United Nations A/71/ PV.72 General Assembly Official Records Seventy-first session 72nd plenary meeting Tuesday, 21 March 2017, 10 a.m. New York President: Mr. Thomson ......................................... (Fiji) The meeting was called to order at 10.15 a.m. the theatre of diplomacy, Ambassador Churkin was a giant, a deep and eloquent intellectual with a sharp wit Tribute to the memory of His Excellency and a disarmingly approachable manner. He served his Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, Permanent country with passion and pride. As the Ambassador of Representative of the Russian Federation to the the Russian Federation to the United Nations for more United Nations than a decade, he became the longest-serving member The President: Before we proceed to the item of the Security Council. Ambassador Churkin’s quick on our agenda, it is my sad duty to pay tribute to intelligence was admired by all, his grasp of the the memory of the late Permanent Representative intricacies of international political affairs undisputed. of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, His His mastery of negotiation and due process commanded Excellency Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, who passed respect from all quarters. But it is the passing of the away on Monday, 20 February 2017. I am joined for man himself that we mourn — the loss of his dry wit, the tribute this morning by members of his bereaved his knowing looks, eye to eye, his smiling dismissal of family, Mrs. Irina Churkin, wife of the late Ambassador, and Mr. Maksim Churkin, their son. On behalf of the nonsense, and his wide cultural reach into literature, General Assembly, I would like to extend to them our theatre and film. For all this and so much more that heartfelt condolences. Before proceeding further, I Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin shared with his colleagues, would like to make my own tribute to the memory of we are so grateful, even as we stand diminished by his the late Ambassador. passing. Ambassador Churkin was a dear friend and Over a long and illustrious career, Ambassador colleague, and his tragic passing — just one day shy of his Churkin made an outstanding contribution to the sixty-fifth birthday — shocked and saddened us all. In work of the United Nations. And while acknowledging the annals of history of the United Nations, Ambassador the myriad challenges the Organization has faced, Churkin’s name will be indelible. His decade of wise he believed “the United Nations continues to be an leadership while serving as the representative of the indispensable mechanism”. On behalf of the General Russian Federation on the Security Council will suffice Assembly, I would like to express our most sincere to ensure that legacy. But it will be the late Ambassador’s character that will surely be the most beloved element condolences to Mrs. Irina Churkina, to their children, of institutional memory of this remarkable man. The Anastasia and Maksim, to the staff of the Permanent outpouring of heartfelt tributes from colleagues from Mission of the Russian Federation to the United all corners of the world reflects the esteem in which Nations, and to the people and the Government of the Ambassador Churkin was held. To put it simply, in Russian Federation. This record contains the text of speeches delivered in English and of the translation of speeches delivered in other languages. Corrections should be submitted to the original languages only. They should be incorporated in a copy of the record and sent under the signature of a member of the delegation concerned to the Chief of the Verbatim Reporting Service, room U-0506 ([email protected]). Corrected records will be reissued electronically on the Official Document System of the United Nations (http://documents.un.org). 17-07331 (E) *1707331* A /71/PV.72 21/03/2017 I now invite representatives to stand and observe I trust that all colleagues at the Russian Mission in New a minute of silence in tribute to the memory of His York and in the Russian Foreign Ministry will continue Excellency Ambassador Vitaly Churkin. to build on his legacy and support the global mission of the United Nations to safeguard peace, sustainable The members of the General Assembly observed a development and human rights for all. minute of silence. In conclusion, allow me to offer a few words in The President: I now give the floor to the Secretary- probably not-very-correct Russian: General of the United Nations, His Excellency Mr. António Guterres. (spoke in Russian) The Secretary-General: It is with deep sadness May you rest in peace, may the earth be a soft bed that I join the General Assembly to pay tribute to our for you. friend and colleague Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin, who The President: I thank the Secretary-General for was tragically and suddenly taken from us last month his statement. on the eve of his sixty-fifth birthday. Throughout his decade-long tenure as the Permanent Representative I now give the floor to the representative of Cabo of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, Verde, who will speak on behalf of the Group of Ambassador Churkin was a unique and visible African States. presence. His was an unmistakeable voice. Witty, he Mr. Fialho Rocha (Cabo Verde): In my capacity as was also passionate in defending Russian interests while the Chair of the Group of African States for the month advocating for a strong United Nations. He was truly of March 2017, I wish to thank the President of the and simultaneously a patriot and an internationalist. General Assembly, His Excellency Mr. Peter Thomson, Ambassador Churkin was truly one of a kind: an for convening today’s formal meeting in honour of outstanding diplomat, a man of many talents and our late colleague Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, whose interests and a human being whose friendship touched untimely demise shocked us all. many of us here in the Hall today. As has been widely said, our dear colleague He constantly tried to reach out to other people, Ambassador Churkin was greatly admired and regardless of political affiliations, nationality or represented his country with steadfast dedication as position. He made himself accessible to the press even the longest-serving Permanent Representative at the at times when others dodged reporters’ questions. From Security Council. Indeed, Ambassador Churkin’s his beginnings as an interpreter, he went on to become colleagues, surprised by his unexpected passing, one of Russia’s most able diplomats and one of the literally assaulted social networks to bear witness United Nations community’s most renowned actors, to their sympathy for who he was — the fine man greatly respected and admired by all his colleagues. and colleague, the friend, the able and experienced I came to know Ambassador Churkin only recently. professional, the titan, the tremendous and respected But even in a short time I quickly recognized his diplomat, the supporter of peace and multilateralism. formidable diplomatic skills. I remember witnessing He was also remembered for his courage and example. some of his most brilliant moments, which friends will Furthermore, they highlighted the emptiness left by recognize as “vintage Churkin”. It was he who last him and his skilled action in the Security Council, October, during the Russian presidency of the Security while several meetings were interrupted or began with Council, announced to the world that the Council had a moment of silence in his honour. At the same time, decided to recommend me to the General Assembly to memorial books were signed and condolences were serve as Secretary-General. That is something I will addressed to his widow and family, to his colleagues at never forget. the Mission and to the Government of Russia. I wish to once again express my deepest condolences At this particular moment, in which the United to his widow, Irina, to his son, Maksim, to the rest of his Nations family is gathered to pay tribute to one of its family, to all his friends and colleagues in the Russian former members, it is through my voice that the African Mission in New York and in the Ministry for Foreign Group reiterates its deepest sympathy to Ambassador Affairs and to the Government and the people of Russia. Churkin’s family and to the Government and the people 2/22 17-07331 21/03/2017 A /71/PV.72 of Russia for their loss. May the soul of our departed The President: I now give the floor to the colleague rest in peace. representative of the Republic of Moldova, who will speak on behalf of the Group of Eastern European States. The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Malaysia, who will speak on behalf of Mr. Lupan (Republic of Moldova): On behalf of the Asia-Pacific Group of States. the Group of Eastern European States, I would like to extend our deepest condolences on the passing of our Mr. Mayong Onon (Malaysia): On behalf of my colleague His Excellency Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, Permanent Representative, who is on an official trip to Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to Geneva, I have the honour to speak on behalf of the 54 the United Nations, and to convey our sympathy to his States members of the Group of Asia-Pacific States, of family and colleagues, as well as to the Government of which Malaysia is Chair for the month of March 2017. the Russian Federation. We are gathered here today to pay tribute Mr. Churkin had an outstanding career. After to Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, late Permanent graduating from the Moscow State Institute of Representative of the Russian Federation, who left International Relations 43 years ago, he devoted his us 21 February 2017.
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