AF+ütvÚ Connterpoint tr lrD Dtr l, l, otr l, l, trtr tr1, lrü lrtr l, l, tr1, tr1, Dtr Dtr lrO Ttr tr1, l, l, tr I' IA l^\qunterpoint \gþfrai c from^ N orth rexas Spring 2002 A.dministration Piano Wind Studies a Jalnes C. Scott, Dean Joseph Banowetz Eugene Migliaro Corporon Theory NEI'YS FROM THE DEAN Thomas S. Clark, Associate Dean Bradley Beckman Dennis Fisher Gene Cho Academic Affairs James Giles Fred Vélez Thomas Clark Meet the Dean Jon Christopher Nelson, Steven Harlos Paul Dworak As this issue goes to press, I am pleased to An Interview withJames Scott Associate Dean, Operations Berthe Odnoposoff Opera Frank Heidlberger have the last-minute oppoftunity to share John C. Scott, Associate Dean Pamela Mia Paul David Cloutier Joán Croom-Thomfon Extemal Affairs Cregory Ritchey Stephen Dubberly Tinrothy Jackson news of the largest single endowment fund Dan Haerle Reti4es Joán Groonr-Thornton, Director Jack Roberts Paula Homer R. Fred Kern at the University of North Texas. The for- Undergraduate Studies Vladirnir Viardo Rosemary Killam mal announcement was part of our Dean's Graharn Phipps, Director Adam Wodnicki Orchestra Michael McVay Faculty News Graduate Studies Anshel Brusilow Craharn Phipps Camerata Appreciation Dinner, just before a Piano Pedagogy & Group Piano Clay Couturiaux Stephen Slottow stunning performance of Mahler's second Strings R. Fred Kern Lyle Nordstrom Thomas Sovík Celebrating Harold Heiberg Igor Borodin symphony by our Symphony Orchestra and Julia Bushkova Organ Choral Ethnomusicology Grand Chorus. Bill and Margot Winspear, our long-time patrons and Jeffrey Bradetich Jesse Eschbach Henry Cibbons Gene Cho supporters, have established an endowment of $1.7 million in sup- Crossing Borders Willianr Clay Joel Martinson Rosemary Heffley Steven Friedson port Susan Dubois Lenora McCroskey Jery McCoy Thomas Sovík of scholarships and faculty enhancement. The keystone of the Thornas Johnson Dale Peters endowment will be the Margot Winspear Excellence Award for a C.E.M.I. (cover story) PauI LeBlanc Voice Music Education continuing student in voice, which will be the most prestigious Philip Lewis Chamber Music Stephen Austin Alton Corley New Scholarship Funds Eugene Osadchy Mark Ford Rose Marie Chisholm Hildegard Froehlich award in the College. Expansion and perpetuation of the Shrader , Paul Sharpe Dan Haerle Linda Di Fiore Rosemary Heffley scholarships and the Winspear Scholars a\l/ards aceount for the Announced Ellen Ritscher Philip Lewis Lynn Eustis Wanen Henry greater part of the estimated $85,000 per year income from the Eric Nestler Cody Garner Margaret Hudnall Woodwinds Kathleen Reynolds Harold Heiberg Kanell Johnson endowment. The faculty enhancement portion will represent the first Alumni News Daryl Coad Williarn Scharnberg Jolyne Jeffers Darhyl Ramsey endowed funds dedicated to the purposes ofboth bringing in guests Mary Karen Clardy Julie McCoy Debbie Rohwer for residencies and master classes and providing professional devel- Deborah Fabian Early Music Laurel Miller Roger Wamer Alumni Spotlight James Cillespie Joyce Alper Juanita Peters opment oppodunities for regular faculty. The Winspears previously Eric Nestler Leonard Candelaria Jeffrey Snider \contributed $1.5 million toward the completion of the Murchison Kathleen Reynolds Lynn Eustis David Sundquist ( -/ From the Archives Performing Arts Center, making possible the Lyric Theater, which is James Riggs Sara Funkhouser John Scott Kevin Hall Music History now home to our opera program. They have thus added substantially Terri Sundberg Lee Lattimore Lester Brothers to all three areas ofongoing need: facilities, student support, and Charles Veazey Lenora McCroskey Deanna Bush instructional excellence. Lyle Nordstrom Michael Collins Brass Patricia Nordstrom J. Michael Cooper Tony Baker Cynthia Roberts Elizabeth Hinkle-Tumer Although we will tell you more about our new faculty in the fall Brían Bowman William Schamberg Bernardo lllari Counterpoint is published bi-annually by issue, I also want to take this opportunity to let our alumni and Leonard Candelaria Mark McKnight the Universiry of North Texas College J. Keith Johnson Jazz Lyle Nordstrom friends know what an extraordin ary year we had searches. in faculty of Music. Jan Kagarice Tony Baker Margaret Notley Altogether we searched for seven tenure-track positions, two of them Vern Kagarice Rosana Calderon Dale Peters Donald Little Nathan Cook representing actual expansion of the faculty. We have just now com- Editor Terence Reynolds Dan Haerle pleted bringing all seven searches to successful conclusions. In Rachel Clarke William Scharnberg Frederick Hamilton Music Theory, Stephen Slottow and David Schwarz will become Noel Johnston flNlvnnsrrv-. ContributingVriters Percussion Joseph Lee regular faculty, both having served previously in visiting capacities. Nonrsïi*m Amy Evans, Karen Lim, Edward Perez Gideon Foli Alorwoyie John Murphy Music Education will be enhanced by Donna Emmanuel and Alan José Aponte James Riggs McClung. Eileen Hayes will join us in Ethnomusicology and Harrell Bosarge Paris Rutherford Editorial Assistarrts Christopher Deane Jay Saunders Gustavo Romero in piano. Stefan Karlsson, one of our very success- James Gillespie, Edward Perez, Linda Mark Ford Lynn Seaton Strube, Elida Tämez Cenler lor Conlemporory Studies in Music Educolion ful alumni, will return to assume Dan Haerle's duties as Dan begins Henry Okstel Neil Slater Julie Scott, direclor retirement. All of these people impressed us immensely by both their Paul Rennick Edward Soph Design & Layout previous accomplishments and their visits to campus. We have every Dan Robins Michael Steinel Emily Bryant Robert Schietroma Cenler for Experimenlol Muslc ond lntermed¡o Joseph Rovon, reason to believe in the future of the College of Music when we are Edward Smith Composition director able to engage faculty preserve and Edward Soph Thomas Clark such outstanding to our legacy CEMI Photography z Poovalur Sriji Edilberto Cuellar Cenler for Schenkerion Sludies advance the College still further. Jonathan Reynolds i Joseph Klein Timothy Jockson, direclor Cindy McTee (., UNT College of Music Texos Cenler for Music ond Med¡clne Jon Christopher Nelson L-, Attft Counterþoint Joseph Rovan Kris Chesky, reseorch ond educotion direclor PO Box 3n367 Phil Winsor Denton, 'lX 76zq-ry67 rln4a [email protected] Cover photo: C.E.M.l. director Butch Rovan in the lab with student Peter McCulloch, SPRING 2OO2 In August of zoor, the College of the Dean Music came under /^\ the leadership of a Gre at Counterpoint: How are you Scott: When I'm working toward a performance, the reper- new dean, Dr. lazz and your family settling into toire for the next conceft usually becomes my favorite. r C. Scott. Denton and the DFW 'Whether as a pianist or flutist, I've always been drawn James Metroplex? toward music including voice, but that preference, too, is quickly forgotten in preparing a charnber rnusic conceft Reffires We took a few Scott: We feel that a communi- with strings. by Edward Perez moments of his ty is ultimately much more its people than its buildings and Counterpoint: Now that you have been Dean of the time to ask him roads, and we continue to enjoy College for nearly t'wo semesters, what would you say are building new friendships in the its strongest points, and where is there room for improve- some questions so larger community as well as ment? friends within the University. We also you, our enjoy the easy access to the Scott: The size of the school, which implies its compre- and alumni, may entire metroplex and surround- hensiveness and its diversity, is simultaneously one of its ing area. greatest strengths and greatest challenges. The large com- get to him as munity of excellent faculty and students provides a wonder- \now Counterpoint: Was there one par- ful setting for intellectual and artistic ferment, but our goal we have. ticular "selling point" that clinched of serving each student appropriately in such a vast enter- your decision to come to UNT as prise is daunting. We believe in giving a chance to students hen I first became acquainted and life, Dan Haerle will retire. the Dean of the College of Music? of widely varying backgrounds, but we are also proud of with Dan Haerle, I was a l5 No musician, especially one as the standards we set and the high-quality opportunities we year-old struggling jazz trom- versatile as Haerle, ever really retires, they Scott: It was more a constellation of factors-the quality plovide to many world-class talents. bonist. Equipped with adolescent stubborn- just move on to the next gig. "lt's time," and comprehensiveness of the College of Music, the quality ness and Vol. 2 of the Jamey Aebersold says Haerle, who looks forward to being of leadership at the campus level, and the proximity to a Counterpoint: In what ways would you like to see the lmprovisation play-a-longs, I embarked on able to devote time to family and various major But, none factors Music grow the next f,rve years? urban cultural center. ofthese College of over a journey to learn how to improvise. Of projects. "It's just been fun, a real pleasure would have mattered had it not been for the powerful course, I did not really rneet Haerle, per se, and a privilege to work with the kind of impression made by the dedication and excellence of a wel- Scott: Before speaking ofnew initiatives, I need to reaÊ but I did try to jam with his piano comp- students and faculty we have here at coming faculty. firm my commitment to the protection of the many ing. After all, he was the guy laying down UNT,'' strengths that have been developed over the years. Although the piano tracks on that play-a-long. While his impact on the jazz stud- just Counterpoint: For many years before you came to UNT, we are beginning a strategic planning process, I will Sixteen years later, I walked into his office ies program will undoubtedly continue, you were a music professor at other universities.
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