I ndian Su/V\E = M*- .V WICHITA UMIN/CRSITV Vol. LXXVI Mn 90 Friday. November 12.1971 Student Rens Object To Tenure Priorities Student senators have raised who is Involved in furthering objection to a proposed system viable knowledge." of priorities for faculty tenure Unrau has an opponent and and promotion in Fairmount Payne an advocate in Dr. George ? f ^ College of Liberal Arts. However, Lewis, assistant professor of the protests may be a little late. psychology. The students object to the Lewis said he also felt the proposed priorities for granting "priorities have been misplaced. tenure which state that "first It is my feeling that teaching priority shall be given to should have a priority," Lewis research, publication and said. "Research should have a scholarship; second priority shall place, but I look at Wichita State be given to teaching and training as a teaching University. My first competence." obligation is to my students." Mike Payne, proportional ^Studentt Should Have a Voica' student rep., charges that the priorities have been misplaced. Lewis also agreed that "Teaching is the reason for the students should have a voice in University's existence. Research tenure policies. "I think, if there A QRAVELY ILL ANNINA 18 CONFORTED AS SHE NEARS DEATH is Important, but secondary," is a deci^tPQ, be^ made that is going to affect students, they ...Kathleen Weber stars in "The Saint of Bleecker Street"... Payne said. William Unrau, WSU history have a right ar>d an obligation to professor, expressed an opinion be involved in that decision." Three Performances Set that tenure and promotion are Marshall Whitlock. Liberal "pretty much internal matters Arts representative to the among the faculty rather than Student Senate, said he felt the Modern Opera Opens Here something students are in a research should not be a first position to judge." priority but that research and "The Saint of Bleecker The stigmata are marks Other primary roles will be teaching competence should be resembling the crucifixion marks Question of Profe« ionelte«tion Street." an opera by Glon Carlo sung by Denise Reed. Stephanie treated equally. 3; Menotti. will be presmt^ at of Christ. They are regarded a Boothe. Margaret Mackay, Polly Unrau said it was not an T h e students plan to ■ ■ if .J WSU next week In three per­ miracle by those who believe in Pittman, Candice Meckfessel, unusual set of criteria for introduce a resolution to the formances. its significance. Julean Rovig, Teresa Preciado. granting tenure and promotion. Student Senate Tuesday evening The opera opens Sunday, Dr. George Gibson, director Larry Stetler, Robert Neufeld Unrau was a member of the ad calling for re-evaluation of the Nov. 14. at 8 p.m. In the DFAC of Opera Theater, feels one of and Ronald Edwards. hoc committee which formulated policy and student involvement auditorium. Performances will the things which makes the work Tickets for the production are the policy. , on the policy-making committee. also be given at 8 p.m. Tuesday so strong is its believabillty. available through the WSU Unrau said he thought it was a However, the document will be 1 and Thursday, Nov. 16 and 18. "M enotti is basically a School of Music, and will be question of professionalization discussed and possibly adopted It was his personal view that Menotti is said to have dramatist," Gibson said. "He available at the door on the by the Liberal Arts faculty evenings of the performances. "any good teacher has to be one popularized opera as an takes a believable situation, Tuesday afternoon. American art form and brought combines It with the appropriate it closer to the Broachway dramatic emphasis, and writes playgoer. music to enhance this drama. Core Corrlcolom Revitioos Aired All of his operas were written "The result of this i * ' inthel950's. combination is something so The opera concerns a young strong, you cannot help but Deriog Open Hearings on Reporti girl, Annina, who is known to respond to it." Revision of WSU's core members said each college could Steering Committee on her neighbors as the Saint of The role of Annina will be curriculum requirements was be allowed options within the Academic Planning, then to Bleecker Street because of the sung by Kathleen Weber, and her the subject of open hearings required number of courses. University Senate. SGA and to stigmata which has appeared on brother Michele will be sung by Tuesday and Wednesday. According to Kelly Plnkham, the general faculty for approval. her hands. Michael Lipe. The Task Force on General student member of the Plnkham said further action Education explained their committee, a final draft based on on th e proposals is not GTt Srad AitUwar PtMloii proposals for core curriculum, the hearings will be sent to the anticipated before next semester. and fielded questions from students and faculty members. To CoMroM, Navy Socrotary Under the new plan, core Nolte Study Dlaeussed, classes would be designed to give Saigon (A?) - A petition "We, the undersigned American students a total picture of a signed by nwHy soldiers, servicemen on duty in Vietnam, Reeutts to Como Lotor discipline. At present, the sailors and airmen opposed to wish to express our opposition to A report on a noise pollution was ready." Nelson said. "The committee charged, many core c o n tin u e d U .S . mlHtary further United States military study undertaken by a task force study was timely and could be courses are designed with the involvemait ih Soutiieest Asia involvement by air, sea or land of W SU engineering students was used by planhers in setting assumption that students will was sent to Secretary of the forces in Vietnam, Laos, presented Monday during a panel zoning laws." continue working In one Navy John H. Chafee thursday Cambodia or other countries In discussion. N e i^ criticized planning for discipline, and consequently do for fonwarding to Congress. Southeast Asia. Results of the survey are to be such road ptojects ih Wichita as "We petition the United not encompass a broad outlook. released within the next two the horth-south canal toute The si^atures Wete collected States Congress to take whatever months, ft is the first because it lacks noise SU|9prtftsion io the Sal^h area by Navy The proposed plan would action is necessary to assure an comprehensive survey of noise ptanhtng. Radarman James Mohler II, 24, abolish science, humanities and Immediate cessat^n of all ever made in Wichitat and one of fSelson said students ^ who of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, and socIhI sciences as university-wide hostilities in Southeast Asia; to the first in the-United States. conducted the study '‘didn't Ens. Philip b, Geier 111* 23. of requirements. Individual colleges set a near date for final and Doug Nelain, of the intend to find offenders, bUt to Cincinnati. would still be allowed to set such complete American withdrawal; requirements, however. project, will give art O N report establish cUtreht noise levies for The petition Is being sent to to Insure a rapid and peaceful to the funders of the project; future reference.". Chafee because Navy regulations return of American prisoners of Although some participants at then the National Science The team moriitdrbd h i^ , low require all such petitions be war. and to assurrre and assert its the hearings argued students' Foundation will release the and average noise levels at submitted through the secretary. responsibility for determination outlook would be limited if report to local agencies. different hours In nurtierous certain courses were not The text of the petition, of future Amgrlcan foreign City planners "called every representative sectiortt o f required, the committee addressed to the Congress, reads p olicy." two weeks to see if the report Vinchita. -i Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives The Sunflower. Friday, Novqfrber 12,1971 Ti IH w "SOCIItlllS" leaning Center Here from the textbook-reader lab A learning center to continue $17,000 would activate the approadi and Instead presents the "new approach" method of center. the pupil with an everyday event W i teaching mathematics and Nickel said support of the pertaining to math or science. science has been proposed to budget by school districts around "Our experience at replace project "SOCKEMS" Wichita would pay about $1.31 'SOCKEMS' proved this method (South-Central Kansas per student, or roughly a will generate direct interest by Eiemehtary Math-Sciertce). penny-a-day less than the cost of the student in why and how the ''SOCKEMS." which a text book. learning experience is innovated and launched the new TaeelMr-pupa Project happening." method of student participation m The "SOCKEMS" program Nickel said some educators In (earning, is currently housed in attribute the high number of a former HaysvMIe school will cease operation when federal funds run out about April 1972. dropouts to rebeilion towards building. trivia in the classroom. "It is Supporters of the center The proposed new center apparent that the student today believe a logical location would would sen/e as a teacher-pupil training project, according to Dr. is often overloaded with be at or near WSU. They say it extraneous or uninteresting would serve as on-the-job John M. Nickel, associate information," he said. CHILDAiN EXPERieNCe EVERVDAV CONCEm training for education majors and professor of secondary education The rww approach to learning ...Innovative project shows children that education Is pertinent... would enhance W SU's image as a at W SU . that kind of material keeps leader In modem teaching Nickel, who is also the director of "SOCKEMS," says student interest at a peak.
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