March 4, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E301 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS OPEN AND TRANSPARENT HONORING 19TH CENTURY AFRI- award will be presented during the Commit- SMITHSONIAN ACT CAN-AMERICAN LEGISLATORS OF tee’s annual Lincoln Day Dinner at the Merion TEXAS Tribute House in Merion Station, Pennsyl- vania. HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA OF TEXAS join me today in extending our deepest appre- ciation to Lewis F. ‘‘Lew’’ Gould Jr. for his ex- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES emplary leadership, civic engagement and Thursday, March 4, 2010 Thursday, March 4, 2010 dedication to making Lower Merion Township Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. a great place to live, work and raise a family. Ms. NORTON. Madam Speaker, today I in- Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize and troduce the Open and Transparent Smithso- voice my support for a new monument that will f nian Act to further ensure that the Smithsonian be unveiled at the Texas State Cemetery in CONGRATULATING THOMAS Institution is accountable to the public for the Austin, Texas, on March 30, 2010, to com- THAYER FOR RECEIVING THE taxpayer funds it receives. This bill provides memorate the state’s African-American legisla- INTERNATIONAL CIRCLE OF EX- that, for the purposes of the Freedom of Infor- tors of the 19th century. CELLENCE AWARD mation Act, FOIA, and the Privacy Act, the This monument will serve as a reminder to Smithsonian shall be considered a federal all Texans of the role that African Americans agency. have played in Texas political history and give HON. ERIC CANTOR This bill was introduced in the Senate in credence to the first steps that these legisla- OF VIRGINIA 2008, and I saw it then and now as comple- tors made for the black community in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES menting my Smithsonian Modernization Act state. There were 52 African-American men Thursday, March 4, 2010 and my Smithsonian Free Admission Act. I in- who served in either the Texas legislature or troduce this bill today along with the other two were Constitutional Convention delegates dur- Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, I rise today because its purpose, like those, is to make the ing the last half of the 19th century, and while in order to congratulate Thomas Thayer, the Smithsonian accountable for the 70 percent of their time in office may have been short, their owner of International Truck Sales of Rich- its funding that comes from annual federal ap- impacts can still be felt today. mond, for his receiving of the International Cir- propriations. Although the Smithsonian was I often reflect on the endurance and tenacity cle of Excellence Award. created by Congress as a federal trust, it re- of these men who served a disenfranchised Tom’s business, International Truck Sales of ceives the great majority of its funding from community during a politically volatile time in Richmond, is headquartered in Ashland, Vir- the federal government, much like federal Texas history. They truly were political pio- ginia, where it was founded in 1998. Under his agencies, and had always been treated as a neers entering a system of government for the leadership, it has grown into one of the pre- federal agency. However, in the 1990s, the first time and working diligently to ensure a fu- eminent truck dealerships in the Southeast U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Co- ture for all African Americans and Texans. and the entire nation, with 109 employees and lumbia Circuit found that the Smithsonian is This work is not lightly forgotten, and that is three dealer locations serving Richmond and not a federal agency for purposes of FOIA and why this monument is so important for people its surrounding counties. In 2005, it was the Privacy Act. Indeed, the Smithsonian’s across the state and all Americans. named the International Dealer of the Year, an website clearly states that it is ‘‘not an Execu- Madam Speaker, I encourage my col- honor awarded to the one International dealer tive Branch agency, and FOIA does not apply leagues to join me today in remembering the who exhibits the highest commitment to best- to the Smithsonian.’’ 19th century African-American legislators of in-class customer service. With this most re- cent award, International Truck Sales of Rich- The lack of transparency is of great con- Texas and to honor them by supporting this mond has now received the Circle of Excel- cern, particularly in light of the Smithsonian’s monument that will help Texans understand lence Award under Tom’s leadership a total of recent history of secrecy and corruption. In the work and sacrifices of these great legisla- 13 times. 2007, an independent review committee found tors. The Circle of Excellence, which is awarded that the Smithsonian Board had violated many f by the international dealer organization, principles of good management during the ten- HONORING LEWIS F. GOULD, JR. Navistar, Inc., honors International truck deal- ure of Lawrence Small as Secretary of the erships that achieve the highest level of dealer Smithsonian. The report indicated that the performance with respect to operating and fi- Board had failed to provide desperately need- HON. JIM GERLACH nancial standards, market representation, and ed oversight, had overcompensated the Sec- OF PENNSYLVANIA most importantly, customer satisfaction. retary, and had allowed the creation of an ‘‘in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tom has achieved this level of accomplish- sular culture.’’ The report further found that the Thursday, March 4, 2010 ment and recognition through many years of Smithsonian’s deputy secretary and chief op- Mr. GERLACH. Madam Speaker, I rise hard work and service to his industry and erating officer had frequent absences from her today to honor Lewis F. ‘‘Lew’’ Gould Jr. for community. He has also built a successful duties because of outside activities, including his longstanding selfless and passionate serv- truck leasing business, Idealease of Rich- service on corporate boards, for which she ice to Lower Merion Township, Montgomery mond, is the current chairman of the Truck earned more than $1.2 million in six years. Im- County. Renting and Leasing Association, and is the portantly, the report indicated that Smithsonian As a four-term Lower Merion Township past chairman of the Make a Wish Founda- leaders took great measures to keep secret Commissioner, Lew has been a leading voice tion. He is also involved with the Rotary Club, these missteps and mismanagements. for fiscal responsibility and sound stewardship the United Way and the American Cancer So- While the Smithsonian now has new leader- of community resources. He has earned the ciety. Despite all these activities, he still finds ship that is moving away from the mistakes of respect of his colleagues for his frankness and time to work the concession stand at James the past, its transparency should not depend his willingness to mentor younger community River High School on Friday nights, and on who is in charge. A federally supported en- leaders on the duties and responsibilities as- serves as a band booster for his son, Robert, tity must be accountable to the American peo- sociated with governing the largest munici- and his daughter, Leah. ple. The American people have a right to pality in the 6th Congressional District. Through his commitment to hard work and know that their interests are being served. Lew’s efforts have earned him the 2010 outstanding customer service, he has built an I urge my colleagues to support this meas- Service Award from the Republican Com- economically vital business of which he can ure. mittee of Lower Merion and Narberth. The be justly proud. Madam Speaker, I ask you ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:15 Mar 05, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A04MR8.001 E04MRPT1 dcolon on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with REMARKS E302 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 4, 2010 and my colleagues to join with me in congratu- Even we in the United States, where there are cans who, by their demonstrated commitment lating Thomas Thayer for his record of accom- only about 15 percent of women in legislative and example, inspire others to engage in vol- plishment and for his many contributions to his positions and only 33 percent in ministerial po- unteer service. community, state and Nation. sitions, have a long way to go to fulfill this This year’s recipients of the Presidential f principle. It is important that lawmakers, both Volunteer Service Award for Lifetime Achieve- here and abroad, advocate for policies that ment are exceptional individuals who epito- HONORING ROBERT WORKMAN ON empower women. In many countries that I’ve mize the true meaning of service. These 11 THE ADMISSION OF HIS WORK traveled to, I have seen firsthand the need for honorees exhibit a sincere commitment to TO THE MUSEE DU LOUVRE support from governments, international bod- helping others and creating positive commu- ies, NGO’s, and local communities. It is espe- nities. HON. DANIEL LIPINSKI cially important that we educate young women As a representative, I am fortunate to have OF ILLINOIS and girls from an early age in order to give such benevolent and dedicated individuals serving within my district. Each one of the re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES them as many opportunities later in life.
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