Environmental Monitoring Report Project Number: 38411-043 August 2018 Period: January 2017 – June 2017 IND: Orissa Integrated Irrigated Agriculture and Water Management Investment Program (OIIAWMIP)- Project 2 Subproject: Pattamundai Submitted by: Project Management Unit (OIIAWMIP), Bhubaneswar This report has been submitted to ADB by the Project Management Unit (OIIAWMIP), Bhubaneswar and is made publicly available in accordance with ADB’s Public Communications Policy (2011). It does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB. This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Environmental Monitoring Report Reporting period: January – June 2017 Project Number: 38411-043 ADB Loan Number: 3265-IND IND: Orissa Integrated Irrigated Agriculture and Water Management Investment Program (OIIAWMIP) - Project 2 Subproject: Pattamundai Irrigation Sub-project Submitted by: Project Management Unit, Orissa Integrated Irrigated Agriculture and Water Management Investment Program (OIIAWMIP) – Project 2, Department of Water Resource (DoWR), Government of Odisha Submitted on: June 2018 This report has been submitted to ADB by the Project Management Unit (OIIAWMIP), Department of Water Resource (DoWR), Government of Odisha and is made publicly available in accordance with ADB’s Public Communications Policy (2011). It does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB. This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Orissa Integrated Irrigated Agriculture and Water Management Investment Program (OIIAWMIP) - Project 2 Sub-project: Pattamundai Irrigation Sub-project Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Environmental Mitigation Measures Compliance Status & Monitoring of Select Parameters of Civil Works Packages under Project -2) (For the period from January to June 2017) Project Management Unit (PMU) OIIAWMIP (Project – 2) Department of Water Resources (DoWR) Govt. of Odisha Submitted on: June 2018 Assisted By: CTRAN Consulting www.ctranconsulting.com [email protected] Abbreviations Abbrevi Full Form Abbreviatio Full Form ation n ADB Asian Development Bank MFF Multi-tranche Financing Facility AP Affected Persons MLI Minor Lift Irrigation ASI Archaeological Survey of India MoEFCC Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change COD Chemical Oxygen Demand NAAQ National Ambient Air Quality CRZ Coastal Regulation Zone NCB National Competitive Bidding DEIAA District Level Environmental Impact O&M operation and maintenance Assessment Authority DFO District Forest Officer OCZMA Odisha Coastal Zone Management Authority DG sets Diesel Generator Sets OIIAWMIP Orissa Integrated Irrigated Agriculture and Water Management Investment Program DoWR Department of Water Resources OSG Odisha State Government EA Executing Agency OSPCB Odisha State Pollution Control Board EARF Environmental Assessment and Review PIM Participatory Irrigation Management Framework EC Environmental Clearance PMU Project Management Unit EE Executive Engineer PPE Personnel Protective Equipment EMMPs Environmental Monitoring and PPs Pani Panchayat Management Plan EMP Environmental Management Plan PUC Pollution Under Control EMR Environmental Monitoring Reporting RR Rehabilitation & Resettlement ESMP Environmental and Social Management RTO Regional Transport Authority Plan GoI Government of India SDO Sub Divisional Officer GRCs Grievance Redress Committee SEIAA State Environment Impact Assessment Authority HSD High Speed Diesel SIOs Sub-project Implementation Officers IA Implementing Agency TA Technical Assistance IEE Initial Environmental Examinations TDS Total Dissolved Solid ILO International Labour Organization VRB Village Road Bridges IPP Indigenous People's Plan WBM Water Bound Macadam IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management WUA Water User Associations Preface This Environmental Monitoring Report (EMR) for the Pattamundai Canal Division covering twenty four (24) Sub-projects demonstrate the compliance status of environmental mitigation measures and environmental monitoring of selected parameters. It is in compliance with Loan Covenants of Project 2 of the OIIAWMIP for the period January 2017 to end of June 2017. The report has been prepared for the PMU with guidance support and assistance of CTRAN Consulting. ‐ This report represents Compliance with Environmental Safeguard Policy of ADB, Loan Covenants, and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) implementation as stipulated in IEE report. The report preparation, field activities for data acquisition was planned and undertaken with PMU/SIOs supported by CTRAN Consulting. This EMR has been prepared using all available secondary (mostly) data /information and analysis as deemed practicable to comply with Loan Agreement Schedule 5, Para 5, 10,11 and 14 item for the OIIAWMIP project –which requires PMU to submit progress report on the EMP implementation as part of ADB’s Safeguards Policy Statement (2009). June 2018 CTRAN Consulting Orissa Integrated Irrigated Agriculture and Water Management Investment Program (OIIAWMIP) - Project 2 Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (January – June 2017) Sub-project: Pattamundai Sub-project Executive Summary The OIIAWMIP under Project- 2 includes Irrigation sub-projects and Saline Embankments which are classified as “Category B” according to the Environment Policy (2009) of the ADB. An EARF was also prepared to guide the environmental assessment of the subprojects. IEE report is prepared for the each proposed sub-projects. Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is part of the IEE. EMP implementation responsibility mostly lies with the Contractors. The Executing Agency (EA) is the Department of Water Resources and the Implementing Agency (IA) is Project Management Unit (PMU). PMU / Sub-project Implementation Officers (SIOs) undertake civil works through Contractors selected through National Competitive Bidding (NCB). The duration of project implementation for the preparation of semi-annual EMR was from January to June 2017. EMR is prepared sub-project wise for each semi-annual cycle (every 6 months). All related secondary information/ data was collected from respective SIO, implementing contractor and PMU-OIIAWMIP. Field visit was carried out by CTRAN team after the project cycle (January – June 2017) for ground truthing of actual field level implementation of management plan. Under Pattamundai Canal Division there are twenty four (24) contract packages, out of which seven contract packages have commenced civil works during March 2017 and all others in the year of 2016. Civil work for contract Package CW NCB-PAT 06, CW NCB-PAT 16, CW NCB-PAT 20, CW NCB-PAT 21, CW NCB- PAT 22, CW NCB-PAT 23, CW NCB-PAT 24 have commenced on March 2017. ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Following‐ major‐ activities‐ under‐ raising and‐ strengthening of canal embankment have been undertaken during the project period. Majority of the project activities have taken place only during the January – June period. Other nominal activities were undertaken in rest of the year due to water stagnant condition. Special toe wall protection measures were adopted at each bridge site to avoid washing-off of soil and packing material. Period wise project activities undertaken are tabulated below: Table 1: Major activities undertaken during project period January - June 2017 Sl. No. January to June 1 Earthwork 2 Pilling and super structure work of village road bridges (VRB) 3 Construction and leveling of guard wall at strategic point. 4 Construction and repair of outlets 5 Construction and packing of bathing ghat 6 Rough stone dry packing 7 Wearing coat & parapet of VRB 8 Construction of right side WBM road where there is inhabitation 9 Turfing work of earth section Following table shows contract package wise physical and financial progress for each contract package. Table 2: Contract package wise progress status upto June 2017 Sl. Packag Project Name Agreemen Work Works progress in % No e No. t Date Duratio Earth Concrete Financia . n l 1 CW REM of Pattamundai main canal 27.04.2016 24 45.1 72.2 40.77 NCBPA including lining ( 00 km to 9.25 km) months T 01‐ and renovation and construction of associated structures ‐ CTRAN Consulting Page I of 166 PMU (OIIAWMIP), DoWR www.ctranconsulting.com Orissa Integrated Irrigated Agriculture and Water Management Investment Program (OIIAWMIP) - Project 2 Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (January – June 2017) Sub-project: Pattamundai Sub-project 2 CW REM of Pattamundai main canal 27.04.2016 24 76.6 41.8 40.69 NCBPA including lining ( 9.25.km to 15.077 months T 02‐ km) and renovation and construction of associated structures 3 CW‐ REM of Pattamundai main canal 27.04.2016 24 54.0
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