Index NOTE: When a page range next to an author’s name appears in bold (eg. Bush, M. B. 113–40), then this indicates the chapter in this Handbook that the author has written. NOTE: All lakes, mountains and rivers are fi led under their names – eg. Alexandrina (Lake). Abbott, M. B. 121 Amazonia 115–19, 128–32, 288, 342, 344 Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) 220 Ambrose, S. H. 316 acidifi cation 48, 53–6, 72, 84–6, 89, 104–7, 200, ammonia 48 251–2, 269, 428, 440 Amudarya River 439 acid rain debate 53–4, 104–5, 406 Anasazi civilization 356 see also pH levels Anatolia 164, 361 acquired immune defi ciency syndrome 387, 437 ancient DNA (aDNA) 329 Adger, W. N. 380, 433 Anderies, J. M. 381 Adriatic Sea 82, 164 Anderson, A. 339, 348 Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer Anderson, L. 206 (AATSR) 8, 10, 19 Andes 113–14, 117–22, 124, 127, 131, 236, 264, 266, Aegean Sea 164, 170, 287–8 276, 342–4, 364 aerosols 101–8, 269, 328, 388, 390 Angola 122 Africa 10, 14, 16–17, 19, 25, 29, 56, 58–9, 105, Antarctic 78, 98–101, 142, 153, 155, 245–61, 442 114–15, 117–19, 122–32, 154, 164–5, 170, 179, geographic defi nitions 246–8 215, 248, 430 polar environmental change 248–56 agriculture and domestication 335, 339 Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment arid and semi-arid regions 142–8, 156 (ACCE) 246 disease in 388, 392, 394–6 anthrax 388, 390 hominid evolution and migration 301–9, 311–18 Anthropocene 65, 74, 82, 88, 95, 97, 99, 108, 245–6 mountain regions 263, 270, 276 ants 31–2 see also individual countries Appalachian Mountains 206 African horse sickness (AHS) 389 Arabian Desert 171 agriculture 25, 34–5, 50, 209, 271, 292, 328–9, Arabian Sea 126–7 344–50, 380, 432–3, 437 Aral Sea 59, 154 AIDS 387, 437 Arctic 245–61, 291, 442 air pollution geographic defi nitions 246 history of 95–7 polar environmental change 248–56 human impacts on the atmosphere 97–106 Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) 246, 256 see also carbon dioxide; greenhouse gases Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme Akkadian Empire 356, 361 (AMAP) 252, 254 Alaska 247, 253, 255 Arctic Ocean 84, 86, 125, 246–7, 251 Albania 164 Argentina 155, 163 Alboran Sea 164, 166 arid and semi-arid regions 141–62 Alexandrina (Lake) 60 environmental change in 143–53 Allen, J. A. 310 global impacts of environmental changes in 155–6 Alps 141, 266, 270, 274, 307 land-use and desertifi cation 153–5 Alvarez-Filip, L. 88 present-day distribution of 142–3 5654-Matthews-Index-Vol-II .indd 447 10/8/2011 5:58:23 PM 448 INDEX Arizona 37, 368 Belgium 400 Asia 14, 17, 29, 103–7, 113–14, 116, 119, 123, 125–7, Beniston, M. 262–81 131–2, 165, 239, 285, 366, 430–1 Bennion, H. 47–70, 52, 59 agriculture and domestication 331, 333, 335, Bergmann, C. 310 339–40, 349 Bering Sea 247 arid and semi-arid regions 142, 148–50, 155, 157 Bettinger, R. L. 336 disease in 389, 396 Beug, H.-J. 233 grasslands 218–21, 224–5, 229–38 Beyer, L. 245 hominid evolution and migration 303, 306, 309 biomass 4, 11, 18–19, 48–9, 188, 195, 200–1, 203, mountain regions 263, 267, 270 208, 270, 328, 331, 421 temperate forested regions 190, 192, 195, 199, see also forests; vegetation 201, 205 BIOME models 4, 223, 325–9 see also individual countries BIOPRESS project 16 Asian Development Bank 428 Biosphere–Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (BATS) 4 Association for Small Island States (AOSIS) 431 Blaber, S. J. M. 79–80 Atacama Desert 152, 163 Black Sea 82, 164, 219, 229–31, 234, 238 Atahan, P. 337 Blaut, J. 356 Athens, J. S. 121 Blockley, S. M. 301–27 Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Blockley, S. P. E. 301–27, 321 (AMOC) 115, 118, 124–5 Blue Mountains 275 Atlantic Ocean 81, 86–7, 103, 113, 115, 117–18, bluetongue 396–8, 400 126–7, 148, 164–5, 167, 169, 171–3, 176, 179, Bobe, R. 304–5 188, 247–8, 285, 308, 317, 365 Böcher, J. 245 North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) 166 bogs 266 Australia 10, 19, 29–33, 58, 75, 77, 80–1, 86–7, 123, Bolivia 364 128–30, 132, 163, 248, 338, 396 Bølling/Allerød warm event 114, 116, 173 arid and semi-arid regions 142, 152–4, 156 Bolter, M. 245 coastal regions 286, 289 Bond, G. 125–6 mountain regions 264, 267, 275 Bond Cycles 125–6, 177, 308 temperate forested regions 190–2, 194–5, Bonneville (Lake) 151 200–3, 206 Born, E. W. 245 Austria 264 Borneo 32 avalanches 264 Boserup, E. 347, 357 avian infl uenza 387, 390 Bosnia and Herzogovina 164 Ayalon, A. 176–7 Botswana 145, 147 Azov Sea 229 Bradley, R. S. 355, 360 Brahmaputra River 286 Badain Jaran Desert 149 Braune, B. M. 253 Bahamas 156 Brazil 10, 18, 124–5, 380 Baikal (Lake) 219 Brimblecombe, P. 96 Balearic Islands 164 Britain see Great Britain Balearic Sea 164 British Antarctic Survey 99–100 Baltic Sea 82 Bronze Age 49, 65, 178–9, 205 Bangladesh 270, 286, 440 Brooke, B. 289 Barbados 156 Brooks, N. 366, 368–9 Barber, K. 356 Brunk, G. G. 359 Barents Sea 247 Budain Jaran Desert 144 Bargagli, R. 245, 254 Burdekin River 81 Bar-Matthews, M. 163–87, 169, 173, 176–7 burning see fi re Barnes, D. K. A. 252 Bush, M. B. 113–40, 121 Barnosky, C. W. 203, 207 Butzer, K. 357, 368 Barrow, C. J. 426–46 Bartlein, P. J. 188–214, 331 Caddy, J. F. 79 Barton, R. N. E. 313–14 Cadée, G. C. 84 Bar-Yosef, O. 178 cadmium (Cd) 61 Battarbee, R. W. 47–70, 55, 59 Cairns Historical Society 80 Baylis, M. 387–405 Calaway, M. J. 364–5 Behrensmeyer, K. 305 California 150–1, 163, 218, 275, 435 5654-Matthews-Index-Vol-II .indd 448 10/8/2011 5:58:23 PM INDEX 449 Callaway, R. M. R. W. 274 Clovis period 129–30, 205 Cambodia 123 Clow, D. W. 269 Canada 52–3, 199, 234, 236, 245–7, 250, 253–5, 267, CO2 see carbon dioxide (CO2) 286, 291 coal 53, 95, 421, 432 Canary Islands 286 coastal regions 71–94, 282–97, 380 Candy, I. 301–27 changes in coastlines 73, 88–9 cane toads 31 effect of climate change on ecosystems 84–8 Cara (Lake) 123 environmental histories of 288–91 carbon dioxide (CO2) 3–4, 19, 53, 86, 97–103, 106, exploitation of ecosystems 73–81 108, 148, 156, 180, 191–3, 195, 208–9, 216, human impacts on 291–2 222–3, 227, 236, 246, 251, 257, 270, 328, 338, non-human causes of environmental change in 406, 419, 422, 428 283–8 Caribbean 88 pollution of ecosystems 81–4 Carpenter, K. E. 87–8 prospects for 292–3 Carpenter, S. R. 36 Cocklin, C. 406–25 Carrington Events 430 Cohen, A. J. 107 Carson, R. 406 Colinvaux, P. A. 121 Caspian Sea 229 collapse scenarios 355–73 Catto, G. 360 lessons from the past 367–9 Catto, N. 360 trajectories of vulnerability 357–67 causality see collapse scenarios Colombia 343 Cavallari, B. J. 178 Colorado 152 caves 124, 128, 174, 176–9, 232, 305, 311, 320–1, Columbus, C. 132 331, 343 complexity see collapse scenarios Cenozoic 148 computers 5 CENTURY model 4 Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) 252 CH4 see methane Conseuelo (Lake) 120 Chad Basin 147 Constantinople 96 Chalcolithic 178–9 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 34 Chapin, F. S. 378, 380 Cook, E. J. 206 Chappell, J. 284 Coombes, P. 356 charcoal 127, 129, 131–2, 227, 229, 233, 321, 342 Cooper, J. A. G. 289 Charles, A. T. 79 Coordination of Information on the Environment Charlson, R. J. 105 (CORINE) 15–16 Chepstow-Lusty, A. J. 121 copper (Cu) 61 Chesapeake Bay 78, 81–2 corals 72, 74, 79–80, 84–8, 106, 289–90, 319 Chichancanab (Lake) 127 Corcoran, P. L. 84 Chikungunya 387 Corsica 164 Childe, V. G. 345 Costa Rica 270 Chile 152, 163, 191, 193, 200, 204, 206 Costanza, R. 366 Chin, M. 104 crabs 32, 252 China 30, 52, 61–2, 102, 124–6, 128, 141–2, 144, Crete 335 148–50, 156–7, 188, 190–1, 193, 195, 200, 205, Croatia 164 219–22, 231–4, 236, 238, 268, 269, 287, 293, 305, crocodiles 77 317, 335–8, 349, 366 Cronon, W. 359 Loess Plateau 148–9 Crutzen, P. 97, 154, 246, 255 chlorofl uorocarbons (CFCs) 101, 255 Cuba 432, 437 cholera 388 cyclones 151, 165, 219 Chorreras (Lake) 341 Cyprus 168, 172, 335, 396 Christmas Island 32 Clarke, A. 251 δ13C 176–7, 227, 305 Clean Water Act (US) 47 δ18O 120, 124–7, 155, 164–71, 173–4, 176–9, 228, CLIMAP 116 265–6, 302, 305 climate models 118, 123, 271–2, 379 Daley, B. 71–94 see also general circulation models (GCMs) Dang, H. H. 410 clouds 9, 86, 100 Dansgaard–Oeschger (DO) events 125, 151, 168, 172, Asian Brown Cloud 269 308, 317 polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) 101–2 Davies, M. 334–5 5654-Matthews-Index-Vol-II .indd 449 10/8/2011 5:58:23 PM 450 INDEX δD 124–5, 165 Egypt 144, 179, 316, 335, 356, 361–2, 366 Dead Sea 173–5 El Niño 19, 123, 387 dead zones 79, 81, 83 see also La Niña Defence Meteorological Satellite Program El Niño southern oscillation (ENSO) 10, 115, 118, (DMSP) 18 201, 206, 283, 286, 339, 341, 343, 389, 394, deforestation 4, 17, 29, 205, 208, 229, 270, 276, 328, 435, 441 339, 348, 367, 395, 440 Ellesmere Island 250–1 deMenocal, P.
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