www.ukrweekly.com INSIDE: • Canadian aid society helps Ukrainians in Bosnia — page 3. • Lviv remembers singer Nazar Yaremchuk — page 4. • Review of Darka and Slavkos "Believe" - page 9. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXIII No. 38 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1995 $1.25/$2 in Ukraine Chornobyl relief organization Senate subcommittee approves brings 15th shipment to Kyyiv $225 million earmark for Ukraine UNA Washington Office According to the chairman, the alloca­ tion for Ukraine includes "sub-earmarks WASHINGTON - The Foreign to address the urgent priorities of Operations Subcommittee of the Senate strengthening the private sector and Appropriations Committee on September developing energy self-sufficiency." 12 marked up the Foreign Assistance The sub-earmarks include: Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 1996. • $3 million for establishing a com­ The bill, which includes an earmark modities exchange board; (mandate) of $225 million for Ukraine, • $5 million to support improvements was approved by the subcommittee dur­ in the delivery of social services; ing its 32-minute session. • $20 million to support the develop­ In his opening remarks, Sen. Mitch ment of small and medium enterprises; McConnell (R-Ky.), chairman of the • $2 million to support strengthening Foreign Operations Subcommittee, independent broadcast and print media; explained that due to budgetary consider­ • $5 million for a pilot project to ation the bill was reduced from the $14.7 screen, diagnose and treat Chornobyl vic­ billion requested by the administration to tims suffering from breast cancer; $12.06 billion. He also stated: "Although • $5 million to support a joint United Gregory Huger and Yaro Kulchy tsky of US AID (on the left) appear at press con­ I was not able to meet the request level States-Ukraine geographic survey to ference with officials of the Children of Chornobyl Relief Fund. for the NIS (New Independent States of determine levels of contamination caused the former Soviet Union), I have provid­ by the Chornobyl reactor; ed $705 million." (The House-passed by Khristina Lew the Institute of Pediatrics in Kyyiv, the • $2 million to conduct an assessment version provided for $580 million in Kyyiv Press Bureau Kyyiv Endocrinology Institute and the of the energy distribution grid with rec­ assistance to the NIS). Lviv Regional Specialized Pediatric ommendations on improvements neces­ BORYSPIL, Ukraine - The Children Within that amount, Sen. McConnell's Center. sary to provide comprehensive industrial, of Chornobyl Relief Fund, in conjunc­ recommendation, adopted by the subcom­ Mrs. Matkiwsky told a press confer­ commercial and residential access to tion with a United States Agency for mittee, contained earmarks of $16.5 mil­ ence on the tarmac of the airport that in power; International Development grant, deliv­ lion for the FBI for law enforcement train­ 1996 the CCRF will intensify its relief • $5 million for a pilot project to estab­ ered $4 million worth of medical sup­ ing and investigation, $30 million for efforts to coincide with the 10th anniver­ lish a management and market economics plies and equipment to Ukrainian hospi­ sary of the Chornobyl disaster, focusing Georgia, $85 million for Armenia, $15 training partnership between a United States tals at the end of August. its energies on sustaining the health of million for a Trans-Caucasus Enterprise USAID Director for Ukraine Gregory women and children. Fund, and $225 million for Ukraine. (Continued on page 4) Huger greeted the CCRF's president and executive director, Dr. Zenon Matkiwsky and Nadia Matkiwsky, respectively, when the shipment arrived at Boryspil Airport on August 28. Secretary-general comments on 50th anniversary of U.N. He hailed the role of the CCRF in pro­ by Tamara Tarnawska Nahaylo possible to an unprecedented degree. new understanding of international rela­ viding much-needed assistance to the But the end of the Cold War has also tions. Today, it is equally urgent that we Tamara Tarnawska Nahaylo is led to an era of physical, social and polit­ find a conceptual framework in which all victims of Chornobyl and emphasized Ukrinform 's accredited correspondent the United States' continuing "role in ical imbalance. Today, we face urgent human society can thrive. This is a job at the United Nations in Geneva. This problems of scarce resources, environ­ for everyone. There is a new world to be providing humanitarian assistance to its exclusive interview with U.N. Secretary- mental degradation and natural disasters. constructed. ally as Ukraine emerges as a member of General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, is Mass migrations, disease and economic If we succeed in this endeavor then, in the democratic family of nations." reprinted with the permission of instability defy the ability of individual spite of all criticism and difficulties, the The CCRF's latest shipment includes Ukrinform. The interview was conduct­ states to control them. This is also a time United Nations will fulfill its main task medical equipment and supplies procured ed in Geneva in early September. through a $350,000 USAID grant titled when many have sought security in nar­ and will avoid the fate of the League of row ethnic identities. The result has been "Oncology Training and Procurement On the 50th anniversary of the Nations. a terrible rise of conflict within states, Project." The grant funds the training of United Nations there is much to cele­ In recent years, tensions or conflicts rather than between states. Ukrainian doctors in diagnosing and treat­ brate, but also much to reflect upon. with dangerous broader consequences ing childhood cancers resulting from There are already those, who, seeing In this context, we have a twofold task. for regional peace and stability have Chornobyl and the purchase of American the U.N.'s humiliation in Bosnia and First, we must build upon the achieve­ increasingly been occurring within, medicines and equipment for such treat­ difficulties elsewhere, consider that ments of the past, including the experi­ rather than between, sovereign states. ment. the United Nations will end up like ence of the League of Nations, and on In the CIS region there are the cases of The August 28 shipment, whose trans­ the League of Nations. What are the this basis, five decades after the creation Chechnya, Abkhazia, the Crimea and port was funded by the U.S. government, main measures and correctives which of the United Nations, we must begin a Transdniestria. Will the United Nations included 32 million doses of diphtheria should be introduced to avoid history new era in international cooperation. be able to respond to this growing chal­ vaccines and 46 tons of chlorine for the passing such a judgment on the Second, we must prepare for the chal­ lenge, or will it have to leave conflict United Nations? sewage-treatment plant in Kharkiv that lenges and the changes of a new era. For resolution and peacemaking activities overflowed in late June. The government Indeed, we have much to celebrate that, we must renew the instrument that to regional security organizations such agency has also funded a 1,000-bed hos­ as we mark the 50th anniversary of the we have inherited. We need a strong and as the Organization on Security and pital in Donetske worth $17 million. United Nations. But we must also take efficient United Nations. We of the fami­ Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)? ly of nations need a new vision in general The CCRF, based in Short Hills, N.J., this occasion to embark upon a new Yes, recently, new forms of conflict of the international system - of the role of has donated over 800 tons of humanitarian exploration of global cooperation. have arisen, both quantitative and qual­ the citizen within the state, and of the aid worth $36 million to Ukrainian hospi­ Today, we see vast opportunities for itative. The United Nations has been state within the international community. tals since 1989. The latest shipment states to work together. The world no asked to take action in many instances. includes basic medicines, Hepatitis В vac­ longer is divided into two opposing Fifty years ago, when old ideas and The problems these conflicts present cines, antibiotics and gynecological medi­ camps. Technological changes have procedures were found lacking, member- cines destined for hospitals in Vinnytsia, made global cooperation practically states of the United Nations created a (Continued on page 2) Luhanske, Cherkasy and Dnipropetrovske, THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1995 No. 38 There is a United Nations Interim Secretary general... Office in Kyyiv. We hope for broader (Continued from page 1) cooperation with Ukraine and other newly independent states. And we also are in many respects unprecedented, and hope that as a result of this broader coop­ answers can only be found on a case-by- eration, Ukraine will be able to assist the First Deputy Prime Minister named Bosnia. The president spoke at an case basis. The resources and the man­ United Nations. One of the examples we impromptu press conference after visit­ dates provided to the Organization fre­ KYYIV — Ukrainian President Leonid are already seeing is the presence of ing the international exhibition, "Health quently have not been sufficient to meet Kuchma has named Petro Lazarenko as Ukrainian forces within the framework of Awareness '95." (Respublika) the requirements of the task at hand. first deputy prime minister, said Ukrainian the United Nations in the former Nonetheless, the United Nations is con­ Radio on September 5. He had been the UNA members go on hunger strike Yugoslavia. I am glad that the situation tinuing to seek a better understanding of head of the heavily industrialized around Ukrainian peacekeeping contin­ these challenges to peace, a more effec­ Dnipropetrovske Oblast. Mr. Lazarenko KYYIV — Eight members of the just- gents, which were blockaded in the tive response to them, to learn from fail­ will supervise eight other deputy prime banned extremist political organization enclaves of Gorazde and Zepa, has been ures and to build upon achievements.
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