Authors: Pallavi Subhraveti Ron Caspi Peter Midford Peter D Karp An online version of this diagram is available at BioCyc.org. Biosynthetic pathways are positioned in the left of the cytoplasm, degradative pathways on the right, and reactions not assigned to any pathway are in the far right of the cytoplasm. Transporters and membrane proteins are shown on the membrane. Ingrid Keseler Periplasmic (where appropriate) and extracellular reactions and proteins may also be shown. Pathways are colored according to their cellular function. Gcf_000067205Cyc: Bordetella petrii DSM 12804 Cellular Overview Connections between pathways are omitted for legibility. Anamika Kothari an amino an amino an amino an amino an amino an amino an amino an amino an amino acid acid acid acid acid acid acid acid acid molybdate glutathione phosphate phosphate spermidine an amino an amino an amino molybdate molybdate ammonium benzoate benzoate phosphate phosphate phosphate phosphate putrescine acid acid acid predicted predicted predicted predicted predicted predicted predicted predicted predicted predicted predicted predicted ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC RS20125 RS15820 RS18345 RS17890 RS26835 transporter transporter transporter transporter transporter RS24045 RS09900 RS09515 transporter RS03665 RS13385 transporter RS07010 RS20170 transporter transporter transporter transporter RS24670 RS24550 transporter of an of an of an of an of an of molybdate of glutathione of an of an of an of an of phosphate amino acid amino acid amino acid amino acid amino acid amino acid amino acid amino acid amino acid spermidine phosphate molybdate molybdate ammonium benzoate benzoate an amino an amino phosphate phosphate phosphate phosphate an amino putrescine acid acid acid glutathione molybdate an amino an amino an amino an amino phosphate an amino an amino an amino an amino an amino acid acid acid acid acid acid acid acid acid Amino Acid Degradation Hormone Biosynthesis Aminoacyl-tRNA Charging gln Macromolecule Modification tRNA-uridine 2-thiolation glutaminyl-tRNA Carbohydrate Degradation 6 γ N -(3-methylbut- a mature peptidoglycan UDP-N-acetyl-α-D- a [DNA]-3'- a 5'-phospho- UDP-N-acetyl- L-alanyl-γ-D- L-alanyl- -D- UDP-N-acetyl- a [protein]-L- a [protein]-L- a [protein]-L- biosynthesis via transamidation and selenation (bacteria) + L(or D)-O- an L-glutamyl- an L-asparaginyl- L-valine degradation I a sulfurated NAD meso- α glutamyl-meso- α a lipid II glutamate-O 5 N-acetyl- Polyprenyl Biosynthesis 2-en-1-yl)- (meso-diaminopimelate muramoyl-L-alanyl- hydroxyl -D-muramoyl-L- glutamyl-meso-2,6- UDP-N-acetyl- -D-muramoyl- Gln β-isoaspartate glu ala Asn methionine indole-3-acetate Amine and Polyamine Biosynthesis L-isoleucine degradation I L-leucine degradation I L-tyrosine degradation I L-tryptophan degradation to L-histidine degradation I [sulfur carrier] [DNA] diaminopimelate phosphoserine [tRNA ] L-citrulline [tRNA ] glycogen degradation II adenosine 37 containing) γ-D-glutamyl-meso- UDP-N-acetyl- diaminopimelate α γ protein-L- -methyl-ester peptide- biosynthesis 2-amino-3-carboxymuconate D-alanyl-D-alanine alanyl-D-glutamate diaminopimeloyl- -D-muramate L-alanyl- -D- bifunctional Asp-tRNA(Asn) glu cys in tRNA 2,6-diaminopimelate α-D-muramate isoaspartate O- methionine di-trans,poly-cis IV (bacteria) val semialdehyde D-alanine glutamyl-meso-2,6- penicillin- phosphoserine /Glu-tRNA(Gln) ectoine biosynthesis DNA methyltransferase: (S)-S-oxide octaprenyl (indole-3-yl) spermidine putrescine ile leu tyr his a glycogen lytic murein UDP-N- diaminopimeloyl- binding phosphatase/ chemotaxis glutamate-- acetylornithine -undecaprenyl IscS subfamily tRNA (N6-isopentenyl ligase bifunctional UDP- amidotransferase aminoacyl- diphosphate biosynthesis I biosynthesis III aspartate/ trp D-alanyl-D-alanine BPET_RS02445 cysteine ligase: deacetylase: reductase phosphate biosynthesis acetonitrilenitrile cysteine branched-chain branched-chain transglycosylase: bifunctional UDP- D: ligD N-acetylmuramoyl- UDP-N- acetylmuramate:L- protein homoserine GatCAB subunit A: response tRNA biosynthesis asp tyrosine/aromatic tryptophan 2,3- adenosine(37)-C2)- protein-L- BPET_RS01975 argE MsrA: msrA (2E,6E)-farnesyl desulfurase: amino acid branched-chain amino acid BPET_RS09485 N-acetylmuramoyl- L-alanyl-D- acetylmuramate:L- alanyl-gamma-D- 2: mrdA phosphotransferase BPET_RS07165 regulator protein- hydrolase: IPP hydratase: aminotransferase: methylthiotransferase NAD- diphosphate (2E,6E)-farnesyl SAM arg transaminase: amino acid transaminase: dioxygenase: urocanate [+ 5 isozymes] L-alanyl-D- glutamate--2, 6- alanyl-gamma-D- glutamyl- meso- penicillin- ThrH: thrH isoaspartate(D- glutamate glutamate-- acetylornithine arfB peptide- an L-glutamyl- IPP (indol-3-yl)nthB nthA aspartate kinase: BPET_RS14065 3-(4- BPET_RS14085 MiaB: miaB dependent D-alanyl-D-alanine Asp-tRNA(Asn) Gln diphosphate an [L-cysteine transaminase: BPET_RS04645 kynA α glutamyl- meso- diaminopimelate aspartate) O- methylesterase: cysteine ligase: deacetylase: methionine [tRNA ] BPET_RS17500 arginase: BPET_RS04645 hydroxyphenyl) N-Formyl-L- an -limit dextrin glutamate--2, 6- DNA ligase diaminopimelate binding carboxypeptidase/ phosphoserine /Glu-tRNA(Gln) aminoacyl- acetamide desulfurase]-S- BPET_RS04645 succinate diaminopimelate ligase: mpl methyltransferase: BPET_RS10685 BPET_RS23825 argE (S)-S-oxide di-trans,poly-cis- L-aspartyl- rocF branched-chain branched-chain pyruvate kynurenine a mature peptidoglycan a mature peptidoglycan diaminopimelate LigA: ligA ligase MurE/UDP- protein D-alanyl-D-alanine- phosphatase amidotransferase: tRNA Asp-tRNA(Asn) amidase: sulfanyl-L-cysteine 4-alpha- dehydrogenase, ligase: mpl BPET_RS12875 reductase decaprenylcistransferase: octaprenyl- 4-phosphate L-ornithine amino acid branched-chain amino acid arylformamidase: L-proline degradation I with (L-alanyl-γ-D- strand (non- ligase MurE/UDP- N-acetylmuramoyl- 2: mrdA endopeptidase: dacB SerB: serB gatB gatA gatC a protein L-β- hydrolase: /Glu-tRNA(Gln) diphosphate BPET_RS11310 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate glucanotransferase: hydrophobic an L-glutaminyl- MsrA: msrA gln uppS aminotransferase: amino acid aminotransferase: kynB 4-imidazolone- glutamyl-meso-2,6- reducing terminus) N-acetylmuramoyl- tripeptide--D- UDP-N-acetyl- D-alanyl-D-alanine serine isoaspartate a [protein]-α- γ pth a protein-L- amidotransferase [+ 6 isozymes] aspartate- dioxygenase: hppD malQ membrane anchor Gln MeOH -L-glutamyl- synthase: putrescine dAdoMet aminotransferase: BPET_RS08740 5-propanoate diaminopimeloyl-D- tripeptide--D- [DNA] NMN alanyl-D-alanine UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl- α-D-muramoyl- carboxypeptidase/ [tRNA ] α-methyl ester L-glutamate acetate L-citrulline GatCAB subunit A: semialdehyde arginine/lysine/ BPET_RS08740 4-methyl-2- a debranched protein: sdhD a N- D-alanine methionine- di-trans,octa-cis BPET_RS21420 a [TusA sulfur- BPET_RS08740 pro alanine) tetrapeptide alanyl-D-alanine AMP ligase MurF: murF L-alanyl-γ-D- L-alanyl-γ-D- D-alanyl-D-alanine- Asp-tRNA(Asn) BPET_RS07165 (indol-3-yl)acetate dehydrogenase: ornithine 3-methyl-2- oxopentanoate homogentisate L-kynurenine α-limit dextrin D-ala acetylglucosamine- (S)-S-oxide -undecaprenyl 6 ligase MurF: murF glutamyl-meso-2,6- Asn /Glu-tRNA(Gln) octaprenyl spermidine decarboxylase: carrier protein]-S- oxobutanoate (3S)-3-methyl-2- trifunctional N -(3-methylbut- glutamyl-meso-2,6- endopeptidase: dacB -N-acetylmuramyl- asn tRNA Asp-tRNA(Asn) diphosphate asd homogentisate an unsulfurated diaminopimelate amidotransferase diphosphate synthase: BPET_RS20755 sulfanyl-L-cysteine oxopentanoate transcriptional 5'-deoxyadenosine 2-en-1-yl)-2- met UDP-N-acetyl- diaminopimeloyl- (tetrapeptide) /Glu-tRNA(Gln) undecaprenyl- L-aspartate 4- 1,2-dioxygenase: [sulfur carrier] GatCAB subunit A: synthase: BPET_RS16275 regulator/proline N-formimino- (methylsulfanyl) UDP-N-acetyl-α-D- α-D-muramoyl- D-alanine UDP-N- pyrophosphoryl- amidotransferase: diphosphate semialdehyde putrescine 3-methylbutanoyl- 37 BPET_RS07165 BPET_RS23660 BPET_RS20390 dehydrogenase/L- L-glutamate α adenosine L-alanyl-γ-D- undecaprenol gatB gatA gatC phosphatase: spermidine -D- muramoyl-L-alanyl- D-ala acetylmuramoyl- diaminobutyrate- CoA 4-maleyl- 3-hydroxy- glutamate gamma- D-glucopyranose in tRNA γ γ [+ 8 isozymes] a 5-phosphooxy- synthase: a [TusD sulfur- isobutanoyl-CoA (2S)-2- formimidoylglutamase: glucopyranose -D-glutamyl-meso- glutamyl-meso-2,6- L-alanyl- -D- BPET_RS17540 all-trans- -2-oxoglutarate isovaleryl-CoA acetoacetate L-kynurenine semialdehyde L-glutamyl- di-trans,octa-cis BPET_RS16615 carrier protein]-S- methylbutanoyl- BPET_RS12605 1-phosphate 2,6-diaminopimeloyl- diaminopimelate glutamyl-meso-2,6- ammonium octaprenyl transaminase: ectB dehydrogenase: dehydrogenase: Gln -undecaprenyl sulfanyl-L-cysteine CoA maleylacetoacetate D-alanyl-D-alanine diaminopimeloyl- [tRNA ] diphosphate kynureninase: phosphate L-2,4- BPET_RS00295 isomerase: maiA (S)-1-pyrroline-putA phosphomannomutase/ D-alanine spermidine kynU glu Asp-tRNA(Asn) diaminobutanoate isovaleryl-CoA maleylacetoacetate 5-carboxylate phosphoglucomutase: methylacrylyl-CoA dehydrogenase: BPET_RS20415 /Glu-tRNA(Gln) a [TusE sulfur isomerase: maiA 3-hydroxyanthranilate an O 4 - α α diaminobutyrate (E)-2- ditrans,octacis- a peptidoglycan with a single a peptidoglycan dimer (meso a [protein]- ditrans,octacis- Nα,Nε-diacetyl-lysyl- a [bis(guanylyl a 6-(N-acetyl- - queuosine at N-acetyl- - 4-methyl-3- amidotransferase BPET_RS09935 4-fumaryl- NADPH NAD + an L-aspartyl- N-formyl- an L-cysteinyl- acetyltransferase:
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