年報 Annual Report

年報 Annual Report

2015-16 年報 Annual Report 香港智障人士體育協會 Hong Kong Sports Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability 目錄 Content 統計資料 Statistics 2 厄瓜多爾2015國際智障人士體育聯盟環球運動會 Ecuador 2015 INAS Global Games 4 使命及目標 Mission and Objectives 8 殘疾人權利公約 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 9 組織 Organization 10 會長獻辭 Message from the President 12 主席報告 Chairmanʼs Report 14 展望未來 Outlook 16 審計委員會報告 Audit Sub-committee Report 18 人事及財務委員會報告 Personnel and Financial Sub-committee Report 20 籌款及推廣委員會報告 Fund Raising and Promotion Sub-committee Report 22 體育事務委員會報告 Sports Affairs Sub-committee Report 24 參賽資格審核委員會報告 National Eligibility Committee Report 26 活動概覽 Activity Overview 28 國際賽事 International Competitions 30 會議 Conferences 36 培訓課程 Development Programmes 37 其他活動 Other Activities 38 成就 Major Achievements 40 受資助運動員名單 List of Subvented Athletes 42 嘉許 Awards 44 財務報告 Financial Report 46 2015-16全年活動 Year Round Activities 53 機構會員名錄 Agency Members 58 鳴謝 Acknowledgements 60 1 統計資料 Statistics STATISTICS 2015-2016運動員及參與者 Athletes and Participants 年齡 2至7 8至15 16至21 22或以上 Age 總人數 性別 男 女 男 女 男 女 男 女 Total Gender Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 運動員 1 2 1384 459 857 401 438 238 3780 Athlete 參與者 98 53 538 289 624 354 676 423 3055 Participant 總人數 99 55 1922 748 1481 755 1114 661 6835 Total 運動員及參與者年齡/性別 Age and Gender of Athletes and Participants 2.2% 24.1% 29.1% 年齡 Age 男 運動員性別 Male Gender of 2–7 Athletes 8–15 32.1% 41.6% 16–21 男 Male 70.9% 22 或以上 or above 女 Female 2.5% 29.8% 36.6% 年齡 Age 女 33.7% 參與者性別 Female Gender of 2–7 Participants 8–15 63.4% 16–21 男 Male 22 或以上 or above 女 Female 34.0% 總人數 Total 6835 融合伙伴 男 Male 158 總人數 232 Unified Partners 女 Female 74 Total 2 融合伙伴 Unified Partners 2015 2015-2016各運動項目訓練班參加人次 Headcounts of Training Courses for Individual Sports 訓練班 Training Courses 游泳 Swimming 12844 田徑 Athletics 7620 乒乓球 Table Tennis 7436 賽艇 Rowing 5175 滑冰 Ice Skating 3243 體操 Gymnastics 2455 高爾夫球 Golf 2287 足球 Football 2278 羽毛球 Badminton 2198 滾球 Bocce 1804 保齡球 Bowling 1781 地板曲棍球 Floor Hockey 1513 總人次 雪鞋競走 Snowshoeing 1366 Total Headcounts 53384 籃球 Basketball 1018 迷你排球 Mini-Volleyball 366 0 1500 3000 4500 6000 7500 9000 10500 12000 13500 2.6% 2.8% 1.9% 0.7% 3.3% 3.4% 24.1% 4.1% 4.2% 訓練班參加人次 4.3% Headcounts of Training Courses 14.3% 4.6% 6.1% 13.9% 9.7% 2015 HONG KONG SPECIAL OLYMPICS ANNUAL REPORT 3 3 厄瓜多爾2015國際智障人士體育聯盟環球運動會 Ecuador 2015 INAS Global Games 厄瓜多爾2015國際智障人士體育聯盟環球運動會於2015年9月21-27日假厄瓜多爾舉行,本會派出 23名運動員參與田徑、賽艇、游泳及乒乓球4個項目,儘管面對環境及天氣等不同的挑戰,運動員於環球 運動會傾盡全力的競賽精神不但令人振奮,更為港隊帶來超越上屆的成績,奪得13金11銀13銅共37面獎 牌,在32個參賽國家/地區中位列獎牌榜第2位。 Ecuador 2015 INAS Global Games was held in Ecuador from 21 to 27 September 2015. 23 athletes participated in the Games with no spare effort and returned Hong Kong with remarkable results despite of challenging environment and local weather. Took part in 4 sports, namely athletics, rowing, swimming and table tennis, the Delegation attained a total of 37 medals, including 13 gold, 11 silver and 13 bronze, which surpassed the previous record and ranked second in the medal table among 32 participating countries/regions. 授旗典禮 Flag Presentation Ceremony 整裝待發 Departure 4 精華點滴 Precious Moments 田徑 Athletics 游泳 Swimming 5 乒乓球 Table Tennis 6 賽艇 Rowing 凱旋返港 Triumphant Return 7 使命及目標 Mission & Objectives 使命 Mission 本會之使命是發展、推廣及組織智障人士體育活 動,務求令其盡展潛能、培養崇高體育精神及積極融 入社群。 The Mission of the Association is to develop, promote and organize sports activities for persons with intellectual disability in order to fully develop their potential in sports, to cultivate positive attitudes in sportsmanship and to facilitate their integration into our community. 目標 Objectives 1. 組織各類型體育及康樂活動予智障人士,以增進其體能及身心發展; To organize various sports and recreational activities for persons with intellectual disability with a view to enhancing their physical and mental development; 2. 舉辦工作坊及研討會予培訓智障人士的教練,以提昇其專業水準; To organize workshops and seminars to upgrade the professional standard of coaches who train athletes with intellectual disability; 3. 鼓勵社會人士參與本會工作; To encourage members of the public to participate in the work of the Association; 4. 提供各類體育及康樂設備以提高智障人士之體育水準; To provide various sports and recreational facilities to raise the sports standard of the intellectually disabled; 5. 培養智障運動員之體育精神; To promote the concept of sportsmanship to athletes with intellectual disability; 6. 組織及選拔智障人士參加本地和國際性運動競賽; To train elite athletes with intellectual disability to take part in local and international competitions; 7. 透過各項運動及康體活動使智障人士融入社群。 To integrate persons with intellectual disability with able bodies through sports and recreational activities. 8 殘疾人權利公約 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 聯合國於2006年12月13日在《殘疾人權利公約》第三十條內加入讓殘疾人可以參與體育活動的措 施。新增條文如下: 為了使殘疾人能夠在與其他人平等的基礎上參加娛樂、休閒和體育活動,締約國應當採取適當措施, 以便: On 13th December 2006, the United Nations modified the “Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” in Article 30 to facilitate the disabled to participate in sport. The Convention is revised as follows: With a view to enabling persons with disabilities to participate on an equal basis with others in recreational, leisure and sporting activities, States Parties shall take appropriate measures: 1. 鼓勵和促進殘疾人盡可能充分地參加各級主流體育活動; To encourage and promote the participation, to the fullest extent possible, of persons with disabilities in mainstream sporting activities at all levels; 2. 確保殘疾人有機會組織、發展和參加殘疾人專項體育、娛樂活動,並為此鼓勵在與其他人平等的 基礎上提供適當指導、訓練和資源; To ensure that persons with disabilities have an opportunity to organize, develop and participate in disability-specific sporting and recreational activities and, to this end, encourage the provision, on an equal basis with others, of appropriate instruction, training and resources; 3. 確保殘疾人可以使用體育、娛樂和旅遊場所; To ensure that persons with disabilities have access to sporting, recreational and tourism venues; 4. 確保殘疾兒童享有與其他兒童一樣的平等機會參加遊戲、娛樂和休閒以及體育活動,包括在學校 系統參加這類活動; To ensure that children with disabilities have equal access with other children to participation in play, recreation and leisure and sporting activities, including those activities in the school system; 5. 確保殘疾人可以獲得娛樂、旅遊、休閒和體育活動的組織人提供的服務。 To ensure that persons with disabilities have access to services from those involved in the organization of recreational, tourism, leisure and sporting activities. http://www.un.org/disabilities/convention 9 組織 Organization 贊助人 審計委員會 職員 Patron Audit Sub-Committee Staff 梁唐青儀女士 賴永耀先生(主席) 執行總監 Mrs. Regina LEUNG Mr. LAI Wing Yiu (Chairman) Executive Director 陳肖齡女士 BBS 黃嘉儀博士 榮譽法律顧問 Ms. Ophelia CHAN, BBS Dr. Allison WONG Hon. Legal Advisor 葉希活女士 林勝來先生 Ms. IP Hay Wood 高級體育幹事 Mr. Keith LAM 鄧雅忻女士 Senior Sports Executive 袁燦華先生 Ms. Grace TANG 李康生先生 Mr. YUEN Chan Wah Mr. LEE Hong Sang 人事及財務委員會 李惠琪女士 醫務顧問 Personnel and Financial Sub-Committee Ms. Vicky LEE Medical Advisor 陳毅宇先生 (主席) 譚炳權醫生 Mr. Patrick CHAN (Chairman) 體育幹事 Dr. Steven TAM 陳雅麗女士 黃重光教授 Sports Executive JP Ms. CHAN Ngar Lai 張頌年先生 Professor WONG Chung Kwong, JP 張危美玉女士 Mr. Benedict CHEUNG 張漢傑先生 顧問 Mrs. Marian CHEUNG 何兆餘先生 Mr. Kit CHEUNG Advisor 張小燕教授 Mr. HO Siu Yu 唐英祺先生 MH 葉希活女士 Professor CHEUNG Siu Yin, MH Mr. Ivan TONG 馮蓮娜教授 Ms. IP Hay Wood 倪文玲女士 助理體育幹事 Professor Lena FUNG JP 郭家明先生 MBE, JP Ms. Malina NGAI, JP Assistant Sports Executive 王林小玲女士 Mr. KWOK Ka Ming, MBE, JP MH 陳偉倫先生 蘇若禹先生 Mrs. Cecilia WONG, MH Mr. Mike CHAN Mr. Martin SO 周厚欣女士 袁慧儀博士 籌款及推廣委員會 Ms. CHAU Hau Yan Dr. Yvonne YUAN Fund Raising and Promotion Sub-Committee 梁嘉欣女士 倪文玲女士 JP (主席) Ms. Jensen LEUNG 創會會長 Ms. Malina NGAI, JP (Chairperson) 袁曉莊女士 Founding President 張危美玉女士 Ms. Jesica YUEN 容德根博士 Mrs. Marian CHEUNG Dr. Dicken YUNG 朱惠茵女士 賽事統籌 Ms. Eva CHU Event Organizer 會長 賴永耀先生 黃子峰先生 (1/12/2015起) President Mr. LAI Wing Yiu Mr. Bee WONG (since 1/12/2015) 李家祥博士 GBS, OBE, JP 陸子聰博士 Dr. Eric LI, GBS, OBE, JP Dr. Jim LUK 會計主任 王林小玲女士 MH Accounting Officer 副會長 Mrs. Cecilia WONG, MH 馬惠華女士 Vice President Ms. Cathy MA 葉肇和先生 BBS, BH 體育事務委員會 Mr. David IP, BBS, BH Sports Affairs Sub-Committee 行政及傳訊主任 凌劉月芬女士 BBS, MH 葉希活女士 (主席) Administration and Communication Officer Mrs. Laura LING, BBS, MH Ms. IP Hay Wood (Chairperson) 梁寶璋女士 楊德華先生 JP 陳雅麗女士 Ms. Alice LEUNG Mr. YEUNG Tak Wah, JP Ms. CHAN Ngar Lai 陳錦雄博士 行政助理 執行委員會 Dr. CHAN Kam Hung Administrative Assistant Executive Committee 蔡磊燕女士 林美君女士 主席 Ms. CHOI Lui Yin Ms. Deanie LAM Chairman 何兆餘先生 馬斯俊先生 陳毅宇先生 Mr. HO Siu Yu Mr. Marse MA Mr. Patrick CHAN 陸子聰博士 副主席 鄧楚君女士 Dr. Jim LUK Ms. Jun TANG Vice Chairperson 吳俊虹女士 倪文玲女士 JP 活動助理 資訊科技 Ms. Malina NGAI, JP Ms. NG Chun Hung ( ) 吳日嵐教授 王林小玲女士 MH Programme Assistant (I.T.) Mrs. Cecilia WONG, MH Professor Petrus NG 黃小華先生 義務秘書 倪文玲女士 JP Mr. WONG Siu Wa Hon. Secretary Ms. Malina NGAI, JP 陳雅麗女士 彭章球先生 Ms. CHAN Ngar Lai Mr. Morry PANG 義務司庫 Hon. Treasurer 參賽資格審核委員會 何兆餘先生 National Eligibility Committee Mr. HO Siu Yu 黃重光教授 JP (主席) Professor WONG Chung Kwong, JP (Chairman) 委員 陳毅宇先生 Member Mr. Patrick CHAN 陳錦雄博士 陸子聰博士 Dr. CHAN Kam Hung Dr. Jim LUK 張危美玉女士 Mrs. Marian CHEUNG 核數師 蔡磊燕女士 Auditor Ms. CHOI Lui Yin 梁游會計師事務所 朱惠茵女士 Yau & Leung, CPA Ms. Eva CHU 葉希活女士 Ms. IP Hay Wood 賴永耀先生 Mr. LAI Wing Yiu 陸子聰博士 賴永耀先生 Dr. Jim LUK 吳俊虹女士 Mr. LAI Wing Yiu Ms. NG Chun Hung 吳日嵐教授 Professor Petrus NG 彭章球先生 10 Mr. Morry PANG 會長 President 李家祥博士 GBS, OBE, JP Dr. Eric LI, GBS, OBE, JP 副會長 Vice President 副會長 Vice President 副會長 Vice President 葉肇和先生 BBS, BH 凌劉月芬女士 BBS, MH 楊德華先生 JP Mr. David IP, BBS, BH Mrs. Laura LING, BBS, MH Mr. YEUNG Tak Wah, JP 主席 Chairman 副主席 Vice Chairperson 副主席 Vice Chairperson 義務秘書 Hon. Secretary 義務司庫 Hon. Treasurer 陳毅宇先生 倪文玲女士 JP 王林小玲女士 MH 陳雅麗女士 何兆餘先生 Mr. Patrick CHAN Ms. Malina NGAI, JP Mrs. Cecilia WONG, MH Ms. CHAN Ngar Lai Mr. HO Siu Yu 陳錦雄博士 張危美玉女士 蔡磊燕女士 朱惠茵女士 葉希活女士 Dr. CHAN Kam Hung Mrs. Marian CHEUNG Ms. CHOI Lui Yin Ms. Eva CHU Ms. IP Hay Wood 賴永耀先生 陸子聰博士 吳俊虹女士 吳日嵐教授 彭章球先生 Mr. LAI Wing Yiu Dr. Jim LUK Ms. NG Chun Hung Professor Petrus NG Mr.

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