DOCUMENTARY FOCUS Ancient Egypt ...lifting the veils of time Compiled by JANINE DE VILLIERS on the pharaohs, but on the Ancient Egyp- Queen Nefertiti and the father-in-law of Publications and Promotions tian aristocracy who served them.As Tutankhamen, this king was almostlostto befitting their statusinlife, they were also history because his successors wentto hrough the ages generations have given magnificent funerals and it is thought extraordinary lengths to wipe out any been fascinated by the rich history that hundreds of unfound tombs are still traces of his existence.During his 17-year T andintriguing mysteries of Ancient buried under the desert sand.At Saqqara, reign, this enigmatic manintroduced the Egypt.Mummies, hidden tombs, pyramids wherethefirstpyramidwasbuilt,French religious concept of a single, omnipotent with miles of labyrinths, powerful pharaohs archaeologist Alain Zivie is shown at work god, an idea that shook the foundations of andunsolvedmysteries continueto holdthe on two projects, the one uncovering the Egyptian civilisation.He was regarded as a world spellbound as newdiscoveries shed tomb of Tutankhamun'swetnurse and heretic and upon his death his temples were more light on the dynasties of old or un- another excavating the tomb of a highly- deliberately destroyed by those who came cover even more unexplained phenomena. placed officialwho is thoughtto have nego- after him.This programme joins a Canadian Enthusiasts of Egyptology are fortunate tiated the peace treaty withthe Hittites expedition involved in uncovering the to have access to the never-ending endea- during the rule of Ramses II.Also, atthe remaining evidence.Led by Dr Donald vours of archaeologists, archivists and his- oasis town of Bahariya,Egypt's Head of Redford, they are shown at work in the torianstolifttheveilsoftimefromthepast Antiquities, Zahi Hawass and his teamhave Valley ofthe Kings at Karnak, digging and by means of videorecordings.The Central uncovered the tombs of a local governor sifting throughthe sandsin order to re- Collection ofthe Library Service boasts and his wife.Fascinating stuff and the focus assemble this archaeological puzzle.In the severalvideos onthis riveting topic and on Egypt'snobility gives it a new angle.The process the filmtries to piece together a related issues. director Amy Bucher also worked on portrait of this remarkable man. Egypt: secrets of the pharaohs. (On order.) Egypt eternal: the quest Mysteries of Egypt for lost tombs The lost pharaoh: the producers,Robert producer and director, search for Akhenaten Swofford and LisaTruitt; Amy Bucher. producers,Tom Daly and director,Bruce Neibar. National Geographic'slove affair with all Nicholas Kendall; Even if one hadn'tbeen told so atthe end, things Egyptian continues, but when the director,Nicholas Kendall. one would have known thatthis was origin- material is so interesting, who's complaining. The pharaoh Akhenaten ruled Egypt ally made for screeningin Imax theatres.It This programme once againtackles archae- from 1375 BC to 135 8 BC.Despite being the has allthe sweeping vistas and helicopter ological excavations, butconcentrates not sonofAmenhotepIII,thehusbandof Cape Libr.,Mar/Apr 2003 42 DOCUMENTARY FOCUS shots associated with the genre and, for acting for the colonial powers, gathering theories.After that he relates his conclu- once,theysurvivequitewellonvideo. material for European collections. sions to aspects of Biblical archaeology, Actor Omar Sharif, in the role of a The programme was filmed on location from identifying the pharaoh who plun- grandfather who shares the information and combines documentary footage with dered Jerusalemto establishing the nature with hisgranddaughter, narrates the story partialre-enactments.( On order.) andwhereabouts of various notable Biblical of Ancient Egypt, a civilisationthatlasted sites.In the process he consults a number of 4 000 years and left the world some of its archaeologists and historians, not allof greatest monuments.It starts atthe source Pharaohs and kings: whom support his theories. of the Nile - cue for some lovely aerial shots a Biblical quest of travelling up-river and then depicts the producer and director, Other titles of interest are: giant structures at sites like Carnac, Abu Timothy Copestake. Egypt: quest for eternity Simbel and Luxor. In the past, there has been little archaeo- Egypt: secrets of the pharaohs It also includes a well-handled re-enact- logical evidence to prove that some of the mentofthe discoveryin1922, ofthe tomb of most famous figures who appear in the Old Genesis in stone: mystery of the pyramids aminorpharaoh-nowworldfamousas Testament actually existed.David MRohl Nile: river of gods Tutankhamen - by archaeologist Howard argues thatthough scholars have been Ra: the path of the sun god: a vision of Carter.The visuals are very seductive, looking in the right place, they were con- Ancient Egypt. thoughthe actual contentis quite centrating onthe wrong period, withthe superficial.On the same tape is Pharaohs result that nothing seemed to fit.It is his Aconsiderable numberof interestingand and filmmakers, whichtakes a brief look at theory thatfundamental errors have been well-illustrated books on Ancient Egypt the making of the film, particularly the re- made as regards the dating of events in have been published and librarians will enactments of KingTut's funeral and the ancienttimes.More specifically,he argues surely have some ofthese titlesin stock. building of a pyramid.It clearly shows that thatthe conventionally accepted chron- Display the available material on this topic noteverything that was filmed appearedin ology ofthe Egyptofthe pharaohs has with these videos and win even more the finalprogramme and thatcareful atten- extended this period of history by several enthusiasts for this fascinating field of study. tion to detail can go to waste. centuries, resulting in anomalies in the archaeological evidence.In this three-part Note: Reviews by Freddy Ogterop, series he sets outto establish a new histor- Film/Video/DVD Selector. Mysteries of the Nile ical framework for Ancient Egypt and then producer,Rick King. discusses theimplication of his findings as far 3 There is a never-ending as Biblicalhistoryis concerned.He starts by interest in everything to do with explaining how scholars arrived at the tra- Ancient Egypt and organisations like ditionally accepted dates and travels to var- National Geographic and the Discovery ious sites in Egypt to illustrate his own Channelkeep us wellsupplied with pro- grammes onthe subject. This video is part of a NGTseries entitled Treasure seekers and deals withthe lives and workoftwo ofthe first European Egyptologists.The first is Giovanni Belzoni, an Italian who, during the early part of the 19th century, ventured up the Nile and, amongstother accomplishments, started excavating the temples at Abu Simbel and uncovered a number of royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings.Many of the treasures currently in the British Museum were shipped to England by him.The secondis Howard Carter, the Englishman who, in 1922, achieved fame bydiscovering the tomb of Tutankhamun.Both men had a deep love for Egypt and felt very much at home there, but ultimately they were Kaapse Bibl., Mar/Apr 2003 43.
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