![25Th Annual Conference Brochure.Indd](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
ᩣ͍ࠕហី̹̿Μࣦϖ ̄ӡ̋ևࣲጢঐв 1992~2017 Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Association of Chinese-American Scientists and Engineers October 2017 ᩣࠕ Chicago, USA ᯭ֣ ۸ Association of Chinese–American Scientists and Engineers 25th Anniversary(1992 – 2017) 科工专前会长王涛(后左二)在北京参加第七届世界华人社团代表大会,受到了习主席的亲切接见 前会长、分会会长与科工专有史以来首位女会长梁坤闪亮登场 2 ༀᏈᇿ༙ᄻহڴభಈ᎒खଖᆓਈࣀ ഐਃഔˤ̢˥ $&6(WK$QQLYHUVDU\ 㖾ѝഭ、ᆖᇦᐕ〻ᐸуъӪ༛ॿՊઘᒤ PREFACE As one of the largest Chinese-American professional organi- ࡽ䀰 zations in the United States of America, the Association of Chinese -American Scientists and Engineers (ACSE) (http://www.acse.org) 㖾ѝഭ、ᆖᇦᐕ〻ᐸуъӪ༛ॿՊ˄$&6(ˈㆰ〠、ᐕу˅㠚ᒤ has several thousand active members nationwide and it has become ᡀ・ԕᶕᐢ㓿䎠䗷ҶҼॱӄᒤⲴশ〻DŽ、ᐕуӾࡋՊᰦⲴഋॱཊӪਁ the most influential organization of Chinese-American profession- ኅ༞བྷࡠҶӺཙⲴањᤕᴹࠐॳՊઈⲴ㔬ਸᙗ㓴㓷ˈᆳ਼ᰦᔪ・Ҷॱ als in the State of Illinois. Founded in 1992, ACSE now has sixteen ޝњൠ४࠶Պ઼ॱйњ㹼ъᆖՊˈՊઈ㛼Ჟ⏥ᤜ⭥ᆀˈ䙊䇟ˈ⭏⢙ˈ local chapters and twelve professional societies. ५㦟ˈ⸣⋩ˈॆᆖॆᐕˈ䇑㇇ᵪˈᵪỠˈᶀᯉˈ䠁㶽ˈ䍒㓿ˈࡦ䙐ˈ ᐕ〻ˈ⌅ᖻˈᐕ୶㇑⨶ㅹњ亶ฏDŽ、ᐕу⧠ᐢᡀѪޘ㖾ഭᴰབྷⲴॾ Abiding by its principle of “Cooperation, Development and Ӫ、ᢰӪ༛Ⲵ㓴㓷ѻаˈҏᱟབྷ㣍࣐କൠ४ᴰᴹᖡ૽ⲴॾӪуъӪ༛ Contribution”, ACSE has grown as a strong community leader in promoting Chinese-Americans contribution to the mainstream 㓴㓷ѻаDŽ value and societal development, and a strong advocate facilitating 、ᐕу㠚ᡀ・ԕᶕቡ㓸ඊᤱԕĀਸˈਁኅˈ䍑⥞āѪަᇇ the exchange between the United States of America and China. ᰘˈ൘ਸо䍑⥞ѝнᯝਁኅ༞བྷ㠚ᐡDŽ、ᐕуԕ৲о㖾ഭѫ⍱⽮Պ ACSE works hard on the integration to American society at both ࡠᖃൠޕ⍫ࣘˈ䍑⥞ѫ⍱ԧ٬ѪॿՊ䟽㾱Ⲵᐕⴞḷѻаˈ〟ᶱ㶽 individual and organizational level. Many ACSE members have emerged as academic, industrial leaders and beyond. In the past, Ⲵ、ᢰ઼⽮Պ⍫ࣘѝˈ൘㖾ഭᖃൠ⽮ՊⲴশਢ䘋〻ѝਁᥕҶ䟽㾱Ⲵ ACSE has organized many major events in the United States of ⭘DŽ、ᐕуޣ⌘㖾ॾӪⲴ࠷䓛࡙⳺઼ᮤփਁኅˈѪᯠаԓ〫≁ᴤྭ America and China to serve its members and communities in the ൠ䘲ᓄ㖾ഭ᮷ॆˈራ≲њӪਁኅᣅޕҶབྷ䟿㋮࣋ˈӾѝ⎼⧠ࠪҶ䇨ཊ areas of sciences, technology, culture, economics, and business. 㹼ъⲴ㋮㤡DŽ、ᐕуԕᴽ࣑㖾ഭॾӪ⽮४Ѫᐡԫˈᑨᒤᔰኅᴽ࣑ These events include conferences, annual conventions, job fairs, ४Ⲵ⍫ࣘˈѪ㖾ഭॾӪ൘㚄䈺ǃ≲㙼઼㙼ъਁኅㅹњᯩ䶒ᨀᑞ⽮ business promotion events, and seminars on education and career ࣙˈѪᔪ・ањᕪབྷ㘼ᴹ⽮Պ䍓ԫᗳⲴॾӪ⽮४ࠪҶ䍑⥞DŽ、ᐕу development as well as cultural differences between USA and ˈ䘋ѝ㖾Ӕ⍱ˈ໎䘋ѝ㖾৻ྭѪ㠚ᐡⲴᐕ䟽⛩ѻаˈ䘁ᒤᶕ׳China, etc. ᢺ ᐕуࣚ࣋ᩝᔪѝ㖾Ӕ⍱ᒣਠˈѪѝ㖾ৼᯩⲴԱъ઼ӪઈӔ⍱ᨀҶ、 䘋ѝ㖾єഭԱъоԱъѻ䰤ǃ׳ᒤԕᶕˈ、ᐕуѪ䇨ཊׯ࡙DŽӾ Looking back upon the 25-year history of ACSE, we would like to thank all the ACSE board directors and working team mem- ᐲоᐲѻ䰤ⲴӔ⍱࣎Ҷ䇨ཊᴹ⳺ⲴᇎһˈਆᗇҶᴹⴞޡⶩⲴᡀ bers for their dedication and hard work. We would also like to 㔙DŽ thank all the members for their trust and strong support. Our spe- എ亮、ᐕуҼॱӄᒤⲴশਢˈᡁԜণ㾱ᝏ䉒শቺ、ᐕуⲴ⨶ cial thanks go to the companies and individuals from both the Ⲵᐘབྷ䍑⥞ˈҏ㾱ᝏڊUnited States of America and China who provided financial sup- һǃᡰᴹᐕӪઈԕ৺亮䰞Ѫ、ᐕуⲴਁኅᡰ port to this organization. 䉒ՊઈԜⲴ〟ᶱ৲о઼ᰐ⿱ཹ⥞ˈ⢩࡛䘈㾱ᝏ䉒൘、ᐕуਁኅѝѪ䘉 њ㓴㓷ᨀҶ䎎ࣙⲴѝ㖾Աъ઼њӪDŽ ACSE's 25-year history is the epitome of the growth of the 、ᐕуҼॱӄᒤⲴশ〻ቡᱟᯠаԓ㖾ॾӪਁኅⲴ㕙ᖡˈॾӪ new generation of Chinese-American. With more influence from Ⲵᖡ૽࣋൘㖾ഭѳ㠣ޘ⨳Ⲵнᯝᨀ儈ˈҏՊ䇙、ᐕуᴤ࣐ᕪབྷʽ、ᐕ Chinese community worldwide, ACSE will grow even stronger to 䘋ˈ൘ᰕᯠᴸᔲⲴᵚᶕᴤྭൠᆼழ㠚ᐡˈᴤ࣐〟ᶱൠ৲оءуሶоᰦ become an important organization in the United State of America! 䘋ѝ㖾Ӕ⍱ǃ໎䘋׳We anticipate a stronger ACSE will play an even more important ѫ⍱⽮Պǃ䍑⥞ѫ⍱ԧ٬ǃᴽ࣑㖾ഭॾӪ⽮४ǃ role in serving the Chinese-American community, in leading the ѝ㖾৻䈺DŽ Chinese-American professionals to contribute to the mainstream value, and in promoting the exchange and friendship between the United States of America and China. Պ䮯˖ằ⩘ ⨶һՊѫᑝ˖ᗀੁь Kun Liang, President of ACSE Xiangdong Xu, Chairman of Board of ACSE 3 Association of Chinese–American Scientists and EngineerV 25th Anniversary˄1992 – 2017˅ ᎒ಈ።ᇴᏃ॒ଖࣀ Congratulatory Letters from American and C ѝഭ傫㣍࣐କᙫ亶侶⍚ᙫ亶һⲴ䍪䇽 The Greetings from Consul General Mr. Lei Hong, Consulate General of The People’s Republic of China in Chicago. ࣎㼈ᨤᒣѫԫⲴ䍪䇽טѝഭഭ࣑䲒 The greetings from Ms. Yuanping Qiu, Min- ister of Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of State Council of China 4 ༀᏈᇿ༙ᄻহڴభಈ᎒खଖᆓਈࣀ ഐਃഔˤ̢˥ மࠀ༈ႷഐڱᏈ Chinese Officials for ACSE 25th Anniversary The Greetings from Governor Bruce Rauner, the State of Illi- nois. Ժ࡙䈪ᐎᐎ䮯%UXFH5DXQHUⲴ 䍪ؑ The greetings from Mayor Rahm Emanuel, City of Chicago 㣍࣐କᐲ䮯5DKP(PDQXHO Ⲵ䍪ؑ The greetings from Jesse White, the Secretary of State, Illinois ↙ねね┰☎Jesse White Ⲵ䍪ؑ 5 Association of Chinese–American Scientists and EngineerV 25th Anniversary˄1992 – 2017˅ மࠀ༈Ⴗഐڱ᎒ಈ።ᇴᏃ॒ଖࣀᏈ Congratulatory Letters from American and Chinese Officials for ACSE 25th Anniversary dŚĞ'ƌĞĞƚŝŶŐůĞƚƚĞƌĨƌŽŵĂŶŶLJĂǀŝƐ͕ƚŚĞ DĞŵďĞƌŽĨŽŶŐƌĞƐƐ 㖾ഭഭՊ䇞ઈĂŶŶLJĂǀŝƐⲴ䍪ؑ dŚĞ'ƌĞĞƚŝŶŐůĞƚƚĞƌĨƌŽŵZĂũĂ<ƌŝƐŚŶĂŵŽŽƌƚŚŝ͕ ƚŚĞ^ƚĂƚĞZĞƉƌĞƐĞŶƚĂƚŝǀĞŽĨ/ůůŝŶŽŝƐ Ժᐎᐎ䇞ઈZĂũĂ<ƌŝƐŚŶĂŵŽŽƌƚŚŝⲴ䍪ؑ dŚĞ'ƌĞĞƚŝŶŐůĞƚƚĞƌĨƌŽŵdŚĞƌĞƐĂDĂŚ͕WŚ͘͘ ƚŚĞ^ƚĂƚĞZĞƉƌĞƐĞŶƚĂƚŝǀĞŽĨ/ůůŝŶŽŝƐ Ժᐎᐎ䇞ઈ傜䶉Ԛঊ༛Ⲵ䍪ؑ 6 ༀᏈᇿ༙ᄻহڴభಈ᎒खଖᆓਈࣀ ഐਃഔˤ̢˥ INTRODUCTION 㖾ѝഭ、ᆖᇦᐕ〻ᐸуъӪ༛ॿՊㆰӻ ASSOCIATION OF CHINESE-AMERICAN 㖾ѝഭ、ᆖᇦᐕ〻ᐸуъӪ༛ॿՊ $&6(ˈㆰ〠、ᐕу SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS ᱟॾӪ൘㖾ഭᴰབྷⲴ、ᢰ઼уъӪ༛㓴㓷ѻаDŽ、ᐕуҾ ᒤ൘㖾ഭԺ࡙䈪Ժᐎ⌘ᡀ・ˈᱟањ䶎㩕࡙ǃ䶎᭯⋫ᙗуъ The Association of Chinese-American Scientists and Engi- neers (ACSE) (http://www.acse.org) is one of the largest Chinese- 㓴㓷DŽᵜ⵰Āਸǃਁኅǃ䍑⥞āⲴࡉˈ㠚ᡀ・ᒤԕᶕˈ American professional organizations in the United States of Amer- 、ᐕу⭡ањӪⲴሿॿՊਁኅࡠӺཙᴹњൠᯩ࠶Պ઼њ ica. Founded in 1992, ACSE is an independent, non-political, not- уъᆖՊˈवᤜᐕ〻、ᆖоᢰᵟǃ५ᆖǃ⭏⢙ᆖǃᵪỠǃॆᆖ for-profit professional organization headquartered in Schaumburg, ॆᐕǃᶀᯉᆖǃ⌅ᖻǃԱъ㇑⨶઼ࡋъㅹᆖ、Ⲵབྷර㔬ਸᙗу Illinois with sixteen regional chapters. ACSE has thirteen profes- ъӪ༛ॿՊDŽॿՊⴞࡽᴹᮠॳՊઈˈ࠶ᐳ൘ޘ㖾ഭњᐎDŽ sional societies, including Telecommunications, Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Pharmaceutics, Mechanical Engineering, ᡰᴹՊઈѝˈབྷ㓖ᴹঊ༛ᡆ⺅༛ԕкᆖսDŽ Management Business and Administration, Futures, Options and ᐕу㠚ᡀ・ԕᶕቡᢺ৲о㖾ഭѫ⍱⽮Պ⍫ࣘˈ䍑⥞ѫ⍱ԧ٬、 Finance, Medical Sciences, Computer Sciences, Industrial and Ap- plied Mathematics, Environment, Bio-technology, Intelligent Trans- ѪॿՊ䟽㾱Ⲵᐕⴞḷѻаˈ〟ᶱ㶽ޕࡠᖃൠⲴ、ᢰ઼⽮Պ portation Systems, Law and the newly formed Entrepreneurship. ⍫ࣘѝDŽশ⅑ᒤՊѝˈ、ᐕу䚰䈧ࡠҶ䇨ཊ㖾ഭ⸕᭯⋫ᇦ઼ The organization has several thousand members distributed ԱъᇦоՊᒦу仈ᣕDŽ㖾ഭㅜаԫ傫ѝഭབྷ֯Խᗧ、ݻݸ throughout 30 statesˈover 90 percent of whom has a Ph.D. or ⭏ǃ㖾ഭࡽഭ䱢䜘䮯৺㚄䛖৲䇞ઈ、ᚙݸ⭏ǃ䈪䍍ቄ྆㧧ᗇ㘵 Master degree. 㣍࣐କབྷᆖ㓿⍾㌫㊣ंᮉᦸǃц⭼䠁㶽ᵏ䍗ѻ⡦ˈ㣍࣐କᵏ䍗 Abiding by its principle of “Cooperation, Development and Ӕ᱃ѝᗳ㦓䂹㪓һ䮯㊣㓣ẵᗧݸ⭏ǃԺ࡙䈪Ժᐎᐎ࣑যᘰ⢩ݸ Contribution”, ACSE has organized many major events in the ⭏ǃ㖾ഭՇ䇞ઈᡤ㔤ᙍ઼ᯟ⢩ݸ⭏ㅹ䜭ݸਾᶕ৲࣐、ᐕуᒤ United States of America and China to build platforms and bridges Պᒦѫ仈╄䇢DŽ⭡Ҿ、ᐕуሩѫ⍱ԧ٬Ⲵ䍑⥞ˈᖃᰦⲴ㖾ഭ facilitating the exchange between US and China, and between ࣣᐕ䜘䜘䮯䎥ሿޠྣ༛᧕㿱䗷、ᐕуՊ䮯DŽ↓ྲ㣍࣐କᐲᐲ䮯 members and non-members in the areas of sciences, technology, culture, economics, and business. These events include conferences, ᡤ࡙ݸ⭏ᤷࠪⲴ˖Ā㣍࣐କᐲᴹањᶕ㠚ѝഭⲴᕪᴹ࣋Ⲵഒփ annual conventions, job fairs, business promotion events, and semi- 、ᐕу ˈᆳ൘ᐲশਢ䘋〻ѝਁᥕҶॱ࠶䟽㾱Ⲵ⭘ˈᒦሶ nars on education and career development as well as culture differ- 㔗㔝Ѫᡰᴹᐲት≁Ⲵ࡙⳺㘼ཹ⥞ˈ㣍࣐କᐲѪⴤ᧕ਇ⳺㘵 ences between USA and China, etc. These events served ACSE 㘼ᝏࡠॱ࠶㠚䊚ˈᡁᵜӪҏ䎎䍿、ᐕуѪ␡ॆѝ㖾৻䈺઼㓿⍾ members and the communities well. Many prominent leaders in ˅Ⲵᶠࠪ䍑⥞DŽā˄䈁㠚ᡤ࡙ᐲ䮯䍪ؑڊindustry, academic, business, and government were invited to these Ӕ⍱ᡰ events. For example, former US Defense Secretary, then Senator 、ᐕуԕᴽ࣑㖾ഭॾӪ⽮४Ѫᐡԫˈᑨᒤᔰኅᴽ࣑⽮४Ⲵ⍫ Mr. William Cohen, the first US ambassador to China Mr. Leonard ࣘˈֻྲ⇿ᒤаቺⲴ᱕㢲Պ઼༿ᆓ䟾佀Պቡᱟ㣍࣐କൠ४ॾ Woodcock, former Chinese ambassador to USA Mr. Daoyu Li, Deputy Secretary of Chinese Department of Science and Technol- ӪᴰབྷⲴⴋՊѻаˈ⢩࡛ᱟ༿ᆓ䟾佀Պᑨ㜭੨ᕅࡠ䘁ॳӪ৲ 䘋лаԓॾӪ৲о⽮४⍫ࣘˈ、ᐕу㠚ᒤԕ׳ogy Mr. Jinpei Cheng, Nobel Prize Winner of University of Chi- ࣐DŽѪҶ cago Professor Merton Miller; Former CME Group Chairman Mr. ᶕˈ൘༿ᆓ䟾佀Պѝ໎࣐Ҷቁᒤ㢪བྷ䎋઼փ㛢∄䎋ˈ੨ᕅҶ Leo Melamed, US Congressman Danny Davis, former Chinese 䇨ཊлаԓⲴॾӪᣕ৲࣐DŽ䲔Ҷԕк⍫ࣘཆˈ、ᐕу䘈ѫᤱ Consul General in Chicago Mr. Ping Huang and many other out- standing leaders in their fields have been invited to deliver the key- ਜᔰҶ䇨ཊ㙼ъᤋ㚈Պǃ㙼ъਁኅ⹄䇘Պǃ᮷ॆᐞᔲ⹄䇘Պǃ note speeches at ACSE conferences and seminars. The Illinois Gov- ᮉ㛢⹄䇘Պǃࡋъ⹄䇘Պㅹᶕ┑䏣൘㖾ॾӪһъ઼⭏⍫кⲴ䴰 ernor has recognized and applauded ACSE’s services to the com- ≲DŽᡁԜඊؑᔪ・ањᕪབྷⲴᴹ⽮Պ䍓ԫᗳⲴॾӪ⽮४ᱟሩѫ munities and efforts to promote US-China cooperation and eco- ⍱⽮ՊⲴᴰᴹ࣋Ⲵ䍑⥞DŽ nomic development. Former Chicago Mayor Richard Daley said in 䘋ѝ㖾Ӕ⍱ˈ໎䘋ѝ㖾৻ྭᱟ、ᐕуⲴਖањᐕ䟽⛩ˈ䘁׳ his greeting letter to ACSE: “the ACSE has promoted mutually beneficial scientific, economic and culture exchange between the ᒤᶕˈ、ᐕуࣚ࣋ᩝᔪѝ㖾Ӕ⍱ᒣਠˈѪѝ㖾ৼᯩⲴԱъ઼Ӫ United States and China. … Chicago is the proud beneficiary of a ઈӔ⍱ᨀҶ䇨ཊᯩׯDŽ䘁ᒤᶕˈ、ᐕуѪेӜᐲǃ⊏㣿ᕐᇦ strong community from China that has played a significant role in the history of our city and continues to make important contribu- ᐲǃ⊏㣿ᑨᐎᐲǃ⊏㣿㣿ᐎᐲǃ⊏㣿ᰐ䭑ᐲǃཙ⍕ᆱ⋣৯ǃ tions to the collective good of all citizens.” ኡь㧡㾯ᐲǃഋᐍᡀ䜭ᐲǃኡь⍾ইᐲˈӁইⴱㅹѮ࣎Ҷབྷර ᤋ୶઼ᤋՊˈ䚰䈧ѝ㖾⭼Ӫ༛৲࣐ˈਆᗇҶ䶎ᑨྭⲴ᭸ This year is ACSE’s 25th anniversary. ACSE has grown out of her infant stage and grows ever stronger. With the ever growing ᷌DŽᴰ䘁Ⲵа⅑ᱟᒤᴸˈ、ᐕуоᗀᐎᐕ〻ᵪỠޜਨޡ਼ Chinese-American community in the United States of America and Ѯ࣎Ⲵᤋ㚈⍫ࣘˈ䚰䈧ࡠҶ㣍࣐କൠ४Ⲵ䇨ཊᴹ㓿傼ⲴՈ⿰Ӫ ever increasing economic ties between China and USA, ACSE will ᶀࡠՊDŽ play an even more important role as a community leader and strong advocate in promoting the cooperation between US and China, and Ӻᒤᱟ、ᐕуᡀ・Ҽॱӄઘᒤˈ、ᐕу䘉њ㓴㓷⭡Āቁᒤᰦ in building a strong Chinese-American community to contribute to ԓā↕ޕĀ༞ᒤᰦԓāDŽањ⭏ᵪࣳࣳⲴ、ᐕу㓴㓷ᗵሶ൘Ӻ the mainstream value and societal development. ਾᰦ䰤䟼ᴤ࣐〟ᶱൠ৲оѫ⍱⽮Պǃ䍑⥞ѫ⍱ԧ٬ǃᴽ࣑㖾ഭ 䘋ѝ㖾Ӕ⍱ǃ໎䘋ѝ㖾৻䈺DŽ׳ॾӪ⽮४ǃ 7 Association of Chinese–American Scientists and EngineerV 25th Anniversary˄1992 – 2017˅ ƌ͘ dŝĂŶLJƵ yŝŽŶŐ͕ ϭƐƚ ƌ͘ zŝƐƵŶ ŚĞŶŐ͕ ϭƐƚ ƌ͘ ƵǁĂŶŐ ZƵĂŶ͕ ϮŶĚ
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