mAnaM mwnM».lmni 0K .* m ». m r iurciiimHw iltawiP* AH that Jazz: LawtuHi: Town avoids court, but pays / pags c m / y t a ttm ^ i rMRRMd Manchemer gains i m MCRM* €Miff^ roputation / pag# IB Still alive: Celtics feel better prepared / page m&nm M M M r i m m n n _____ _______ ««v«n m i t SL/ZJ? Kfffw VIaV OwwWVf^PfF IffFrrOrVw -wwTwrPwW/ RDI/Tfl3yVtRl«09l egRe^WkEsn W gi few »<rf *jwy. VHTTv VM^OrT/ VXrrw INDHOLLV eemmimAiodA. ^ 4td ee*r W« irw w p ^ -iw « 0Mr.0Miew4W. WtE eriMeMdiMtyMie «i«||| m M# SdibMReierAdy. WW etamtuemmdA. 9MM r r ....... - t t j i m i «w « Mi erbOMiK " vlWOv ' d4iey«MMt44KWW *9ME dreoMci wiwwW OTFvKwIVTr n^OV* dtHhieieOsuee *9tidM e ftm m rite. TNtfCNt *ir Ui » A WtBKLY «A TW t6 APPtAHfm MViHY OTH^ fflaufliPB trr U m i h eeeamf. eetoumtA. *9f1^ eem m SSm m rUBADAY AHO THUNdOAY IM CLADBiftBD. M09T OfTHBDB App ^ etemnadA. MtMOMMuwHr ) V r 'I I r , ’ S nytHAykj* DBALBH AIDS, SUT tHONmUALB WtSHIHG tO BBLi TAOCKd ANt eecMo. 6epwe4w. kidid eNKuMNON r«4l» sedMeoaiMeeey. ^ETM OOeMROyAtry RMCOtlNAdRt> t o MS-tTII tO^ACE tNCNl AM.., i l S H sdMdfctideey. <tf.4M WUeARONS* SOCenda ?Sr7S!RST«n9 S!SI3Sv/ *tftd PrtdBY, fem. 4 DMn# 6 r ^ / eeoewRwww 1986 e tftv Y GMC mt*/i fan tnekua, Jvna M, iWf frMf <W<rM#w»fwr, *f yww eeetomotdA. *WMS se OdLodRi^r Y4, aafamatm, aawet dwiwwiwrirwwiiwif m ejttnA . *72,eeo gs P1.V. tso^^How se eemdlfi&ninayaat^^ efeatma^ aawet 8Sf«SK'^ia g gMkr . "•*"' efeettna, pawer htaiee, efetea J • 7 2 - 9 1 1 1 setkMuoNseogMffJ brakes, etufta. fta ,m sevoy/MM r&Ydffd eMua, catret CHautaiin, w e Wmmw'I eMfMrt#/ Mtoy.miMLew wme. tynthi 9w w. mam intern, mantrm- toeoutmn ter. N.Y. cops nab town murder suspect wVPvrr • pvrvwiw # T / M E A U 1 0 N eatdet intern, man- ^lASr iWM fJ>T4, M. SM oteefet. i4 Piy. RittANr w a s A m ^ >Wf7 - II ei rowTMO Ano __ utyehartL f*f wim mMwrjM#. rneaa. efNOfeoAAooMb «tei iMihkMUb BHANOMMW Out LM 67.223 n'PN ^. et sty RtuAwrew 4MM Stock Manchester police nel4. .11 m m ta «ww $ 7 M m 1987 n m , U JUN8 n jfert £f«l % _#/ / ftfrM. Ctfff wf 33p* iafaa1-£ wemifwen's Itoehoogofrom 9 im. ttmH/ wamre YMBKI/nill NISSAN^ m to seek extradition 137 WMfO/ NtOfr Erosm w a m m mILuaeaJ , tnlteeiiaaeea* Vowi OiticewICdCO ieten^mvet/ atay STANDAND lA m h H fiei.L Hflftdrd At that time, police did net knew furrom tm ii' te Ofinefi fe Loomis. Wieflat. fdfitiatfy m c n u p taj^ppad WHfi: . Sv George Loyn# H om e ggtdtm , Herafd Reporter the suspect was wanted in the pfcKi^r heS9er m V QipVOCf 9 ran9ffif89fOTT Andetsen mutdet because Vasques free eatfmeiee. ntnofllfllBf 6dWemWlCu. # dtool Miadffaima The men wenfed in ewmccflnn said Ms name was tltain Massa. M orJtrty.dro# uuerlHefeataa. » m A - m - Call Clyde and MMf tfONM. new porw. cell A AH Pffipht And Ptap. wifh fhc Janaaty murder uf tauten police said. U i i d ^ Eipooldid 0. AnSttaen el bengteat Street hex However. Manchester police N 3<fti$. 647‘m r . June t3/1«4. Cata Paekapa tMlfor-lient-A-Cors Capt. Joseph Brooks said (htx iw M iw iff " 19MeOOGANS ^^efL.-aim.m Sw tiy Brothers. 319 ' Conn. Sites tex, tftfe end Deefer been errexfed m Rochexfer. N.Y.. M./ Whttd-Ned-IMue t ft./ AAdffChester. Otfioe Pee Exfre. en drug ehereex and Menehexfer mettring doting a news cenletence 7ef SwN ieneati liWM> • » pence ate xeeking hfx exfredfflen. at town police headquarters (hat tftfi ffirtw, m, 6 9 139. »> Atiy <fiMuM OeUtmed. Alto, M ffey/ JtMM ti your choice ^099S peffee xeid this tnetning. through an unknown source. Ro­ AwSv^^i im u fie tT vVvnO^^VA. ^ A i-few. MOepdeeddr. i 6 H6 Vm W s.iuefe *iitn emnn cap Pence xeld Ppiteno veiouex. 94. chester police discovered Vas­ XroCTTTSRiiTTiiZmdl if Peumenf Wegon f2M Med Inferior, nc watt errexfed try Rnchexfer pence ques’s real Idenllly and lhal he was MW CWMTfNfCTMff orfve. Pfwiby/ 9«fur- ifMefIbuSdr. <341 fhutaday and cfiatged wMh uexxex- wanted in Mauchesler. I7M4M /N M IN ieUt StriMwy. P-i, Air It GLO 4 dr.. Af, AO _ alen el 1 euncet el eecatne. Vexquex A bulfellft let Vasques had been eemdHluner, ruatt rtU- §4 Mosde nokup <4 DU8UNE8 BC9UNE8 had el XU been attested In Reehexfer Issued fo police depatimeuls iflu fawn tnewef/ flrett « Lynx W#. At, AO <4 OHat AppHae Ta ebuuf fhree weekx eerlier en a ateuud the couuity. police said. fdrp|fgr«/ ef«ffi«6, IS Arlee HIa *» a s S iS i. In Sfeek Unite Only... Mauchesler police also revealed b ^ e « M col IgeffbfM. MMetdeMfP/(/ EIWBT*"' .rouB chatge el possessing II ounces el IoRt " powf mwel_________ cocaine. today that Vasques wa.s Anderson's fSOolonyPerkWg.MO.400 /RSTSSfcycJe intufunee. ilve-ln boyfriend, and that the iAd Sale. June fiend it MMif.OMlenfddr. M1.400 shoofing occurred during an atgu- Pridtiy/ Mturdoy. 9«irn MMerkurklMTI MIOM Compefltliye rdtes L d h cl 8 ■ oenn ITRAW BCflfnCI fe lam. a Oek oreye SSOufieeef dr. MOM S ^ e any coyerdfe. enamee ment between the Iwo. posslhty Sfreef/ Menefieeffr. e$ Oetsun lo o ix f4tM Munv mane eye'ofldSie, over drugs. Pleli Yttr Own CfefhfMi feyt/ beekt, <^f Judy or Jenei m Reagan: Andetsen's murder, which oc­ SSaMOJlmmydOK MOM the Crockett adentii ifue CkafMlt BrtllMrt baseball cards and IS Lino. Town oer *11,400 trey Inferler. curred Jan. 27. Was one of Ihree in misceflaneouernfiP«ffOfl«out hinouM- 643-1177 "MMIM Iasi six monihs lhal been 30 Olirk 9t., 9o. Wlndior MGren. MeramsLS •OOM Morlarty 2 M B flO / the had Held Hems. ee isuxu OLk p/u mmV»WennhdVa‘». ___ 319 Center Demolish unresolved, the number of M f f Oeakilnen Va 6 Idle. dridW and Excellent condition. Manchester. 643- murders was unusually high for Partially chooped. M7- , w Optnino SPturtfpy JuM 0. Mfurdoy. 9-2. OlON. 7136 otter 9.19 Manchesfer. and police have been Hourt 0im-ipm or urrtK books, furnlfi/re. toys, tAAzoAimB^. Lux- crillcited because no arresis were plokod out. No ohildron etc. 190 oienw oed TWI mileage. 9790. i ury short bed. Calltor- -'J ’,f f. ■' the wall made. uftdor 14 yotrt of «0O tl- Street. Manchester. No TOYOTA When asked if ihe department (oworf (fl flofd. early birds. toi Owitfr tl. ^ ^ . #11094. Mor- M f noRMtdf, CT lorty .fatMrs.9l9Cen-------- By Terence Hunt was relieved II Is close io finally S2 I-S7 4 1 ter Ll. Manchester. BltAND NSW The AHoelated Press making an arrest. Brooks said. kor MMM informotlon. 6 4 I«S1 3 9 19139 "Oh. absololely Sure.” ' - . </« Hsftld photo by Plfi(o MU l76M_Van6 by 1987 BERLIN — President Beegan He said that Vasques Is not tOYOtA MCKUP stood before the concrete .aoil wanted in connection with the other CAVALIER 1911 law mi­ barbed wire of the Berlin wall Iwo murders. U Vasques Is brought Lynn H«b«f1, who was on# of 270 who gradualsd from friend Susan Alpert Just before ihe OBfumony begine. leage. Excellent condi­ >1 VISIT TO OUM today end issued a personal snd to Mauchesler. he would be Heberf was a member of the National Honor Society. tion. Must sell, taking dramatic challenge to Soviet leader charged with murder, but ool a East Cafhollc High School Thursday nlghl at the offers. 647-M23. USBD CAB LOT WIU Manchester. 643- Mikhails. Gorbachev: “Ifyouxeek capital felony. Brooks said Cathedral of St. Joseph In Hartford, gets some help from More pictures on page 18. FIR CW O O D l=oAb IW gfcorrT. SHOW YOU WHY 2149.ix peace ... come here to this gate .. Brooks said lhal Iwo Manchester t u 0 cord, t foot iMpth*. White. 4 speed, am-tm. MAZOA 1987 B2000. Lux­ tear down this wall." deteefives have been seof Io Ro­ prMn, d*llv«r«d> 1 eord mini­ 49.000 miles. Runs MOMS BBOPLS ury short bed. Califor­ chester Io Interview Vasques and mum. MAITIN/VliA CARD great. 91100. 9S9-4002. th e president, like John Kennedy BUY USBD CAMS nia brown with beige two decades before, spoke briefly begin extradllinn proceedings. If 2 NOftmiM PMtWOM CORDOBA 1979 tor parts. Interior. # 11093. Mor­ Vasques chooses Io tight Ihose ECHS grads celebrate new beginning 4 new Eagle ST's. Z- larty irothers.OlScen- and poignantly In German as he DMTMIVTMI bart. sunroot. 9 tactory tAr St.. Manchester, embraced "this firm, this unaltera­ proceedings. It enuld lake one to 27I4I19 aluminum rims. 360 C A R T E k ' S 643-9139. ble belief; ‘Bx gibtnurein Berlin'- iwo monihs fo bring him In By John P. KIrth Rut nostalgia was not Ihe only "To celebrate. ’' one of her friends dorette. a television actress who motor runs, body good there Is only one Berlin" lonnecllcul If esfradlflon Is Herald Reporter feeling circulating among the stu­ repealed. graduated from Fast Catholic In except reor quarters ToypTA 1909 cargo Von, Before hix speech, Reagan stood granted, flrooks said. dents and parents who gathered on Yes. to celebrate There was 1978. * USIO CARS ★ Sirver. Automatic, However, he said Vasques may ond passenger door. power sfNrtng, stereo. before the wall and lookeaacrosx to HARTFORD — Across the street Ihe cathedral's doorstep. For them, plenty of that Cadorette gave some advice to All leather Interior. feast Germany, the Soviet ally choose to cooperate. this night meant more than just While some students exchanged the graduates, who sal In their pews Console and buckets.
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