Editors: S tein Bondevik, Morten Hald, Elisabeth Isaksson, N alan Ko<; and Tore Vorren 33rd Annual Arctic Workshop Abstracts Polar Environmental Centre, Tromsø, Norway, 3 - 5 April 2003 Norsk Polarinstitutt INTERNRAPPORT Nr. 13 - Tromsø 2003 Inrernrapporr nr. 13 Editors: Stein Bondevik, Morten Hald, Elisabeth Isaksson, Nalan Kov and Tore Vorren 33rd Annual Arctic Workshop Abstracts Polar Enviromental Centre, Tromsø, Norway, 3-5 April 2003 Norsk Polarinstitutt er Norges sentrale statsinstitusjon for kartlegging, miljøovervåking og forvalrningsrettet forskning i Arktis og Antarktis. Instituttet er faglig og strategisk rådgiver i miljøvernsaker i disse områdene og har forvaltningsmyndighet i norsk del av Antarktis. The Norwegian Polar Institute is Norway's main institution for research, monitoring and topographic mapping in the Norwegian polar regions. The institute also advises Norwegian aurhorities on maners concerning polar environmental management. Norsk Polarinstitutt 2003 Address: Polar EnvironJl1cntal Centre Norwegian Polar Insrirure NO-')2')(, TroJl1s" e-posr: nalan.kocCil'npolar.no ©Norsk Polarinstitutt, Polarmiljøsenteret, NO-9296 Tromsø www.npolar.no Cover photo: Morten Hald Technical edi tors: Nalan Koc, Anne Kibsgaard and Ellen Berg Cover design: Jan Roald Primed: Norwegian Polar Institute, April 2003 ISBN: 82-7666-199-8 33rd Annual Arctic Workshop Polar Environmental Centre, Tromsø, Norway 3-5 April 2003 CONTENTS l) Scientific programme committee and workshop sponsors p. 2 2) Preface p. 3 3) Workshop programme p. 4 4) Oral presentations p. 7 5) Poster presentations p.53 6) List of participants p.123 1 33rd Annual Arctic Workshop Polar Environmental Centre, Tromsø, Norway 3-5 April 2003 Scientific Programme Committee Stein Bondevik, University of Tromsø Morten Hald, University of Tromsø Elisabeth Isaksson, Norwegian Polar Institute NaIan Ko<;, Norwegian Polar Institute Tore Vorren, University of Tromsø Workshop Sponsors d This 33r Annual Arctic Workshop is sponsored by the Norwegian Polar Institute, the University of Tromsø, the Research Council of Norway and the U.S. National Science Foundation. 2 PREFACE TheBrcl :\nnuill Arctic Workshop has growl1 out of J series of informJI annUill meetings .�p()ns(lred lov lNST,CI,:\R �lllcl other ilcaclemic institlltiol1s \\orldwldc. Opcn to C\eryulle intercsted In the Arctic. these met'tings kive cOllsistecl of a series nr talk:-, ilflc) postcr<;essio!1s covt'llng i!ll aspects of high-Lltitudc environments, past and present Like the prniolls i\rctic Workshops. this workshClp also include presentJtions on Arctic and l\ntarctic clim:lte. archeology, environmental geochemistry, geomorphology, hyd rolog y . gl,l(iology, soils , ecology, oceano graphy , and QuaternJry histelry . Thm, the workshop offers all opportunity for stimu!ating discussions between scientists studying various aspects of high-IJtitucle cliIl1Jtes and environments. The first Arctic Workshop w as organized by J ohn Andre\vs Jt INSTAAR in 1970 to give grJduate students an opportunity to present their ongoing research, obtain some ex perience in public spe aking , and to get feedback from more senior researchers. ]n keeping with this tradition, the U.S. National Science Foundation and the Research Council of Norway have sponsered the participation of 4S graduate students from all over the world to this meeting , We are extremely pleased to have such a high participation of gradu ate students - making up nearly half of the worksh op participants. We hope to be as much inspired by these young minds as we can inspire them further in their wonderfully exciting guest to understand high­ latitude climates ,md environments. The conferenee is being held at the Polar Environmental Centre. The Centre for the Enviro nment ,md co - operation in the Polar Areas and the Barents region - The Polar Environmental Centre - is Norw ay 's new centre of research, environmental monitoring and a d visory services in the Northern Region and the Arctic/ Antarctic . The conveners (Stein Bondevik, :JvIorten Hald, Elisabeth ]saksson, Nalan Ko\, Tore Vorren) would like to thank our sponsers: the Norwegian Polar Institute , the University of Tromsø, the Research Council of Norway and the U.S. National Science Found ation. We also offer our sincere thanks to Anne Kibsgaard , who did an excellent job as secretary for this workshop, Ellen Berg, who assisted A Ki bsgaard , and Audun 1gesund , who was respansible for the web layout . We hope the 33rd Annual Arctic Workshop \Vill be a rewarding interdisciplinary meeting for you on a variety of Arctic research thernes. WeJcome to Tromsø! NaHln Ko\ (on beh al f of the conveners) 3 33'<1 Annual Arctic 'Vorkshop Polar Environmental Centre, Tromsø, Norway 3-5 April 2003 PROGRA.I\!II\!IE Thursday, 3'd April 8:00 Registration 8:45 Nalan Ko� Welcome Session: Marine records 9:00 J.T. Andrews The last 2000 year: A marine history of the Vestfirdir area of NW lceJand based on results from fjord cores. 9:20 A.E. Jennings H olocene cJimate evolution and variability in the Denmark Strait region from multi-proxy analysis of cores from the SE Greenl and and N lcel and shelves. 9 0 Kristiansdottir igh latitude Mg/Ca-temperature calibrations for three I :4 G.B. H arctic, benthic foraminifera species: Melonis barleeanus, Cassidulina neoferelis and lslalldiella sp. 10:00 S. Olafsd6ttir Late Quaternary marine environments NW off lceland: Evidence from foraminiferal data and stable oxygen isotope analyses. 10:20 Coffee break 10:50 G. Dunhj]) Snorri Drift - A 200k yr oceanographic and sedimentary record. Il: 10 G. Downing Absence of Hudson Strait Provenance of ice rafted detritus in Stage 6 from core V28-82. 11 :30 S. Hemming 40 Ar/39Ar evidence for provenance of ice-rafted hornblende grains from ODP sile 984. Il :50 M. Hald Late glacial and Holocene paleoceanography of the van Mijenfjord, Spitsbergen. 12: 10 S. Korsun Glacier proximal foraminifera in a meItwater dominated fjord of Svalbard: year-to-year change. 12:30 LUNCH 13:30 Poster sess ion 15:30 Coffee break 15:50 C. Vogt Two very detailed cJay mineral core records of Marine Isotope Stages 1-6 from the Eurasi an Basin, Arctic Ocean. 16:10 1\;1 Vanneste Arctic gas hydrate provinces along the Western Svalbard Continental Margin. 4 16:30 D. "iinkelmann R cconstruction of recent and late HCllocene seclimentation proeesses on the continental shelf west of Spitsbergen . 16:50 E. hanova The Holocene foraminifcral �lsscJlJblagcs \ \f K�lr:l :lJld Barents seas: p�deoce:lJ1ographic i mplicati ons . 17: 10 .l.P.W. S.nitski t-\rctic coast erosion : :\ regional to luctl pcrspt'\:ti\e 17:30 G.1. h anov Migration he:l\Y met:t1s in ore depo:site-rin>r-sc:l system (No\'aya ZemJya Archipelago). 17:50 S. GerJand The role of sea ice for lon g - ran ge transport of radioactive polllltion-field observations in the Fram Strait and in a S\'albard IJorcl. 18:10 - 19:30 ICEBREAKER Friday, 4th April Session:. Terrestrial records 9:00 l\I.A. Jensen Evidence of a high sea level event during the last icc age in the Arkhangelsk area, NW Rusia. 9:20 L. Anderson Holocene temperature and moisture reconstructions for the sOllthern Yukon Territory, Canada: oxygen isotopc studies of small carbonate lakes. 9:40 R. Pienitz Global \Vanning in the Arctic: What abollt northern Qllebec and Labrador? 10:00 J. Theau Mapping hchen in the cariboll summer range of northern Quebec, Canada, using Landsat TM imagery. 10:20 Coffee break Il: 10 D.D. Rousseau Pollen record of air trajectories in the Arctic. Il :30 A. Prick Monitoring weathering processes and rock fall activity in an Arctic environment, longyearbyen, Svalbard. Il :50 F. Caimeis New knowledge on permafrost provided by medical scanner imaging data in Nunavik, Quebec. 12: 10 e.G. Knudsen Last deglaciation of Jæren, south western Norway - dynami cs , chronology and C]imate variability. 12:30 LUNCH 13:30 Poster session Session:. Gladers and Glacial history 14:30 J. England Recent developments on the configuration, surface topography and dynamics of the Late Wisconsin an, Innuitian lee Sheet. 14:50 G. Mercier Glaeier fluctuations in the Akshayuk Pass, Auyuittuq National Park (Nunavut - Canada). 5 J 5: JO ,J. Briner An extensive nOI1heastern Lamentide lee Sheet dming the Last Gbcial IVlaxirnum. 15:30 Coffee break J 6:00 P. Lajeunesse Quaternary glacial geology and relative sea level history of eastern Mel ville Island, western Canadian Arctic Archipelago 16:20 1. Lønne Fridjovbreen on Svalbard - evollltion of the two last smge events. 16:50 S. r\.sberg Satellite remote sensing of glaciers and ice caps in Svalbard, Emasian High Arctic. 19:30 'Vorkshop dinner Saturday, 5th April Session:. Glaciers and Glacial his/ory 9:00 A. Horrnes Holocene glacier recessions in Lapland and SvaJbard inferred from radiocarbon dates of specified organic material. 9:20 P. Moller Glacial and environmental history of Severnaya Zemlya, Siberian high arctic, during the last > 130,000 years. 9:40 1. Mu rdm a a Paleoenvironments in the Rllskaya Gavan' Fjord (NW Novaya Zemlya) during the last millenillm: responses to global climate changes. 10:00 K. Andreassen Palaeo-ice streams to the sOllthern Barents Sea margin during the Late Cenozoic: evidence from glacial lineations, mega blocks and rafts. 10:20 S.M. Principato Using 36-chlorine ages and marine cores to constrain the Late Quaternary history of the Vestfirclir Peninsula, 1celand. 10:50 ColTee break Session: Ice cores. Il : 10 J. Burkhart ImpoI1ance of accumulation timing in preservation of Total Inorganic Nitrate (TlN) at Summit, Greenland: implications for surface snow reconstructions. Il :30 T. Popp The anatomy of abrupt climate changes from Greenland ice cores. Il :50 L. KariOf Wave1et methods for analysis of ice core time series. 12:30 End of 'Workshop 6 ORAL PRESENTATIONS 7 The last 2000 year: A marine history of the Vestfirdir area of NW Iceland based on resuIts from fj ord cores J.
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