Bulgarian Films

Bulgarian Films

BULGARIAN FILMS 2012 2013 FEATURE FILMS 3 ALIENATION Otchujdenie 2013, 77 min Script: Milko Lazarov, Kitodar Todorov and Georgi Tenev Director: Milko Lazarov Cinematography: Kaloyan Bozhilov Cast: Christos Stergioglou, Mariana Zhikic, Ovanes Torosian, Neda 4 Iskrenova, Iva Ognianova, Kitodar Todorov, Dora Markova Production: BNT Executive producer: Hristo Zhivkov Contacts: Milko Lazarov, [email protected] A man at the age of 50 (Christos Stergioglou) drives his old car with a secret compartment from Greece. The man is going to buy a baby from Bulgaria for 10,000 euros. He has to wait for the baby to be born. The expectant mother, her deaf-and-dumb brother and the midwife have been moved far away to a house in the mountain. The birth begins in a rainy night with storm raging outside. Festivals and Awards: 6R¿D,))±%HVW%XOJDULDQ)HDWXUH)LOP FEATURE FILMS THE COLOR OF THE CHAMELEON &YHWDWQDKDPHOHRQD 2012, 107 min, 35 mm Script: Vladislav Todorov; Director: Emil Hristov Cinematography: Krum Rodriguez; Music: New Orchestra Ideas Cast: Rushen Vidinliev, Irena Milyankova, Rusi Chanev, Samuel Finzi, Svetlana Yancheva, Deyan Donkov, Hristo Garbov Production: Peripeteia Films (Buryana Zaharieva & Vladislav Todorov) Coproduction: Nu Boyana Film Studios, BNT, Restart (Slovenia) With the support of: Bulgarian National Film Center Contacts:RI¿FH#SHULSHWHLD¿OPVFRP%XU\DQD=DKDULHYD 5 PRELOHE]DNKDULHYD#SHULSHWHLD¿OPVFRP 9ODGLPLU$QGUHHYLQIR#ERURXJK¿OPFRPZZZSHULSHWHLD¿OPVFRP A maniacal informant creates his own phantom secret-police department. He recruits a group of unsuspecting intellectuals to spy on each other. After the fall of Communism he uses his secret archive to wreak havoc on the government. The movie offers a paradoxical twist in the standard representation of totalitarianism as a society of victims and victimizers. This is a story without innocents. Secret policing reveals its dark nature not only in its nauseating cruelties, but also most suggestively, in its deviant pleasures. Festivals and Awards: 7RURQWR,))2I¿FLDO6HOHFWLRQ'LVFRYHU\3URJUDP*ROGHQ5RVH%)) 9DUQD%HVWIHDWXUH¿OP³*ROGHQ5RVH´*UDQG3UL[0RQWUHDO1HZ&LQHPD ,))6WRFNKROP,))*RD,QGLD,)):DVKLQJWRQ(XURSHDQ&LQHPD,)) 7KHVVDORQLNL,))6SHFLDO0HQWLRQ 3DOP6SULQJV,))&KLFDJR(XURSHDQ&LQHPD,))%HOJUDGH,)) 6R¿D,))9LOQLXV,))1HZ'LUHFWRUV1HZ)LOPV1HZ<RUN,)),VWDQEXO,)) %XFKDUHVW,))5LYHU5XQ,))86$6DLQW3DXO,))86$ FEATURE FILMS FAITH, LOVE AND WHISKY 9MDUDOMXERYLZKLVNH\ Bulgaria/USA, 2012, 75 min, DCP Script: Kristina Nikolova, Paul Dalio Director: Kristina Nikolova Cinematography: Alexander Stanishev Music: Leepra Delux, Wosh MC, Svetlyo and the Legends, Panican Whyasker Cast: Ana Stoyanovska, Valeri Yordanov, Yavor Baharov, Lidia Indjova Production: Magic Shop, Georgi Nikolov With the support of: Bulgarian National Film Center 6 Contacts: Magic Shop, Georgi Nikolov, mobile: + 359 888 217340, [email protected]; phone: +1642339502 (US), [email protected] $\RXQJ%XOJDULDQZRPDQÀHHVKHUGUHDPOLIHLQ$PHULFDWRUHWXUQKRPH WRKHUSDVVLRQDWHEXWVHOIGHVWUXFWLYHIULHQG9DO%XWZKHQKHU¿DQFH Scott, shows up unexpectedly, she has to choose between a secure future and a doomed love affair. Festivals and Awards: 6ODPGDQFH±.RGDN9LVLRQ$ZDUGIRU%HVW&LQHPDWRJUDSK\ ',))1DUUDWLYH)HDWXUH&RPSHWLWLRQ±*UDQG-XU\3UL]HWK6(()HVW /RV$QJHOHV±$ZDUGIRU%HVW'HEXW6DUDVRWD)LOP)HVWLYDO6,))±2I¿FLDO &RPSHWLWLRQ0RQWUHDO:))$WKHQV,))6W/RXLV,))861HZ)LOPPDNHUV )RUXP(PHUJLQJ)LOPPDNHU$ZDUG 7KH%REELH %DMD)LOP)HVWLYDO0H[LFR ±6SHFLDO0HQWLRQWK6ODPGDQFH)LOP)HVWLYDO±.RGDN9LVLRQ$ZDUG 'DOODV,))±%HVW1DUUDWLYH)HDWXUH$ZDUGWK0RQV,QWHUQDWLRQDO/RYH)LOP )HVWLYDO±%HVW(XURSHDQ)LOP3UL]HVW*ROGHQ5RVH%XOJDULDQ)HDWXUH FEATURE FILMS )LOP)HVWLYDO9DUQD±'HEXW$ZDUG THE FOREIGNER &KX]KGHQHFDW 2012, 98 min, 35 mm Script: Niki Iliev Director: Niki Iliev Cinematography: Grigor Kumitski Music: Dimitar Velichkov-Schmidt Cast: Lyubomir Kovachev, Sanya Borisova, Niki Iliev, Valentin Goshev, Elen Koleva, Asen Blatechki, Catherine Gautier and Christophe Lambert Production: Euro Dialog, MVM International 7 Contacts:1LNL,OLHY+ULVWR6WDQFKHY6W6R¿D mobile: +359 888 663085; [email protected] Gerard is a young Frenchman on a business trip to Bulgaria. He has a surprise meeting with Magdalena, a hot-tempered Bulgarian village girl, whose manners are not that sophisticated. Following the dictates of his heart, Gerard starts looking for the village where she lives unaware both of the mentality and the language of the locals. The culture clash leads to a series of comic situations, both in the Bulgarian village of Leshten and in faraway France, but Gerard’s passion for Magdalena changes the lives of a great many people across Europe. A romantic comedy in the spirit RIWKH)UHQFK¿OPVRIWKHVDQGVEXWZLWKDPRGHUQSDFHDQ adventurous spirit and hilarious twists. Festivals and Awards: 6R¿D,QWHUQDWLRQDO)LOP)HVWLYDO0DUEHOOD,QWHUQDWLRQDO)LOP)HVWLYDO 6SDLQ±2I¿FLDO6HOHFWLRQWK/RV$QJHOHV&RPHG\)HVWLYDO±%HVWRI)HVW .LFNDVV IRUIHDWXUHVFUHHQSOD\ $QQXDO,))0DQKDWWDQ1<&±%HVW*OREDO 1DUUDWLYH*ROGHQ5RVH)%))±$XGLHQFH$ZDUG FEATURE FILMS I AM YOU $]VDPWL 2012, 119 min, 35 mm Script: Vladimir Ganev, Stefan Kospartov, Mirela Ivanova, based on the novels $1RYHOZLWKRXWD7LWOH by Dimiter Dimov and Adriana by Teodora Dimova Director:3HWɟU3RS]ODWHY Cinematography: Emil Hristov 8 Music: Kalin Nikolov Cast: Zhanet Spasova, Irmena Chichikova, Milyana Lenak, Deyan Donkov, Zachary Baharov, Vladimir Karamazov, Ovanes Torosyan Production:3RVW6FULSWXP±3HWɟU3RS]ODWHY With the support of : Bulgarian National Film Center Contacts:3RVW6FULSWXP±3HWɟU3RS]ODWHY PRELOHSRS]ODWHY¿OP#\DKRRFRP 7KURXJKWZRXQLTXHIHPDOHSHUVRQDVWKH¿OPVXJJHVWVDPHWDSK\VLFDO idea of the present, as ever recurring, since the temptations, which the human soul faces, are always the same. But any choice can be made only after the experience of the past is passed on and shared with a kindred spirit in the present. Such is the nature of the relationship between Adriana, a femme fatale of 1938, and innocent Yura of 2008. Festivals and Awards: WK/RYHLV)ROO\,))9DUQD±9DUQD0XQLFLSDOLW\$ZDUGIRU%HVW $FWUHVV -DQHW6SDVRYD VW*ROGHQ5RVH%XOJDULDQ)HDWXUH)LOP)HVWLYDO 9DUQD±%HVW'LUHFWRU6SHFLDO-XU\$ZDUG%HVW$FWUHVV$ZDUGV -DQHW 6SDVRYD,UPHQD&KLFKLNRYD 9DUQD0XQLFLSDOLW\$ZDUG FEATURE FILMS JIGSAW PUZZLE 3X]HO 2012, 100 min, DCP Script: Ivo Staykov Director: Ivo Staykov Cinematography: Emil Topuzov Music: Mitko Shterev Cast: Asen Blatechki, Stanimira Koleva, Valentina Voykova, Svezhen Mladenov, Mihail Meltev, Petya Silyanova, Maxim Genchev, Pavel 9 Poppandov, Djoko Rosic, Alexandra Sarchadjieva, Maria Statulova, the rock band BTR Production:,/6¿OPV Coproduction: Nu Boyana Film Studios, Forward Pictures, BNT, Procinema, Univer electric 2, Alienworks, MVM international, Bestlight With the support of: Bulgarian National Film Center, Telish, Mall Varna Contacts: Ivo Staykov; mobile: +359 885 552638, [email protected] :HDUHDOOOLNHSLHFHVLQDMLJVDZSX]]OHZKHUHRQHSLHFHRQO\¿WV another, particular piece, so that you get the picture right. Often, however, fate chooses to place a different piece instead – looking almost the same, yet not quite… and there always remains an empty space in-between. So can fate actually be rewritten? FEATURE FILMS JULY 2012, 110 min, HD Script: Kiril Stankov; Director: Kiril Stankov Cinematography: Rali Ralchev; Music: Vasko the Patch Cast: Kasiel Noah Asher, Paraskeva Dzhukelova, Yana Titova, Ovanes Torosyan, Filip Avramov Production: Gala Film – Galina Toneva, Kiril Kirilov With the support of: MEDIA Program and the Bulgarian National Film 10 &HQWHU&LQHOLQN6R¿OP/WG%176DUDMHYR,))6R¿D0HHWLQJV Contacts: Gala Film, phone: + 359 2 981 4209, ID[JDOD¿OP#JDOD¿OPFRP Dju (39) meets her old friend Dana (40), who has just returned to Bulgaria after being abroad for a long time. They head for the sea. On the road they meet Lilly (30), a friend of Dju’s, who joins them. In Krapetz, the QRUWKHUQPRVWYLOODJHRQWKH%ODFN6HDFRDVWWKH\¿QGWKHSHDFHDQG harmony they are looking for. But soon this idyll comes to an end. Past FRQÀLFWVDUHUHNLQGOHG7KHZRPHQGLVFRYHUWKLQJVWKH\ZHUHKLGLQJIURP HDFKRWKHU2QHPRUQLQJWKH\¿QGDQ8NUDLQLDQ1DWDVKD ZRXQGHG ZKLOHHVFDSLQJIURPDKXPDQWUDI¿FNLQJJDQJ7KHYLOODJHUVDUHXQZLOOLQJ to be involved. Lilly decides to drive Natasha to the nearest town, but the WUDI¿FNHUVVWRSWKHFDUEHDW/LOO\DQGFDSWXUH1DWDVKD'DQD'MXDQG/LOO\ are determined to get back the little they have – their human dignity. At night WKH\PDQDJHWR¿QGERWK1DWDVKDDQGWKHLURZQGHVLUHIRUIUHHGRPDQGOLIH Festivals and Awards: 0RVFRZ,QWHUQDWLRQDO)LOP)HVWLYDO FEATURE FILMS PISTOL, BRIEFCASE AND THREE STINKING BARRELS 3LVWROHWNXIDULWULVPDUGLDVKWLYDUHOD 2012, 95 min, DCP Script: Georgi Kostov Director: Georgi Kostov Cinematography: Georgi Raykov Music: Funk Busters 11 Cast: Ivaylo Zahariev, Plamen Velikov, Todor Dotsev, Georgi Kadurin Production: Media Productions Contacts: Georgi Kostov, mobile: +359 893 300444; [email protected] Handsome gets mixed up in a drug dealing scheme, and ends up owing loads of money, but he has only one week to pay it back to Razor. The police are after him and other people try to blackmail him, so he goes GHHSHUDQGGHHSHULQWRQHZFULPHVXQWLOKH¿QDOO\FRPHVRXWFOHDQLQDQ extraordinary way… Festivals and Awards: VW*ROGHQ5RVH%XOJDULDQ)HDWXUH)LOP)HVWLYDO9DUQD±6SHFLDO 0HQWLRQIRU(GLWLQJ $OH[DQGHU(WLPRY FEATURE FILMS SPAIN/SPANIEN ,VSDQLD Austria/Bulgaria, 2012, 102 min, 35 mm Script: Dimitre Dinev, Anja Salomonowitz Director: Anja Salomonowitz Cinematography: Sebastian Pfaffenbichler; Music: Max Richter Cast: Gregoire Colin, Tatjana Alexander, Cornelius Obonya, Lukas Miko Production: Dor Film Produktionsgesellschaft

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