Notes CHAPTER 1 POLITICAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING 1. Marshai of the Soviet Union A. A. Grechko, The A rmed F orces 0]the Soviet State, (Moscow: Military Publishing House, 1975). 2. General Svechin, Military Strategy (Moscow, 1926). 3. A. Inkeles, Public Opinion in Soviet Russia (Harvard U niversity Press, 1950); Margaret Meade, Soviet Attitude Towards Authoriry (London: Tavistock Publications, 1950). 4. E.g. Suvorov, The Liberators (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1981); Belyenko, MiG Pilot Oohn Barron) (London: Readers' Digest Press, 1979). 5. Hedrik Smith, The Russians (London: Sphere, 1976). 6. Vladimirov, The Russians . .. (Pali Mall, London, 1968). 7. E.g. 'The object of education in a socialist society is the formation of a convinced collectivist, a person who does not think ofhimself outside society' (from V. M. Korotov ... Development 0] the Educational Function 0] the Collective) . 8. Father's Old Army Tunic (Moscow: Children's Publishing House, 1973). 9. A Border Guard and his Dog (Moscow: Children's Publishing House, 1973). 10. A. Gaidar, Malchish Kibalchish and the Tale 0] the Military Seeret (Moscow: Novosti Publishers, 1978). 11. Allan Kassoff, The Soviet Youth Programme (Harvard U niversity Press, 1965). 12. E. 1. Monoszona, The Formation o]the Communist World Outlook in Schoolchildren (Moscow: Pedagogic Press, 1978). 13. The word inculcate has been chosen carefully. The Russian vospitaniye beloved of Soviet pedagogues may be translated as 'bringing up' (of children), indoctrination or the inculcation ofa doctrine. Only loosely does it mean 'education'. Monoszona writes almost exclusively of vospitaniye. The word for 'education' in the true sense is obrazovaniye. 14. A full description ofthe Soviet school system can be found in Nigel Grant's Soviet Education (Harmondsworth, Middx: Penguin, 1967). 15. L. A. Voskresenskaya A Word about a Great Matter (Moscow: Children's Press, 1981). 16. Mikhail Yefimov, The USSR Constitution (Moscow: Novosti Publishers, 1979) . 17. S. Baruzgin, A Soldier Walked Down the Street (Moscow: Children's Literature Press, 1978). 18. World War I is also inconvenient for Soviet historians since, like the Crimean and Russo-Japanese Wars, the Russians did not win. 189 190 Notes to pp. 20-37 19. The myth ofthe Winter Pa1ace battle, in reality a minor skirmish, has long been established as truth. Total casualties on both sides in the 'battle' were seven killed. SeeJohn Reed Ten Days that Shook the World (Harmondsworth, Middx: Penguin, 1981). 20. The author met many from various age groups who were not sure wh ether Britain was involved in W orld War 11 and some who were under the impression that she had fought on the German side. None ofthem had heard ofthe 'Battle ofBritain'. 21. The Soviet Constitution (1977). 22. The wreckage ofthe American U-2 reconnaissance aircraft shot down over Sverdlovsk in 1961 is one ofthe most popular exhibits in the Armed Forces Museum in Moscow. 23. L. I. Brezhnev, On the Communist Up-bringing of the Workers (Moscow: 'Enlightenment' Publishing House, 1974) pp. 527-8. 24. Allen Kassoff, The Soviel Youth Programme (Harvard University Press, 1965). 25. The Voluntary Organisation for supporting the Soviet Armed Forces. 26. Kassoff, op. eit., p. 79. 27. Ibid., p. 79. 28. O. Volodin, 'Bringing up the Defenders of the Homeland' ('Narodnoye Obrasovaniye'), (Moscow: National Education, 1972). 29. Extract from poem by B. Dubrovin from 'February' in The Scholar's CalendeT (Moscow: Political House, 1981). 30. 'Zarnitsa, School ofCourage', Military Knowledge (Voyennoye Znaniye) , May 1974. 31. 'Ready for Labour and Defence', Red Star, 26 April 1972. 32. I. Ilinskiy, What is the KOMSOMOL? (Moscow: Novosti Publishing, 1978). 33. L. Pesterev, 'The Combat Examination', Military Knowledge, June 1974. 34. L. Pesterev 'Orlyonok is no Picnic', Military Knowledge, April 1975. 35. Kassoff, The Soviet Youth Programme. 36. Ilinskiy, What is the KOMSOMOL? 37. Ibid. 38. Y. Bogat, Dumayushcheye Litso (The Thoughtful Reader) (Moscow: Novosti Publishing House, 1978). 39. Ibid. 40. Ibid. 41. Ibid. 42. Ibid. 43. DOSAAF (Dobrovolnoye Obshchestvo Sot[yeistviya Armii, Aviatiya i Flota). 44. The Great Soviet Encyclopaedia, Vol. 8 (Moscow: 1970-79). 45. Scott and Scott, The Armed Forces ofthe USSR (New York: Westview, 1979). 46. Ibid. 47. The main publication is a monthly illustrated journal Voyennoye Znaniye (Military Knowledge). 48. V. V. Mosyaikin, The DOSAAF Organisation - Programme ofAction (Moscow: DOSAAF Press, 1978). 49. All published by the 'Badge of Honour' (Moscow: DOSAAF Press, I 977--80). 50. N. A. Kostikov (ed.), The Complete Approach to the Training ofthe Pre-Call up Youth (Moscow: DOSAAF Publishing House, 1980). Notes to pp. 37-57 191 51. Mosyaikin, The DOSAAF Organisation - Programme of Action. 52. 'Interna1 regulations for the Armed Forces ofthe USSR-1977' as quoted in vol. 6 of The Military Encyclopaedia, Moscow, 1977. 53. R. Gabriel, The New Red Legions (New York: Greenwood, 1981). 54. 'Who Would Like to Become an Officer?', Red Star, 19January 1982. 55. Politicheskiy Rukovoditel (Po1iticalleader). 56. L. Nemzer Basic Patterns ofPolitical and Propaganda Operations in the Soviet Armed Forces (New York:John Hopkins University Press, 1953). 57. R. Kolkowicz, The Soviet Military and the Communist Party. (Princeton University Press, 1967). 58. V. Suvorov, The Liberators (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1981), as one example. 59. Observed on wall posters at Soviet military training establishment (1981). 60. General Regulations for the Armed Forces of the USSR, Articles 107 and 119 (Moscow: Military Publishing House, 1984). 61. The official journal of the Main Political Administration, published monthly. 62. A. Zaitsev, 'Communist ofthe Armed Forces', December Communist ofthe Armed Forces, 1976. 63. Colonel A. Migolatyev, 'The Stark Reality of Our Times' , Red Star, 8 January 1982. 64. D. A. Volkogonov, Handbookfor Propagandists and Agitators in the Anny and the Fleet, (Moscow: Military Publishing House, 1978). 65. An interesting mirror-image of the widely-held Western view of the Soviet economy. 66. Zhilin and Bryul, The Military Bloc Alliance Policies of Imperialism' (Moscow: Military Publishing House, 1980). An exhaustive study of anti-communist militaryalliances traced from the Intervention of 1918 to the present day. 67. Marshai A. A. Grechko, The Armed Forces of the Soviet State, 2nd edn, (Moscow: Military Press at the USSR Ministry ofDefence, 1975). 68. Ideologicheskaya obrabotka. 69. Major General V. Bruz 'The Brainwashing of USAF Crews', Air Difence Herald,July 1981. 70. It is presumed that Bruz is referring to the USAF 'Soviet Awareness' programme. 71. It is worth noting that this 1981 article appeared a considerable time after the proven use of anti-personnel, booby trap weapons in Afghanistan by Soviet forces - not before. n. Colonel A. I vanov, 'The Spiritual "Ration" ofthe Bundeswehr', Red Star, 20 May 1982. 73. That is, as conducted by the USSR. 74. Y. Polyakov, A History ofSoviet Society (Moscow: Novosti Publishers, 1977). 75. 'USA-Latin America', /zvestia, 16 May 1982. 76. 'What They Teach Tommy' Red Star, 24 January 1977. 77. M. I. Kalinin as quoted in L. Nemzer, 'Basic Patterns of Political and Propaganda Operations in the Soviet Armed Forces' (New York: John Hopkins University Press, 1953). 78. Lieutenant General V. P. Novikov, The Inculcation of Traditions (Moscow: Military Publishing House, 1979). 192 Notes to pp. 5Pr-72 79. Major General N. I. Smorigo, Towards More E.ffective Propaganda and Agitation (Moseow: Military Publishing House, 1979). 80. Address by General ofthe Army A. A. Epishev, then head ofMPA, at the 19th All-Union KOMSOMOLCongress, reported in RedStar, 20 May 1982. 81. Major General S. N. Kozlov, The Officer's Handbook, eh. 3, (Moseow: Military Publishing House, 1971). 82. Colonel M. P. Skirdo, The People, the Army, the Commander (Moseow: Military Publishing House, 1970). 83. Y. Volkov, The Truth about Afghanistan (Moseow: Novosti Publishing House, 1980). 84. Major General S. N. Kozlov, The Offieers' Handbook, eh. 3 (Moseow: Military Publishing House, 1976). 85. Marshai A. A. Greehko, The Armed Forces ofthe Sovirt State (Moseow: Military Publishing House, 1975). 86. A. M. Rumyantsev, Dictionary of Scientific Communism (Moseow: Politieal Publishing House, 1980). 87. V. I. Anikovieh The Army-a School ofCulture (Moseow: DOSAAF Publishers, 1980). 88. Anon., The Soviet Army - a School ojIntemationalism and Friendship ofthe Peoples and a School oj Courage and Discipline' (Soviet Army Publieations no. 1/70121-T6, 1981). 89. Y. I. Anikovieh, The Army - a School of Culture. 90. Levin and Kamsyuk, Bourgeois Culture in the Service of Reaction (Moseow: Central Club ofSoviet Army, 1975). 91. Lenin, Collected Works, vol. 6, p. 259. 92. Lenin, Collected Works, vol. 17, p. 418. 93. Dolgikh and Kurantov, Communist Ideals and the Atheistic Indoctrination ofTroops (Moseow: Military Publishing House, 1976). 94. A. V. Kalaehnikov, The Inculcation of Vigilance in Soviet Troops. 95. L. Nemzer, Basic Patterns of Political and Propaganda Operations in the Soviet Armed Forces' (New York:John Hopkins University Press, 1953). CHAPTER 2 IS THE ZAMPOLIT EFFECTIVE? 1. J. H. Sehnitzler, Seeret History of the Court and Govemment of Russia (London: Riehard BentIey, 1849). 2. A. Inkeles, Public Opinion in Soviet Russia (Harvard University Press, 1950). 3. General of the Army A. A. Yepishev, Address to 19th KOMSOMOL Congress as reported in Red Star, 20 May 1982. 4. 'I serve the Soviet Union' has already run on the Soviet TV network for longer than 'Coronation Street' in Britain. 5. V. Suvorov, The Liberators (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1981). 6. A. Myagkov, Inside the KGB (New York: Ballantine Books, 1981). 7. John Barron, MiG Pilot (New York: Readers' Digest Press, 1980). 8. Richard Gabriel, The New Red Legions (New York: Greenwood, 1981). 9. Gabriel's figures have been compounded here to give averages across the sub-divisions of his sampie range. Notes to pp. 73-89 193 10. Goldhamer, The Soviet Soldier, for instance. 11. Brezhnev and company taking the salute on Lenin's Mausoleum in Red Square. CHAPTER 3 MORALE AND OTHER FACTORS 1.
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