THE MOST ILLUSTRIOUS LADIES OF THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE () T~E MOST ILLUSTRIQUS LADIES OF THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE J« J« .J« By CHRISTOP~ER HARE AUTHOR OF "FELlCIT A: A ROMANCE OF OLD SIENA," '~IN THE STRAITS OF TIME," ETC. J« .J« LONDON AND NEW YORK tIARPER & BROTHERS 4-S ALBEMARLE STREET, W. 19°4 y 15, G2. JI :Vi 17 07 PrlntecI by BALLAlfTln, HAJfSOII60 Co. Loadoo 60 Ediubwp PREFACE THE Period of the Renaissance has ever been so attractive to the historian that many learned volumes have been written on the subject, and it has been illustrated by much brilliant eloquence. An army of patient students have devoted long years to serious research, in hunting out forgotten treasures buried in foreign libraries, archives, chronicles, diaries, and letters innumerable. Yet I.venture to hope that there may still be room for a modest attempt to bring some of these vast stores of knowledge-more especially as they touch upon woman's life-within reach of those readers who have no leisure for profound and special study. To them I would dedicate these sketches of some typical women of the Italian Renaissance, which may be regarded as brief appreciations, rather than full and complete biographies. v CONTENTS PAGS PREFACE V LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ix BOOKS AND DOCUMENTS CONSULTED xi DAUGHTERS OF THE RENAISSANCE i THEIR LIFE AND SUR.­ ROUNDINGS • I NOBLE LADIES OF THE HOUSE OF MEDICI LUCREZIA TORNABUONI, WIFE OF PIERO DEI MEDICI 47 CLARICE DEGLl ORSINI, WIFE OF LoRENZO DEI MEDICI. 60 TWO gUEENS OF NAPLES. PRINCESSES OF THE HOUSE OF ANJOU GIOVANNA I. • 75 GIOVANNA II. 94 A GROUP OF LOMBARD PRINCESSES BEATRICE D'ESTE, DUCHESS OF MILAN _ lOS BIANCA MARIA SFORZA, WIFE OF THE EMPEROR MAXIMILIAN • ISABELLA D'F:~TE, MARCHESA OF MANTUA • RENEE OF FUNCE, DUCHESS OF. FERRARA vii CONTENTS ,.". DAUGHTERS OF VENICE CATERINA CORNARO, QUEEN OF CYPRUS 187 BIANCA CAPELLO, GRAND DUCHESS OF FLORENCE 204 GREAT LADIES OF ROME AND ROMAGNA CATERINA SFORZA, COUNTESS OF FOaLI U9 LUCREZIA BORGIA, DUCHESS OF FERRARA • -, , :ZS7 VITTORIA COLONNA, MAaCHESA OF PESCAIt4 a81 ELISABETTA GONZAGA, DUCHESS OF URBINO. ALIO AM ACCOUNT OF U II. CORTIGIANO· BY COUNT BALDAISARE CASTIGLIONE; BEING CONVERSATIONS AT THE COURT OF URBINO • 313 viil ILLUSTRATIONS CRterina C01'naro, Queen of Cyprus. TITIAN F,.""tisjiece Lltcrezia (Tornabucni) dei Medici. SANDRO BOTTicELLI • FM·/~' Lorenzo de;' Medici. BENOZZO GOZZOLI " 64- Beatrh:e !Este, Duchess of Milan. LEONARDO DA VINCI '. " lIZ Lucrezia Crivelli. LEONARDO DA VINCI ., 128 Isabella d'Este, Marchesa of Mantlla. TITIAN .. 160 Bianca Capello, Grand Dttchess of Tuscany BRONZINO 'J 208 Caterina Sf01'za, Countess of Forli. MARCO P ALMEZZANI • " 2{0 COU1Jt BaldassarI Castiglione. RAPHAEL " 336 ix BOOKS AND DOCUMENTS CONSULTED Archivi Toscani. Pietro Berti. Chronice Fiorentine. Villani. La Vita Italiano nel Cinquecento. Milano. 3 vols. Istoria d'Italia. Guicciardini. Rime Sacre della famiglia dei Medici. Pub. da Cionacci. Lettere di una Gentildonna Fiorentina delsecolo XV. Pub. da Cesare Guasti. Annali d' Italia. Muratori. La Guerra di Ferrara. Sanllto. Relazione di Isabella d'Este con Ludovico Sforza ••. A. Luzid R. Renier. Opere Complete. Ariosto. Le ruID.e di Francesco Petrarca. Lucrezia Borgia. F. Gregorovil£s. (With original letters and documents.) Bianca Maria Sforza, Regina dei Romani, Imperatrice di Germania. F. Calvi. Annali Veneti. Archivio Storico Italiano. D. Malipiero. Vita di Caterina Sforza. Dall' Abate Antonio Burriel. Caterina Sforza. P. Pasolil~i. "11 Cortigiano" del Comte Baldassare Castiglione. Lettere di Baldassare Castiglione. Caterino Cornaro, e il suo Regno. A. Centilli. Rime Spfrituali di Vittoria Colonna. Venena, I5-l8. Asolani. Pietro Bembo. xi BOOKS AND DOCUMENTS CONSULTED • Ricerche intorno a Leonardo da Vinci. G. uzum. La Renaissance en Italie et en France, ll'epoque de Charle. VIII. M. Eugene Muntz. Histoire de Ia Republique de Venise. P. A. Daru. Histoire Secrete de la maison de Medicis. Vail/lis. Memoires Historiques sur Naples. CounlOrlafl. Les Femmes de Ia Renaissance. De M4ulde Clavure. Vittorio de Feltre. Benoit. Les Origines de la Renaissance en Italie. Emile Gebh4rt. Louis XII. et Lodovico SCorza. Louis Pelissiet'. Histoire des Republiques Italiennes. Itl. S. de Sis"u",di. Life and Times of Macchiavelli. Villari. History of the Papacy. Dt'. Creighton. The Renaissance in Italy. J. A. Symo1lds. The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy. J. Du"Uardt. Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbina. James Dennistoun. The Renaissance. lV. H. Pat". Life of Lorenzo del Medici. lVillialll Roscoe. Life of Leo X. (Dissertation on Lucrezia Borgia.) lVilliam Roscoe. Life of Isabella d'Este. ]uli,a Cartwright. Life of Beatrice d'Este. Julia CartwrigM. etc. etc. INDEX AIGNA.DELLA., battle of, 202 Alexander VI., 122, 163, 252, 253, 254, 257, 258, 260, 261, 263r 265, 270, 272, 275, 326, 331 Alopo, Pandolpho, 95 Angelo, Michel (see Michelangelo) Anjou, Louis of, 95, 98, 99, 100 Aquila, 99 Aragon, Alfonso of, 98, 99, 100, 129 Giovanna of, wife of AscanioColonna, 293 Joan of, 107 Isabella of, or Naples, 29, 108, II2, 120, 124, 125, 129. 130, X41 Ardinghelli, Niccolo, 51 '. AriostO,39, 122, 172, 173,175,274,276,281 Ascham,337 Ascolti, Bernardo (Unico Aretino), 335 Asolo, 198, 199, 200, 201, 334 Assisi, 159, 324 Asti,128 Augustine, St., 42,304 d'Avalos, Alfonso (Marcbe=se del Vasto), 285, 291,306 Beatrice, 284 Costanza, 282, 283 Ferrante FranceSco (Marchese of Pescaro), 282, 283, 284, 287, 288,290 Avignon, 85 . BAVARIA, Margaretta of, 313 Bayard, 277,278 BellUrl,X52,172,I75 Bembo, Pietro, Car~ 7, 20X, 276, 294, 296, 334, 341• 345, 3-46. 354 355 INDEX Bentivogllo, Ullsse, ~2S Bibbiena, BetIW'do, 19, 146, 334 Bisaglla, Alfonso, Duke of, 261,162,163 Roderigo (of Bisaglla), son of Lucrezia Borgia, 10ft 270, 277 Bocaccio, 75, 76, 81, 93, 337 Bolardo, Matteo, 10 Bologna, 166, 169, 232, 145, 196, 331 Bentivogllo, Lord of, 243, 245 Bona, Duchess of Milan (fU Savoy) Bonaventuri, Pietro, 205, 106, Z07,I08, 109, lID Giovanni Battista, lOS Borgia (.u Alexander VI.) Ca:sar, 39, 161, 162, 2S2, 253, 258, 161, 116$, a66, 270, 171, 275, 277, 323, 326, 327, 329, 330, 333 Giovanni, 258, 261 Lucrezia, II, 19, 162, 165, 157~8o, 326, 329 Bonnio, 133 Boschetti, Isabella, 170 Bourbon, Charles de, 168 Bracciano, 60 Braccio,99 Brandeburg, Barbara of, 314 Brasca, Erasmo, 140, 142, 143, 144, 145 Brenta, river, 199 Bretagne, Anne de, 7, 132, 140, 171, 174, 178, 330 Burchard, 262, a63, 265 Burton, 337 c.A.un, Violante, 145 Cafaggiuolo, villa, 49,54. 67, 70, tU4 Cagli, 327 Caiazzo, Count, 250, 251 Calandro, Silvestro, 32 I Calcagnini, 180 Calvin, 177, 304 Cambray, treaty oE, ~76, 102 Camerino, 327 Canareggio, 329 Canossa, Lodovico, 335, 338, 339, 341, 342 356 INDEX Capello, Andrea, ~IIJ 212 Bartolommeo, 2041 205. al9 Bianca, 204-225 Pellegrina, 207. 225 Vittorio, 216 Capua,282 CarracclolJ, Gianni. 97. g8, 99, 100 Careggi, villa o~ 67· Castel Nuovo, Naples, So, B4 ~lione,Baldassare.167.292,333-350,353 Catania, 77 Catanei, Vanozza, a58, 270.277 Catarl, Monte, 347 Caviceo, 278 Cavriano,320 Charles, Duke of Calabria, 76 Charles, Emperor, 287, 288 Charles II. of Naples, 76 Clement VI•• 86 Clement VII., 57, go, 167, 178, 289, 293 Codronchi, 243 Colombino of Verona, 314- Colonna, Ascanio, 293, 305 Fabrizio, 281, 284, 324 Giulia,306 Palazzo. 168 Vittorla, 7, 27, 42, 43, 1791 180, 281-309, 325 Commines, 113 Como, lake o~ 41 Condivi, Ascanio, 297, 306 Constantinople, 4- Cornaro, Andrea, 194- Caterina, II, 187-203, 334- Fiorenza, 188 Giorgio, 196, 2~ Marco, 188, I9§' 202 Violante, ~88 - Correggio, Niccolo eli, 10, 122, 161 Corte, Benardino da, 148 '~ II Cortigiano" o£Castig:fione, 333-350, 353 Costa, 161 . 357 INDEX Cotingo, Carlo. 114 Cremona, 315 Crispo, Fiorenza, 188 Cristolero. Giovanni. 335 Crivelli, Lucrezia, 133.163 Cussago. 117, 118 Cybo, Francescbetto, 71 Cyprus, 187 Giacomo II•• King of, 187, 191, 19 Giacomo III., 194 II DECUIERONE," 81, 337 Denistoun, 9 Desenzano, 320 Diedo, General, 196 Donati, Lucrezia, 51 Dossi, Dosso, 173 Dorazzo, Agnese of, 92 Charles ol, 92, 94 Margaret of, 90 9S EDWARD the Black Prince, 88 Erasmus, 53 d'Este, Alfonso. 114, 116, 162, 164. 167, '74, 178, 232, 258, 265, 266, 272, 273, 276 Anna. 178, 180,272 Beatrice, 17. 108-134. '39,16o,2sa Borso.266 Cecilia, 7 Ercole I., Duke of Ferrara, 101, 106.126, J.540 a65, a67.272, a73. 27S. 326 Ercole II Duke of Ferrara, 171. 178. 179, 181. 277 Francesco. Marquis of Massalombarda, 277 Ippolyto. Cardinal, 17. 173. 268, 269. 328 Ippolytus. Cardinal, son of Lucrezia Borgia, 217 Isabella, 28. 34, 1.30, 151-170, 178.269, 272. a75. 278, 316, 3190 320, 322,323, 347, 350, 353 Leonello, 9,266 Leonora, 106, 128, 154, 233, 279t 316 Leollora, daughter of Lucrezia, 277, 295 358 IC~ ~-6na cr;:"tnau>. J ...«en. -r' (~ . t.u.l INDEX FAENZA,234-272,35 I O Famagusta, 193 Farnes~Julia,259,260 Fausta, Livia, 37 Foo, Giacomo, 247~ 24S Tommaso, 242, 243, 244 Ferdinand, or Ferrante, of Naples (see Naples) Ferrara, x06, no, 153, 169, 172, 173, 176,268,269,273,294 Leon~ra, Duchess of (see ci'Es1e) " Fiammetta," 8x Florence, 47-81,204.249,297,334- Foligno, 271 Font.unebleau, 172 Forli,234.236,237,242,2431248,252,~72 Fomova, battle of, 131, 160 Fra Roberto,S2 Fracostoro, 306 France, Charles VIII., King of, I2It 126,128,0129 Fran~ois I., 165, 167, 169, 171,287 Henri II., 181 Louis XII., 163, 169; 171, 262 Marguerite of (see Navarre) Ren~e of, Duchess of Ferrara, 43, I()9, I7~1831 294 Frederick III., Emperor, 14°,314 Fregoso, Costanza, 334, 343 Federigo, 334,. 338 Margberita, 334. 343 Ottaviano, 334. 344 GALEAZZO Sanseverino (see Sanseverino)
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