,·• ) " ..'\' lb� Opera Mundi E UH OPE J A WEEKLY REPORT ON THE ECONOMY OF THE COMMON MARKET oo o o o o0-0 o o o o o o o o o o o coo I 'I'sIo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o . NT EN 0 g . : 0 : � I 0o tt/�J� SUMMARY OF EUROFLASHES p o ,�\tat1 July 1 - December 31, 1964 JO 0 � 0 0 0 INTRODUCTION page II g g 0 0 BELGIUM-LUXEMBOURG I Inside the Community page 1 g go j II Outside the Community page 18 o I 0 0 o o o o FRANCE I Inside the Community page 21 g II Outside the Community page 50 g 0 0 GERMANY I Inside the Community page 55 1 g go II Outside the Community page 75 O O 0 0 I 0 o ! ITALY I Inside the Community page 83 O II Outside the Community page 95 i go og I g ! NETHERLANDS I Inside the Community page 98 g O II Outside the Community page 113 O 0 0O 0 o SWITZERLAND page 1 o1 o 0 0 0 0 o INDEX page 121 0 0 I 0 OI 0 OI JO I EURO FLASH: Busine.ti.ti penetration aero.ti.ti Europe ! g gO l 0 l 0 0 � 0 0 .0 0 0 O 0 O 0 Oo April 1965 No. S2 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 -------- --�----�-- ----1"6-- ".--���;���:_��·'""-��-,-�.�...;.�� .... ;;.·;:_:..:.-.__ .:.-_..,.. +�---""'I,•-.;..-- ...;-�----------· 0 OOOC>OOOOOOOOOOOOOO'O·OOi(!)O'Qb>()<),OOOQJ)',QOOOOOO()OOOOOOOOOOO PUBLISHED BY THE TIMES PUBLISHING CO. LTO . ....., r-- r,.,-; "' ., ..:_i..:., �o Ci 'I..- I OperaMundi ElfR OPE A WEEKLY REPORT ON THE ECONOMY OF THE COMMON MARKET PUBLISHED ON BEHALF OF OPERA MUNDI BY THE TIMES PUBLISHING CO. LTD. PRINTING HOUSE SQUARE LONDON E.C.4 TEL: Central 2000 OPERA MUNDI EUROPE 100 Avenue Raymond Poincare - PARIS 16e TEL: KLE 54-12 34-21 - CCP PARIS 3235-50 PUBLISHER & EDITOR .. PAUL WINKLER EXECUTIVE EDITOR .. CHARLES RONSAC EDITOR IN CHIEF ....... ANDRE GIRAUD SWITZERLAND ITALY BENELUX 54 Rue Vermont GENEVA 72 Corso di Porta Romana MILAN 4 Boul cvard Anspach BRUSSELS TEL: 33 7693 TEL: 540.301 - 540.309 TEL: 18-01-93 0 SUBSCRIPTION RATES U.K. EIRE AND STERLING AREA £75 ONE YEAR £40 SIX MONTHS U.S.A. AND CANADA $250 ONE YEAR $135 SIX MONTHS INCLUDING AIRMAIL OTHER COUNTRIES AT LOCAL EQUIVALENT OF U.K. RATES © THE TIMES PUBLISHING Printed and Published by THE TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LTD., at Printing C COMPANY LIMITED, 1964 House Square, in the Parish of St. Andrew-by-the-Wardrobe with St. Ann, Blackfriars, in the City of London, E.C.4, England. I OPERA MUNDI - EUROPE '· SU MMARY OF EUROFLA SHES July 1 to December 31, 1964 April, 1965 Noo S2 H INTRODUCTION This is the second in a series of six··monthly summaries of business penetration in the Common Market, and covers the operations recorded in Opera Mundi ·0 EuTope during the second half of 1964 (Nos. 259 to 285 inclusive). This is origim l work, setting out operations in each member country and also giving the re levam Sf-c::or s o± the economy, so that the reader can immediately appreciate the significance cf each item. Any reader who is mainly concerned with a particular company or grcup can rdc:r to the alphabetical index and see whether it has been involved on one or more occ"'.sions during the half-year; on the page indicated will be found a short description of the 1cvent .i.nd a reference to where the complete item was first published in the weekly i..;-me !terns are first classified geographically, because t:he formJ.rion oi a real Common Market d�pends more on interpenetration between busine:3se:; m dfffErr,nt countries than on that between the various sectors of the economy , The summa,y is therefore divided into five parts, each preceded by a table of contenrs: He tglum -and­ Luxembourg, France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands, Each "country'' .t,, d.i.vided into two chapters, one dealing with operations within the Community (that 1:-:, wt�hin the country), the other dealing with operations emanating from the country but t"lklng place outside the Community. For instance, a Franco-German link-up r<2su}!:ing in a. new e:r:mpanY ,1 Fr1.c1ce is listed in the first chapter under "France"; an Italian company forming a. suhs•d11rv in Belgium would appear in the first chapter of "Belgium,, Luxembom:g", if , ,n the' othf'.r hand, a German firm sets up a subsidiary .in Britain, this would appen In rhe sc,cond chapter of "West Germany", and an assocl.ation between Ha.l:Lins and Luxcmbnu:::ge.rs, resulting in an American company being formed, would come both rn the -;ecc,n;:, chc1,ptct of "Italy" and in the second chapter of "Belgium-Luxembourg". W1Hun t:ach ch:.pte:"" we have classified the items by industries, and we have kept A.S closely as possible to the usual Euroflash classification; anything which does not fall under these hea ::Eng..; n:-- �., too rare to justify a special heading of its own has been classH.1.ed under ''\ anous" Within each branch we have followed this order: l ., industrial, commerc:a.l o•: Hnf:mdal grouping; 2 - partial or complete acquisition: 3 - format1.0n of manufacturing or financul subsidiaries; 4 � formation of sales subsidiaries or branches; 5 � tu.de a.nd agency agreements; 6 - :industrial and licensing agreements " Each item is followed by two figures giving the issue and page r.umbc·r of Opera Mundi - Europe where .it is more fully described. The lettET F before the reference number signifies the French editions, to which t:he rea.der should rt·frr inT news items published before the English edition of Opera Mundi � Europe wa.s startE:d in March, 1964. (Very occasionally items have appeared in the FrE,nch f·cli.tfrrn ,ilone and the reader will then find the reference number preceded by F .also; tee plihh shers will supply copies of these items in full, should readers need them), There i".' .-':in Opera Mundi - Europe No . S2 III additional section covering Switzerland because it holds a special place for capital investment in Europe, for many holding and financial companies and manufacturing or sales subsidiaries have been formed there by companies from outside the Common Market. Very often these formations lead on to operations in the Common Market, so it has seemed desirable to refer at any rate to the most important. We hope our readers will find this summary helpful and that they will inform us of any changes or improvements they consider useful. Nos. 259 to 263 inclusive cover the month of July 1964 Nos. 264 to 267 inclusive cover the month of August 1964 Nos. 268 to 271 inclusive cover the month of September 1964 Nos. 272 to 276 inclusive cover the month of October 1964 Nos. 277 to 280 inclusive cover the month of November 1964 Nos. 281 to 285 inclusive cover the month of December 1964 Opera Mundi - Europe No . S2 Belgium - Luxembourg 1 ..-m - OPERATIONS INSIDE THE COMMUNITY C C Page Page ?< ADVERTISING 2 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 10 Light AUTOMOBILES, CYCLES & ACCESS- Heavy ORIES 2 Precision BANKING 2 METALLURGY 11 BUILDING 3 OIL & GAS 12 Building Finance OPTICS & PHOTOGRAPHY 12 Building Materials Property Development PACKAGING 13 Civil Engineering PAPER 13 CHEMICALS 4 PHARMACEUTICALS 13 CONTROL, MEASUREMENT & AUTOMATION 5 PLASTICS 14 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 6 PRINTING AND PUBLISHING 14 Electrical Equipment Sound, Radio & TV RUBBER 14 ELECTRONICS 6 TEXTILES 15 ENGINEERING 7 TIMBER & FURNISHING 16 FINANCE 7 TOBACCO 16 FOOD & DRINK 8 TOOLS & HARDWARE 16 GLASS 9 TOURISM 16 HEATING etc. 9 TRADE 17 INSURANCE 9 TRANSPORT 17 MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS 10 VARIOUS 17 Opera Mundi - Europe No. S2 la Belgium - Luxembourg OUTSIDE THE COMMUNITY II OPERATIONS Page Page OIL & GAS 19 BUILDING Building Materials 18 PLASTICS 19 18 CHEMICALS TOURISM 19 18 ELECTRONICS TRADE 19 18 ENGINEERING 20 TRANSPORT E 18 FINANC 20 VARIOUS No. S2 Opera Mundi - Europe Belgium - Luxembourg 2 I - OPERATIONS INSIDE THE COMMUNITY t ADVERTISING I The Belgian advertising agency ADVERTISING The French advertising agency ARGUMENT INTERNATIONAL is taken over by the American opens a branch in Brussels. 279/20 group TED BATES & CO, and changes its name to ADVERTISING INTERNATIONAL BATES. DR. RUDOLF FARNER-AGENCE DE PUBLIC­ 271/21 and 275/19 ITE is formed in Brussels by Swiss capital. 284/19 The Paris subsidiary of the British company ARTHUR MAIDEN opens a branch in Brussels. 264/15. �UTOMOBILES, CYCLES & ACCESSORIES I SOGIDA of Brussels is taken over by the Dutch NOVAROBEL is formed in Brussels by the group R. S. STOKVIS which is now responsible Belgian group COMINIERE to distribute "Rolls for selling "Austin" Cars made by the British Royce", "Bentley" and "Alfa Romeo" cars in group B.M.C, in Benelux 264/15. three provinces. 268/18. The Dutch manufacturer DAF builds a lorry Seven Belgian companies form BUROTO at factory in the suburbs of Liege. 276/23 Hannut, to centralize their imports of car parts. 278/24. POLYRESA-SA POUR LA COMMERCIALISATION DE POLY-REMORQUE is formed in Luxembourg A company is formed in Luxembourg with the by two Luxembourg holding companies to sell backing of the German company GEORG road transport equipment. 277 /33. FRITZMEIER to sell machine parts and access­ ories (seats and cabins for vehicles) 284/27 The American company CHAMPION SPARK PLUG (sparking plugs for cars) forms a sales subsidiary in Brussels.
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