We Band of Brothers – Index 1 Company, The Royal Australian Regiment, 71 1st Field Squadron, Royal Australian Engineers, 223, 1/503 (US) Battalion, 210 235, 281, 314, 321 100 (A) Battery, Royal Australian Artillery, 119 1st Infantry Brigade, 66, 72, 78, 122, 124 101 Field Battery, Royal Australian Artillery, 288, 304, 1st Infantry Division, US Army, 211 332, 335, 336, 347, 348, 349, 354, 355, 360, 367, 411 1st Recruit Training Battalion, Kapooka, NSW 102 Field Battery Royal Australian Artillery, 193 see Kapooka, 63, 64, 65, 66 103 Field Battery, Royal Australian Artillery, 238, 251, 1st Signals Regiment, 166 307, 309, 367 1st Special Air Service Company, Perth, WA, 145, 152 104 Signal Squadron, Nui Dat, 395, 397 1st Special Air Service Regiment, 198 105 Field Battery, Royal Australian Artillery, 88, 210, 2 Camp Hospital, Ingleburn, NSW, 288, 382 215, 238, 247, 257, 258, 259, 335 admitted, 175 10th Light Horse, 78 2 Field Ambulance, Vung Tau, 252 113th Australian General Hospital, Concord, NSW, 25 Photo, 319, 320 115 Supply Depot Platoon, RAASC, 144 2/11th Infantry Battalion, 135, 229 11th Armoured Cavalry Regiment, US Army, 374, 381 2/20th Australian Infantry Brigade, 30 Photo, 381 2/2nd Infantry Battalion, 135 11th Australian Infantry Division, 69, 413 2/3rd Commando Squadron, 89 11th National Service Training Battalion Band, Intake 2/3rd Independent Company (Commando), 151, 229 3/55 (10 Platoon C Company) 2/47th Mechanised Infantry Battalion, 364 Photo, 91 2/4RAR, 413, 414, 415 11th National Service Training Battalion, Wacol, 2/5th Infantry Battalion, 145 Queensland, 91 2/6th Gurkha Rifles, 160, 165, 189 12th (US) Army Group, 27 21st (Anglo/Canadian) Army Group, 27 12th National Service Training Battalion, 46 21st Independent Mixed Brigade, Japanese Army, 21 Photo, 15 Platoon, D Company, 48 22nd Australian Infantry Brigade, 18 131 Divisional Locating Battery, 251, 259 26th Province of Indonesia 147th Assault Support Helicopter Company, US Army, West New Guinea, (now Papua), 147 241, 386 274 Viet Cong Regiment, 216, 222, 229, 232, 262, 281, 14th (British/Indian) Army, 136 295, 313, 335, 336 14th National Service Training Battalion, 67, 68, 81 275 Viet Cong Regiment, 222, 229, 232, 252, 261, 262, 15/19th The King’s Royal Hussars, 107, 114 268, 281, 313, 374 Photo, 106 27th British Commonwealth Infantry Brigade, 70, 71 15th (Anglo/US) Army Group, 27 27th British Infantry Brigade 161 Field Battery, Royal New Zealand Artillery, 210, rushed from Hong Kong to Korea, 70 219, 233, 238, 239, 257, 258, 259, 303, 314, 316, 324, 28th Commonwealth Infantry Brigade, 66, 71, 88, 101, 326, 329, 335, 347, 348, 350, 411 108, 125 in difficulties, 238 2AR, 353, 413 161 Reconnaissance Flight, 176, 220, 280, 300, 314, 336, 2nd Australian Imperial Force (2nd AIF), 13, 17, 69, 102, 379 135 173rd Airborne Brigade (Separate), US Army, 193, 207, 2nd Battalion, The New Guinea Infantry Battalion 210, 222, 246, 250, 252, 367, 399 (2NGIB), 145, 151 17th Australian Infantry Brigade, 145 2nd Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles (2RhAR), 17th Gurkha Division, 111, 114, 345 111, 152 17th Parallel, 85 2nd New Zealand Infantry Division, 17 199th Light Infantry Brigade, US Army, 335 2nd Recruit Training Battalion (2RTB) Kapooka, NSW, 19th Australian Infantry Brigade, 78 64 1ATF Defence and Employment Platoon (D&E Platoon), 2nd/2nd Independent Company (Commando), 151 309, 310 2nd/3rd Independent Company (Commando), 151 1PIR, 174, 179, 180, 191, 193 2PIR, 193 1RAR, 69, 70, 71, 82, 86, 118, 123, 124, 125, 126, 193, 2PIR, soon to be raised, 173 197, 202, 206, 207, 210, 211, 220, 250, 254, 259, 263, 2RAR, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 79, 81, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 267, 272, 339, 341, 344, 361, 394, 413, 414, 415 95, 98, 99, 100, 101, 104, 108, 111, 114, 115, 118, leads The Regiment to Vietnam, 193 120, 121, 122, 123, 145, 152, 165, 173, 175, 176, 177, 1SAS Company, 151 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 202, 204, 252, 267, 345, 379, 1SAS Squadron, raised, 193 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 386, 399, 405, 413, 414, 415, 1st (Anglo/US) Army, 25 417 1st Armoured Division, 78 2RhAR, 2nd Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles 1st Armoured Regiment, 63, 72, 74, 177 111, 152 1st Australian Imperial Force (1st AIF), 13 3/43 ARVN (Vietnamese regular army) Battalion, 353 1st Australian Logistic Support Group, Vung Tau, 208, 30th Australian Infantry Battalion, 28 299, 300, 382 32nd Small Ships Squadron, Royal Australian Engineers, Photo, 207 377 1st Australian Psychological Operations Unit, 397 33rd Pursuit Squadron, USAF, Kittyhawks, defend 1st Australian Reinforcement Unit (1ARU), 208, 215, Darwin, 19 233, 234, 249, 278, 377, 395, 396, 397 34th Australian Infantry Brigade, 69, 413 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF), 210, 211, 213, 215, 35 Cadet Battalion, Papua New Guinea, 144 222, 229, 230, 233, 246, 277, 292, 297, 311, 367, 385, 36 Squadron RAAF (Hercules), 157 399 36th US Evacuation Hospital, Vung Tau, 226, 249, 287, Map, Layout of Base, 215 350, 368, 419 1st Battalion The Royal New South Wales Regiment 3RAR, 53, 70, 71, 79, 118, 119, 120, 135, 165, 172, 173, (Commando), 383 193, 197, 252, 257, 376, 398, 399, 413, 414, 415 1st Battalion, 11th Artillery Regiment, US Army, 364 awarded the US Presidential Citation, 71 1st Camp Hospital, Brisbane, 127 gallant and heroic stand at Kapyong, Korea, 71 1st Federal Division, Malaya, 101, 109, 111 to Borneo, 165 1st Field Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery, 219, 234, 3rd Australian Infantry Division, 69, 413 251, 257, 259, 260, 274, 307, 309, 310 3rd Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, US Army, 294 Page 1 of 32 We Band of Brothers – Index 3rd Special Air Service Squadron, 229 84 mm Carl Gustav rocket launchers/recoilless rifles, 3rd United States Marine Division, 192 ammunition supply cut off, 221 3rd US Army, 27 90 mm Recoilless Rifle replaces Carl Gustav, 221 42nd Australian Infantry Battalion, 28 155 mm US Army self•propelled howitzers, 215, 246, 45th Infantry Battalion, 317 260, 262, 273, 307, 314, 354 47th Mechanised Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade, 9th Photo, 215, 246, 260, 272, 306, 307, 314 Infantry Division, US Army, 364 175 mm US Army self•propelled howitzers, 215, 273, 49th Fighter Group, USAF, defends Darwin, 20 274, 354 4RAR, 71, 118, 190, 193, 339, 345, 399, 414, 415 Photo, 275, 354, 355 reraised in SA, 193 4th Battalion The Royal New South Wales Regiment, 317 17 Pounder Anti•Tank gun course, 62 4th US Transportation Command, Vung Tau Sub•Port, 25 KVA trailer•mounted generators, 55 382 37th Parallel, 70 5/7RAR, 414, 415 38th Parallel, 70 53rd Evaluation Detachment, US Army, 241 547 Signal Troop, Royal Australian Signals, 252, 296 A big win for the Viet Cong, 374 5RAR, 190, 193, 208, 210, 215, 216, 222, 227, 229, 230, A blond of twenty or so summers, 44 238, 247, 248, 249, 250, 257, 263, 267, 268, 280, 282, A custard boiled is a custard spoiled, 190 293, 294, 295, 296, 304, 307, 308, 309, 310, 313, 314, Great ‘protective’ minefield, 373 335, 336, 340, 343, 350, 353, 367, 368, 370, 373, 378, A game we had to win, or pay the ultimate price, 331 381, 382, 383, 395, 414, 415, 419 A great white pooh•bah in a primitive land, 183 raised, 193 A hard lesson which I will never forget, 47 5RAR, C Company, 340 A high degree of tidiness, pedantry, and time wasting 5RAR, 'What’s new Pussycat?', 304 activity, 67 5th (Anglo/US) Army, 27 A move to Queensland, 86 5th Australian Infantry Division, 69, 78, 413 A situation of general chaos, 71 5th Field Regiment, 45 A stranger, in a white tropical suit and Panama hat comes 5th Task Force, Millers Point, Sydney, NSW, 402 to the rescue, 98 5th Viet Cong Division, 229, 252, 253, 257, 297, 313, A strike by the phantom bottom biter, 398 341, 356, 357, 370, 371, 378 A Thousand and One Nights, 99 615th Regional Force Company, 353 A thousand courtesies, 74 65th Infantry Battalion, 69 ABC, wartime news broadcasts, 22 66th Infantry Battalion, 413 Ablution blocks, no partitions, cubicles, doors, 36 67th Infantry Battalion, 69, 257, 413 Aboriginal, 148, 339 68th Assault Helicopter Company, US Army, 209, 213 Aboriginal people, agreement to assimilate, 52 6RAR, 193, 195, 196, 414 Aborigine, 347 farewell parade at Enoggera Aborigines, 3, 47, 134, 138 Photo, 205 Aborigines given the vote in Western Australia, 52 passim, 197 Aborigines, Malayan, 105, 113 6RAR, C Company, I take command, 198 Absolute inter•dependence necessary for survival, 74 6RAR/NZ(ANZAC), 393 Abyssinia, Africa, 17 6th Australian Infantry Division, 17, 69, 413 Accommodation for troops appalling, 76 7 Platoon, C Company 6RAR Achilles, J.W. (John), 411 Photo, 328 Photo, 336 7 Section, 9 Platoon, tent lines, Nui Dat Ackland, G.J. (Graham), 176, 356, 357 Photo, 370 Adams, R.H. (Russell), 407 7RAR, 339, 381, 382, 398, 399, 405, 414, 415 Adams, WOI W.T. (Bill), RSM OCS Portsea, 54, 60, 87 raised, 193 Adamson, C.J. (Colin), 187, 193, 194 7th (US) Army, 27 Addis Ababa, Africa, 17 7th Australian Infantry Division, 69, 413 Addison Road Marrickville, NSW, 45, 52, 53 7th Duke of Edinburgh’s Own Gurkha Rifles (7 Adelaide, South Australia, 63, 131 DEO/GR), 160 Adjutant, duties of, 87 7th Field Squadron Royal Australian Engineers, 172 Administration Company, 6RAR, Vietnam, 231, 249, 7th Fleet, 385 254, 261, 322, 376 7th Infantry Brigade, 126 Advance Australia Fair, adopted as anthem, 50 7th Infantry Brigade, Kelvin Grove, Queensland, 124 Agnew, S.S. (Simon), 135 7th Marine Corps Regiment, US, 71 Photo, 141 8/9RAR, 414, 415 Air hostesses, friendly with, 127 8RAR, 118, 339, 396, 405, 414, 415 Air raid siren, Arncliffe, NSW, 23 8th Army, 13, 17, 24, 25, 27 Air Raid Wardens, 16 advances 2,250 kilometres, 25 Airborne Platoon,The Royal Australian Regiment, 151 8th Australian Infantry Division, 19 Airmobile assault, 348, 354 overwhelmed, 18 Aitape, PNG, 158 9 Platoon C Company 2RAR Malaya, 102 Aitken, R.J.
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