Family-Group Names in Recent Fishes 20 Sept. 2013

Family-Group Names in Recent Fishes 20 Sept. 2013

Family-group names of Recent fishes RICHARD VAN DER LAAN1,5, WILLIAM N. ESCHMEYER2 & RONALD FRICKE3,4 1Grasmeent 80, 1357JJ Almere, The Netherlands. E-mail: [email protected] 2Curator Emeritus, California Academy of Sciences, 55 Music Concourse Drive, San Francisco, CA 94118, USA. E-mail: [email protected] 3Im Ramstal 76, 97922 Lauda-Königshofen, Germany. E-mail: [email protected] 4Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, Rosenstein 1, D-70191 Stuttgart, Germany [temporarily out of office] 5Corresponding author Class Myxini Order Myxiniformes Family Myxinidae Rafinesque 1815 Subfamily Myxininae Rafinesque 1815 Missinidi Rafinesque 1810b:49 [ref. 3595] (ordine) ? Myxine [published not in latinized form before 1900; not available, article 11.7.2] Myxinia Rafinesque 1815:94 [ref. 3584] (subfamily) Myxine [stem Myxin- confirmed by Gray 1851:147 [ref. 4939] and by Günther 1870:510 [ref. 1995]] Diporobranchia Latreille 1825:112 [ref. 31889] (family) ‘Gastrobranche’ [no stem of the type genus, not available, article] Gastrobranchini Bonaparte 1831:165, 189 [ref. 4978] (subfamily) Gastrobranchus Subfamily Eptatretinae Bonaparte 1850 Heptatremini Bonaparte 1850b [ref. 32551] (subfamily) Eptatretus [Heptatrema / Heptatremus inferred from the stem, article; name must be corected article 32.5.3; stem corrected to Eptatret- by Gill 1901:738 [ref. 9562] and by Jordan & Snyder 1901b:728 [ref. 9568], confirmed by Jordan 1923a:82 [ref. 2421], by Kamohara 1967:1 and by Sato in Masuda, Amaoka, Araga, Uyeno & Yoshino 1984:1 [ref. 6441]; family name sometimes seen as Heptotremidae or Heptatretidae] Bdellostomidae Gill 1872:25 [ref. 26254] (family) Bdellostoma [corrected to Bdellostomatidae by Jordan & Gilbert 1883:967 [ref. 2476]] Homeidae Garman 1899:348 [ref. 1540] (family) Homea Paramyxinidae Berg 1940:[24] [ref. 5049] (family) Paramyxine Dodecatrematinae Fowler 1947:3 [ref. 1458] (subfamily) Dodecatrema Quadratinae Wisner 1999:309 [ref. 24160] (subfamily) Quadratus Rubicundinae Fernholm et al. 2013:7 [ref. 32793] (subfamily) Rubicundus Class Petromyzonti Order Petromyzontiformes Family Petromyzontidae Bonaparte 1831 Cyclostomes Duméril 1805:100 [ref. 1151] (family) ? Petromyzon [latinized to Cyclostomia by Rafinesque 1815:94 [ref. 3584]; latinized to Cyclostomata by Goldfuss 1820:X, 106 [ref. 1829], by Schinz 1822:204 [ref. 3926] and by Richardson 1836:292 [ref. 3731]; latinized to Cyclostomi by Jarocki 1822:426, 458 [ref. 4984] and by Eichwald 1831:57 [ref. 5562]; no stem of the type genus, not available, article] 1 Lampredini Rafinesque 1810b:49 [ref. 3595] (ordine) “Lampreda” [published not in latinized form before 1900; not available, article 11.7.2] Suceurs Cuvier 1816:116 [ref. 993] (family) Petromyzon [latinized to Suctorii; no stem of the type genus, not available, article] Auloedibranchia Latreille 1825:111 [ref. 31889] (family) Petromyzon [no stem of the type genus, not available, article] Les Pétromyzides Risso 1827:99 [ref. 3757] (family) Petromyzon [published not in latinized form before 1900; not available, article 11.7.2] Petromyzonidae Bonaparte 1831:165, 189 [ref. 4978] (family) Petromyzon [stem corrected to Petromyzont- by Owen 1846:48 [ref. 32214], confirmed by Girard 1858:376 [ref. 4911], by Günther 1870:499 [ref. 1995], by Steyskal 1980:173 [ref. 14191] and in ICZN Opinion 1171; family name sometimes seen as Petromyzidae or Petromysonidae] Ammocaetini Bonaparte 1846:9, 92 [ref. 519] (subfamily) Ammocoetus [as Ammocaetes, name must be corrected article 32.5.3; corrected to Ammocoetina by Gray 1853:253 [ref. 1886]; stem changed to Ammocoete- by Bleeker 1859d:XXXIII [ref. 371]] Lampetrinae Fowler 1958b:1 [ref. 1470] (subfamily) Lampetra Entospheninae Vladykov 1972:148 [ref. 33046] (subfamily) Entosphenus Family Geotriidae Gill 1893 Geotrinae Gill 1893b:129 [ref. 26255] (subfamily) Geotria [genus inferred from the stem, article; stem corrected to Geotri- by Whitley 1932c:261 [ref. 17971], confirmed by Myers & Storey 1956:16 [ref. 32831], by Nelson 1976:22 [ref. 32838], by Nelson 2006:26 [ref. 32486] and by Renaud 2011:16 [ref. 31770]] Family Mordaciidae Gill 1893 Name in prevailing recent practice, article 35.5 Caragolinae Gill 1883b:524 [ref. 4941] (subfamily) Caragola [family-group name used as valid after 1899, e. g. by Fowler 1964:33 [ref. 7160]] Mordaciidae Gill 1893b:129 [ref. 26255] (family) Mordacia [genus inferred from the stem, article; family-group name used as valid by: Fontaine 1958, Hubbs & Potter 1971 [ref. 13397], Lindberg 1971 [ref. 27211], Nelson 1976 [ref. 32838], Shiino 1976, Bailey 1980 [ref. 5253], Nelson 1984 [ref. 13596], Nelson 1994 [ref. 26204], Allen, Midgley & Allen 2002 [ref. 25930], Nelson 2006 [ref. 32486], Renaud 2011 [ref. 31770]] Class Elasmobranchii Order Hexanchiformes Family Hexanchidae Gray 1851 Name in prevailing recent practice, article 35.5 Notidanini Bonaparte 1835:[3] [ref. 32242] (subfamily) Notidanus [genus inferred from the stem, article; senior objective synonym of Hexanchina Gray 1851] Hexanchina Gray 1851:67 [ref. 4939] (tribe) Hexanchus [junior objective synonym of Notidanini Bonaparte 1835, but Hexanchidae in prevailing recent practice; Hexanchidae used as valid by: Jordan 1923 [ref. 2421], Schultz with Stern 1948 [ref. 31938], Lindberg 1971 [ref. 27211], Nelson 1976 [ref. 32838], Shiino 1976, Lagler, Bardach, Miller & May Passino 1977, Nelson 1984 [ref. 13596], Whitehead et al. (1984) [ref. 13675], Smith & Heemstra 1986 [ref. 5715], Paxton et al. 1989 [ref. 12442], Springer 1990a [ref. 19315], Robins et al. 1991a [ref. 14237], Last & Stevens 1994 [ref. 23873], Nelson 1994 [ref. 26204], Eschmeyer 1998 [ref. 23416], Compagno 1999 [ref. 25589], Chu & Meng 2001, Menezes et al. 2003 [ref. 27192], 2 Nelson et al. 2004 [ref. 27807], Hoese et al. 2006, Nelson 2006 [ref. 32486], Last & Stevens 2009, Ebert, White & Ho 2013 [ref. 33032]] Hexeptranchidae Garman 1913:11, 15 [ref. 1545] (family) ? [no stem of the type genus, not available, article] Heptranchidae Barnard 1925:20 [ref. 192] (family) Heptranchias [stem corrected to Heptranchi- by McCulloch 1929–30:3 [ref. 2948], confirmed by Fowler 1936a:25 [ref. 6545], by Fowler 1947:8 [ref. 1458] and by Nelson 2006:65 [ref. 32486]; family name sometimes seen as Heptanchidae] Notorynchidae Ellis 1989:46 [ref. 32830] (family) Notorynchus [name only, published after 1960, not available, article 13.1.1] Notorynchidae Shirai in Stiassny, Parenti & Johnson 1996:26, 33 [ref. 23450] (family) Notorynchus Family Chlamydoselachidae Garman 1884 Chlamydoselachidae Garman 1884:52 [ref. 1531] (family) Chlamydoselachus Order Heterodontiformes Family Heterodontidae Gray 1851 Name in prevailing recent practice, article 35.5 Cestraciontini Bonaparte 1835:[4] [ref. 32242] (subfamily) Cestracion Bosc [genus inferred from the stem, article; senior objective synonym of Heterodontina Gray 1851; family name sometimes seen as Cestraciondontidae] Heterodontina Gray 1851:65 [ref. 4939] (tribe) Heterodontus [junior objective synonym of Cestraciontini Bonaparte 1835, but Heterodontidae in prevailing recent practice; Heterodontidae used as valid by: Jordan 1923 [ref. 2421], Schultz with Stern 1948 [ref. 31938], Kamohara 1967, Lindberg 1971 [ref. 27211], Nelson 1976 [ref. 32838], Shiino 1976, Lagler, Bardach, Miller & May Passino 1977, Nelson 1984 [ref. 13596], Smith & Heemstra 1986 [ref. 5715], Paxton et al. 1989 [ref. 12442], Robins et al. 1991a [ref. 14237], Allen & Robertson 1994 [ref. 22193], Last & Stevens 1994 [ref. 23873], Nelson 1994 [ref. 26204], Eschmeyer 1998 [ref. 23416], Compagno 1999 [ref. 25589], Chu & Meng 2001, Compagno 2001 [ref. 26323], Nelson et al. 2004 [ref. 27807], Baldwin 2005 [ref. 28237], Hoese et al. 2006, Nelson 2006 [ref. 32486], Last & Stevens 2009; family name sometimes seen as Heterondontidae] Centraciontidae Garman 1913:13, 180 [ref. 1545] (family) Centracion Order Orectolobiformes Family Rhincodontidae Müller & Henle 1841 [ICZN Opinion 1278] Rhinodontes Müller & Henle 1838–41:77 [ref. 3069] (family) Rhincodon [as Rhinodon, name must be corrected article 32.5.3; on Official List of Family-Group Names in Zoology as Rhincodontidae Müller & Henle 1841, ICZN Opinion 1278; family name sometimes seen as Rhinodontidae, Rhiniodontidae or Rhineodontidae] Family Parascylliidae Gill 1862 Parascylliinae Gill 1862p:408 [ref. 1783] (subfamily) Parascyllium [family name sometimes seen as Parascyllidae] Cirrhoscylliidae Applegate 1974:749 [ref. 31930] (family) Cirrhoscyllium Family Brachaeluridae Applegate 1974 Brachaeluridae Compagno 1973b:28 [ref. 31929] (family) Brachaelurus [name only, published after 1960, not available, article 13.1.1] Brachaeluridae Applegate 1974:745 [ref. 31930] (family) Brachaelurus Family Orectolobidae Gill 1896 Name in prevailing recent practice, article 35.5 3 Crossorhinae Swainson 1838:159 [ref. 4302] (subfamily) Crossorhinus [also Swainson 1839:192, 318 [ref. 4303]; corrected to Crossorhinidae by Gill 1872:24 [ref. 26254]; senior objective synonym of Orectolobidae Gill 1896] Orectolobidae Gill 1896a:212 [ref. 12504] (family) Orectolobus [junior objective synonym of Crossorhinae Swainson 1838, but Orectolobidae in prevailing recent practice; Orectolobidae used as valid by: Jordan 1923 [ref. 2421], Schultz with Stern 1948 [ref. 31938], Lindberg 1971 [ref. 27211], Nelson 1976 [ref. 32838], Shiino 1976, Lagler, Bardach, Miller & May Passino 1977, Nelson 1984 [ref. 13596], Smith & Heemstra 1986 [ref. 5715],

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