Proceedings of the XI International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds Aspects of the biology and host range of Alcidodes sedi (Curculionidae: Mecysolobini), a potential biological control agent for the introduced plant Bryophyllum delagoense (Crassulaceae) in South Africa and Australia A.J. McConnachie and A.B.R. Witt Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines, South African Field Station, c/o PPRI, Private Bag X134, Pretoria 0001, South Africa Despite the fact that Bryophyllum delagoense (mother-of-millions) was introduced into southern Africa from Madagascar more than 130 years ago, it has not become as invasive as in Queensland, Australia. Several factors may be contributing to the current situation, one of which is the possibility that native insects in southern Africa have extended their host ranges to include B. delagoense. One indigenous species, Alcidodes sedi, has been collected on B. delagoense and is particularly damaging. Larvae of this weevil are stemborers, and high larval densities often result in plant death in laboratory situations. These observations resulted in the selection of A. sedi as a potential biological control agent for B. dela- goense in Australia, and possibly southern Africa through augmentative releases. Aspects of the biology and host range of the weevil were therefore investigated. Preliminary data on the biology of the weevil suggests that it has a developmental time of 62.1 ± 16.3 days ( n = 19) (range:15–30°C). Preliminary host-range trials indicate that the weevil is able to feed and develop on several species of Bryophyllum. There is no significant difference in the morphometrics and developmental times of the adults emerging from any of the species tested so far, suggesting that A. sedi has a wider host range than initially anticipated. Further host-range trials will be undertaken to determine if this weevil can complete its development on indigenous Crassula and Kalanchoe spp. and on species native to southern Africa in other closely related families. Future work will also explore the impact of the weevil on plant vigour in the laboratory and field, as well as its distribution and natural host range. Compatible interactions between the pathogen, weed and environment make the bridal creeper rust a successful biological control agent Louise Morin,1 Joel Armstrong,1 Wolfgang Wanjura,2 Felice Driver2,3 and Darren Kriticos1 1 Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Weed Management, CSIRO Entomology, GPO Box 1700, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia 2 CSIRO Entomology, GPO Box 1700, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia 3 Present address: C-Qentec Diagnostics Pty Ltd, 51 Rawson Street, Epping NSW 2121, Australia Bridal creeper, Asparagus asparagoides, is listed as a Weed of National Significance in Australia. It invades native vegetation through bird dispersal of seeds and establishes an underground mat of rhizomes and tubers that support its persistence in seasonally dry environments. Following extensive pathogenicity screening and host-specificity testing, an isolate of the rust fungus Puccinia myrsiphylli, originating from South Africa, was released in Australia in 2000. The rust established readily at release sites across the country and has already demonstrated its ability to cause destructive localized epidemics. The released isolate of P. myrsiphylli was chosen because of its pathogenicity and aggres- siveness towards representative Australian accessions of bridal creeper. In contrast, some of the other isolates tested did not develop profusely on plants. DNA sequence data confirmed that Australian bridal creeper populations originate from the winter rainfall region of the Western Cape Province of South Africa, where the selected rust isolate was collected. Puccinia myrsiphylli can infect leaves and 226 Abstracts: Theme 3 – Risk analysis stems of bridal creeper at any growth stage. In Australia, the optimum conditions for rust infection (at least 8 hours of leaf wetness; 16–20°C) are common during the cool months in winter-dominant rainfall areas where bridal creeper occurs. The rust produces a large number of dormant teliospores throughout the growing season of bridal creeper which allow its survival during the dry summer months, when the host foliage is dead, and the initiation of a new disease cycle the following season. The abundance of bridal creeper growing in dense patches in Australia favours the rate and extent of disease epidemics. However, the rust has been relatively slow at dispersing between bridal creeper patches. An extensive redistribution program has consequently been established to manually disseminate the rust to most bridal creeper infestations across southern Australia. Biological control of weeds program, Parana, Brazil; problems and progress in current research on Brazilian weeds in Parana State J.H. Pedrosa-Macedo Centro de Ciencias Florestais, DECIF–SCA, Universidade Federal do Parana, Av. Lothario Meissner, 3400, 80.210-170 Curitiba, Paranã, Brazil, Laboratorio Neotropical de Controle Biologico de Plantas Investigations on the arthropod natural enemies attacking various native Brazilian species of Senecio and Tecoma stans are being conducted. Insects are being studied to determine their potential for biolog- ical control of Senecio, Tecoma stans and other toxic plants in pasture situations. Cattle deaths have been attributed to various toxic plants in these genera. For example, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the loss of cattle due to consumption of Senecio spp. is estimated to cost US$7.5 million annually. In 2002, faunal surveys of toxic plants in the genus Senecio and on Tecoma stans were initiated. The remaining projects are all cooperative research projects with foreign universities studying the natural enemies of Brazilian plants species that have become pests elsewhere in the world, including Brazilian pepper (BP) – Schinus terebinthifolius. The impact caused by Pseudophilothrips ichini on BP has been quantified, but the tests must be repeated. Other BP natural enemies are being studied. Five potential biological control agents have been selected for strawberry guava and preliminary studies on their biology and host range are being done. Four agents against BP have been identified, and currently two of them are under study for their biology, host range and impact on the plant. The toxicity of the BP sawfly has been tested in a preliminary test with cattle. Exploratory studies on Tibouchina herbacea natural enemies have been continued with special efforts on Anthonomus partiarius biology and host- range tests. The identification of the main candidate agent for Solanum mauritianum has been confirmed and nine Solanaceae species are being used in field tests. The use of molecular taxonomy in the exploration for a cold-hardy strain of the tansy ragwort flea beetle Longitarsus jacobaeae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Kenneth P. Puliafico,1 Jeffrey L. Littlefield,1 George P. Markin2 and Urs Schaffner3 1 Entomology Department, 333 Leon Johnson Hall, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717, USA 2 USDA Forest Service, Forestry Science Laboratory, Bozeman, MT 59717, USA 3 CABI Bioscience, Delémont, Switzerland CH-2800 An extensive infestation of tansy ragwort, Senecio jacobaea L. (Asteraceae), in north-western Montana has renewed the search for a cold-hardy strain of the tansy ragwort flea beetle Longitarsus jacobaeae (Waterhouse) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Early reports suggested that Swiss flea-beetle populations 227.
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