Vol. 20 / No. 5 / May 2021 FIRST CLASS Meet the inaugural ASBMB FELLOWS Planning a scientific conference? The ASBMB is here to help. LEARN MORE: asbmb.org/meetings-events/propose-event CONTENTS NEWS FEATURES PERSPECTIVES 2 32 44 EDITOR’S NOTE TARGETING 20,000 PROTEINS WINNERS OF THE ‘AHA MOMENTS’ Planning a scientific conference? ‘Share your aha moments!’ BY 2035 ESSAY CONTEST 44 Finding a common ancestor 4 38 45 Dreaming of Western blots MEMBER UPDATE EXPLORING UNDERAPPRECIATED 46 Beauty in brown The ASBMB is here to help. MOLECULES AND NEW CITIES 47 Fringe inspiration 8 47 A life filled with aha moments IN MEMORIAM 48 The first to know 49 The right experiment 9 49 Prepared mind leads to life-saving RETROSPECTIVE medical advice Remembering Curtiss, former JLR associate editor 50 Superhero science 51 Not quite out of the box 10 MEMBER NEWS 52 First class: Meet the inaugural FIVE QUESTIONS ASBMB fellows Alanna Mitsopoulos: “I could be happy doing other things” 20 LIPID NEWS Ceramides’ role in liver disease 10 16 JOURNAL NEWS 21 JLR names new junior associate editors 23 Study reveals experimental targets for lymphoma research 24 Researchers target cell membrane for cancer research 25 Parasitic secretions create 32 microenvironment for survival 44 26 From the journals LEARN MORE: 20 38 asbmb.org/meetings-events/propose-event 52 MAY 2021 ASBMB TODAY 1 EDITOR’S NOTE Vol. 20 / No. 5 / May 2021 THE MEMBER MAGAZINE OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY ‘Share your aha moments!’ THE MEMBER MAGAZINE OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR BIOCHEMISTRYOFFICERS ANDCOUNCIL MOLECULAR MEMBERS BIOLOGY Suzanne Barbour Toni M. Antalis By Allison Frick President Joan Broderick OFFICERS CharlesCOUNCIL Craik MEMBERS Gerald Hart Gerald Hart MattSquire Gentry J. Booker Past President President SusannaVictoria Greer J. DeRose ’m not a scientist. My back- Fast-forward to January 2021, Wei Yang Blake Hill Jennifer DuBois Audrey Lamb Secretary Audrey Lamb ground is in broadcast jour- when ASBMB’s journals made Secretary JamesJames M. M. Ntambi Ntambi nalism. When I came to the the transition to gold open access. Joan Conaway Takita Felder Sumter I Toni M. Antalis Celia A. Shiffer Treasurer American Society for Biochemistry Papers published in the Journal of Treasurer KellyTakita Ten–Hagen Felder Sumter Kelly Ten-Hagen and Molecular Biology in 2015, Biological Chemistry, the Journal JoAnn Trejo EX-OFFICIOEX-OFFICIO MEMBERS MEMBERS ASBMB TODAY EDITORIAL it was from a local TV station, of Lipid Research, and Molecular ADVISORY BOARD RobertRobert S. HaltiwangerS. Haltiwanger where I covered high school sports & Cellular Proteomics were going RajiniASBMB Rao TODAY EDITORIAL CarlaCarla Koehler Koehler ChairADVISORY BOARD online and worked with reporters to be published immediately and be Co-chairs,Co-chairs, 2020/2021 2020 Annual Annual AnaRajini Maria Rao Barral MeetingMeeting Program Program Committee Committee and producers on related TV ele- permanently available for everyone Chair Cheryl Bailey Natasha Brooks Cheryl Bailey ments. Biochemistry and molecular to read, download, copy, distribute Chair, Education and Professional KellyFloyd Chacón “Ski” Chilton Chair, Education and Henrik Dohlman Development Committee Beronda Montgomery biology were a far cry from Friday and reuse. In preparation for the Professional Development Peter J. Kennelly DanielCommittee Raben BillBeronda Sullivan Montgomery night lights. I was nervous to enter change, our marketing and com- Chair, Meetings Committee Daniel Raben MelissaA. Maureen Vaught Rouhi a new realm of content, but, more munications teams were tasked with Chair, MeetingsSonia Committee Flores BinksMelissa Wattenberg Vaught Chair, Minority Affairs importantly, I was excited for a new coming up with a plan to share the Sonia Flores Binks W. Wattenberg Committee Chair, Minority Affairs ASBMB TODAY challenge. news. Nicole Woitowich Committee AngelaASBMB Hopp TODAY The thing that I absolutely love Last fall, Joanna Kotloski, then Chair, Science Outreach and ExecutiveAngela Editor Hopp CommunicationSusannna Committee Greer the most about working in commu- our digital and content marketing Chair, Public Outreach [email protected] Editor Terri Goss Kinzy [email protected] nications is hearing people’s stories. manager; Anand Rao, our publica- Committee Comfort Dorn Chair, Public Affairs Comfort Dorn Matthew S. Gentry Managing Editor I love learning about how they’ve tions department’s science com- Advisory Committee Managing Editor Chair, Public Affairs [email protected] [email protected] navigated life. In fact, when I was municator; and I all hopped on AdvisoryEd Eisenstein Committee Chair, Membership Committee LaurelJohn Oldach Arnst a kid, I really wanted to grow up Zoom one afternoon and started Sandra Weller Science Writter Susan Baserga Science Writer Chair, Publications [email protected]@asbmb.org to be an actress. My logic: I’d never brainstorming. We wanted to come Chair, Women in BiochemistryCommittee and Molecular Biology Ed LaurelMarklin Oldach have to choose just one job. I could up with a fun way to encourage Lila CommitteeM. Gierasch WebScience Editor Writter Editor-in-chief, JBC [email protected]@asbmb.org try everything if I was an actress. scientists to share their discoveries in Sandra Weller Ed Marklin A. L. Burlingame It turns out performing is not my ASBMB journals. I love these brain- Chair, Publications AllisonWeb EditorFrick CommitteeEditor, MCP Multimedia [email protected] and Social Media forte, but I never lost that passion storming sessions and admire Joan- NicholasLila M. O. Gierasch Davidson ContentAllison Manager Frick for storytelling and learning about na and Anand for their creativity. As [email protected] Editor-in-chief,Editor-in-chief, JBC JLR Media Specialist the human experience. we talked about what motivates us A. L.Kerry-Anne Burlingame Rye [email protected] F. MIller Editor-in-chief,Editor, MCP JLR ExecutiveBarbara Director Gordon Once I got to the ASBMB and to connect with organizations and [email protected] Director Nicholas O. Davidson [email protected] began working as a multimedia remember content, TikTok came Editor-in-chief, JLR content specialist and sharing to mind. Then Joanna remembered Kerry-Anne Rye articles from ASBMB Today on one of her favorite commercials Editor-in-chief, JLR our social media channels, I started from Southwest Airlines, and as the ForFor information information on on advertising, advertising, contact contact Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical getting to know our members and ideas kept coming, we landed on the Media Inc. at 212-904-0374 or [email protected]@pminy.com. the scientific community. I quickly slogan “Share your aha moments!” learned that scientists have fascinat- That was the beginning; we’d make ing stories. From their personal a TikTok-inspired video with our experiences to their research, they members passing papers to one www.asbmb.org/asbmbtodaywww.asbmb.org/asbmbtoday are inspired to figure out how this another and a second video with PRINTPRINT ISSN ISSN 2372-0409 2372-0409 world works. I knew I was going to words of encouragement about the hear some amazing stories working opportunities offered by publishing ArticlesArticles published published in ASBMB in ASBMB Today Today reflect reflect solely solely the authors’the authors’ views viewsand not theand official not the official positions positionsof the American of the SocietyAmerican for BiochemistrySociety for Biochemistry and Molecular and here, and I have. in an ASBMB journal. BiologyMolecular or Biologythe institutions or the institutions with which with the authorswhich the are authors affiliated. are affiliated. Mentions of productsMentions or of services products are or not services endorsements. are not endorsements. 2 ASBMB TODAY MAY 2021 ess 681 7 cc a 11118.asbmb.0004472 . open o t e v ess, June 22, 2020, DOI 10 DOI 2020, 22, June ess, r P in s r ape P orm, June 21, 2020 Published, Published, 2020 21, June orm, f vised e o m r in and 2020, journals , 7 ch ASBMB Biology r a M ation, c r olecula M and publi r o f ed v ei c e R y Biochemistr r o f y t e Soci an c Ameri The - n o c d n a l u f e r a c s a w s s ce e e w s, n o i t a er o r p g n i k a m n- o si i c e d ur O b i l e d g n o s-l h t n o m ur o g n i r u D . e v i t a t l u s MAY 2021 MAY ASBMB TODAY ASBMB 3 all who contributed. It wasn’t easy to to easy wasn’t It contributed. who all of submissions. Wow. Thank you to to you Thank Wow. submissions. of research or life. We received dozens dozens received We life. or research Twitter @allisonfrick. Twitter that changed the trajectory of their their of trajectory the changed that content manager. Follow her on on her Follow manager. content multimedia and social media media social and multimedia It could be any kind of revelation revelation of kind any be could It asbmb.org) is the ASBMB’s ASBMB’s the is asbmb.org) that sparked a shift in their work. work. their in shift a sparked that Allison Frick Allison (africk@ and to write about the aha moment moment aha the about write to and or those of scientists they respect respect they scientists of those or am for mine. for am members to reflect on their careers careers their on reflect to members and reminding me just how grateful I I grateful how just me reminding and created an essay contest, asking our our asking contest, essay an created your stories and aha moments with us us with moments aha and stories your we have Angela Hopp to thank. She She thank. to Hopp Angela have we to these essays.
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