" which was meeting tonig~t. at 7:30 !n room Hueneme has extensively trave led and Thursday night will be open composed of the Misses Altro­ ia State University. 107 of the Mmmg Engmeering e for all the fraternities on Monday, March 15 and Tues­ explored this small country in hous gee, Marshall and Hutchinson. "We cannot give instruction Building w ill feature several campus Mar. 15 and 16 to inter- day, March 16 - Board of U. S. North Africa and will show and the campus and also the scene of Miss Marhall followed with a in atomic energy unless we have movies on the scenery and crafts view and select seniors and Civil Service Examiners - Na­ describe many of the colorful a mass migration to such places solo, Romberg's "One Kiss." access to the information and we of both the U. S. and Europe. graduate stc.dents for emp loy­ vy Department, Mechanical, El­ customs and places of interest as the Top Hat and Colonial Vil­ The choir closed the program not neces ­ must have help, but "Winter Paradise" will bring ment in engineering and scien­ ectrica l, Civil and Metallurgical in Ethiopia. Thi$ film which is ]age. with several college songs and sarily financial assistance, in to the international audience the tific research and development Engineers and Physicists. They the first complete all-color tra- Friday morning will find the "Peace I Leave · With You. " building laboratories where we thrilling Austrian mountain work in California. · will have a group meeting in velogue of Ethiopia, also in- Miners frantically placing tha can teach ·our students to design The audience responded en ­ scenery, and the many sking and .. the Auditorium of Parker Hall eludes a tour of Addis Ababa, finishing touches on the various an~ !e st _machines using nucle_ar winter festiva ls which take p lace Excellent career opportunities at 4:10 p.m., Monday, March 15 , the capital city and a visit with floats for the parade that after­ thusiastically to the complete activity m one or more of its there every year. Many b eautifu l are offer':d by these labor ator ­ 1954. Emperor Haile Selassie who is noon. Th en, at 1:30 that after­ program , and especially the forms," Dean Walker exp lains. sights, unknown to American and ies in almost all scientific and currently touring the United! noon the big moment will be number from "Io lanthe" in To provide these facilities, he foreign students alike, will be engineering fields relating to Monday, March 15 - Inger- States. upon us with the arrival of St. Patrick and his guards on the which Mr. Rehg had a part , recommends modifications in the shown in "Pueb lo Boy" the dra- the research and development sol-Rand Company, Mechanical Admission to the program ra- and Mi n ing Engineers. Frisco hand car.
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