E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2019 No. 4 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was And I want you to know, Madam If they were coming in from the called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Speaker, and to those who are listen- north and they were White, the reac- pore (Ms. KELLY of Illinois). ing, I want you to know that there is tion wouldn’t be the same. The fervor f at least one person in the Congress of would be greater. The demand for jus- the United States of America who be- tice would be greater. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO lieves that an unfit President ought to We have to take a stand against big- TEMPORE be impeached. otry. We cannot allow it to continue to The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- I rise on behalf of those, Madam grow in this country. We are the place fore the House the following commu- Speaker, who believe that if President where the President is to be brought nication from the Speaker: Barack Obama had behaved the way before the bar of justice. Only the WASHINGTON, DC, the current President has behaved, he House of Representatives can do it. January 9, 2019. would have been impeached. I rise to And I declare this day that impeach- I hereby appoint the Honorable ROBIN L. take a stand on behalf of the many who ment is not dead. KELLY to act as Speaker pro tempore on this believe in impeachment of an unfit The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- day. President. More than 40 percent of this bers are reminded to refrain from en- NANCY PELOSI, country believes it. More than 80 per- Speaker of the House of Representatives. gaging in personalities toward the cent, thereabout, of Democrats believe President. f it. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE And I rise on behalf of the many peo- f ple who understand that there is a hu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- manitarian crisis at the border, the HIGHLIGHTS OF THE 103RD ant to the order of the House of Janu- many people who believe that babies PENNSYLVANIA FARM SHOW ary 3, 2019, the Chair will now recog- ought not be confined in small, con- nize Members from lists submitted by The SPEAKER pro tempore. The fined places where they have to trip Chair recognizes the gentleman from the majority and minority leaders for over each other if they want to tra- Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 morning-hour debate. verse from one side of the room to the minutes. The Chair will alternate recognition other. These are babies. I rise on behalf Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. between the parties. All time shall be of these babies. equally allocated between the parties, And I rise on behalf of the many peo- Madam Speaker, over the weekend, the and in no event shall debate continue ple who believe that if these babies Commonwealth of Pennsylvania kicked beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other were White babies, the response would off one of my favorite events, the Penn- than the majority and minority leaders be vastly different. We know that we sylvania Farm Show. and the minority whip, shall be limited would not tolerate what is happening For more than a century, farmers to 5 minutes. in this humanitarian crisis if these have gathered each January at the f were not people of color. We wouldn’t Pennsylvania Farm Show in Harris- tolerate it if they were White. We burg, Pennsylvania. 102 years ago, the IMPEACHMENT IS NOT DEAD ought to treat all babies the same. We very first Pennsylvania Farm Show The SPEAKER pro tempore. The know that this President is a bigot, was held on January 23 through Janu- Chair recognizes the gentleman from and we know that this policy at the ary 25, 1917, under the title of the Penn- Texas (Mr. GREEN) for 5 minutes. border is rooted in bigotry. sylvania Corn, Fruit, Vegetable, Dairy Mr. GREEN of Texas. Madam Speak- Madam Speaker, I want you to know Products, and Wool Show. er, and still I rise. I rise, Madam that this will not be my last time In 1955, Dr. Milton Eisenhower, Penn Speaker, on behalf of Article II, Sec- standing in the well of the Congress to State University president at the time tion 4 of the Constitution. deal with this issue. Let others do what and the brother of the then-President I rise, Madam Speaker, on behalf of they may; take on the issues that you of the United States, Dwight D. Eisen- the more than 40 percent of people in choose; but know that I believe an hower, dubbed the Pennsylvania Farm this country who believe that an unfit unfit President ought to be impeached, Show ‘‘always the greatest show on President ought to be impeached. I rise and we ought not have a double stand- Earth.’’ on behalf of the many people who be- ard such that we treat people of color Thanks to the dedication of the lieve that somehow the voices of those differently from the way we treat peo- Pennsylvania farmers and farm fami- who favor impeachment have been ple not of color. And that is what is lies, tens of thousands of volunteers, muted. happening right now at this border. and generations of agribusiness owners b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H291 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:07 Jan 10, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09JA7.000 H09JAPT1 H292 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 9, 2019 and staff from the Pennsylvania De- California (Mr. CARBAJAL) for 5 min- been an 80 percent reduction in the partment of Agriculture, the Pennsyl- utes. number of border crossings since the vania Farm Show continues to be Mr. CARBAJAL. Madam Speaker, year 2000. among the greatest shows on Earth. this week, I visited the Customs and Trump created and welcomed this This weeklong event is the largest in- Border Protection facilities where 8- shutdown, telling the public that he is door agricultural exposition in the Na- year-old Felipe Gomez Alonso was held proud to shut down the government tion, showcasing over 6,000 animals, shortly before he fell sick and trag- and that he ‘‘will take the mantle of featuring nearly 12,000 exhibits and ically died on Christmas Eve. This was shutting it down.’’ The President more than half a million visitors. just 3 weeks after 7-year-old Jakelyn should, instead, join Congress and im- Each year, I host a listening session Caal died in custody nearby. mediately sign bipartisan legislation at the Farm Show, and we covered a I went to Alamogordo because I that previously passed both the House range of topics on Saturday during the wanted to hear directly from CBP and the Senate to reopen the govern- public forum, from raising awareness agents why these two children died and ment. about agriculture education to helping what changes are being made to ensure More than 800,000 Federal workers our dairy farmers, and more. We dis- that not one more child dies while in aren’t sure of when their next pay- cussed the passage of the 2018 farm bill, United States custody. check is coming, airport security and which will restore certainty for our CBP agents told us that they needed safety is suffering, and the affordable farm families, provide nutritional sup- more personnel, more technological housing programs for our homeless vet- port and greater opportunity for ulti- support, better coordination between erans are quickly running out of fund- mate food security through employ- agencies, and improvements to facili- ing on the central coast that I rep- ment for our neighbors in financial ties to accommodate the higher per- resent and across the Nation. I urge the need, renew a pathway to prosperity centage of children and families seek- President to do the right thing so that for our dairy producers, and build to- ing asylum. we can get to work for the American ward a stronger rural economy. One checkpoint I visited didn’t have people. Madam Speaker, I want to thank the a shower for migrants. They were Mr. President, open our government Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture, up. Russell Redding, for participating in transported an hour each way every 2 the listening session, and also my col- days for a shower. The other facility f leagues: Congressman DWIGHT EVANS, didn’t even have potable water. CONGRATULATING CLEMSON TI- Congressman DAN MEUSER, and Con- The Border Patrol agents were also GERS ON WINNING 2019 NA- gressman LLOYD SMUCKER. understandably frustrated that their TIONAL FOOTBALL CHAMPION- The Pennsylvania Farm Show truly online database did not synchronize SHIP does bring together so many different with DHS systems, creating even more confusion when migrants were being The SPEAKER pro tempore. The people in the ag community, and it is Chair recognizes the gentleman from an event like no other. moved or processed. Not once did the South Carolina (Mr. DUNCAN) for 5 min- The Farm Show complex houses 24 agents mention building a wall. What I confirmed was that this Presi- utes. acres under one roof, spread through- Mr.
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