Epilepsi 2018;24(1):1-7 DOI: 10.14744/epilepsi.2017.48278 REVIEW / DERLEME Lafora Disease: Molecular Etiology Lafora Hastalığı: Moleküler Etiyoloji S. Hande ÇAĞLAYAN1,2 1Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Boğaziçi University, İstanbul, Turkey S. Hande CAĞLAYAN, Ph.D. 2International Biomedicine and Genome Center, Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir, Turkey Summary Lafora Disease (LD) is a fatal neurodegenerative condition characterized by the accumulation of abnormal glycogen inclusions known as Lafora bodies (LBs). Patients with LD manifest myoclonus and tonic-clonic seizures, visual hallucinations, and progressive neurological deteri- oration beginning at the age of 8-18 years. Mutations in either EPM2A gene encoding protein phosphatase laforin or NHLRC1 gene encoding ubiquitin-ligase malin cause LD. Approximately, 200 distinct mutations accounting for the disease are listed in the Lafora progressive my- oclonus epilepsy mutation and polymorphism database. In this review, the genotype-phenotype correlations, the genetic diagnosis of LD, the downregulation of glycogen metabolism as the main cause of LD pathogenesis and the regulation of glycogen synthesis as a key target for the treatment of LD are discussed. Key words: EPM2A and NHLRC1 gene mutations; genotype-phenotype relationship; Lafora progressive myoclonus epilepsy; LD pathogenesis. Özet Lafora hastalığı (LD) Lafora cisimleri (LB) olarak bilinen anormal glikojen yapıların birikmesi ile karakterize olan ölümcül bir nörodejeneratif hastalıktır. Lafora hastalarında 8–18 yaş arası başlayan miyoklonik ve tonik-klonik nöbetler, halüsinasyonlar ve ilerleyen nörolojik bozulma görülür. Lafora hastalığı protein fosfataz laforini kodlayan EPM2A geni veya ubikitin ligaz malini kodlayan NHLRC1 geni mutasyonları ile orta- ya çıkar. Hastalığa sebep olan yaklaşık 200 farklı mutasyon “Lafora Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy Mutation and Polymorphism Database” de listelenmiştir. Bu derleme makalede her iki gendeki mutasyonlar, genotip-fenotip ilişkileri, LD genetik tanısı, LD patojenezine yol açan başlıca mekanizma olarak glikojen metabolizmasının bozulması ve glikojen sentezi kontrolünün LD tedavisinde en önemli hedef olduğu tartışılmaktadır. Anahtar sözcükler: EPM2A ve NHLRC1 gen mutasyonları; genotip-fenotip ilişkisi; Lafora progresif miyoklonus epilepsi; LD patojenezi. Clinical Characteristics tions gradually worsen and become intractable. Dysarthria, ataxia, and spasticity, accompanied by progressive cog- LD is an autosomal recessive progressive myoclonus nitive decline and dementia, are found on neurological epilepsy (PME) characterized by onset of progresive neu- examination. EEG shows slow background, paroxysms of rodegeneration between the age of 8 and 18 years. The generalized irregular spike-wave discharges with occip- initial features can include headache, difficulties in school ital dominance, and focal abnormalities. About 10 years work, myoclonic jerks, generalized seizures, depressed after onset, affected individuals are in near-continuous mood, cognitive deficits, and frequent visual hallucinations. myoclonus with absence seizures, frequent generalized EEG shows normal or slow background. Photosensitivity is seizures, and profound dementia or a vegetative state.[1,5–7] common.[1] Many affected individuals experience isolated febrile or nonfebrile convulsions in infancy or early child- Diagnosis is usually based on clinical and EEG findings. The hood.[2] Intra- and interfamilial variability in age at onset presence of periodic acid-Schiff-positive (PAS+) polyglu- is frequently seen.[3,4] Myoclonus, seizures, and hallucina- cosan inclusion bodies called Lafora bodies (LB) is a hallmark Submitted (Geliş) : 23.11.2017 Accepted (Kabul) : 16.12.2017 © 2018 Türk Epilepsi ile Savaş Derneği Correspondence (İletişim): S. Hande ÇAĞLAYAN, Ph.D. © 2018 Turkish Epilepsy Society e-mail (e-posta): [email protected] 1 Epilepsi 2018;24(1):1-7 of the disease. Besides axons and dendrites of the central tinct proteins in alternate reading frames exist. Two novel nervous system, LBs are also found in the retina, heart, liver, isoforms, when ectopically expressed in cell lines, show dis- muscle, and skin.[8] LD occurs worldwide, but is relatively tinct subcellular localization, and interact with and serve as common in the Mediterranean Basin and in other parts of substrates of malin. Alternative splicing could possibly be the world with a high rate of consanguinity.[8] At present, no one of the mechanisms through which EPM2A regulates the preventive or curative treatment for LD is available. cellular functions of the protein it codes for.[17] Molecular Genetics To date, 102 different pathogenic variants inEPM2A have been reported in more than 100 families. Nucleotide substi- At least three loci are implicated in LD. The first one,EPM2A tutions resulting in missense, nonsense, and frameshift vari- at 6q24.3 was discovered in 1998/1999,[9,10] and the second ants and indels form 74% and 26% of the total, respectively. gene, NHLRC1 (EPM2B) at 6p22.3 was discovered in 2003.[11,12] One splice site variant has been reported for EPM2A. An In about 80% of cases defects have been found in EPM2A overview of the different pathogenic variants can be found and NHLRC. In one family with three biopsy-confirmed LD in the Lafora PME mutation and polymorphism database patients and no identifiable pathogenic variants in both (http://projects.tcag.ca/lafora; updated Sep 5, 2017). Of all genes, linkage and haplotype analysis excluded both loci the types of pathogenic variants in EPM2A described to from disease association and provided indirect evidence date, 45% represent missense variants. All the known mis- for a third locus for LD.[13] The findings were supported by sense variants target either the CBD or DSPD of laforin.[18] the lack of EPM2A mutations in the Japanese population.[14] However, no studies have been conducted to identify the Except for the larger deletions, all the pathogenic variants gene of interest. are evenly distributed across EPM2A. The only exception is the high prevalence of the nonsense c.721C<T variant Early-onset LD typically presenting at around 5 years of age (p.Arg241X), the so called Spanish pathogenic variant, in caused by pathogenic variants in PRDM8 is a newly recog- over 23 families which is the result of both a founder effect [9,10] nized condition characterized by progressive myclonus and recurrent events. The variant is also found in two epilepsy and LBs.[15] Turkish patients; one as an unpublished observation and the other as reported in Salar et al. 2012.[19] Exon 2 deletion EPM2A is the second frequently observed mutation occurring in EPM2A encodes a dual-specificity protein phosphatase, eight families. Other variants recurring 5-6 times are exon called laforin that localizes in the rough endoplasmic reticu- 1-2 deletion; c.258C<G (p.Tyr86X); c.322C>T (p.Arg108Cys); lum. EPM2A has four exons spanning 130kb and is known to and c.512G>A (p.Arg171His). encode two distinct proteins by differential splicing: phos- phatase active cytoplasmic isoform-a, and phosphatase Several polymorphisms in EPM2A have also been de- inactive nuclear isoform-b.[9,10] Both isoforms of the laforin scribed. Among these, c.136G<C (p.Ala46Pro) is specific to protein have the unique C termini. The carboxyl terminal the Japanese and Chinese populations.[20] The c.163C<A of isoform-b targets laforin to the nucleus. The pathogen- (p.Gln55Lys) polymorphism in EPM2A was found in two af- esis of LD is caused by the physiologic functions of laforin fected persons who were also heterozygous for a deletion isoform-a.[16] Laforin contains an N-terminal carbohydrate- in NHLRC1, in seven of the 500 individuals without LD, and binding domain (CBD), encoded mainly by exon 1, and a in a person with adult onset disease, also in the heterozy- dual-specificity phosphatase domain (DSPD) spanning ex- gous state. It is unclear whether this change constitutes a ons 3 and 4, common to both isoforms (Fig. 1). Three ad- rare benign SNP of no consequence, whether it may cause ditional splice variants with potential to code for five dis- LD when homozygous, or whether it could predispose to NHLRC1 deletion in certain situations.[4] CBM20 DSPD The pathogenic variants (nonsense, missense, and inser- EXON 1 EXON 2 EXON 3 EXON 4 tions and deletions) located in the DSPD and CBD of EPM2A Fig. 1. A schematic representation of EPM2A gene and its have the functional consequence of a “null effect” with the product, laforin. loss of phosphatase activity.[21] Although, all aspects of the 2 Lafora Disease: Molecular Etiology protein function have not been tested for each missense one Turkish family.[19] The second most common patho- variant, transfection experiments overexpressing missense genic variant in NHLRC1 is c.468-469delAG.[12,26] It has been mutants that resulted in ubiquitin-positive cytoplasmic ag- identified in 14 individuals belonging to the same genetic gregates, suggest that they were folding mutants destined isolate of tribal Oman. All shared a common haplotype, for degradation.[22] It is also observed that missense mutants suggesting a founder effect.[27] Both c.205C<G and c.468- affect the subcellular localization of laforin and disrupt the 469delAG pathogenic variants have been identified in interaction of laforin with protein targeting glycogen (PTG) different ethnic groups, suggesting a recurrent mutation and malin proteins that interact with laforin in vivo.[21,23] event. Thus, these two sites represent hot
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