Dhananjayarao Gadgil Library 1111111 11111 IIlg Olllgll lUg Iglll~ GIPE-PUNE-002202 t / r ,,~n' · ...·nl,: ,:',;t"7i'. .,.ot. ra..1r.l_-;;:Z" ,~r.~ Xtt/d It}~ r / ..:! / ,'i~ I'r't n (II' (~.. ~ /t~4-~'~( :; \'i7., I~tt('" ~<::;;m"Jof..( /01 /.J~- \ THE GROWTH 01' BRITISH POLICY. iLonlJon: C. J. CLAY AND SONS, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE, AVE MARIA LANE. 8181!1olll: 163, ARGYLE STREET. 1LdWig: P. A. BROCKHAUS. jJleiD lIIorl1: THE MACMILLAN CO. lilomlJall: GEORGE BELL AND SONS. THE GROWTH OF BRITISH POLICY AN llISTORICAL ESSA r BY SIR J. R. SEELEY, LITT. D., K.C.M.G. IfOBHIIBLY BBOIU8 PBOOSSOB OJ' 1I0DBRN BISrOBY IN mil UNIVBBSI'l'Y OJ' CAIIBRIDOB FBLLOW OF OONVILLB AND CAroS COJ.LBOB AND BOllOBAJlY OLLOW OJ' CBBIsr's COI.LBOB. VOLUME IL SECOND EDITION. CAMBRIDGE: AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 189'1 [AU Rightll relUlled.] v~ .. lY1~ ". ~7·1 --- First Editio" 1895" Second Edition 1897 INDEX. Abbot, Archbishop, I 280 .America, discovery of, II 355 ; North, Acclamatitm, War of, begins in colonisation of, 1 352 sq; Spanish, 1640, I 162 English share in trade with, II Aiz./a.ChapeUe, Treaty of, II 149, 358 167 .Anglicanism, establishes itself, I Albert, A rchduke, Netherlands 19; vitality, 279; and toleration, transferred to, I 237, 239 j helps 853 Philip II, 254; marries Clara .Anjou, Philip, Duke Of, in Spain in Isabella, daughter of Philip II, 1701, II 353 802 .Anne of .AUBtria, marriage with Alcazarkebir, Battle of, 1162, 165 Louis XIII, I 253, 284; policy Alen;on, Francis, Duke of, charac­ against Spain, 367 sq, 411; death, ter, I 149 sq; death, 168 sq, u155 186sq .Anne, daughter of Jam/ll/ll, mar­ Alezander, Duke of Parma, 1160 sq; riage, II 248; reign, party polio recovers Walloon provinces, 185 j tics of, 859; revival of Jacobi· his schemes, 187 sq; failure at tism under, 873 Gravelines, 218; success, 226 sq; .Antonio, Don, Prior of Crato, relieves Paris, 227; death, 228 exiled, I 162; Portuguese preten­ .Alfomo, King of Portugal, com­ der, 166 pared with Charles II, II 178 .Antwerp, Fury of, 1158, 182; Truce .Alliance, Triple, II 147, 165 sqq, of,263 184sq .Arlington, Bennet, Earl of, a Almerial, Battle of, II 128 Catholio, II 159; has a Dutch AlBace, acquired by France, I 862, wife, 164; and the Catholie 584 party in England, 202 Alva. Duke of, in the Netherlands, .Armada, Spanish, antioipation of, I 116 sq, 122, 147sq, 158; letter I 153; Spanish history of, 171; from Brussels in 1571, 153 and death of Mary Stuart, 2Olsq; . Amboise, Conspiracy of, I 57; Peace coming of the, 207, 212sqq of,129 .Arnauld, II 236 S. II. 25 386 INDEX_ Ascham, Antony, murder of, n 56,83 Bernard of Saze Weimar, I 880; A ugsburg, Peaoe of, I 88; League and Franoe, 888; takes Breisaoh, of, II 269 894; dies, 1196' Amtria, Duchy of, given to Habs­ Berwick, Treaty of, I 108 burgs, I 12; connexion with the Biron, conspiracy of, I 242, 859 Empire, 18; united with Bm­ Bishoprics, the three, I 49 gundy and Netherlands, 16 ; Blake, Bobert, n 21, 27 sq, 81; and foundation of, 82; deveIopement Tromp, 88 sqq, 87; eails for the of modem, 298-301; power, not Mediterranean, 70 sq; our" see.­ reoognized in England, 822 sq ; king," 87; sails for Cadiz, 89; allianoe with Spain, 882; union destroys silver fleet, 90; death, ib. with Bavaria dissolved, 417; Blois, Treaty of, I 136 and War of Spanish Suocession, Bohemia, I 31; returns to Catholic­ n358 ism, 69; aristocracy of, 307; Auslria, Home of, I 253 sqq; pro­ war in, 1618-20, 345 minence from 1619, 809; in­ Bolingbroke, Viscount, on Crom- fluence over French-speaking well, u 134 people, 877; supports Spanish Bonrepauz, sent by Louis XIV, n monarchy, 878 284sq Bordeau:.r;, M. de, n 30; letters of. Baaa, Bal"07l de, and plot of Gerard 72, 79; how treated by Charles aud Nowell, II 70 n,120 .. Balance of power," u 807 sq BOTTomeo, S. Carlo, his influence, Baltimore, Calvert, Lord, intro­ 175,79 duoes toleration in Maryland, BOBBUet, n 236; his four Articles, I S08 253 Bamberg, House of, in Austria, 112 Bothwell, Earl of. I 106, 117 Barbado", royalism in, II 82 Boulogne, Beynolds at, n 90 Blimwalde, RioheIieu and Gustavus Bourbon, House oj, allied with at, 1348 Protestants, I 6; marriages of, Bavaria, union with Austria dis- 11; its beginning, 44;, rivalry solved, I 417 with the Habsburgs, 46 sq, 121; Bazter, Bichard, 1428 relation to the Stuarts, 58; es­ Bayle, n 288 tablished, 170, 251; as royal Bayonne, Conference at, I 121 sq house, 188 sq; and RicheIieu, Beachy Head, Battle ot, II 85, 802 816; a new type, 868; minors Belgium, modern Kingdom of an- in, S69; olimax of monarchy of, ticipated, I 802 II 189; begins to deoline. 298 ; an­ Bellievre, Frenoh Ambassador, I DeleS Spanish monarchy, 819 sq, 895-8; Mazarin's Instruotions S59; family alliarioe, 820 to, 419 sqq Boyne, Battle of, II 302 Bergerac, Treaty of, I 160 Bragan~a, House qf, I 162; see also Berkeley, Oeorge, on Ireland, n Catherine, Maria 8788q Brandenburg, Elector qf, I 66 INDEX. 387 Brazil, conquered by the Dutch, D Catherine oj Aragon, aunt of 64sq Charles V, I 19 Br~d4, Declaration of, D 109; Catherine oj Bragaru;a, marriage, Treaty of, 149, 154 D 118, 124sq BreiUrijeUl, Battle of, r 380 Cathmne d.e M~dici., claims throne Britain, Great, beginningofmodern, of Portugal, I 166; death, 225 r 64; and Cromwell, D 63,103; Catholicism, its viotoriousness, I advance of, 330 ; its trade­ 62; Jesuitio, 8; its advantages empire, 342; compared to Car­ in 1560, 72; weakness, 73; be­ thage, 380 sq ginning of modern, 76; after Bnuselll, Union of, r 168 1564 becomea conservatism, 80 ; Buckingham, Geurg~, Duke oj, his in England, 116 polioy, r 322, 326 sq, 332-6; and Cecil, Sir Edward, his expedition Parliament, 328 against Cadiz, 1 333 Burgundy, united with Netherlands, Charles I, marriage, I 6, 35, 58, I 14; and with Austria, 16; in­ 253, 331, 337, 391sqq; II 272, herited by Philip II, 34; oon­ 292, 312 sq; and Thirty Years' ferred by King John of France War, I 318 sq, 346; and his con­ on younger son, 45; relations temporaries, 330; policy, 835-41, with England, 45, 164; seized 344, 349 sq; interferes in France, by Louis XI, 46 '840; reign, second period of, Burgundy, Louis, Duke oj, receives 843; oharacter, 343sq; "Peace" title, D 227 of, 845; attempts to' unite his Burleigh, William O~ciZ, Lurd, r three kingdoms, 350; and the 164; and the Anti-Spanish party, Bourbon-Habsburgstruggle,390- 238 3 ; failures, 393-8; bargains with French and Spanish Ambassa­ Calai., won by Henry IT of France, dors, 395sq; andPrinoePalatine, 149 396; position in Europe, 397sq; Calvin, his in1luence, r 67 forms royalist party, 413 sq; at Oalvinillm, English, and toleration, N ewoastle. 432 sq I 353; German, growth of, 307 Charles II, relations with France, Campion, Edmund, I 172 16,52; D 163, 287; with Louis Caraffa, see Paul IV XIV, 213 sq, 240, 287 sq; himself Cardenas, Alonzo de, Spanish Am­ half French, I 278; advised by bassador, I 395; D 30, 85 Mazarin, II 30; family alliances, Carlos, Don, proposed marriage of, 215 sqq, 239 sq; a Catholio, 180 1100; character, 160 sq, 181sqq, 287sq; and the CarZowitz, Treatyof, II 267 dynastio system, r 401; relations Cuale, siege of, 1·376 sq with the Netherlands, II 210 sq; Cutellamare, naval battle at, I 428 Dutch wars of, 2, 151; and Cateau-Cambre8i., Treaty of, 136, William IT of Orange, 16; at 38, 76, 120, 145, 189; compared Bruges, 85; Restoration, '1 416; with Treaty of the Pyrenees, II 97 D 105, 110 sqq, 145; policy, 25-2 388 INDEX. 107 sq, 109 sq, 120 sq, 129, 174 59 sq; on the Dragonnades and sqq, 181, 185sqq, 187-91, 193sq, Revocation, 259 sq 219; Declaration of Breda, 109 ; Cinqma1'8, Henri, Marquis de, 1 361 character, 111, 169, 191sq; and Clara Isabella, daughter of Philip Lambert, 112; relations with II, proposed marriage with Spain, 114 sq, 163; proposed Henry IV, I 230sq: wife of Spanish match, 121 sq~ com­ Archduke Albert, 237,239,302 pared with Pedro II, 178; with Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of, Charles I, 20lsq; position, 117, f&ll, D 173 sq, 179 131sq, 160 sq, 179; marriage, Claude, Huguenot, his book publicly 118, 123 sqq, 126 sqq; and tole­ burnt, D 261 ration, 175sq; ministers, 178: Clement VIII (Aldobrandini), and and Parliament, 242 sq: and Treaty of Vervine, I 235 sq Triple Alliance, 185; personal Colbert, Jean Baptiste, his system, victory of 1672, 197; reign, D 149; raises French navy, 300 periods of, 212, 223 sq, 247 sq Coligny, and Charles IX, I 130; Charles V, King of Spain, a conversation with Middlemore, Fleming, I 17; elected Roman 132 sq: oharaoter, 150 Emperor, ib.: becomes German Colonisation, Dutch, I 292; English, King and Emperor, 18; as a under Elizabeth, I 260 sq, 291; statesman, 20; retires to "a plan of, 294: Portuguese, 1167; monastery, 28; death, ib.: resig­ Spanish, character of, I 294 nation, 35: rivalry with Franois Commonwealth, its navy, II 27; 1,46: founds Catholio monarchy, feels seoure, 29 sqq 140: relations to House of CondA, I 358, 361; and Maz&rin, Othman,143 388; oampaigns, compared with Charlu VI, Emperor, D 359 Marlborough's, 416 sq; suooess Charles VII of France, I 44 at Valenciennes, D 83 Charle. IX of France, accession, I ConsiZium Aegyptiacum, see Leib­ 57; marriage, 127: and Coligny, flits 130, 132; prepares for war with Copeflhagen, Treaty of, D 144 Spain, 130 sq ; &llianoe with Corunna, attaoked by the English, Elizabeth, 136 1229 Charles II, King of Spain, D 138; Counter-Beformation, period of, I acoession, 139; will, 352 6, 27, 75: its suddenness, 61; Charles GustafJtU of Sweden, ac­ aocount of, 63 sqq; oauses of, oession, u 59 sq; and Cromwell, 67; causes English war with 60, 68; polioy, 92sq: tyrant of Spain, 72; meaning of word, ib.
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