TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Fri, 01 Mar 2013 (Channel U) 11:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐> 3:00 PM The Great Queen Seon Deok (R) Soh Wa falls into a quicksand. Deok Man tries to pull her (Eps 5 & 6) (PG-Some Battle up with a rope, but Soh Wa cuts the rope as she does not Scene)(Dual Sound - 2nd track in want to be Deok Man's burden. Soh Wa disappears under Korean)(English/Chinese Subtitles) the quicksand. (Korean Drama) <善德女王> (韩剧)(重)(双声道 - (PG- 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 战争场面)昭火不慎跌进流沙中,为了不连累德曼而自行切 断德曼丢给她的绳子,结果被流沙掩埋。 5:00 PM The Palace (Ep 18) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama)(Chinese Subtitles) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧) (中文字幕) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。 6:00 PM Legend of the Demigods (R) (Ep 5) Gandang asks for Jiang Qian's hand with the hope of (English/Chinese Subtitles) driving away bad luck in his house with a wedding. Jiang (Hongkong Drama) Qian turns down his proposal. When the residents of the town discover that Gandang has lost his strength, they teach him a harsh lesson. <搜神传> (港剧)(重) (中英文字幕) 敢当有感家宅恶运连连,遂向蒋倩提出成亲冲喜却被拒。 当镇民发现恶霸敢当失去神力后,于是狠狠地教训他;此 时有一仙女无极天尊出现,娓娓道出敢当三天之内的家道 不幸,敢当遂求仙女打救。 7:00 PM Smile Again (Ep 2) (PG)(Dual Sound - Shihua asks Fengyi to pick Anna and Donghai up from the 2nd track in Korean)(English/Chinese airport. Donghai sees Anna leaving with Fengyi. He Subtitles) (Korean Drama) mistakes Fengyi for a kidnapper and pushes Fengyi onto the ground. <笑吧!东海> (韩剧)(双声道 - 华韩语) (PG)世华走不开,于是叫奉宜到机场接机。东海见奉宜将 (中英文字幕) 安娜接走,以为奉宜要绑架安娜,于是将奉宜推倒在地。 8:00 PM Marry Me (PG)(Ep 3) (English This drama aims to take a light-hearted and humorous Subtitles) (Local Drama) approach to discuss the reasons why people are marrying late or not at all, through the life stories of 3 women belonging to 3 different categories: Rainbow, Xixi and Ruoxian. <我要嫁出去> (本地连续剧) (PG)本剧将以轻松幽默手法,探讨现今男女晚婚与不婚的 (英文字幕) 种种因素,透过三位女主角(Rainbow、刘喜喜和梁若仙) ,逐一剖析现代三大典型剩女的故事。。。 9:00 PM The World Is So Big (Infotainment) In this entertaining variety serial, the host travels around the globe to uncover extraordinary people and things. <世界那么大> (娱乐资讯节目) 世界之大,无奇不有。<世界那么大> 带领观众到各国寻找奇人異事。 10:00 PM No Regrets (Ep 12) Lang Jun hands power to Jiu Mei before he goes to (PG)(English/Chinese Subtitles) Shanghai for treatment. Jiu Mei takes the opportunity to (Hongkong Drama) close down all the opium dens. Lang Xi and gang want to imprison Jiu Mei but luckily Liu Xing comes to her rescue. <巾帼枭雄之义海豪情> (港剧) (PG)朗军赴上海接受治疗之前,将东泰交给九妹。九妹乘 (中英文字幕) 机关闭所有的公烟馆。朗喜和手下要对付九妹但幸好刘醒 及时赶到。。。 11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。 11:30 PM When Love Walked In (Ep 20) Qing Yujiang is ordered by Chairman Yuan to find his long (English/Chinese Subtitles) (Drama) lost granddaughter, Shen Yayin. But Yayin is bitter towards her grandfather due to her parents' death. Yujiang gradually falls in love with Yayin, but backs out without realizing that she is actually his long lost childhood friend. <爱情闯进门> (连续剧) (中英文字幕) 孙秦雨被袁氏集团董事长袁浩天命找回失散二十年的外孙 女雅音。雅音因父母过世的事对外公浩天一直心存芥蒂, 雨江从中调和,不仅缓和了祖孙关系,还渐渐走进了雅音 的内心,但雨江的心里一直住着儿时孤儿院的玩伴… 12:30 AM Sunday Splendid Showtime (R) Have fun with Zeng Guo Cheng, Blackie Chen and Tammy (Variety) Chen in this awesome variety show! Celebrities are split into two teams in a Red vs White segment where their singing, dancing and impersonation skills are challenged. <周日大精彩> (综艺节目)(重) 由曾国城、陈建州(黑人)和陈怡蓉主持的娱乐性丰富综 艺节目。在"红白大赏"单元里,每一集曾国城和黑人会分别 带领一班艺人,在舞蹈、歌唱、模仿等各方面互相竞技, 争取胜利。 2:30 AM The Palace (R) (Ep 18) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama)(Chinese Subtitles) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧)(重) (中文字幕) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。 3:30 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Sat, 02 Mar 2013 (Channel U) 6:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐> 10:00 AM Diamond Club (R) (Variety) The highest-rated Taiwan variety programme, hosted by the famous Regine, is now on Channel U! Judged by a panel of "Shrewd tongue" guest artistes, the programme showcase unique talents from all walks of life - magic show, street dance, dog talent performance. <钻石夜总会> (综艺节目)(重) 由台湾名嘴利菁主持,《钻石夜总会》汇集了全台最独特 、最叫人惊喜连连的表演节目。从魔术,杂耍,舞蹈至狗 狗特技表演等,样样让观众看得目不暇给! 12:00 PM My Working Holiday (R) (Local Info- "My Working Holiday" reveals the tribulations of a young Ed) man as he sweats, toils and labors in different parts of the world on a work and travel journey. "My Working Holiday" aims to inform Singaporeans on pivotal environmental and conversation issues that affect our world today. <打工看世界> (本地资讯节目)(重) 一 系列8集的《打工看世界》在年轻主持人方伟杰的带领之下 ,通过他亲身付出劳动让电视观众感受不一样的世界。通 过打工旅游,体验的不仅是生活,更是另一种独 有的文化、韵味、思维与气息。 12:30 PM Youth Diary(PG) (R) (Infotainment) "Youth Diary" will be based on 7 real-life cases and using re-enactment to show the cases to the public. Incorporating interviews with counselors, psychologists and the main characters involved, we will discover what the main characters are thinking and what do they feel about their actions when they think back. <青春有悔> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) (PG)通过半纪录片半戏剧性的处理,《青春。残酷物语》 将以7个真实的档案故事,重塑这些事件发生的经过,并通 过和辅导员,心理学家以及当事人的访谈,分析人物的心 里和事后的意义。 1:00 PM Super IQ (R) (English Subtitles) Host Lee Teng challenges contestants, viewers and even (Variety) celebrities including Jeremy Chan, Jeffrey Xu, Sora Ma, Kate Pang, Julie Tan and Rachel Chua with mind-boggling questions in this Channel U's first IQ game show. <IQ超人> (综艺节目)(重) (英文字幕) U频道首创全新智力游戏节目,考验参赛者及观众的空间概 念、逻辑推理、算术以及记忆力。除了节目主持人“IQ先生" 李腾,每集也将有6到8名年轻艺人参与,包括田铭耀、徐 鸣杰、马艺暄、庞蕾馨、陈欣淇、蔡艾珈等等,一起解答I Q难题。 2:00 PM The Adventures of Chris (R) (English In each episode, Chris will visit a place located at a unique Subtitles) (Local Variety) geographical landscape. He will visit the tribes living in those places and observe how they live their everyday lives. <阿顺历险记> (本地综艺节目)(重) 李铭顺,本地电视圈的阿哥级的电视剧演员。这一次,他 (英文字幕) 将背起行囊,经历一场舍弃华丽,重于人文、集合地理, 几经跌宕起伏的探险之旅。节目有美轮美奂的景色,也关 怀生态环境,更有不少奇闻怪事。 3:00 PM Pink Lipstick (PG)(R) (Eps 95 & 96) Jia-en rushes to the hospital as soon as she learns that (Dual Sound - 2nd track in Nali is injured. After that, Jia'en sends Nali home and finds Korean)(English/Chinese Subtitles) the house in a mess. She blames herself for everything (Korean Drama) that has happened. Meanwhile, Meilan is desperate to save Tingyu, who goes into hiding. She decides to swallow her pride and beg Jia-en for help. <粉红色口红> (韩剧)(重)(双声道 - (PG)听到娜莉烫伤赶到医院的佳恩,背着娜莉回家后发现 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 家里乱糟糟,心疼娜莉的佳恩不禁自责是因为自己的复仇 计划才害了孩子。美兰为了救廷禹,便跑去向佳恩下跪, 希望佳恩能去向孟会长求情,让他们俩逃往国外。 5:00 PM The Banquet (R) (Info/Education) This 8-episode series feature eight different events; eight big feasts all lined up for eight big celebrations! <大飨宴> (资讯节目)(重) 《大飨宴》共8集,每一集呈现不一样的节庆或食会 -- 全部8个海外地点的8大飨宴。节目将从整个设宴地点和宴 会背景说起,进而聚焦各个人物以及宴会上的特别菜肴。 5:30 PM Guess (Variety) Tune in as funny man Jacky Wu and pretty host Patty Hou pair up to entertain you. Be prepared to laugh till you drop! <你猜你猜你猜猜猜> (综艺节目) 搞笑天王吴宗宪搭配美女主播侯佩岑将连一连串的好节目 带给大家。惹笑的内容保证令您笑破肚皮! 7:00 PM Money Week (Local Current Affairs) Tung Soo Hua hosts Money Week, the Mandarin Business Current Affairs Programme, that provides comprehensive insights and analysis of the business world. <财经追击> (本地时事节目) 《财经追击》是新加坡唯一以中文制作的经济时事节目。 节目将深入分析最新的经济趋势和商业动态,让观众能更 好地掌握市场走势和投资情报。 7:30 PM Top Eats 100 (Infotainment) Top Eats 100 is hosted by Ouyang Jin, Lin Yingtong and Zhang Lisa. In each episode, a celebrity will be invited to sample one of the 20 popular delicacies voted by the audience in Hong Kong. <香港美食100强> (娱乐资讯节目) 由欧阳靖, 林颖彤和张莉莎联合主持的《香港美食100强》,每一期都 会邀请著名艺人和大家一起去品尝香港观众所投选出20款 美食. 8:00 PM Perfect Match (Variety) Channel U presents this wildly popular match-making variety programme from China. 5 eligible bachelors will go on the show each week to interact with 24 beautiful females. Lucky male participants will get a chance to walk away with their dream girls. <非诚勿扰> (综艺节目) 来自中国内地的大型配对节目。每期节目邀请5名男士到场 与24位美女们交流。有幸的男士可与心仪的女生配对。 9:30 PM Queen of S.O.P (Ep 19) (Last Chuchu' s father suffers a blow after Ziqi sells his shares Episode)(English Subtitles) (Drama) to Tanglan who later gain back her company.Out of revenge, Chuchu's father hires a killer to get rid of Xiaojie but instead injured Ziqi . <S.O.P 女王> (连续剧) (英文字幕) (大结局)子齐将股票卖给汤兰使后者得回公司管理权,令楚 楚父亲大受打击。他请杀手要将晓洁去除却伤害子齐. 11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。 11:30 PM When Love Walked In (Ep 21) Qing Yujiang is ordered by Chairman Yuan to find his long (English/Chinese Subtitles) (Drama) lost granddaughter, Shen Yayin. But Yayin is bitter towards her grandfather due to her parents' death. Yujiang gradually falls in love with Yayin, but backs out without realizing that she is actually his long lost childhood friend. <爱情闯进门> (连续剧) (中英文字幕) 孙秦雨被袁氏集团董事长袁浩天命找回失散二十年的外孙 女雅音。雅音因父母过世的事对外公浩天一直心存芥蒂, 雨江从中调和,不仅缓和了祖孙关系,还渐渐走进了雅音 的内心,但雨江的心里一直住着儿时孤儿院的玩伴… 12:30 AM Who's the Hero (R) (Eps 22 & 23) Yuan Fei is abducted on the day of Jinbao and Huashun's (PG13-Gambling Theme)(Chinese wedding. Huashun is upset that she fails to get married to Subtitles) (Hongkong Drama) Jinbao again. <胜者为王> (港剧)(重) (中文字幕) (PG13- 赌博题材)袁菲在金宝和花顺结婚当天被绑架,使两人再次 无法顺利结婚,花顺为此感到失望。 2:30 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Sun, 03 Mar 2013 (Channel U) 6:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐> () 10:00 Million Singer (R) (Variety) Each episode of Million Singer features different singers challenging for the top prize of NT 300,000.
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