Happy Valentine's Day .-~ .. J••••• THISWEEK IN TEXAS February 12-18, 1993 Looking Back • Highlight • Theatre Starscope •At Random • Interview IRESIDENT\"SSBO A VARIETY SHOW BENEFITING THE FOOD PANTRY PERFORMANCES BY THE PRESIDENTS OF DALLAS' MAJOR SPORTS AND COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS M.C. MICHAEL LEE ",FEBRUARY 18 DOORS OPEN 7 PM SHOW 8 PM SHARP \,lDclge ~ltql~olj 3911 CEDAR SPRINGS • DALLAS • 214.380.3,808 Volume 18,Number 49 February 12-18,1993 15 NEWS Robert Schwab Awards in Dallas 29 COMMENT Letters to the Editor 35 OF LOCAL INTEREST 41 LOOK BACK The Sacred Band ofThebes by Phil Johnson 43 BACKSTAGE Norman, Is Thot You? Benefits Houston's MCCR 49 AT RANDOM What A World, What A World ... byNancyFord 53 VIEWPOINT The Military Gay Ban Wastes Human Talent and Money by Hugh Callaway Special Valentine's Extravaganza! 59 TH EATRE Drood at Dallas' Theatre Three Reviewed by Bob Dineen 62 COVER FEATURE Kyle Gray of Austin photos by Rex Martin 69 STARSCOPE Venus and Mars Heighten Amorous Drives ThisWeekend QUINTESSA 75 SPORTS Valentine's Skate in Houston * * 77 INTERVIEW Jo Anne Worley byLarryCrawford ANDHERMENZ 80 HOT TEA Valentine's Celebrations Across Texas "'-at"., •••~~ 91 OBITUARIES FEATURING PAUL J. WILUAMS - 94 CLASSIFIED 102 GUIDE Texas Business/Club Directory AND THE HOT GO-GO CUPIDS TWT (This Week In Texes) Is published by Texes Weekly Times Newspaper Co" at 3300 Reagan Street In Dallas, Texes 75219 and 811Westheimer in Houston. ~ ~ TeXQS 77006. Opinions expressed by columraste ore not necessarily those of TWT or 01 Its stoff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organlzotlon In articles Of advertising In TWT is not to be construed as any Indication of the sexual orientation of said person Of organization. Subscription rates: $69 per year, $40 per hatt year. Back Issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1993 by Texas Weekly Times Newscccer Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement. news, article orfeature, copyor photograph from TWT Isspeciflcolly prohibited by federal statute. THIS WEEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE Texas' Leading Gay 8<Lesbian Publication Since 1975 • Weekly Circulation: 20,000 PUBLISHER DALLAS OFFICE ALAN GELLMAN HOUSTON OFFICE 3300 Reagan Street 811Westheimer, Suite 106 EDITOR Dallas, Texas 75219 RICHARD HEBERT Houston, Texas 77006 Dallas Fax (214)520- TWIT Houston Fax (713)527-TWIT COMPTROLLER (214) 521·0622 STEVEMILES (713) 527·9111 ARTDIRECTORRichard Bang • GRAPHIC ARTISTSSteve Pardue, Chris Patterson ASSISTANTEDITORBab Dineen • SPORTSEDITORBobby Miller • DISTRIBUTIONClifford Plummer CONTRIBUTINGWRITERS PhilJohnson, Bobby Mayes, David Meunier, Jazz Paz,Michael K.Wilson STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERS Graham, Lorry Graham, Rex Martin, Michael McKinney, Roger Stabel NATIONAL SALESDIRECTOR. Steve Miles. (214) 521·0622 • FAX 520·TWIT Advertising rates are available on request Irom the salesperson In your nearest city. Austin - Rex Martin (512) 442·2332 • Dallas/Fort Worth - Steve Miles (214) 521·0622 Houston/Galveston - Steve Nally (713) 527·9111 • San Antonio - Paul Briner (210) 614·1348 CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING· Dallas Bob Dineen • Houston Brion Keever TWT© 1993 Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company SHANERUFFPRESID, EN/TCEO / DIRECTOR ROYKLAUS/ CO-DIRECTOR VALENTINE'S DAY SUPER SUNDAY No Cover till 12•25~ Draft All Night with The Paper Moon Sweethearts plus special guests and " Pauletta Sweet Oyan Toi The Newly Crowned Leigh Savage Michaels Brooks Miss Southwest USA '93 Coming Thursday, February 25 "On Her Way to USA" Benefit for Sweet Savage A Night of Top Entertainers Mark your calendars!!! MISS GAY USA PAGEANT at The Paper Moon· May 4-9, 1993 '(~ house~ ~....i .!..r~s o seventy five cent well drinks"all night ,~,."~iSbo~ ~ .<1 vooJz~- ;; - . 'burrill erotic guest model/singer/video star "'''!- . ,.,.~ Dallas HAPPy HOUR UNTIL 10 PM HOUSTON 2401 san jacinto 77002· 759-9606 DALLAS HOSTS SCHWAB AWARDS Mica England, Dick Peeples and Caven EnterprisesAmong Honorees. DALLAS - The Dallas Museum of Art was the site last weekend of the sixth an- nual Robert Schwab Memorial Awards ceremony, honoring those individuals, businesses and organizations who have made significant contributions to the com- munity to assure equal rights. Sponsored by the Texas Human Rights Foundation [THRF) and presented this year by the Dallas Host Committee, the event attracted over 200 people from across Texas. This year's ceremony was particularly significant because it took place just weeks after the Texas Supreme Court heard the THRF-sponsored lawsuit chal- lenging the constitutionality of section 21.06 of the Texas Penal Code, the state's Caven Enterprises President Denis Wei, received Outstsnd-. anti-sodomy law. Robert Schwab was one ing Business Award. of the founders of THRF, and during the 1970s became the driving force behind ef- which later became the Texas Human forts to have 21.06 ruled unconstitutional. Rights Foundation. Hosted this year by Dallas radio per- England gained nationwide press cover- sonality Karen Denard and Dallas City age when she was denied employment by Councilmember Chris Luna, the ceremony the Dallas Police Department because she also featured opening comments by THRF is a lesbian. England sued DPD and the President Nancy Molledaof Houston and City of Dallas, an action which resulted in Director of Development Suzy Wagers, who the outlawing of 21.06 in Dallas County. provided the attendees with a historical Dallas City Council member Lori Palmer perspective of the group's efforts as well and Texas Land Commissioner Gary Mauro as the current status of the 21.06 appeal. were honored with Outstanding Elected Official Awards. During her eight years on Council, Palmer pushed for greater AIDS funding in Dallas, and has worked to end the Police Department's anti-gay hiring policy. Mauro implemented a policy that prohibits discrimination in hiring and pro- motion within the Commission based on sexual orientation, and he requires all agency employees to attend an AIDS ed- ucation and prevention course. Honored with the Outstanding Journal- ism Award was the Dallas Morning News, which has increased coverage of gay and Mica England {I] and Dick Peeples were honored with Robert lesbian issues over the past five years and Schwab Awards last Saturday in Dallas. TWT NEWS photos. has come out in favor of abolishing the Police Department's anti-gay policies. The Receiving the Robert Schwab Award paper has also adopted a personnel policy were Dick Peeples and Mica England. that prohibits discrimination based on sex- Peeples helped establish the Dallas Gay ual orientation. Political Caucus-now known as the Dal- The Outstanding Business Award was las Gay and Lesbian Alliance [DGLA)-and presented to Denis Weir, President of was the first non-Houston trustee of the Caven Enterprises, for his c0":l~any's ef- Houston Human Rights Foundation, forts to provide a venue for critical fund- TWT FEBRUARY 12 - FEBRUARY 18 1993 PAGE 15 raising efforts, and for its leadership role But an initially negative public response in supporting gay and lesbian issues. In ac- to Clinton's move has made it clear that () Sunday, February 14th .;1 cepting his award, Weir pledged to con- having a sympathetic figure in the White tinue the legacy of community service left House will not be enough to advance gay by company founder Frank Caven, and to and lesbian issues. work diligently to support solutions to a Although much of the opposition ap- wide array of issues affecting the gay and pears to have been stirred up by the re- "VALENTINE'S ~ lesbian community. ligious right, and thus may not accurately Winning the Outstanding Community reflect overall public opinion on the issue, Organization Award was the Black Tie Din- gay and lesbian leaders around the country ./ KARAOKE ~~ ner, Inc., the largest Human Rights Cam- have been urging a massive campaign in paign Fund dinner and the largest black tie the form of phone calls and letters to ~ Everyone receives a Valentine's Day card and a kiss. event of any kind in Dallas. elected officials and Gen Colin Powell, Jerry Birdwell, the first openly gay judge head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Come early and party with your friends on Valentine's. ever appointed in Texas, received the Ap- To make it easier for Texans to make pointed Official Award for his superlative their views known to elected officials, the representation of the gay community in Lesbian/Gay Rights Lobby, in conjunction the face of vicious attacks by his with the Austin chapter of the Log Cabin opponents. Republicans of Texas, has arranged with Honored with the Outstanding Legal Western Union to set up a "Non-Discrim- Advocate Award was Donald C. McCleary, ination Hotline." A single toll-free phone who is Chairman of the Board of Adjust- call will send four separate cablegrams ex- ment for the City of Dallas and serves on pressing support for Clinton's proposal. J the Economic Development Advisory The Hotline number is 1-800-258-2222. Board, the Health and Human Services The caller should request "Hotline 9342," ~ Commission and the Community De- and will then be asked for his or her home .~ velopment Advisory Board. phone number and ZIP Code. Western rIJ= Honored posthumously as Outstanding Union will send telegrams to President AIDS Advocate was the late Bill Hunt, Clinton, Sens. Phil Gramm and Bob Krue- @ former client services manager for the ger, and the caller's Representative. AIDS Resource Center, for his advocacy of The cost of sending the four letters is i dignity and access to care for people with $8.75, which can be billed to the caller's AIDS. Hunt was vice-president of DGLA home phone number, VISA or MasterCard. j and a co-founder of the Gay Urban Truth Western Union will be able to determine ~ Squad, ACT-UP Dallas and the Dallas who the caller's Representative is if the Ql chapter of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance caller does not have that information.
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