European pulse E l e c t r o n i c m o n t h l y m a g a z i n e f o r E u r o p e a n i n t e g r a t i o n - N o . 4 4 , M a y 2 0 0 9 IINNTTEERRVVIIEEWW President of Macedonian NCEI Radmila Sekerinska AANNAALLYYSSEESS When a prime minister forgets the basic postulates of democracy DDOOCCUUMMEENNTTSS EC general assessment: How close are Montenegrin institutions to fulfilling the criteria of the Roadmap FFOOCCUUSS OOFF TTHHIISS IISSSSUUEE Montenegro prepares for the Questionnaire F o r e w o r d / C a l e n d a r M a y , 2 0 0 9 On Montenegro in Berlin (4 May) - International conference "Montenegro on the road to EU - challenges and perspectives" was held in the headquarters of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in Berlin. Montenegrin representatives at the conference were deputy prime minister Gordana \urovi}, presidents of the Socialist Peoples Party and Movement for Changes Sr|an Mili} and Neboj{a Medojevi}, director of the daily Vijesti @eljko Ivanovi} and executive director of Centre for Civic Education Daliborka Uljarevi}. During their stay in Germany Montenegrin representatives also spoke to the MPs of Bundestag as well as other German officials. 12 000 visas to be issued (8 May) - Slovenian ambassador in Podgorica Jernej Videti~ informed Montenegrin deputy prime minister Gordana \urovi} that the Embassy of CCUULLPPRRIITT Slovenia is now issuing visas for 12 countries of the Schengen agreement, and that around 12 000 visas are to be issued this year, three thousand more than in 2008. he white Schengen list is within our Thand's reach - members of the Euro- Day of Europe in @abljak (9 May) - Montenegrin government, European Commission pean Union will most probably decide to Delegation and Radio Television Montenegro (RTCG) organised celebrations for the give Montenegrin authorities until the 9 May - Day of Europe in @abljak. end of July to make additional efforts to fulfil the remaining requirements from Optimistic forecasts (12 May) - I the roadmap. T S E J If we are lucky, the Council of Economic crisis will not have a sig- I V o nificant impact on European inte- t Ministers for Justice and Home Affairs o h could perhaps even decide to give the gration of Montenegro and other p green light for the establishment of visa- countries of the region, was the free travel regime, which means that by conclusion of a meeting dedicated the end of this or the beginning of next to the effects of the crisis on the year we could travel to 22 EU member process of integrations, organised by states, Norway and Iceland with only a the weekly Monitor and Embassy of Montenegrin passport in our pockets. In case Montenegro does not make the Republic of Germany in Mon- it to the white list, the inevitable ques- tenegro. German ambassador Peter tion will be - whose fault that is? Plate said that "the EU will not for- Fingers should be pointed at the get about the countries of the Parliament which took until the end of region" and will help all the coun- 2008 to adopt the Law on Foreigners tries that are in the process of Peter Plate whose implementation is a requirement implementing necessary reforms. for the abolishment of visas. One should Deputy prime minister and Minister of Finance Igor Luk{i} said that the economic also seek culprits in the Government, crisis and the measures taken by the government to alleviate its consequences "will which is still procrastinating with the draft law on anti-discrimination, institutions not interfere with Montenegro's efforts to join the European family". responsible for fighting corruption and money laundering, few verdicts and many Germany ratified SAA (16 May) - Federal council of the German Bundestag adopt- inadequate investigations, and so on... ed the Law on ratification of Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) between European Commission noted that Montenegro and EU. until the end of May Montenegro issued 100 952 new passports, many of which Will Montenegro get the white Schengen? (23 May) - Macedonia fulfilled all the con- will remain an ornament in their owners' ditions from the roadmap, and is expected to be put on the white Schengen list, while folders, given the desire and financial Serbia and Montenegro "largely" or "mostly" met the benchmarks, said European Stability ability of Montenegrins to work or trav- el in the EU. Initiative (ESI). According to ESI, there are three possible scenarios for Montenegro and If such Montenegro received the Serbia - visa-free regime will not be introduced with these countries until they fulfill all same assessment from the European the requirements; the EU will close an eye and let them have it together with Commission as Serbia, which is creating Macedonia, or he EU will give them some more time to fulfill the remaining condi- a major regional problem by issuing tions. Albania and BiH did not meet the benchmarks set in their Roadmaps. passports to Kosovo Albanians, and was graded the same on security issues as The questionnaire by 1 August (28 May) - Questionnaire for Montenegro could be Macedonia, in case the White Schengen completed by 1 August, announced Pierre Mirel, Director of Relations with Western List escapes us, one should not wonder Balkans in EC Enlargement Directorate after the last meeting of the temporary Com- if Montenegrin citizens decide to blame both their own Government as well as mittee for the Monitoring of Agreement on Trade and Related Issues and the ple- EU member states. V.@. nary session of the Enhanced Permanent Dialogue between Montenegro and EC. E u r o p e a n p u l s e N o 4 4 2 A t t i t u d e M a y , 2 0 0 9 A V I E W F R O M E U Ipx!up!pwfsdpnf!uif!cvsefo!pg!uif!qbtu //////// thanks in large part to the audience assem- enable greater cooperation, and I hope, in bled here today that this has not happened. turn, greater prospects of extradition of war It is also due to the influence that European crimes suspects within the region. If there integration has had in keeping the delicate are guarantees of a fair trial, irrespective of he process of process of transition in check. where that trial takes place, this should be TEU enlargement The Western Balkan countries progress possible. rests on the same towards European integration and EU Transitional justice has also to be about values that motivat- membership depends also on the success of rule of law, in the broadest sense, about ed the European transitional justice, starting with how they building up a culture of democratic gover- ideal in the first deal with the war crime issue. nance and protection of basic human rights, place some fifty The conditions are related to the about ensuring that the process of transition cooperation with ICTY as regards the per- and change is all inclusive. And this is why by Pierre Mirel sons who are suspected of the most serious civil society plays such an important role. war crimes. They are well known. But this Commissioner Rehn recently warned: years ago - peace, tolerance and democra- is only part of the story. "It is better that we export stability into the cy. As France and Germany did, the coun- The other part, possibly even more Balkans than import instability from there." tries of former Yugoslavia need to overcome challenging for all countries of the region, The Western Balkan countries should as the scars of the past and the wounds of the consists of bringing all other war crime sus- future Member States contribute to the spir- wars to be able to take their rightful place pects before justice. And this is not an easy it of loyalty and solidarity and work togeth- in Europe and fully engage in the European task since, as we all know, the vast majori- er with the other Member States, including project. ty of the war crimes are or will have to be their neighbours in the region, towards Bringing war crimes trials to comple- domestically prosecuted. common goals and shared values. tion is part of this process. It is an indicator The EU is bringing influence to bear But, for all that the EU can do and is doing, it cannot take ownership of the The Western Balkan countries progress towards European integra- process. Truth, accountability and reconcili- tion and EU membership depends also on the success of transi- ation must come from the region itself, if it tional justice, starting with how they deal with the war crime issue is to have a lasting effect. It is for your countries, with our support, to overcome of the capacity of a country - of a society through the Stabilisation and Association the legacy of the past. These efforts must be - to show maturity in the prosecuting and Process, which constitutes clear and tangible made at all levels - government, judiciary in the handling of, often, heinous crimes, sign of our political will and commitment to and the civil society. and dealing openly with the legacy of the the region. It is unique in that it is all- This is why I warmly commend the past. It is also a key element of a country's encompassing. initiative of NGOs, your own initiative, to readiness to join the EU, and something ICTY is only one piece in the jigsaw. I establish the Assembly coalition for a which we have been monitoring closely do not remember any single bilateral polit- Regional Commission for the determination through the Stabilisation and Association ical dialogue meeting where the European of facts related to war crimes and other Process which was established in 2000.
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