St Mark’s Parish News Candlemas 2 February 2020 Church Services Thank you 2 February - Candlemas The flowers in church this week 8.30am Holy Communion are in memory of our dear friend 9.30am Morning Worship Margaret Standley. Preacher - The Reverend Dr Sam Cappleman Leadership - Mrs Janet Warren Intercessions - Young People Organist - Mr Bill Fudge Lectionary Readings Malachi 3:1-5 Hebrews 2:14-18 Luke 2:22-40 Prayer for Sunday and the Week Ahead 9 February - Candlemas 8.30am Holy Communion Lord God on this day we 9.30am Morning Worship celebrate the Light of Christ. Preacher - The Reverend Canon Charles Royden He is your light which gives Leadership - The Reverend Alan Kirk light to the whole world. Intercessions - Mr Richard Ledger Organist - Mr Paul Edwards May we to be lights of your Lectionary Readings presence here on earth. Isaiah 58:1-9a 1 Corinthians 2:1-12 Matt 5:13-20 Midweek Services In our actions and in our Wednesday Communion 10.00am in the Chapel words, help us by your Holy Spirit to reflect the Light of Please join us for a service followed by coffee First Monday of every month. Holy Communion Christ’s love and salvation. at 10.00am at Sir William Harpur House Parish News is available online at www.stmarkschurch.com You can also sign up online to receive each edition by email St Mark’s Contact Information The Reverend Dr. Sam Cappleman St. Mark’s Church Centre Assistant Rural Dean of Bedford www.stmarkschurch.com 107 Dover Crescent, Bedford MK41 Tel: 266952 [email protected] Open Monday - Friday 9am - 5.00pm Tel/fax: 342613 [email protected] The Reverend Canon Charles Royden Centre Manager: Miss Wendy Rider 342613 The Vicarage, Calder Rise. MK41 7UY Church Wardens Mr Mike Cooper & Mr Jim Williams 309175 Mobile 07973 113861 Treasurer: Mr Ian Farthing 210892 [email protected] [email protected] Gift Aid Administrator: Mr Jim Williams 360605 Reader: Mrs Wendy Waters Churchyard Administrator: Mrs Avril Williams 342613 Pastoral Support Team Co-Ordinator [email protected] 342613 [email protected] Music Copyright CCL1501 Charity No 1164416 Church Leadership Team Mr Mike Cooper, Mr Jim Williams, Mrs Laura Farthing, Mrs Liz Jackson, Mrs Janet Warren, The Reverend Alan Kirk Please inform us if you know of anyone who is ill, bereaved, housebound, requires a visit, home communion or counselling services. Please also ask us if you would like a home visit for any reason. Regular Weekly Activities - St Mark’s Church Monday 6.00pm Brownies Mrs. C Warden 219731 7.30am-6.00pm Pre-school Mon-Fri St Mark’s 7.00pm Bunyan Bridge Dale Squire 07713626541 Manager Mrs. Helen Harpin 312634 (See website) for 8.00pm Tudor Reeds Folk Dance Club more details www.thisispreschool.com) (1st,3rd and 5th Wednesday of the month. Except August). 10.00am Bakers Barn Art Group. Rosemary Stanbridge Everyone welcome. All dances called. Call Rosemary 822847 405594 or Graham 406359 for more details. £2 including 10.00am U3A Play reading Chris Fordham 07940 072202 refreshments. Next meeting 29 January 9.45am - 10.45am &11.00am-12noon Pilates 8.00pm Bedford Wine and Social Club Liz Mason 07816522200 (1st week in the month) Jill Cooper 357960 2-3.15pm U3A Recorder Group Chris Fordham 07940 072202 Thursday 6.00pm Brownies Mrs C Mathew 826190 9.30-11.25am Chat & Play. A term time group for Parents, 7.00 to 10.00 p.m. Whist Drive third Monday each month Carers & toddlers 0-5. Church office or Janine 297481 or fifth if there are five. Judith Stanton 01234 823313. 12pm Storybox. For the under 5’s and their carers 7.30pm Sugarcraft Guild (1st week) Heather Gould between 12 noon and 1pm. Sandwich lunch and a Bible 824503 based story and singing. Contact Jaana Swaaby 3422613. 7.00-8.00pm Laughter Club on 2nd week Cheryl Green 2-4pm. U3A Indoor Games. Chris Fordham 07940 072202 07729187399 2.30 - 4.30pm Bedford Art Society 7.15-9.00pm Guides Mrs Gill Lake 07930 826474 Jean Patterson 307210 7-9pm Rangers. Nikki Lake 07584028653 2.30pm - 4.30pm Putnoe Art Group (PAG) Indoor Games. Rod Fewings 07718390188 Contact Bob Wardale 406094 Mob:07914451198 7-8.5pm Happy Body Project Julie Holl 0780873965 6-7pm Supple Strength Yoga 7.30pm Whist Drive Third Monday and fifth if there are five Amanda Alcock 07769747393 Contact Judith Stanton 823313 7-9pm Bedford Community Gospel Choir Weekly meeting . Contact 07554148540 Tuesday 7.00pm U3A Singing for Fun (1st & 3rd week) Chris 9.30am-11.15. Chat & Make A term time group for Fordham 07940 072202 Parents, Carers and toddlers 0– 5. For more details ring 7.00pm Bedford Embroiderers’ Guild Church Office 342613 or Janine 01234 297481 (3rd week in month). Carol Plant 01832710504 9.30am -12.30 & 4-9pm Slimming World 7.00-10.00pm Club 2000 (2nd week in month) Contact 9.30, 11.30, 3.30, 5.30, 7.30. Lorrie Pearson 340473 Lilian Wilson 308965 1.15pm U3A Cinema Group. Chris Fordham 07940 7.00-9.00pm Gospel Choir Lydia Francis 07890291394 072202 7.15 – 9.30pm Magpies Ladies Group St Mark’s (2nd & 4th 1.30pm U3A Choir. Contact Chris Fordham 07940 072202 week in month ). Contact Pam Seymour 345943 2.00pm U3A Book Group 1 (3rd Week in month) Contact 7.15pm - 9.30pm Magpies Ladies Group. Meet on 2nd & Chris Fordham 07940 072202 4 Thursday Contact Pam Seymour 345943 2.00pm U3A Book Group 2 (2nd Week in month) Contact Next meeting is on Thursday 13 February at 7.30.p.m.'The Chris Fordham 07940 072202 Story of Ampthill Park ' by Brian Kerr. 2.00pm U3A Photography Group 3 (1st Week in month) 8.00pm Bedford Writers Circle. (1st week in month). John Contact Chris Fordham 07940 072202 Broadhouse 01525 404014 2.30pm Knit & Natter Group (Fortnightly) Wool and knitting needles provided. Mrs Maureen Watling 262225 Friday 2.00-3.30pm Tuesday Afternoon Housegroup. Fortnightly 10am -12.00 U3A Photography (4th week) Chris Fordham Social and Bible Study Mrs Jean Bank 355698 07940 072202 6-7pm Supple Strength Yoga Amanda Alcock 10.45am - 12 U3A Poetry & Literature 07769747393 Contact Rod Fewings 07718390188 7.30-9pm Faith Community Church Daniel Brown 2.00-4.00 pm U3A Whist (2nd week in month) Contact 07908666242 Chris Fordham 07940 072202 8.00pm Hearts in Beds Committee (4th week) Mrs N 7.45 - 10.45pm Bedford Astrology Club. Aspey 309816 (2nd week in month )Carol Brown 01438 233385 8.20-9.20pm Restoration Pilates 6.30 –7.30pm Pakua Martial Arts John Waugh Johanna Debnam 07753418170 07802755914 7-9pm Mindfulness Meditation Bhante Samitha Wednesday 07983466105 10.00-2pm Open House For those with learning disabilities, friends, family, carers etc 342613 Saturday 10.00am U3A Gardening Group 3 9.00am Faith Church (1st in month) Ruth Russell Chris Fordham 07940 072202 10.00am-1pm Theatretrain Dancing acting, singing. Kate 10.00am Holy Communion. St. Mark’s Chapel. Half hour Howard 782414 07748764920 service followed by coffee 10am-1pm Sugarcraft Guild Cygnets (2nd week in 11.00am Bereavement Support Group in Chapel - First month) Margaret Baldry 07919404906 Wednesday - Tea, coffee, and chat 10am U3A Card Making. Chris Fordham 07940 072202 Sunday 10-4pm Sewing Group 4th week Contact Sue Sewell 9.30 - 10.30 Church and Sunday School 07979797747 with crèche for under 3’s 1.15 Social Bridge Club. Mr Barnes 261811 10 - 11am Hatha Yoga Contact Tracy Langford 2 4pm. U3A Craft 1st week Contact Chris Fordham 07940 07473033750 072202 10 - 5.30pm Bedford Stamp Fayre at St. Mark’s. 3.45– 5.30pm Messy Church Bible stories, crafts, singing 1st wk Dec/Feb/Apr/Jun/Aug/Oct. Trevor King 015822 and a meal. For children primary school age & carers. 857343 Meeting dates 19 Feb, 18 March Wendy Waters 401834 Candlemas Opening Sentence Psalm 24 Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in his holy place? Those who have clean hands and pure hearts, who do not lift up their souls to what is false, and do not swear deceitfully. Collect Prayer for the Day Before we read we pray Almighty and ever-living God, clothed in majesty, whose beloved Son was this day presented in the Temple, in substance of our flesh: grant that we may be presented to you with pure and clean hearts, by your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. CW First Reading Malachi Chapter 3:1-5 Thus says the Lord God: See, I am sending my messenger to prepare the way before me, and the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple. The messenger of the covenant in whom you delight – indeed, he is coming, says the LORD of hosts. But who can endure the day of his coming, and who can stand when he appears? For he is like a refiner’s fire and like fullers’ soap; he will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he will purify the descendants of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, until they present offerings to the LORD in righteousness. Then the offering of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasing to the LORD as in the days of old and as in former years. Then I will draw near to you for judgement; I will be swift to bear witness against the sorcerers, against the adulterers, against those who swear falsely, against those who oppress the hired workers in their wages, the widow, and the orphan, against those who thrust aside the alien, and do not fear me, says the LORD of hosts.
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