riA P e き 132 Number 2 INLANDWATERWAYSASSOCIATION SouthEastRegion гот theJournal of the South East Re Inland Waterways Association, pul ‚ timesyearly Dame Margot Fonteyn and Sir John Betjeman Patrons Ditton, Lionel Munk, Ferry House, Ferry Rd, Thames RegionChairman EDITOR: Peter G.Hill > 170 Murray Surrey (01-398 0271) = (71 35811) Telephone: 01-560 0207 Mike West, 14 Thurlstone Rd, Ruislip Secretary Amersham ADVERTISINGMANAGER: BillRobert: Philip Mowle, Arbor House, The Woodlands, — m Treasurer London WIM 5HS. Telephon DESPATCH MANAGER: MarySwinney,: => Middlesex.Telephone: 01- IWA Members Committee ©IWA South East Region, 1975 0207) WRGPrint, 11 Ashwood A Hill, 170 Murray Rd, London W5 (01-560 Printed by WindlassEditorPeter 5 Thakeham Close, East Preston, PublicityOfficerTonyPagett, Sussex(09062 70001) | REGION CHRISTMAS DRAW — 1975 RESULT Lonsdale Rd, Stevenage, Herts Trevor Taylor, 379 At the riskof repeating myself, ey NW1 Oliver Turner, 57 Fitzroy Rd, London Christmas Draw appliesthis year as Langley, Herts Home Pk Hse, Station Road, Kings JohnEvans,2 more than last year'smaximum, this Springhill Cottage, Yardley Pk Rd, Tonbridge DerekSalmon, in the country and yet anotherincr 204 Kew Rd, Richmond, Surrey FrankGreenhow, Many thanks to all the members wh 31 Princes Ct, Wembley (01-902 8167) thosewho bought them! The fuij1% ISCChairmanPaulWinch, ja Weeks Holiday on Narrowboat Committee Members - Branch Chairmen BlueSpotCar Radio Rd, Chelmsford (Chelmsford 58489) Chelmsford M.Sharp, 31 Helstone UN Homemade Patchwork Quilt i : Guildford E KodakInstamaticCameraOutfit Hitchin (52659) 2 Benslow Rise, Hertfordshire DrStuartGardiner, | InfraRedGrill 204 Kew Road, Richmond Surrey LondonFrankGreenhow, ONO TwoSterling Silver Wine Labels Tennis, Cassington, Oxford (Oxford 880201) OxfordM.Warner,3 The Sparklets Soda Syphon TonbridgeR.Stainton + Nicholsons Canal Guides ParkerPen andPencilSet Ray Carter, 56 Oakdene Drive, Tolworth, Surbiton, mm RegionSales/Exhibitions: SOC OneYear Subscription to Surrey(01-3372276) Waterway World Lawrence, Muleddis, Lower Dunton Regional Working Party Organiser: Malcolm 11 Bottleof GrandMarnier Essex (0268 41427) Road,Dunton,Brentwood, 12 Setof Table Mats and Coasters 11 Thurlstone Rd, Ruislip (71 35811) MembershipSecretary:MarianWest, 13 Book Token 14 Record 'Narrow Boats! - General Office:114 Regent's Park Road, London NWI 15 Record 'Narrow Boats! INLANDWATERWAYSASSOCIATION 16 Bottleof Telephone: 01-586 2510, 01-586 2556 Sherry 17 TwoWaterways General Secretary: John Taunton Tea Towels Chairman:JohnHeap 18 21bBoxof Chocolates ⑲ 21bBoxofChocolates BRANCHSECRETARIES 20 21bBox-of Chocolates Rd, Chelmsford, Essex. Tel: Chelmsford 50863. The 'carrot' prize this year was hot. Chelmsford: D.Johnson,27Sandford St Georges Ave, Weybridge, Surrey. Tel: the value of £3boughtfromIWASale: Guildford: A.Davis, 55HolmeChase, ほ asfollows: Weybridge44261. Ware Road, Hailey, Herts (Hoddesdon 61911) Hertfordshire: NormanVines, 336 1 31 books sold by G.K. Bradshaw Surrey. Tel: 01-876 1520. London: J.W.Parton,2 RuskinAve,Kew, 2 13 bookssoldbyE.J.Nuthall Rd, Cumnor Hill, Oxford. Tel: Cumnor 2061. Oxford: J.Taphouse,11DeanCourt 3 11bookssoldbyL. Munkand D. Cs St, Cranbrook, Kent, Tel: Cranbrook 3321. Tonbridge: G.B.W.Clarke, Ivydene,High 5 7 books soldbyMrs Rees, A, Evar The major expense of theDraw is of Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society who Fiveyoungmembersofthe wouldbea listof attractive prizes walk along the Basingstoke Canal. Cover tookpartinlastyear's sponsored 1976Christmas Draw GeoffBradshawwi T-shirts in yellow with the SHCS Theyareall wearingtheSociety's toattainthat ideal. Workingon the the sailing barge design on the Basingstoke Photo symbol inblackbasedon Canal shilling token. L 9)03sbulseg ayy uo ubLssp SioqueuTIIM‘19219qeuaIOUOOS947STdIIUTIduoSUTYIOM * [eepr 32842せLBユ⑱ o① MO| [3A UL SIALYS-| SUOAUE03Sutpeerdaq[IMMeyspexgチす0⑨⑨ MBSBWISTIYD9/6T SOHSYZY3LM * [euej ayorsBULSeg aus Buoje y | en 941103pue “pazeuopusaqす o ITIBSo②rrd eAt①っ@エ ュ⑱ よ ら IST]B 94prnom oym A39190S |eue) a4Lysduey p TEOPpIOUL ‘SoZTId 9YI303509OYJ9SINODJOSTMBI(oyz30asuedxoou], ISM “CNpue SUBAJ ‘y “sooy sIN Æq pros syooq L G *IZE£ YOOIQUEIJ :Taj *qusy “Yoox! UOXSWEI ‘q pue Nun ‘7 Æq pros syooq IT $ ToUWNJ :T9L *pIOFXO “IT? c *I907 ITEYINN ‘L’AAqprossyooq¢1 *OZST 928-TO0 :T9L MeUspezg ‘N°9Æqpros syo0oqI£ 1 (HT6h9UOPSSPROH) sIISH “XT :SMOTTOJ se “eSprigXoM “any SIE (¡19410947OJUT 39320830 INO) PIT SOTESWMI uoxy 3yYysnoq¢zJO aNTEAeua 1191, *KeTIns Tel *Xossg “PI 03 S300Q943JO SISUUIM0UIpue pojsajuo9ÁTIOY SEMIBOÁ STUI eZT1d ¡1OLIEO, our *£980SPIOFSUTSUD ‘Syong ‘usar “g②②⑨⑨ “y sozeTosoysFOxog 9172 OZ "INUOPUOT ‘syooag ‘AY S9JETOI0YIFOXOg GIZ 61 quay “Ranquequpy “Anag “y: mz S93BT020Y)30xog dIZ 81 ` ⑨⑦②g “⑨の⑦ ⑨②②⑦ “んao②⑦ ・ uyop :/ 5] SÁBMIOJEM OMI LI uogune; “voss7 “YDANYOUTOH “F4OUTAGOH] * AII9YS FO 9712209 OI 9562 985-10 ‘0152 ‹ quay ・ p “s1179M ebpraqun, ANSIA ‘paveg FAA ‚53809 MOLIEN, PpIOJ9y SI LMN Uopuo] ‘“peoy yxed s,quabay て てみ UOPUOT “poossupm ‘ “q ‚53809 MOIIEBN, pIOION HI SM uopuoT “Bur107 ‘Uvb1aa0y *T ssIN U9XOJ ④oog SI (TIQSE TL) ÉTISTME “PU © 625UPUOT UDYI7T YFLUS “Y 5193580) PUB SIEN 8] JO 39S ZI hozang “puoumorg “Moyusado “q SAN JO 973309 II (LenhTh 8920) xessu “pe uoqungzemoT “ g てppeTrW ‘sou ‘quo “Bur178M “smoT “元 PITOM ÁemIOJEM 07 uoTIdrIISang IRSA SUN OT “ no③rdng “YATOMTO] “SATIQG € “TossnS “UToyIdivys “saujoy 5 199 TT9ued pue uoq Ioyxed 6 "PUN “Poormyazon “7727 “9 SAN S9pTAY TEUEJ SUOSTOYITN $ *quey ‘uozburdap ‘asuusp ‘Lym uoyd£s epog sizoryaeds 1; PIOFXO “UOIAU ISALTS SUTTISIS OMIL 9 (TOZ099 PIOIXO) “MP “Ppleufua 779009 tysan ST9GET SUTM £oxang puoumory | “su “ybnozoquang ‘Qybaapm yo TES poy=tarur (69924) UTUOITH “OSTE ! “EPI “UOFRDIG 38seM UYINOWUSIAOA *Y 1T32nQ elcsuej ITIBUEBISUT Yepoy ヤ “ ⑨②び⑨が “YJAONSUDUMOIT “YAQUS DL ①tnO ④roAdoded SpeuteutoH $ (69184 PIOFSUTSUJ) PIOJSUN ` ⑨②②のが “び②② ⑨⑨⑦ら②②④ “UYonoag *⑨ ⑨ oTpey ae) 1045 antg と 一 “sI“yquomabpiagnos ‘ tpt) JBOQMOIIBN UO ÆepITOH syoom I UauLet :SMOTTOF SP ST SIOUUTMOZTId AquOMI OUI JO ISTT [INF OYL jweyz 3Y8noq oym 9soyl 206-T0) «砧 0] OSTB pue (J583 UT %0£) SIOYOTI ey2 pros oym sIoqueu 947 [TB Ol syueyl (LOT ‘) “SOBIEYO TEISOd UT 9SBOIOUT Ieyloue 194 pue AI3unod ⑨ t ‘ Xd LoTpaex “ose sueTqord TBTOUBUTF SUTNULIUOD oyl 30 +tds UT STU] ‘unuTxeu S,IBOÁ ①SeT e] SOmr “AorSuer ssury “peog UOTIE: ooued moy e ÁTUO SEM IINSOI 9UI U9N9 “TTOM SE IROÁ styl sorrdde mexq sewistayy sqozey TMN UopuoT _ VL6T OU) Inoqe Iesf 3sel pres ] JEUYI SUTUYIÁIONO ‘FTosAu Surieodox FO YSII ey “agzeuesagg “DI stem $10538 SZL6L ー MVdd SVNLSIdHJ NOI⑨玉 seg © ‘ “①ULJd⑨dM SM uopu X⑨s⑨LPPLM “UopBULLLLH “gnuaAV pooAUSV LL Aq paqulug (Logo 09S-TO) S/61 “UOLE3y 1se7 YINOS YMIO) 6544 885-10 :ouoydega] +Xasa|PpLN ‘MOJUBH Y3nos ‘sue 93033se3 997 “Aauulms Adey :UIIYNYW HOLVdSAQ £SPZ S96-T0 :9u0ydajaz "SHG [IM uopuo7 © SPUBTPOOM SUL ‘499435 ‘399435 sewep 82 ‘squagoy |119 :MIJYNVW 9NISILUIAOY weyszouy 2020 099-T0 :2u04de7aL (TT8SE TL) ETISTUN “1 SM UOpuoT “buLje3 313317 “peoy Aedany 0/1 “LLLH*9 49394 :HOLICI soweur ‘ А, ‘uonarg uswe (qag uyop . K|jueak seul XLS paysl|qnd “uoiqelsossy sÆemtsqem pueju] 2412 Jo UOLSay 1sej YINOS au 40 [eudnop ayı u 9L6L Advndgas ¿EL Aaqunn SSDIPUIM NOILVIO GUILDFORD BRANCH prizes either personally or through their business whoarewillingtodonate Committee Personnel Following the pleasecontactGeoffBradshaw,2 PlaistowWay,GreatChishill, nr Royston, Herts year, and of Richard Kite (Tel: Chrishall 501). The distribution of tickets is now over 80,000 and as each recently those were two vacancies on the Committe hasthedonorsnameagainsta donatedprizethecoverageis not bad for of Geoffrey Matthews andGeoffrey interestedinadvertising. by rotation atthe AGM (Official Theresponsetothecallfordonated prizes for the 1975 Draw was a considerable N issue) >» and we 1974 Draw, and we sincerely thank the following for their gen- are still two short improvementonthe laws. Opportunity is at handthere eroussupport: of service to put themselves forwa 1stPrize— SomertonMarineLimited,MedleyBoat Station, Port Meadow, Oxford General Meetings We are pleased t 2ndPrize— EdorCarRadioServiceLimited, 50 Bettespol Meadows, Redbourn, at Worthing in December wherether: StAlbans,Herts people. The January meetingin Weyl 3rdPrize— MrsB. Powell magazine 1s tohand. 4th Prize — Housley Heath & Company, PO Box 19, Waltham Cross, Herts At this meeti handed Berks over to the Regional Chairm: 6thPrize— WindsorWineSupplies,24PriorsRoad,Windsor, year's very successful WeybridgeR: 8thPrize— RobertNicholsonPublications,24 Highbury Crescent, London N5 1RX those who helped to make this poss: 10thPrize— WaterwayProductionsLimited,Kottingham House, Dale Street, Burton The next general meeting is attl onTrent,Staffs Guildford on Friday, 19 Marchat⑦
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