NATURE- BASED RECREATION AREAS IN METROPOLITAN CITIES METROPOL ġEHĠRLERDE DOĞA TEMELLĠ REKREASYON ALANLARI Meryem HAYIR KANAT Jürgen BREUSTE Meryem Hayır-Kanat &Jürgen Breuste Nature - Based Recreation Areas in Metropolitan Cities Metropol ġehirlerde Doğa Temelli Rekreasyon Alanları Author / Yazar: Meryem HAYIR-KANAT, ORCID: 0000-0002-3190-3144 Author / Yazar: Jürgen BREUSTE ORCID, ORCID: 0000-0002-1276-0993 ISBN: 978-625-7664-24-0 E-ISBN: 978-625-7664-25-7 First Edition / 1. Baskı: Ocak 2021 © 2021 Efe Akademi. All rights reserved. Bu eserin; yayın, satış ve kopyalama hakları EFE AKADEMİ‟ye aittir. LIBRARY CATALOG / KÜTÜPHANE KARTI Nature - Based Recreation Areas In Metropolitan Cities Metropol Şehirlerde Doğa Temelli Rekreasyon Alanları HAYIR KANAT, Meryem and BREUSTE, Jürgen First Edition / 1. Basım, 154 s., 160 x 240 mm. Keywords / Anahtar kelimeler: 1. Nature-based recreation (doğa temelli rekreasyon) 2. Urban green (kentsel yeşil) 3. Linear park(doğrusal park) 4. Istanbul/Turkey 5. Salzburg /Austria Certificate No / Sertifika No: 43370 Printing House Certificate No / Matbaa Sertifika No: 43370 Efe Akademi Yayınevi Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Davutpaşa Kampüsiçi Esenler / İSTANBUL +90212 482 22 00 www.efeakademi.com Printing House / Matbaa Adres: Ofis2005 Fotokopi ve Büro Makineleri San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Davutpaşa Kampüsiçi Esenler / İSTANBUL +90212 483 13 13 www.ofis2005.com Meryem Hayır-Kanat &Jürgen Breuste Preface This book is based on the final report "Nature-Based Recreation in Metropolitan Cities (KEDAM)" (Project No: 1059B191601770)”. The report was in the field of Social and Human Sciences, and it was made possible with the support of TUBITAK 2219 post-doctoral research program. The project has been carried out within the 16.01.2019-15.01.2020 period, under the supervision of Univ-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Breuste in Austria at the University of Salzburg, Geography and Geology Department, at the Division of Landscape and Urban Ecology. We would like to thank to the Department of Geography of Szeged University and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Péter Szilassi for separating and sharing the data about Yıldız Park that he has collected in the "Salzburg-Szeged-Yildiz (Istanbul) Park Survey" research on which we worked together. We would like to thank to Kamil Kanat for his contribution to the design of book‟s cover and, also Seher Yaldız and Zeynep Hayır for editing the English part In the first chapter of the book, following the explanation of what is meant by nature-based urban ecological area; nature-based recreation areas in metroplitan cities of Istanbul and Salzburg are emphasized. As an exemplary district in Istanbul, the parks in Beşiktaş region were focused on, and the distribution and classification of the parks were made. Then, a mobile application-based field study specific to Yıldız Park was made by means of the photographs of the landscape elements in the park, it was conducted to investigate the vegetation perception and preferences of the visitors, and the results were analyzed. Finally, in the light of field observations and researches within Istanbul and Salzburg cities, linear parks, which are considered important factors for the cities, have been highlighted. The research results are available in the first part of the book in English (pp. 1- 60) and in the second part in Turkish (pp.63-122). Following the reference, examples of thesis on urban ecology at the University of Salzburg as an additional list can be found. January 2021 i Nature-Based Recreation Areas In Metropolitan Cities Önsöz Bu kitap “Kentsel Ekolojik Dinlenme Alanı Modeli (KEDAM)” (Proje No: 1059B191601770) projesinin sonuç raporunun düzenlenmesi ile yayına hazırlanmıştır. Proje TÜBİTAK 2219 doktora sonrası araştırma projeleri kapsamında Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler/Coğrafya alanında 2016 /2 ve 2017/1 döneminde desteklenmeye hak kazanmıştır. Projenin uygulanması 16.01.2019-15.01.2020 döneminde Avusturya‟da Salzburg Üniversitesi, Coğrafya ve Jeoloji Bölümü, Peyzaj ve Kentsel Ekoloji Anabilim Dalında Univ-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Breuste‟nin danışmanlığında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Szeged Üniversitesi Coğrafya bölümünden Doç. Dr. Péter Szilassi‟ye birlikte çalıştığımız “Salzburg-Szeged-Yildiz (Istanbul) Park Survey” araştırmasında toplanan Yıldız Parkına ait verileri ayırarak bizimle paylaştığı için teşekkür ederiz. Bu kitabın kapak tasarımı için Kamil Kanat‟a ve İngilizce bölümünün çevirisini yapan Seher Yaldız‟a ve son dil düzenlemesini yapan Zeynep Hayır'a teşekkür ederiz. Kitabın ilk bölümünde doğa temelli kentsel ekolojik alan ile neyin kasdedildiği ortaya konulduktan sonra İstanbul ve Salzburg kentlerindeki doğa temelli rekreasyon alanları üzerinde durulmuştur. İstanbul‟da örnek ilçe olarak Beşiktaş‟ta bulunan parklar üzerinde durulmuş, parkların dağılımı ve sınıflandırması yapılmıştır. Daha sonra Yıldız Parkı özelinde parkta bulunan peysaj unsurlarına ait fotoğraflar aracılığı ile yapılmış olan ziyaretçilerin bitki örtüsü algısını ve tercihlerini araştırmak için mobil uygulama tabanlı saha araştırması yapılarak sonuçlar analiz edilmiştir. Son olarakta İstanbul ve Salzburg‟da yapılan saha gözlemleri ve araştırmaların ışığında kentler için önemli görülen linear parklar üzerinde durulmuştur. Araştırma sonuçları Kitabın ilk kısmında İngilizce (ss.1-60)ve ikinci kısmında Türkçe (63-122) olarak yer almaktadır. Kaynaklar‟dan sonra ise ek liste olarak Salzburg Üniversitesinde kent ekolojisi üzerine yapılan tezlerden örnekler yer almaktadır. Ocak 2021 ii Meryem Hayır-Kanat &Jürgen Breuste NATURE-BASED RECREATION AREAS IN METROPOLITAN Page CITIES 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Information about the research 1 1.2. Literature summary 2 1.2.1. Urban Nature 2 Vegetation density 9 Vegetation character and care 9 2. Research Method 11 2.1. Data collecting 11 2.2. Research Area 14 2.2.1. Istanbul 14 2.2.2. Salzburg 15 3. Research Findings 17 3.1. Istanbul 17 3.1.1. Besiktas 20 Yildiz Park 27 3.1.2. Istanbul Beaches as a Natural Recreation Area 32 Seaside Parks Along the Bosphorus 33 Marmara Sea Shores 35 Golden Horn 39 3.2. Salzburg 40 Salzburg- Mönchsberg as a city park 44 Hobby Gardens (Allotment Gardens) in Salzburg 47 Hans-Donnenberg Park 49 Salzach River 53 Almkanal 54 4. Linear Parks and Linear Park Model as the Most 55 Popular Area in the Urban Area 5. Result 59 References/Kaynaklar 127 Attachment Studies at the University of Salzburg on Urban Nature 133 . iii Nature-Based Recreation Areas In Metropolitan Cities FIGURES SCHEDULE No Figures Name Page 1 City parks on the Mönchsberg and Kapunzinerberg hills in 5 Salzburg 2 Urban park and urban sustainability 10 3 Motivation reasons for nature 11 4 Natural Greenery Standards for European Cities 13 5 Research area and natural recreation areas of Istanbul 14 6 Location of the city of Salzburg 15 7 Nature reserve of the city of Salzburg 16 8 Green area per capita in the districts of Istanbul 18 9 Parking area per capita in the districts 19 10 Ihlamurdere Promenade Area_1838 21 11 Neighborhood location in Beşiktaş District and the amount of 24 parking space per person according to neighborhoods 12 Yıldız Park and a section from the park 24 13 Distribution of parks in Beşiktaş district by size 25 14 Distribution of participants by universities 27 15 Survey tool applied in Yıldız Park 28 16 Distribution of the participants according to their level of 29 education 17 Distribution of participants by age groups 29 18 Average scores of the photos included in the research according 30 to the likes and vegetation types 19 The sum of the average point values of the photos included in 32 the research to the questions 20 Proportional distribution of activities preferred for resting in 32 natural areas in Istanbul 21 Proportional distribution of the frequency of visiting natural 32 areas in Istanbul 22 Yeniköy Coast 34 23 Rumeli Fortress 34 24 Buyukcekmece Albatros Coast 35 25 Avcilar Coast 36 26 Avcılar District coastal parks 36 27 Florya Social Facilities Coast 37 28 Sarayburnu Coast 38 29 Kadıköy Fenerbahçe Park 38 30 Endemic pistachio tree in Kadıköy Fenerbahçe Park 39 31 Golden Horn Coast and recreation potential 40 32 Salzburg population 41 33 Panoramic view of Salzburg from Mönchsberg city park 42 34 Locations of their districts in Salzburg 42 iv Meryem Hayır-Kanat &Jürgen Breuste 35 Nature conservation plan of the city of Salzburg 43 36 Mönchsberg City Park 45 37 Examples of information boards in the city park of Mönchsberg 47 to understand the environment and park nature 38 Salzburg's first hobby garden Thumegg 48 39 Plan of the Hobby Garden Thumegg 49 40 Hans-Donnenberg-Park 49 41 Distribution of photos taken in Hans-Donnenberg-Park 50 42 Leopoldskron Pond and islet 51 43 Recreationists on the banks of the Leopoldskron Pond 52 44 Leopoldskron palace 52 45 Salzach river shore recreation area 53 46 Almkanal Natural recreation area 54 47 Almkanal Natural recreation area 55 48 Balance between meaning, benefits, uses, and needs of a linear 56 park 49 The Underline 10-Mile Linear Park in Miami 57 50 Waterfront Linear Parks in Zeytinburnu_Istanbul 58 v Nature-Based Recreation Areas In Metropolitan Cities TABLES No Table Name Page 1 Ecosystem services of urban green 4 2 Different levels of human activity and interaction with nature in 8 various outdoor activities 3 Examples of hierarchical classification of parks are "size in ha", 12 "expected walking distance in m" 4 Parking areas per capita in Istanbul according to districts (per person / 18 m²) 5 Population, number of parks, parking areas and amount of green areas 22 per person in Beşiktaş District by neighborhoods 6 The popularity of Yıldız Park for Istanbul 23 7 Classification of parks in Beşiktaş according to park size 25 8 Photo evaluations of different vegetation types of the Park Area (%) 31 9 Presence of infrastructure elements in Mönchsberg city park and its 44 grove 10 Establishment years and locations of Hobby Gardens in Salzburg and 48 the number of gardens in these places 11 Theses on the city of Salzburg supervisor by Univ.
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