- ,- The 1EWISH Vo1CE HERALD /'f) ,~X{b1)1 {\ ~ SERVING RHODE ISLAND AND SOUTHEASTERN MASSACHUSETTS V C> :,I 18 Nisan 5773 March 29, 2013 Obama gains political capital President asserts that political leaders require a push BY RON KAMPEAS The question now is whether Obama has the means or the WASHINGTON (JTA) - For will to push the Palestinians a trip that U.S. officials had and Israelis back to the nego­ cautioned was not about get­ tiating table. ting "deliverables," President U.S. Secretary of State John Obama's apparent success Kerry, who stayed behind during his Middle East trip to follow up with Israeli at getting Israel and Turkey Prime Minister Benjamin to reconcile has raised some Netanyahu's team on what hopes for a breakthrough on happens next, made clear another front: Israeli-Pales­ tinian negotiations. GAINING I 32 Survivors' testimony Rick Recht 'rocks' in concert. New technology captures memories BY EDMON J. RODMAN In the offices of the Univer­ Rock star Rick Recht to perform sity of Southern California's LOS ANGELES (JTA) - In a Institute for Creative Technol­ dark glass building here, Ho­ ogies, Gutter - who, as a teen­ in free concert locaust survivor Pinchas Gut­ ager - had survived Majdanek, ter shows that his memory is Alliance hosts a Jewish rock star'for audiences ofall ages the German Nazi concentra­ cr ystal clear and his voice is tion camp on the outskirts of BY KARA MARZIALI Recht, who has been compared to James Taylor strong. His responses seem a Lublin, Poland, sounds and [email protected] for his soulfulness and folksy flavor and Bono for bit delayed - not that different looks very much alive. PROVIDENCE - Fourteen years ago, Rick Recht his stand on social justice, has even been called from other survivors I have His hologram-like image was earning a living as a rock musician, without the "Jewish Dave Matthews." known who are reluctant to projected on a screen is a pro­ any thoughts of his Jewish upbringing. Today he "If yo u had told me then that I would be playing speak openly about their ex­ totype for a project of USC's is a Jewish rock star who infuses a blend of pop Jewish music ... I would have laughed," Recht, periences - but he's doing just and modern Jewish rock with some Hebrew and said in a press statement. Recht, 41, will give a fine for a 3-D image. INTERACTIVE I 33 social responsibility. RECHT I 24 SOME HIGHLIGHTS INSIDE Launching Camp Zeke ISRAEL@65 Guttin mentors future camp director 19, 22-24, 33 BY NANCY KIRSCH [email protected] PROVIDENCE - Are you a planner? Do you have children? If so, mark your calendars for the MUSICIANS summer of 2014: That's when Camp Zeke, the first PERFORM ··,",-c._·"',:..""..•••m•i• Jewish camp focused on energizing fitness activi­ ties, culinary arts and organic food, is due to open HERE ~-~;;;;;;a;! its doors. 3 PHOTOS I ISAAC MAMAYSKY Isaac Mamaysky and some enthusiastic kids anticipate Camp Zeke. INCUBATOR I 25 VOL. XVIII I ISSUE Vil WWW.)VHRI.ORG NURSING & REHABILITATION CENTER FALL RIVER JEWISH HONE _y" - ED CA~_S STAR RATED FACILITY _ ~ ' ,.-- T. ,.-:-·- -- ·'•-..n...,•t. - Short Term - ~::.. ·:":.-tt:~7:=- Unit with private rooms, free tv, phone, wifi. Rl's Closest .lewtlsll #ursln• Ho-. Only IS Minutes from Providence CALL 508-679-6172 -~ Online: www.fallriverjewishhome.org ,' 2 THE JEWISH VOICE & HERALD COMMUNITY MARCH 29, 2013 www.jvt,ri.org Jewish Unity Live gala celebrates l(ollel Many 'aha' moments at Kolle! classes; evening program includes music, dessert and speeches ofgratitude BY NANCY KIRSCH [email protected] PROVIDENCE - Gratitude was an underlying theme of the Jew­ ish Unity Live gala, which was sponsored by Kolle!: Center for Jewish Music; the evening's fes­ tivities included music by Eitan Katz and a dessert buffet by Chef Daren Bulley. The program, Kollel's annual fundraising celebration of Jew­ ish learning, was held at the Re­ naissance Providence Hotel, on the evening of Sunday, March 17. Shelley Parness, a member of Congregation Beth David in Nar­ ragansett, was the guest speaker. Before speaking about the Kolle! experience in "South County," Parness briefly shared her back­ PHOTOS I NANCY KIRSCH Rabbi Noach Karp, left, and Rabbi Raphie Schochet Shelley Parness ground with the audience of some 100 people. the day before, given the "very She recalled that, as they drove Kollel's classes offer, she said, nity. Students make us smarter, The daughter of German Jews long list of 613 mitzvot." home from Kolle! classes at Beth "many 'aha' moments." he said, they make us examine who left Germany for the United Kollel's study sessions and David, she and her husband Dr. Jonah Licht, event chair, our beliefs and commitments. States, Parness, now a long-mar­ classes, held at Congregation "would discuss what we had just greeted the crowd with brief ex­ "That's how I get inspired .. we ried grandmother, mentioned Beth David in Narrangansett, learned, and we wondered if were pressions of gratitude for Rabbi learn from one another." her highly eclectic employment have addressed such Jewish is­ both at the same class. It is re­ Raphie - whose birthday was As Jews, we have expressions history: mother's helper, sol­ sues as keeping kosher, Shabbat, markable how what is said, what March 17 - and Tichyeh Schochet of thanks and expressions of in­ derer in a toy factory, activities the purpose of creation, dimen­ is heard and what is interpreted and for Kollel's programs and debtedness, said Rabbi Schochet, director for a Jewish home for sions of love, the Babylonian ex­ can be such a source of stimulat­ events. It is important that we recognize the elderly and an ESL (English ile, the end of prophecy, written ing debate," said Parness. They have, he said, "opened our debt to God for what we have. as a Second Language) teacher in and oral Jewish laws, etc. Although some participants their home and harts to the en­ "Not all I have is due to me," he Central Falls. Today, she is a full­ Individuals who attended the have found some discussions dis­ tire community." said. "All I do is dependent on so time caregiver for a grandchild. sessions, she said, came from dif­ turbing, she said, many others Rabbi Schochet, dean of Kol­ many others." With respect to her level of ob­ ferent backgrounds with differ­ continue to attend classes to gain le!, said that he and his wife have servance, she said that tries to do ent histories and different rea­ a better understanding of infor­ gained so much inspiration from KOLLEL: providencekollel. a bit more each day than she did sons for studying. mation being shared. members of the Jewish commu- org. Free Choice Checking & Choice Free Business Checking** COOP F R .-\Tl\'F BANK featuring: Taunton • North Dighton • Bridgewater Fall River • Westport • Swansea • Somerset 1-888-MECHANICS (632-4264) Drive-up open every morning w ww.Mechanics- Coop.com @ M c m b c r M<'n,b,:,r at 7:30am! ~. FDIC SIF •Data and Messag~ Rates may apply THE JEWISH VOICE & HERALD COMMUNITY MARCH 29. 2013 3 www.jvhri.org i Vouthf ul musicians 'rock' Providence ~e~ i -~ . :- V.\ •, •~ '- !'; , ~ ..._ t1 ~,x,._,,t\ , - ~ ~ ,_·:~ ::..i ... ~ - · ~\W -~;\t~. v,;'· ! ~ ~ J \ I Visitors from Afula perform in three separate concerts BY NANCY KIRSCH School students welcomed the Israeli youth tial rainstorms to attend the evening concert, [email protected] who performed in three concerts at the Jew­ which included both instrumental and vocal ish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island: an eve­ music and an official welcome from Jeffrey PROVIDENCE - Fifty-five students from ning performance on March 12 and separate Savit, chief executive officer. of the Alliance. the Afula Municipal Orchestra and the Z 'eerei After an orchestral performance and inter­ Afula (Youth of Afula) singing group played daytime concerts on March 13 for senior citi­ zens who attend the Kosher Nutrition Meals mission, the Youth of Afula musical group instruments and sang and strutted, much to on Wheels at the Alliance and for the stu­ sang several songs, some in Hebrew and some the .delight of their audiences. dents. in English. The more familiar songs included Members of the greater Jewish community, About 100 brave souls weathered the torren- senior citizens and Nathan Bishop Middle AFULA'S I 20 Local education leader to speak at Temple Beth-El co-coordinated the Pre-College PROVIDENCE Each At The Highlands, spring, the Social Action Com­ Enrichment Program through mittee of Temple Beth-El spon­ the Swearer Center for Public we laugh and live life. sors an annual Social Action Service. Good friends and good The service and the oneg are Shabbat service and a guest cheer set us apart. speaker at the post-service open to the community. oneg. This year's Social Action MORE INFO: Temple Beth-El, Shabbat service will be held 331-6070. Friday, April 26; the oneg and Simon Moore's presentation begin around 7:45 p.m. INDEX Moore, founding director of Busints•-------34-35 College Visions, an organiza­ Calendar ________l0-11 tion founded in 2004 that aims Campin,i--------25-29 · Community -2-11, 16-18, 20-21, 31, 33, 39, 41 to empower low-income and D'varTorah _______..J9 first-generation college-bound Assisted Living· Memory Care fft'HEI G H LA N D s Israel I Worla_ ____15, 32-33, 38 High Standards. Higher Hopes. students to pursue college. lsraet@Sixty-fi,e ____ 1,. tt-24.. 33 ON THE EAST SIDE Moore, a Providence native, Obituaries ________ 40 attended Providence public Opinion•--------12-14 101 Highland Ave (Near Miriam Hospital), Providence www.HighlandsRl.com 401-654--5259 schools before enrolling at Seniors ________ 36-37 ~@ Brown University, where he Simchas I We Are Read ____ 42-43 301\~J~P~SJ~T )\_TJTO GP~OTJP Closer than you think- just 15 minutes from Providence The Jagolinzer Family Quality Automobiles for 3 Generations - 195 East • Exit 4, MA somersetautogroup.com 800-495-5337 FREE pick-up and delivery available CHRYSLER Jeep u .
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