People's _Pulpit Christmas /995 St. Tlwnw,· tlte .\ o.\tle .\uglinm Cliurcll, .'••;tittq·il/e, Ontario Jov to the world! The Lord is come; Let earth receive her Hing; Let everv heart [-.trepare Him room . • • In this Issue . .. * The Rector Writes ........................ page 3 * "Christmas Memories" ................ pages 4,6,9 & 18 * Christmas Service Schedule ........ page 5 * Bishop's Visit .............................. page 7 * Sunday School ............................. page 10 * Cursillo "reports" ......................... pages 11 & 23 ***** * Welcome Mat.. ............................. pages 12,13 * Synod: Social Justice Issues ........ pages 14,15 * Alzheimer's - 2 stories ................. page 16 * Coffee & Conversation ................ page 19 * Special Vestry, Youth Worker ..... page 21 * Bishop Harry ................................ page 23 * Neelin's Outreach letter/Quito ..... pages 24-27 * Kids' Page .................................... page 30 People's Pulpit Page I ;:;"" The Directc,rt,J ~ .'it. Thoma.\ tile' , tpo.\1/e . t ug/imu Cit u rclt /'. 0. Box I Of» -I. I hi .llaiu St.. Stitt.\l·ilie. Ontario IdS I B2 Rector The Rev' d Ross Moulton 836-5741 (ofl5ce) 836-2467 (home) Lay Reader Robin Tilgner 831-2709 Parish Staff Parish Secretary Shirley Sharkey 836-5741 Caretaking Brent & A 1 Read 836-3687 Organist Don Gillen 836-2229 Members of Parish Council Rector's Warden William Passmore 836-2876 People's Warden/ Parish Council Chair Margaret Stone 836-4152 Deputy Warden Vestry Clerk Luc =<aucon 836-1985 Treasurer Cheryl ]t!fferies 836-3166 Property Manager Tom Sandor 831-7269 Members of Synod AI Roffey 831-2918 ........ Robin filgner 831-2709 .· ,. .• Joanna Passmore 836-2876 Worship & Liturgy Link ..·_ ::• ;. Georgina Purchase 836-4073 Youth Ministry Link Marjorie Whalen 831-1221 Christian Community Link i>~~:~~ Briar. Smith 831-0580 Outreach Link Barbara E ottriell 836-2305 A.C.W. Link ~~~ : fs~~~-- Phyllis Lumsden 831-3078 . t'' . ,, · ~ ·, . Member at Large Roger Cooke 836-4599 Member at Large - ~:: ·(..~~ 0;.~~~ ---' Karer. Julian 838-2389 Convenors, Coordinators & Lay Leaders Choir Director Peter T, )fUnski 836-5295 Pastoral Visiting Team Coordinator Coordinator of Prayers & Readers Tom Sandor 831-7269 Hall Rental Coordinator Peggy 3eckett 831-8641 Church School Coordinator Edna Cooke 836-4599 Church School Music Don Pnrchase 836-4073 Church School Treasurer Barbara Schizkoske 831-0492 Nursery Servers' Guild Shannon Jdferies 836-3166 Altar Guild Joan Thorneycroft 836-6384 Sidespeople/ Greeters (8:30) Sidespeople/ Greeters (10:00) Roger Cooke 836-4599 .. Coffee Hour Convenor Elizabeth Norris-Gervais 836-4584 Anglican Church Women Phyllis Lumsden 831-3078 Card Secretary Elsie S anding 836-4495 Cemetery Committee Chairman Ber: Smith 838-4085 Cemetery Committee Secretary/ Treasurer Bett Burke 831-2657 Deputy Treasurer Sylvi Dawes 836-5729 People's Pulpit Editor Trish Irwin-Kitt 831-7107 Page 2 People's Pulpit The Rector Writes "Hail, thou ever blessed morn; hail redemptions happy dawn; sing through all Jerusalem, Christ is born in Bethlehem." The above words are taken from equally amazing how the signifi­ the refrain of the popular Christ­ cance of those events is ignored. mas carol, "See Amid the Winter's Those well versed in the details of Snow." The concluding line forms Jesus' arrival on earth are often "To all who received him, who the heart of the event we know as hard pressed to identify what, if believed in his name, he gave the Christmas. At the core of all the any, difference his arrival makes. power to become children of God celebrations, the gift giving, the Christmas remains a major event in who were born, not of blood or the good cheer, and the festive decora­ western society but it is all too will of the flesh, or of the will of tions is a fact of history. In the town often sentimentalized and man, but of God." [John 1: 12] of Bethlehem a child called Jesus trivialized to the point that it is Christmas is about a new be­ was born to a woman whose name robbed of its power and emptied of ginning that you and I can make. It was Mary. In the years that have its potential. is about beginning a new life in the passed since that event it has been Christmas is about the mighty Kingdom of God. Jesus' coming the subject of more writing, more acts of God. Only the act of crea­ into the world is God's offer to us to poetry, and more music than al­ tion itself even comes close to the be part of a new creation, to be born most any other moment in history. magnitude of what happened in the afresh into a new way of being, to Musings and reflections on the birth birth of Jesus. The God of creation, become, as the fourth gospel says, of Jesus were cast in written form the God of history, the God of a child of God. within the first century of the Chris­ Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God It is my prayer for you this tian era and have been the subject of all that is became a human being Christmas that in addition to cel­ of many words ever since. Musi­ and took on our humanity. No ebrating those awesome events that cians from Handel to Elvis have word can begin to capture that real­ took place in Bethlehem so long crafted their skills around that Beth­ ity - probably the best attempt ago, you will also experience the lehem moment. Gospellers Mat­ that can be made is to use the Old wonderful gift of Christmas that is thew and Luke each developed vivid Testament word that has become given over and over again. That and memorable narratives around popular again: "AWESOME." eternal gift is God' s invitation to their understanding of the birth of However, the birth of Jesus new life. A new life as his precious Jesus. Their characters and plot and the events of Christmas are child. lines have been impressed indel­ about even more than the awesome I began by quoting a hymn line ibly in the minds of almost every activity of God; they have some­ that states the event of Christmas: person in the western world. Men­ thing to do with you and me. While "Christ is born in Bethlehem". I tion shepherds, a manger, angels, a the event of Jesus' birth is truly conclude with another hymn line, baby, a young mother, and the ap­ cosmic, the purpose of Jesus' birth this time from "Hark! The Herald pearance of a new star and every­ is profoundly personal. The author Angels Sing. " In it is captured the one knows the event you have in of the fourth gospel gave a very result of Christmas. "Light and mind. Perhaps more than any other different account of Jesus' birth life to all he brings" part of the Christian tradition, the than did Luke or Matthew. While May that light and new life be Christmas story is well known to the Christmas event was described yours this Christmas and always. those inside and outside the church. using rich images such as the 'light While the events of Jesus' birth that overcame darkness' , the pur­ are known today, as in the past, pose of the event was articulated ~+ with amazing detail, it is almost with simple clarity. People' s Pulpit Page 3 0 Christmas was always so very Silmt Nisl1t Holli Nisl1t special growing up with my fam­ ily. My parents did everything in ". .. a babt,J born so mant,J, manv vears ago, vet his presence so their power to fill the house with close to me that night." Christmas magic, warmth and ~==================~~ laughter. Therefore, my first Christmas tree, prezzies, eggnog or chestnuts quietly sang along, walking around away from home was destined for roasting on an open fire. Bah hum­ the nursery, looking at each baby. loneliness. I had just moved toOt­ bug! Each one a miracle, a precious gift tawa after graduating from nursing Around4 a.m. Christmas morn­ from God. school, and as the new kid on the ing, my paperwork finally com­ Suddenly I was enveloped in block, I was scheduled to work pleted, I looked up at my tiny the Christmas spirit. The true mean­ over the Christmas hours. With a charges. All the babies were in si­ ing of Christmas, not turkey or heavy heart and humming, "I'll be lent slumber and with the lights brightly wrapped presents, but of a home for Christmas" I headed up very dim, it was all very peaceful. newborn baby. A baby born so to the newborn nursery, where I The only noise being the radio qui­ many, many years ago, yet his pres­ was scheduled to work for the night. etly spilling out carols. Silent Night, ence so close to me that night. Poor me, I thought, no Christmas my favourite carol, started and I Allyson Feres Christmas memories. I hope you Please take special note of the enjoy catching up on what we, as a Christmas service schedule, found parish, have been involved in since on page 5. Since Christmas Eve ~... .,,. a-., from the the last issue (lots, obviously!), and falls on a Sunday this year, there Editor's reading the stories- some amusing, will be no 10 a.m. service that Sun­ some touching and some sad - day, but the other more traditional Desk shared by others in our Christian Christmas Eve service times will community. I welcome your feed­ still take place. back and, of course, submissions We' re looking forward to for the next issue which will be out spending what looks bound to be a sometime late February. white Christmas at Kevin's family Many thanks, once again, to farm in the Eastern Townships. The As I begin to prepare for each Peggy Beckett who entered onto kids are sure to be spoiled rotten new issue of the People 's Pulpit, I disk for me a good number of the (being the only grandchildren on always wonder if I'll have enough articles in this issue, and to Nona his side) and I won't have to do any material.
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