Technische Universität München Department of Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Annual Report Imprint Technische Universität München Department of Mechanical Engineering Boltzmannstraße 15 85748 Garching near Munich Germany www.mw.tum.de Editor: Prof. Dr. Tim C. Lüth, Dean Sub-editor: Dr. Till v. Feilitzsch Layout: Fa-Ro Marketing, Munich Photo credits: Uli Benz, Thomas Bergmann, Astrid Eckert, Kurt Fuchs, Andreas Gebert, Haslbeck, Andreas Heddergott, Mittermüller Bildbetrieb, Wotan Wilden and further illustrations by the institutes March 2015 Technische Universität München Department of Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Annual Report 2013-2014 Content Preamble 6 TUM Department of Mechanical Engineering 7 Department Board of Management 8 Teaching 10 Research 11 Ranking Results 12 Facts and Figures 13 Projects and Clusters 14 Divisions of the Department of Mechanical Engineering 16 Faculty Graduate Center Mechanical Engineering 26 Center of Key Competences 27 Elected Representatives 28 Faculty Members 29 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nikolaus Adams Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics 36 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst Baier Institute of Lightweight Structures 45 Prof. Dr. Klaus Bengler Institute of Ergonomics 49 Prof. Dr. Sonja Berensmeier Bioseparation Engineering Group 55 Prof. Dr. Carlo L. Bottasso Wind Energy Institute 58 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Drechsler Institute for Carbon Composites 63 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael W. Gee Mechanics & High Performance Computing Group 68 Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dipl.-Geophys. Christian Große Institute of Non-destructive Testing 72 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Willibald A. Günthner Institute for Materials Handling, Material Flow, Logistics 75 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oskar J. Haidn Institute of Flight Propulsion 84 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oskar J. Haidn Space Propulsion Group 90 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Hajek Institute for Helicopter Technology 94 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Florian Holzapfel Institute of Flight System Dynamics 97 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mirko Hornung Institute of Aircraft Design 105 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jakob Kaltenbach Flow control and Aeroacoustics Group 110 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Klein Institute of Plant and Process Technology 112 Prof. Phaedon-Stelios Koutsourelakis, Ph.D. Continuum Mechanics Group 116 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Kremling Systems Biotechnology Group 119 4 Content Prof. Dr. Oliver Lieleg Biomechanics Group 122 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Lienkamp Institute of Automotive Technology 125 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Lindemann Institute of Product Development 131 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Boris Lohmann Institute of Automatic Control 137 Prof. Dr. Tim C. Lüth Institute of Micro Technology and Medical Device Technology 142 Prof. Rafael Macian-Juan, Ph.D. Institute of Nuclear Engineering 149 Prof. Dr. Rudolf Neu Plasma Material Interaction Group 154 Prof. Wolfgang Polifke, Ph.D. Thermo-Fluid Dynamics Group 158 Prof. Dr. Julien Provost Assistant Professorship of Safe Embedded Systems 162 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Reinhart Institute for Industrial Management and Assembly Technologies 164 Prof. Dr. Ir. Daniel Rixen Institute of Applied Mechanics 169 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Sattelmayer Institute of Thermodynamics 174 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Veit Senner Sport Equipment and Materials Group 180 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Spliethoff Institute for Energy Systems 183 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Stahl Institute of Machine Elements 188 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Birgit Vogel-Heuser Institute of Automation and Information Systems 198 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Volk Institute of Metal Forming and Casting 206 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Wachtmeister Institute of Internal Combustion Engines 211 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang A. Wall Institute of Computational Mechanics 217 Prof. Dr. Ulrich Walter Institute of Astronautics 223 Prof. Dr. Ewald Werner Institute of Materials Science and Mechanics of Materials 229 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Weuster-Botz Institute of Biochemical Engineering 234 Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. Erich Wintermantel Institute of Medical and Polymer Engineering 239 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael F. Zaeh Institute for Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology 243 Appendix 249 Content 5 Preamble Dear Reader, The Department of Mechanical Engineer- systems to the optimization of production KPIJCUEJCPIGFUKIPKƄECPVN[FWTKPI systems. Despite very diverse approach- recent years: GUVJGEQOOQPIQCNKUVQƄPFVGEJPKECN ■ Its project volume has almost tripled solutions for the challenges of our society: YKVJKPNGUUVJCPCFGECFGYKVJCUKIPKƄ- cant simultaneous shift towards public ■ Climate Change and Shortage of research funding e.g. through the DFG Resources and federal ministries. We work on new mobility concepts, ■ The department sets standards in production processes, which are VGTOUQHUEKGPVKƄEETGFKDKNKV[YG JKIJN[GPGTI[CPFOCVGTKCNGHƄEKGPV have committed ourselves to accept development and usage scenarios for contributions in peer-reviewed journals novel, ultra light and strong materials sCMG[KPFKECVQTHQTUEKGPVKƄEUWEEGUU as well as both the development of CEQWTUGQPIQQFUEKGPVKƄERTCEVKEG JKIJN[GHƄEKGPVEQODWUVKQPRNCPVUCPF and academic integrity is mandatory renewable energies. for all doctoral candidates. The result ■ Demographic Change is far more than 4000 citations in top We study usage habits and develop UEKGPVKƄELQWTPCNUCPFVQRRQUKVKQPUKP robots and assistance systems e.g. for international research rankings. car and production environments as ■ Students, staff and faculty members well as medical devices and support of the department became much more systems for the elderly. diverse: 17% international students ■ Urbanization UKPEG HGOCNG #RRTQZCSWCTVGTQHVJGUEKGPVKƄEUVCHH UEKGPVKƄEUVCHH UKPEG works on projects related to safe and 12% international professors GHƄEKGPVITQWPFOQDKNKV[PQYVQCNCTIG (+100% since 2011). extent focused on the development of small vehicles with very low fuel This success allowed us to attract excel- consumption or new types of propul- lent new colleagues: sion units, and possible new types of ■ Prof. Bottasso (from Politecnico di ownership (car sharing etc.). Milano, 2013): newly founded Institute of Wind Energy With this brochure, we present an over- ■ Prof. Koutsourelakis (from Cornell view of the research at the department’s University, 2012): new Continuum institutes. We hope that it helps our Mechanics Group RCTVPGTUKPCECFGOKCCPFKPFWUVT[VQƄPF ■ Prof. Provost (from Chalmers University experts for their issues, prospective stu- of Technology, 2013): Assistant Profes- dents and junior researchers to identify the sorship for Safe Embedded Systems supervisor that suits best her/his interests ■ Prof. Neu (from Max Planck Insitute of and – last but not least – ourselves, the Plasma Physics, 2013): Plasma Material collegues and partners of this department, Interaction Group to learn even better about our research and teaching activities. However, one aspect has remained constant throughout the years: the TUM Department of Mechanical Engineering covers a very large variety of topics, both Prof. Dr. Tim C. Lüth, Dean in teaching and research. They range from VJGFGUKIPQHGHƄEKGPVIGCTUVQUVWFKGUQP the usability of driver assistance systems, HTQOVJGFGUETKRVKQPQHOKETQƅWKFKE 6 Preamble TUM Department of Mechanical Engineering The Department of Mechanical Engineer- 6JGFGRCTVOGPVDGPGƄVUHTQOCJKIJN[ ing of the Technische Universität München innovative environment in a prestigious has stood for engineering excellence since university and the Garching campus, one 1868. It was founded amongst others by of the largest and most modern rese- the pioneer of refrigeration Carl von Linde arch centers in Europe, as well as from and the well-known mathematician and powerful partners in industry with their materials scientist Johann Bauschinger. headquarters or research centers in and It has been the workplace of famous uni- around Munich. versity teachers such as Gustav Niemann, author of the most important authoritative Young talented people form the core of work on mechanical engineering scientist, the Technische Universität München. Inte- the mechanical engineering August Föppl grated into an environment of experienced and the thermodynamics researcher UEKGPVKƄERGTUQPCNKVKGUVJG[CTGUWRRQTVGF Wilhelm Nußelt. The lectures given by Carl to develop their performance and indivi- von Linde inspired Rudolf Diesel to make dual strengths. The educational objectives his groundbreaking inventions. Other are expertise, judgment and responsibility. important students of the faculty were the Mental and emotional creativity, cultural aircraft designers Claude Dornier and Willy sensibility and social skills are as import- Messerschmidt. ant as technical sovereignty and entre- preneurial courage. The most talented of Today, the Department of Mechanical VJGOCTGRTQOQVGFURGEKƄECNN[6QFC[ Engineering is one of the most successful about 5000 students are enrolled at the engineering faculties of the world. Leading &GRCTVOGPVQH/GEJCPKECN'PIKPGGTKPI international surveys rank the TUM CNOQUVQPGƄHVJCTGKPVGTPCVKQPCNUVWFGPVU Department of Mechanical Engineering from 32 countries. in the world’s top group. This success is RTKOCTKN[CTGUWNVQHRWDNKUJGFUEKGPVKƄE excellence, based on a balanced mix of publicly funded projects and industrial cooperation. TUM Department of Mechanical Engineering 7 Department Board of Management The Department of Mechanical Enginee- ■ The classic administrative duties of ring is headed by the Dean, two Vice running the department are the Deans and the Dean of Studies, elected by responsibility of the Deanery unit. It the faculty of the department every three is responsible for the Departmental years. In order to facilitate communication Board
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