hdstioo s >i:-{h:)vhx "njyj.s- AHSHHlMJlJSI STATE SIGNAL C. S. P. A. Medalist '33/34,'3 6,' 37/38,'41 SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1941 OL. LV NO. 12 STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE AT TRENTON, NEW JERSEY itate Signal Wins Cleaves Will Present Motion Pictures Kuhn Will Present f Di sraeli' Tonight highest Rating In Of Wild Life; Special Assembly Friday As Culmination Of Five-Months Work; Columbia Contest Gill to Speak April 1 on Romance College Orchestra Will Furnish Music Assembly Lecturer Of Amazon; Sorority Offers This evening at 8:15 in Kendall Hall Director Effie G. Kuhn will Shares Honor With Other College Program of Singers present her cast of over forty persons in the four-act all-college In National Press Contest; Two assemblies have been sched­ play, "Disraeli," featuring Morris Schaefer in the title role. This Editors Attend Conference uled for next week. On Tuesday, play is a character comedy with historical background, depicting Held in New York City March 25, Howard Cleaves, animal photographer, who has appeared here England of the Victorian age and Disraeli's struggle to gain control For the first time in three years before, will present another lecture on of the Suez Canal. the S tate Signal has been awarded "Night Movies In the Wilds." A pro­ Other leading parts are played by medalist ra ting in the Schools of Edu­ gram by the Glee Club of the New Former Signal Editor June Belott and John P. Mueller, who cation divi sion of the Columbia Schol­ Jersey Manual Training and Industrial Wins Executive Post supply the love interest; Mary C. astic Pre ss Association. Medalist rat­ School for Colored Youth, will be Mair, who is Disraeli's wife; and ing is the highest rating conferred given on Friday, March 28. On Winterhalter Elected Secretary Dena Alvino, who is cast as a spy. Tuesday, April 1, the regular assem­ The rest of the speaking parts are IT this o rganization. bly speaker will be Richard Gill, who At Recent A. T. C. P. Meeting handled by Clifford Meeks, Dorothy Only on e other newspaper out of a will speak on "The Romance of the Hamlin, Jack Cogger, Doris E. King, Harold Winterhalter, last year's ed­ field of 40 competitors received the Amazon." Irving E. Gaskill, Jean-Francis Fetter, same rating—the Teachers College itor of the Signal, was recently elected Was Under Edison Tutelage Michael Corio, Cornell A. Rockel, News, of State Teachers College, executive secretary of the Associated Mr. Cleaves was the first man to John F. Strucker, George Davison, Charleston, Illinois. Teachers College Press, an affiliate of take successful motion pictures of Benedict Le Cicero, W. Ancil Davison, the Columbia Scholastic Press Asso-^ wild animals at night, having devel­ -Ira D. Aarons and Barney Cohn. Medalist for Six th Time ciation. He succeeds John S. Quinn of oped an original technique that solved The S ignal has had medalist rating Salem, Mass. Twenty-five Act as Extras the problem of light for the night five times before this, namely in '33, The election took place at the reg­ photographer. In his photography, Ladies, diplomats, officers and lords "34, '36, '37 and '38. During '39 and Mr. Cleaves employs a powerful port­ ular business meeting held in the include Carol Geist, Rosa Hagin, 10 the paper received first class able gasoline generator weighing less Hotel Commodore on Saturday, March Louise Holzmann, Phyllis Jackson, rating. 15. The term of office runs for two Lillyan Kahan, Ruth Katz, Madeline Richard C. Gill than one hundred pounds which trans­ Announcement of the awards was forms night into day for a distance of years. Klauser, Ruth Loveman, Ruth Sagot- made at the annual convention of the fifty yards or more. Mr. Winterhalter had been a mem­ sky, Elizabeth Schletz, Marion Stagg, C. S . P. A. held at Columbia Univer­ Sixteenth Conference His first still pictures of wild birds ber of the executive hoard of the asso­ Mina Sutcliffe, Patricia Whitehead, sity on March 13, 14 and 15. A de­ were made about 1907. Under the ciation, but was forced to drop that Helen Wiebe, John Borini, James tailed sc ore-sheet, listing scores made Of School Association tutelage of Thomas Edison, he began position because of his election to the Crine, Colin Dawkins, John J. Felden- oa various departments such as head­ To Convene April 3 taking motion pictures of wild life secretaryship. Mr. Quinn was elected zer, John Glass, Alexander Haddon, lines, sports, editorials, etc., will be in 1913, and his travels in this pursuit as the replacement on the executive Robert Johnson, Stanley Levinson, Dr. Stanley High, author and lec­ issued shortly. in three years totaled nearly 50,000 board. Harold Stephens, Eugene Taylor and turer, will be the principal speaker at Robert White. Seven members of the editorial and miles. the banquet given as a part of the six Mr. Cleaves was the official pho­ To Edit Monthly Articles A heretofore unannounced feature business staffs attended the confer­ teenth annual spring conference of Among Mr. Winterhalter's duties of tonight's program will be the col­ ence. At one of the general meetings, tographer with the Pinchot South Sea the Eastern States Association of Pro­ Expedition. His films have been re­ will he the editing of some monthly ar­ lege orchestra. This organization, Professor C. R. Rounds, editorial ad­ fessional Schools for Teachers to be leased by Pathe News, Pathe Review, ticles for the School Press Review, under the direction of Mr. Samuel F. viser, s poke on the topic, "Preparing held at the Hotel Commodore on Fox News and Paramount Pictures the official C. S. P. A. organ, the prep­ Monroe, will furnish atmospheric mu­ and Edi ting Copy for the Printer." April 3, 4 and 5. Dr. High will speak Corporation. Feature stories about aration of a program for next year's sic before the opening curtain and be­ on Friday evening on the topic, conference and a general coordination Finnish Minister Speaks him have appeared in Popular Science tween acts. "Where and What is America?" Monthly, The American Boy, and of the activities of the various news­ The co nference culminated with the First All-College Play Since '33 At one of the sectional meetings on American Cinematographer. papers which belong to the associa­ annual banquet at the Hotel Commo­ Friday afternoon, Professor C. R. tion. "Disraeli" is the first all-college Sigma Sigma Presents Glee Club dore. Hjalmar Procope, Minister from Rounds, head of the English depart­ play to be given since 1933, and nearly The musical program during the In addition to having served as edi­ Finland, was the principal speaker ment, will give an address on the gen­ every section of the school did some­ open period on Friday is being spon­ tor of the Signal, Mr. Winterhalter I a nd t alked on "A Free Press in a eral topic of "The Improvement of thing to assure its all-college charac­ sored by Sigma Sigma sorority. De­ was president of Kappa Delta Pi and | Free Co untry." College Publications." ter and to contribute toward its suc­ tails of the program will be announced a member of Sigma Tau Chi frater­ Now that the C. S. P. A. results In conjunction with the conference, cess. Particularly active were Pro­ later. nity. He is now teaching English in bave been announced, the members a regional meeting of Kappa Delta Pi fessor Fred O. Armstrong and the In­ Mr. Gill was scheduled for the regu­ the high school at Point Pleasant of the staff are awaiting the results chapters from 21 institutions is sched­ dustrial Arts department, who worked lar assembly of October 22 but was Beach. °f Asso ciated Collegiate Press compe­ uled on Thursday, April 3. Delegates night and day, supervising and con­ unable to appear at that time. He is from the local chapter will probably structing sets. tition. w hich is conducted by the De­ a noted explorer, scientist and author attend these meetings. Radio Workshop Plans partment of Journalism at the Univer­ and will speak on the same topic as Art instructors, Miss Madge J. Bur- sity o f Minnesota. Last year the Sig­ Members of the Executive Board originally planned. Social Affair in May gard and Miss Mary L. Corning also nal received first class honor rating and other students will attend the con­ spent long hours guiding classes in in this contest. ference on Friday and Saturday. At their last meeting, members of poster design, scenery painting and Fraternity Book Drive the Radio Workshop decided to con­ in the construction of countless artis­ Nets 71 'Best Sellers' duct a social gathering as a climax tic "knick-knacks" which the Victor­ Student Cooperative Association to Discuss to their year's activities. ian setting of the play requires. Mi­ Since its inception in March, 1938, An Informal dinner at the Hotel chael A. Travers and the Business Proposed F. T. A. Membership at Meeting the Sigma Tau Chi book drive has Hildebrecht is planned for the evening Education department handled the added 71 volumes of fiction to the 'The Signal presents in the follow- active organization, it may be that of May 3. Marjorie Burd has been financial end of the production. schools will take cognizance of this college library. In? arti cle the leading facts concern- appointed chairman of the committee 'This evening's presentation of "Dis­ strength and perhaps prefer to hire The latest "best sellers" added to tag the Future Teachers of America on arrangements. raeli" brings to a close the work of movement which will soon be brought teachers from F.
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