GIROBANK CHESHIRE CUP 1988/89 FINAL ,. v MID CHESHIRE COLLEGE WILMSLOW R.U.EC. WEDNESDAY, 26th APRIL 1989 - 6.30 p.m. TheVoiceof North West Rugby Union Produced by Girobank for Rugby enthusiasts throughout the Region. Girobank Cheshire Cup Final 1989 Welcome to the second Girobank-backed Cheshire Cup Final. This evening's match promises to be an exciting game in which both teams will be looking to pick up the county silverware for the first time. This year's competition has seen many close games, especially at the semi final stage where Mid Cheshire College beat Old Sali ans 6-3 and Lymm did remarkably weil to see off Winnington Park 3-0 after extra time to prevent an all-Northwich final. Inside your Cup Final programme you will find a full rundown ofthe Cheshire Cup, pictures from the Plate Final often days ago, news from round the county plus up-to-date team news. Good luck to both sides. Here's to an exciting, open match! Contents Message from the Cheshire President ....................... Page 4 The Girobank Cheshire Cup 88/89 ....................... Pages 6/7 Lymm RUFC ............................................................ Page 8 Mid Cheshire College R UFC .................................... Page 9 Tonight's Teams ............................................... Pages 10/11 The Girobank Cheshire Plate Final .................. Pages 12/13 News from Round the County .......................... Pages 14/15 Last Year's Cup Final ....................................... Pages 16/17 Message from the Cheshire President Mark Cohen This year Ihe Girobank Chesh ire cup w ill record a new nilmc as Ihe !lalder for 1989 because nei lher of the two lïnalists have won the cup berorc. Lyll1Jl1 ha ve won the Cheshire Sh ield on a numberofoccasions including four in success ion in Ihe laie seventies and Mid Cheshire Colleges won the Cheshire Plate in 1988. RISING STANDARDS OF C HESHIRE RUGBY So wc look forwarcl to il re sounding final bctwecn IWO ciubs who are representative of the rising standards of man)' of the micldle ran ge clubs of this Couilly . We hope that Ihis w ill aet as a spur to encourage nOI only the Counly bU( to SDI1lC of our Sen ior Clubs again 10 be able lO pcrform in the higher levels of Rugby. This rcsurgcncc can only im prove the standard of play and encourage more players ancl spectator support. We me again inclcbtccl ta Girobank nOI only for Ihe gcnerous sponsorship bui for Iheir perso nal suppon and ass istancc whichenables Cheshi re ta l11ake You th Foolball in panicular flourish . Wc have ag<.t În had sirong sc hools alld Colis Rugby sidcs and the U2 1 sicle reached Ille SCl11i Final of Ihcir Couilly Chal11pionship ancl membcrs 01" ail of these sicles ha ve oblainccl rcprcscntaliv\! honours. T HANKS 1'0 ALL CONCERNED WC must tha nk Ihe Referees Societies for their suppon cs pcc ially Liverpool Society thi s sea so n for provicl ing us with referees of th e vc ry highcst standard for bath the Plate and the CO llllly Cup Final s. And ta \Vilmslow and it s Officiais for once again host ing a County Event. On a perso nalnote may 1 th an k a il the olTicers or the Couilly andmembers of County Teams and sa man)' Cl ub officiais and friend s who have made my )'car of office slIch a happy and pleasa lll onc. Mar k Cuhen PI'('sidc!II. Message trom Denis Hindle, Regional Manager, Corporate Banking, Girobank pic. 1 <lm dclighted 10 ha ve bcen given the chance 10 wri te a few words of wc lcOI11 C on bchalf o f G irobank. T he climax ta the club scasoll in Cheshire cûllles al a very hectic l ime for the bank whcre Ru gby Union is concernee! . Ove r the last couple of wecks we' ve been involved in tï ve major finals Ihroughou i the orth West. including the Ches hire Plate the wcckcnd before lasi when Ashto n on Mersey beal Helsby. A rter Ih is evening. wc'II be turn in g our attention la SUllday's Lancashire Cup Fin a l. when Broughl on Park mec! On"c ll al Liverpool SI. Helens R.U. F.C. But des pite thesc rival att ractions. ii's always il plcasure 10 be il1 volved \V ith rugby in Ches hi re. a hotbed ofacliv Îty.especially in theold Girobank Leaguc days when Winningtol1 Park picked up the championship trophy in bath seasons of the RFU's incredibly successful pilot scheme. 1 firmly bc lieve that Cheshire RFU. and Giroban k. make a very good tea m. Long may our associ at ion prosper 10 our Illutual be nefil. T urning our attention 10 Ihis cveni ng's match. ail cxciling encounler is in prospect between Iwo of Ihe counly stalwart s. There's everything ta play for. and a 101 al stake tonight. BU l l feel sure thal. win or lose. both tcams Come la W ilmslow determined la cnjoy thcmselves and savour the at mosphcre of playing in the fi nal which is the climax of the cl ub seaso n in Chesh ire. A n open. flowing. cxciting match this evening would be a splendid way to round of f the competition. And whatever the rcsull come 8.15 p.m .. therc's the convivial post match hospi ta lity to look forward to Imer. when 1am sure Ihallhe winncrs and losers will have a friendly drink roge lher in the truc spirit of rugby. Gaad luck ta bath sides. Bcst wi shcs. De nnis Hindle. GIROBANK CHESHIRE CUP 1988/89 Prelim. Round Moore 26 Thorn Cross 0 o Id Instonians 50 Vauxhall 0 Oidershaw 19 Vagabonds 28 Port Sunlight 16 Shell Stanlow 0 Bowdon 70 Winsford 0 Chester College Holmes Chapel New Brighton 73 Dukinfield 0 Capenhurst 6 Wallasey 27 Marple 0 Crewe-Nantwich 29 Mid Cheshire College 35 Hoylake 9 First Round Crewe 0 Oidershaw 12 Helsby 12 New Brighton 15 Ashton on Mersey 10 Mid Cheshire College 12 Chester College 10 Wirral 32 Lymm 66 Bowdon 3 Old Anselmians Old Parkonians Congleton 16 Rock Ferrians 7 Moore 0 Old Salians 26 Chester 27 Aisager College 3 Macc1esfield 9 Old Instonians 0 Davenport 18 Caldy 11 Wallasey 0 Port Sunlight 24 Second Round Oid Parkonians 6 Old Salians 9 New Brighton 10 Macclesfieid 9 Vagabonds 0 Wilmsiow 6 Winnington Park 36 Congleton 10 Davenport 0 Lymm 6 Mid Cheshire College 13 Birkenhead Park 6 Chester 9 Wirrai 14 Sandbach 8 Port Sunlight 7 Quarter Final Sandbach 3 Lymm 8 Oid Salians 9 Wilmslow 6 Wirral 3 Winnington Park 4 Mid Cheshire College 26 New Brighton 6 Semi Final Oid Salians 3 Mid Cheshire College 6 Lymm 3 Winnington Park 0 LYMM R.U.F.C. Path to the Final: First Round ........... Bowdon (H) ..................... 66-3 Second Round ....... Davenport (A) ................. 6-0 Quarter Final ........ Sandbach (A) .................. 8-3 Semi Final .............. Winnington Park (H) ..... 3-0 If s becll a good seasoll ail round for Lymm. who come 10 the Girobank Cheshire Clip Final hoping il will be firth lime lucky . having becn pippcd al the post on t!leir fouI' previolls appearanccs. Since the turn of the ycar. Lyml11 have 10s1 on ly IWO matches. bath unfortunatcly in the Courage set wup. leaving them \Vith only a mid-lablc position. H owevcr the 1cag uc performance has been more than made up for by theirexcellcnl Clip l'un. Howcver. apa n l'ro m thcir 66-3 Pirs! Round w ill over Bowdon. Lymm have had SOI11C lough nUlS to crack. Artel" IWO lough away games. al Sa nd bach and Davenpon , the cl ub \Vas illvolved in an epic scmi-rinal match \V ith \VinnÎngton Park. At the end of normal li me the teams were locked together wil hout a point 011 the board, and it \Vas not unti l the last minute of extra time that Lymm fly -half Tony Egan broke the deadlock wi th a supe rb 50 metre penalty. This was Lymm's first defeat of Park for four years, anddoubly satisfying because it clinched a place for th e club in nexi season's Pilkingtoll Cup. Lymlll Skipper. Colin Rowe is in hi s th ird season as Captai n, and now back 10 his best after bei ng dogged by inj ury in the first three Illont hs of the season. Col in also led Ihe club in their lasl Cheshire Cup Final appearance. back in 1985. Lymm forwards who have been showing good forlll recently include No 8. Mark Jackson, back in the side arter a groin in jury. the reliablc Bob Kelly. the promising Peter Mi ll achip and the consistent Alan Gre.athe.ad. a former Anny and Cornbined Services prop forward. MID CHESHIRE COLLEGE Path to the Final: Prelim. Round ....... Hoylake (H) .................... 35-9 First Round ........... Ashton on Mersey (A) .... 12-10 Second Round ....... Birkenhead Park (H) ..... 13-6 Quarter Final ........ New Brighton (H) .. ......... 26-6 Se mi Final.. ............ Old Salians (A) ............... 6-3 Northwich clu b Mid Cheshire Col lege have certainl y slcppcd up a grade Ihis season to rcach th e G irobank C heshire C up fina l artel' wi nni ng Ihe Plate las! tCJ'm. The club's prev ioll s bes ! in the cup \Vas (Q rcac h the sc mi-fina1. Howcver. they'vc bccn making a name for themselves in rcecll! Ill o n l h ~ \V ith a rc markabh: Clip J'un wlli ch has seen them rake the notable scal ps of Birkenhe ad Park and New Brigh ton along the \Vay.
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