3366 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE February 22, 1971 at the University of Call:fornia at Los An­ Miss Devlin's principal message was the WELFARE OR WASTE geles. one she has reiterated during her current Administration ofticials say that should the speaking tour of American campuses: the delegation of Soviet scientists agree to at­ confiict in northern Ireland is a working­ tend the trial as .. observers,.. they would see class struggle and not the religious warfare it HON. LOUIS C. WYMAN for themselves that the trial was conducted is being portrayed in the world press. OF NEW HAMPSHIRE in a fair and unprejudicial manner. She drew a link between the efforts of poor IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Concern that black mllltants could not Catholics in Ireland, poor blacks in the receive a fair trial in America was diSpelled United States and poor Vietnamese in South­ Thursday, February 18, 1971 following a scrupulously conducted trial of east Asia to break free from a capitalistic Mr. WYMAN. Mr. Speaker, neither Black Panther militants in New Haven, Conn. system that she says robs them of the value of what they create. State nor Federal welfare payments BREWSTER COMMENT CITED The audience crowded the ballroom of the ought to come anYWhere near being the Earlier, Kingman Brewster, president of student union, well beyond its posted limit equivalent of what a man can earn by an Yale University, expressed reservations over of 600 and hundreds of students sat in lob­ honest day's work. To the extent that the possib111ty that black milltants could bies and corridors to listen to a public ad­ people are sick, disabled, or mothers with receive a fair trial in America today. Otllcials dress system. Many people in the audience little children are in need, financial as­ here have no concern that Miss Davis would gave Miss Devlin an ovation when she fin­ not be afforded the same judicial care given ished. sistance is needed but it must not be per­ in the New Haven trial. She drew applause after telling the audi­ mitted to get out of hand to the point of In addition to Dr. Kapitsa, several others ence that President Nixon would never go encouraging people to stay on welfare in the Soviet group are believed to have pub­ on trial as an accessor"" to "the murder of the and not go to work. licly aligned themselves with liberal causes Vietnamese people" because "he's not black In this connection a recent letter writ­ in the Soviet Union. All belong to the Acad­ and he's not a Socialist." ten to the editor of the Manchester, N.H., emy of SCiences of the U.S.S.R. and are win­ Queen Elizabeth II is "a squatter in Buck­ Union Leader makes the point very well. ners of high Soviet scientific awards. Physi­ ingham Palace," which should, instead of The letter follows: cist Igor Y. Tamm is a winner of a Nobel being a royal residence, be used to house "100 prize for his work. All are honorary members working-class families," she told a ques­ WELFARE VERSUS WORKING MAN of American scientific academies-either the tioner. To the Editors: My sister-in-law receives U.S. Academy of Sciences or the American The British Army in northern Ireland and $252 per month from welfare plus $140 per Academy of Arts a,nd SCiences. the American Army in Vietnam are both seek­ month from her husband giving her a total ing, she said, to protect the interests of of $392 per month for a family a! five. !From the Washington Post, Feb. 16, 1971] capitalistic society. The total for a year Is $4,804 tax free plus MISS DEVLIN SCORES VARIETY OF TARGETS Asked why socialistic governments such as medicaid and furniture allowance. (By David R. Boldt) those she defends have to keep citizens in I work 40 hours a week and my year's sal­ Bernadette Devlin, 23-year-old Irish rev­ with barbed Wire, while captialistic countries ary is $4,922. Out of this I pay $254 for S.S., have to curb immigration, she said, "I have $204 for taxes, $75 for union dues, $125 for olutionary and member of the British great criticisms of the Russian system," and Parliament, raked Queen Elizabeth II, Presi­ Blue Cross, so it gives $4,254 to support my dent Nixon, the British and American armies, described it as not socialism, but "state cap­ family of five. italism." Welfare pays all medical expenses; Blue Soviet Russia and American capitalism last America had halted Irish immigration, she night at the University of Maryland. Cross half. Glasses and dental work are paid claimed, when American cap!talists dis­ by medicaid, while Blue Cross pays for none. Asked during questioning from the audi­ covered they could send their industries to ence if she advocated the overthrow of the Now please tell us whose better off. The one Ireland and exploit the Irish there "Without whose on welfare or the working man. U.S. government, she said, "I congratulate having to pay their fares over." the gentleman on his astuteness a! mind ... She received her largest crowd reactions in If the Nixon administration's family the answer is yes." handling hostile questioners. When some in assistance program can stop this sort of She added, however, that her principal the audience tried to shout down one of her thing and meaningfully encourage people concern was to bring about socia.list revolu­ antagonists, she cautioned, "You ought to let to go to work, it will be a significant ac­ tion in northern Ireland. the gentleman make a fool of himself." complishment. HO·USE OF REPRE:SENTATIVE~ S-Monday, February 22, 1971 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Without objection, the Journal stands The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, approved. GEORGE WASHINGTON'S FARE­ D.D., offered the following prayer: There was no objection. WELL ADDRESS Preserve me, 0 God, tor in Thee do I The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the order of the House of February 8, 1971, the put my trust. Psalm 16: 1 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Our father's God, we come to Thee Chair recognizes the gentleman from with the sacred remembrance that on A message in writing from the Presi­ Virginia <Mr. RoBINSON) to read George this day was born the one we call the dent of the United States was communi­ Washington's Farewell Address. Father of Our Country. We think of the cated to the House by Mr. Geisler, one Mr. ROBINSON of Virginia read the moral fiber of his mind, his courage when of his secretaries. Farewell Address as follows: confronted with hardship, his willing­ ness to adventure, his skill in leading To the people of the United States: men and his attitude in helping to found MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE FRIENDS AND FELLOW CITIZENS: The period for a new election of a citizen to this our beloved Nation and we are grate­ A message from the Senate, by Mr. ful. administer the executive government of Arrington, one of its clerks, announced the United States being not far distant, Above all we thank Thee for his hum­ that the Senate had passed a bill of the ble faith which time and again sent him and the time actually arrived when your following title, in which the concurrence thoughts must be employed in desig­ to his knees in prayer as he sought to of the House is requested: find Thy way and to walk in it. nating the person who is to be clothed S. 670. An act to authorize further adjust­ with that important trust, it appears to May the memory of this great life ments in the amount of silver certificates me proper, especially as it may conduce strengthen our souls and sustain our outstanding, and for other purposes. spir-its as we labor to preserve liberty in to a more distinct expression of the The message also announced that the public voice, that I should now apprise our land and to proclaim freedom to all Vice President, pursuant to Public Law you of the resolution I have formed, to the world. 86-417, appointed Mr. BIBLE as a mem­ decline being considered among the In Thy holy name we pray. Amen. ber, on the part of the Senate, of the number of those, out of whom a choice James Madison Memorial Commission. is to be made. ---THE JOURNAL The message also announced that the I beg you, at the same time, to do me President pro tempore, pursuant to Pub­ the justice to be assured, that this reso­ The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam­ lic Law 91-510, appointed Mr. CASE and lution has not been taken, without a ined the Journal of the last day's pro­ Mr. ScHwEmER as members, on the part strict regard to all the considerations ceedings and announces to the House his of the Senate, of the Joint Committee on appertaining to the relation which binds approval thereof. Congressional Operations. a dutiful citizen to his country; and that, February 22, 1971 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 3367 in withdrawing the tender of service mislead amidst appearances sometimes anxiety; discountenancing whatever may which silence in my situation might dubious, vicissitudes of fortune often dis­ suggest even a suspicion that it can, in imply, I am influenced by no diminution couraging-in situations iL which not un­ any event, be abandoned; and indig­ of zeal for your future interest; no defi­ frequently, want of success has coun­ nantly frowning upon the first dawning ciency of grateful respect for your past tenanced the spirit of criticism,­ of every attempt to alienate any portion kindness; but am supported by a full the constancy of your support was of our country from the rest, or to en­ conviction that the step is compatible the essential prop of the efforts, and a feeble the sacre~ ties which now link with both.
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