enter into his aates I^IT BEXLEO 1963 Volume 41 •A I Published by The Senior Class Bexley High School Bexley, Ohio Gail Gertner, Editor Mary Jane Chittenden, Associate -#Ai To Mr. TUIph m. ftotoell FOR A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE AS TEACHER ADVISOR AND FRIEND This 1963 BEXLEO is Affectionately Dedicated Paiic Two ONlOTg ~$aci& 9 Classes W Sttccbf: 53 QmaiifeaxlaB j§porb 86 Social V^etia #° "Rtofliotibti *2° Page Three ^rt vOexieu ^Jviah School tke aates am open . to leamL 9 . to at ute tied . to enjoyment ADMINISTRATION Superintendent Principal DR. E. D. JARVIS C. W. JONES BOARD OF EDUCATION HUGH H. BONE, President DR. JOHN F. LEWIS, Vice-President WALTER ENGLISH MRS. DONALD R. WILLIAMSON DONALD H. ELSASS Page Eight FACULTY MARGARET E. LOVE DAVID M. WEIS Dean of Women Guidance Counselor Miss Love, M.A. Ohio State University Mr. Weis, M.A. Loras College and . Dean of Women . attendance, Ohio University . Guidance Counselor health . advisor to Health Council. advisor to Student Council. SARA M. AMOS ELISE BETCHER RUSSELL BORING Mrs. Amos, M.A. Muskingum Mrs. Betcher, A.B. Capital Mr. Boring, M.S. Ohio State College, University of Michigan, University and Faculte des Let- University, Indiana University, and Ohio State University . tres, Montpellier, France . Purdue University, Capital Uni­ English III and IV and journal­ French I, II, and IV . advisor versity . biology, visual aids ism . advisor to the Torch, to French Club and sophomore . text book coordinator. Quill and Scroll, and National class. Honor Society. -dfcrta ESTHER DARROW DONALD DEJONG ROBERT M. DUFFEY Mrs. Darrow, B.A. College Mr. Dejong, M.Ed. Denison Mr. Duffey, M.A. Miami of Wooster and Ohio State Uni­ University and Wittenberg Uni­ University and Ohio State Uni­ versity . English IV . "When versity . health, physical edu­ versity . industrial arts, faculty I was at the University . ." cation . assistant football and manager of athletics. head baseball coach . Hi-Y advisor. Page Nine JAMES ELIOPULOS SUSAN B. FERGUSON RALPH M. HOWELL Mr. Eliopulos, M.A. Denison Mrs. Ferguson, A.B. Duke Mr. Howell, M.A. Ohio Uni­ University and Ohio State Uni­ University . biology. versity and Ohio State University versity . dramatics, speech, and . French I, II, III . ad­ English III . debate coach . visor to the Bexleo. advisor to Dramatics Club. JACQUELINE KENNEDY TROLA L. McCURDY Mrs. Kennedy, B.A. Capital Miss McCurdy, M.A. Ohio University, Mexico City College, Northern University and Ohio and Ohio State University . State University . English II Spanish I . "Si, es verdad." and home economics . special events and hospitality. JAMES E. MILLARD CARL MILLER C. ROBERT MYERS Mr. Millard, B.S Ohio State Mr. Miller, M.A. Milligan Mr Myers. M.A. Muskingum University . American history College, University of Tennessee, College and Ohio State Univer­ and economic geography . as­ and Ohio State University . sity . English I, chorus, and sistant football coach, head bas­ English I and II. choir . Music Club advisor. ketball coach. Page Ten PATRICIA NEIDHART RUSSELL C. OWEN MARGARET PALUMBO Mrs. Neidhart, B.A. Mount Mr. Owen, M.A Ohio State Miss Palumbo, B.S. Ohio Union College . sociology and University . bookkeeping, sales, State University . physical economics . "This is true." personal typing, business training education . G.A.C. advisor. head track coach and head swimming coach. JOEL S. POETKER JEAN RIDENOUR Mr. Poetker, M.A. Ohio Wes­ Mrs. Ridenour, B.Sc. Ohio leyan University, Muskingum State University . English I College, and Miami University and II . freshman class ad­ . world history and government visor . Y-Teens advisor. advisor to Political Science Club. HAROLD RIDENOUR ROBERT T. RINGER CONNIE RYAN Mr. Ridenour, M.A. College Mr. Ringer, M.A. Bowling Miss Ryan, B.A. ... St. Mary of of Wooster, Indiana University, Green State University, Ohio the Springs College . librarian Ohio State University . gen­ State University . drivers' edu­ . Book Club advisor . eral math, plane geometry, Al­ cation. "Shhhhl" gebra I and II . freshman basketball coach, assistant track (oath. Page Eleven JOHN F. SCHACHT ROSALIND SILVERSTEIN CARLTON H. SMITH Mr. Schacht, M.S. Capital Mrs. Silverstein, B.A. Uni­ Mr. Smith, M.S. Ohio Wes­ University and Ohio State Uni­ versity of Michigan . English leyan University and the Univer­ versity . plane geometry, Al­ III, English II. sity of Minnesota . chemistry gebra II, and senior math. and modern science . head golf coach . athletic coordi­ nator. LAWRENCE SMITH DANA N. SWINEHART Mr. Smith, M.A. Ohio State Mr. Swinehart, M.A. Capital University and National Univer­ University and Ohio State Uni­ sity of Mexico . Spanish II, versity . senior mathematics III, and IV . Spanish Club and Algebra I . assistant foot­ advisor. ball coach and reserve basketball coach. HAROLD TENWALDE MARILYN D. TRISHMAN MARY BETHEL TRIVELLA Mr. Tenwalde, B.S. Bowling Mrs. Trishman, M.A. Ohio Mrs. Trivella, M.A. Ohio Green State University, Ohio Wesleyan University, Bowling State University . typing, Wesleyan University, and Du- Green State University, and Ohio stenography, office practice . quesne University . plane State University . world his­ senior class advisor . "Did geometry and Algebra I . head tory and American history . you check for errors?" football coach and head wres­ F.T.A. advisor. tling coach. Page Twelve RALPH H. TRIVELLA FLOYD R. WEST OPAL L. WYLIE Mr. Trivella, M.A. Ohio Mr. West, B.S. Ohio Univer­ Miss Wylie, M.A. Otterbein Slate University . creative art sity . Physics and modern College and Ohio University . advisor to Art Club ... art science . science club advisor. Latin I, II, and IV . Latin supervisor for Bexleo. Club advisor. English teachers confer with the Principal: Mrs. Ridenour, Mrs. Silverstein, Miss Ryan (Librarian), Mr. Eliopulos, Mrs. Amos, Mr. Jones (Principal), Mr. Miller, Mrs. Darrow, Miss McCurdy, Mr. Myers. WOODFORD ZIMMERMAN JANICE A. SCHAEFER EILEEN MANLY Mr. Zimmerman, B.S. Ohio Mrs. Schaefer . high school Mrs. Manley . school nurse. State University . marching secretary . from Marysville band, concert band, and orchestra. high school. Page Thirteen M • •!. e.'" 6 • 4 > 0 I < c Paga^Kurteen •%» FRESHMAN CLASS Two hundred thirty-one freshmen entered the gates of Bexley High School this year. They antic­ ipated the hard work, friendships, and activities of their high school years. Many Honor Roll candi­ dates have proven their capabilities for scholarship. Class and school spirit is reflected in their work on their float and their eager participation in school functions. The future has many challenges to offer the Freshman Class; however, the class has made an excellent beginning. Class Officers President: Phillip Levoff Vice President: Brent Blackshaw Secretary-Treasurer: Kathy Offenberg Page Fifteen Back row: Cindy Abrams, Bonnie Albin, Ronnie Altman, Xaney Antle, Eric Ault, Judy Barnes, Ann Barry, Larry Beal. Middle row: Carol Becker, Jim Bensky, Ellen Berliner, George Beverly, Brent Blaekshaw, Cynthia Blatt, Fredi Bleich, Jeff Bloom, Ronny Bloomfield, Vida Blue. Front row: Craig Booth, Linda Bornstein, Sylvia Bornstein, Bob Boston, Maureen Brenner, Nick Briscoe, Bill Brust, Lynne Burget, Charles Burkam, Bruce Byrnes. mrwmmFreshman float Freshmen learn biology from Mr. Boring Back row: Bill Callif, Peg Caryer, Pat Caryer, Amos Christian, Mary Christensen, Paul Davis, Bill Cohen Bob Collins, Linda Coopersmith. Middle row: Ann Corcoran, Tammy Crow, Bob Curl, Carlton Dargusch, Phil C;line , Mimi Deaton, Darrin Droz, Sue Dworkin, Judy Engleman. Front row: Linda Evans, Linda I'alk, Sharon I >Iger , Becky Fisher, Pete Freed, Joann Friedman, Rosalie Garner, Calvin Gebhart, Richard Gibbs, Karen Cingrii h. * Page Sixteen Back row: Steven Glass, Randy Gliek, Carol Godofsky, Steve Gold, Esther Goldberg, Barbara Golden, Debby Goldsmith, Mark Gorchoff, Mike Grayson. Middle row: Fred Grimm, Ronald Grove, David Gurvis, Susie Gutter, Steve Gutter, Michael Halpern, Susan Hamilton, Chris Harbold, Lynn Greiner, David Harnett. Front row: Bobbie Gross, Diane Harnett, Merry Harnett, Jennifer Harr, Gary Helf, Dannie Herbst, David Herwald, Linda Hickey, Richard Hoffman, Bob Hoffman. Freshmen enjoy Christmas spirit. Freshman basketball team: Back row: Luby, Jones, Stern, Masser, Johnston, Montgomery, McCloy, Davis, Coach Ride­ nour. Front row: Dargusch, Harbold, Myers, Burkam, Lemmon, Snyder, Rinkoff. ack row: Cathy Holden, Bruce Honts, Steve Hopkins, Nancy Hill, Bill Huntsman, Leslie Jackson, Barbara •nks, Linda Jesse, David Johnston. Middle row: Christy Johnson, Mike Jones, Richard Jones, Bob Kahan, Mark laolan, Bill Karn, Bob Karr, Susie Kass. Front row: Mike Kefauver, Jim Kelley, Dayle Kessler, Bob Klages, .Xathy Knox, Judy Korn, Mark Landsman, Cathy Larsen, Betsy Kearns. Page Seventeen im Back row: Marcia Lauritsen, Terry Lazear, Pat Leach, Barbara LeMessurier, Pat Lemmon, Bruce Levin, Phil Levoff, Robert Lewis, Lance Lisle, Leslie Loehnert. Middle row: Carol Lowenthal, Mike Luby, Charles Mc- Carty, Janet McCleary, Mac McCloy, Linda McClure, Debbie McGavran, Herb Magley, Penny Main. Fronr 1 row: Greg Margulis, Mark Masser, Charles Meng, Cathy Mickel, Susie Miller, Mark Miller, Pam Millman, Wendy Monroe, Dick Montgomery. Freshman cheerleaders: Betsy Kearns, Freshmen fashion flowers for first float. Carol Lowenthal, Linda McClure. Back row: Tom Morehouse, Bill Murphy, Tom Myers, Kathy Offenberg, Chris Ohmer, Cam Orr, Dick Packard, Larry Paine, Linda Paine, Charles Palmer. Middle row: Jean Parsons, Karl Petzinger, Sharon Pree, Alan Press­ man, Seth
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