MILITARY AVIATION REVIEW OCTOBER 2012 ISSUE No. 299 EDITORIAL TEAM COORDINATING EDITOR - BRIAN PICKERING WESTFIELD LODGE, ASLACKBY, SLEAFORD, LINCS NG34 0HG TEL NO. 01778 440760 E-MAIL”[email protected]” BRITISH REVIEW - MICK BOULANGER 27 Tudor Road, Heath Town, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV10 0LT TEL NO. 0770 1070537 EMail "[email protected]" FOREIGN FORCES - BRIAN PICKERING (see Co-ordinating Editor above for address details) US FORCES - BRIAN PICKERING (COORDINATING) (see above for address details) STATESIDE: MORAY PICKERING 18 MILLPIT FURLONG, LITTLEPORT, ELY, CAMBRIDGESHIRE, CB6 1HT E Mail “[email protected]” EUROPE: BRIAN PICKERING OUTSIDE USA: BRIAN PICKERING See address details above OUT OF SERVICE - ANDY MARDEN 6 CAISTOR DRIVE, BRACEBRIDGE HEATH, LINCOLN LN4 2TA E-MAIL "[email protected]" MEMBERSHIP/DISTRIBUTION - BRIAN PICKERING MAP, WESTFIELD LODGE, ASLACKBY, SLEAFORD, LINCS NG34 0HG TEL NO. 01778 440760 E-MAIL.”[email protected]” ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION (Jan-Dec 2012) UK £40 EUROPE £48 ELSEWHERE £50 @MAR £20 (EMail/Internet Only) MAR PDF £20 (EMail/Internet Only) Cheques payable to “MAP” - ALL CARDS ACCEPTED - Subscribe via “www.mar.co.uk” ABBREVIATIONS USED * OVERSHOOT f/n FIRST NOTED l/n LAST NOTED n/n NOT NOTED u/m UNMARKED w/o WRITTEN OFF wfu WITHDRAWN FROM USE n/s NIGHTSTOPPED INFORMATION MAY BE REPRODUCED FROM “MAR” WITH DUE CREDIT EDITORIAL Thanks to everyone who have renewed their 2013 MAR and @MAR subscriptions so quickly - I think the first renewal arrived about ten minutes after I sent an email to the Yahoo MAR Group advising members that the Septembr PDF issue was available to download from the MAR web site! For those members who take the paper magazine, just a reminder that the subscription also comes with a free PDF version (basically the same magazine with extra photo pages each month), if you have an internet connection and would like to receive the free PDF then please contact me at [email protected] and let me know your email address that you would like to use to get it with. We do have readers who only take the paper version and then buy the CD version at the end of the year for an extra £7 - this seems a bit strange, unless they have a PC but no internet connection, when they can get it free with their subscription. If you are on of these readers please contact me as above and save yourself some money! Another full 64 page magazine this month with varied reports from around the UK, Europe and the USA - with the European show season now at an end can I make a plea to any of you who are travelling further afield during the winter months to send in your reports please! I know a lot of you are in the USA at the moment or are going in the near future and Moray would like to hear from you, no matter how small the report may be. Also, photos for MAR are always welcome and should be JPEGs with a minimum size of 15x10cm at 300 dpi! COVER PHOTOGRAPH: WTD61 F-4F 37+15 phptographed at Manching on September 28th practising for it’s display routine for the forthcoming Falilies Day (Dietmar Fenners ) Closing date for the November issue is 08.11.12 Brian Pickering 15.10.12 538 BRITISH REVIEW It has been confirmed that the United States Marine Corps will not be operating the former RAF Harrier GR.7A/9/9A/T. 12’s. As is already known that out of the 72 Harrier delivered to the USMC, there are 58 fuselages laying in the desert at Davis Monthan Air Force Base. The remaining 14 were thought to be on rebuild at Cherry Point, North Carolina, USA. This is not the case; they are being broken down for spares and produce. The planned merger between BAE Systems and EADS collapsed on 10.10 due to the United Kingdom, French and German Govern- ments failing to overcome political objections. The £28bn merger would have meant that the Germans and French would have controlled where investment would go to in the future. Would that have been the best outcome for the United Kingdom, time will tell. The Grob Tutors are finally returning to flying status after the emergency landing of G-BYUB/UB on 23.08. The aircraft are being returned on an airframe-by-airframe basis once the bolts and grub screws retaining the propeller counterweight have been replaced. ..... Mick Boulanger (Military movements is history, now and for our future) RAF ABINGDON Noted operating with 612 VGS during September: - Vigilant T.1 - ZH126/TM ZH207/UN ZH266/UY ZH268/SA RM CONDOR, ARBROATH Noted operating with 662 VGS during September: - Viking T.1 - ZE594WX ZE602/XB ZE629/XT ZE630/XU ZE632/XW RAF BENSON Resident notes 28/78 Sqn Merlin HC.3/3A ZJ119/C has been allocated to MDMF Culdrose on 03.10 for overhaul ZJ125/J has been deployed to 1419 Flt Kandahar on 30.09 ZJ126/K is currently at Ag-WHL Yeovil for mods, it will return to Benson during October ZJ128/M is due to return from 1419 Flt Kandahar during October ZJ136/U has been allocated to MDMF Culdrose, f/n 19.09 ZJ998/AE has been allocated to MDMF Culdrose on 03.09 33/230 Sqn Puma HC.1 ZA937 ex PDSH Benson to 33/230 Sqn Benson BIRMINGHAM AIRPORT- Military visitors noted during September: - 03 ZH536 Islander CC.2 Northolt St Flt “RRR7959” 13 ZJ204 Apache AH.1 3 Regt “Sherman1”* 05 50+54 Transall GAF LTG63 “GAF049” 17 ZE705 Tristar C.2 216 Sqn “RRR3243” ZH536 Islander CC.2 Northolt St Flt “RRR7942” 19 ZE705 Tristar C.2 216 Sqn “RRR3249” 06 51+02 Transall GAF LTG63 “GAF012” 20 XV303/303 Hercules C.3A 47 Sqn “RRR5981/0420” ZH536 Islander CC.2 Northolt St Flt 29 ZH536 Islander CC.2 Northolt St Flt 12 ZE705 Tristar C.2 216 Sqn “RRR3253” ZZ176/176 Globemaster III 99 Sqn “ISF19KB” 13 ZJ173 Apache AH.1 3 Regt “Sherman2”* XH558 Vulcan B.2 Private G-VLCN* BIGGIN HILL - Military visitors noted during August: - 05 14+03 BD-700 GAF FBS BMVg 10 LF363/YB-W Hurricane IIC BoBMF “Memorial3” “”GAF602” dep 7th 16 ZD252/WL335 Lynx HMA.8SRU 815NAS T-784 Ce560XL Swiss AF LTDB “SUI001” 017 C-295M Polish AF 13 ELTr ”PLF034” 09 PA474/HW-R Lancaster B.1 BoBMF “Lancaster95/ 18 AB910/MD-E Spitfire V BoBMF n/s Memorial1” MK356/UF-Q Spitfire IX BoBMF n/s PS915 Spitfire PRXIX BoBMF “Spitfire23 21 011 C-295M Polish AF 13 ELTr ”PLF040” /Memorial2”dep 19th 23 017 C-295M Polish AF 13 ELTr ”PLF034” XX230 Hawk T.1A 208(R) Sqn Spl c/s n/s 31 14+03 BD-700 GAF FBS BMVg ”GAF625” XX278 Hawk T.1A 208(R) Sqn Spl c/s n/s BLACKPOOL AIRPORT - Military visitors noted during July: - 02 XW226 Puma HC.1 330/230 Sqn “SHF11” XZ334 Gazelle AH.1 665 Sqn “AAC541” 03 ZF406/406 Tucano T.1 1 FTS “LOP77” 20 ZF204/204 Tucano T.1 207(R) Sqn “LOP21”* ZF512/512 Tucano T.1 1 FTS “LOP77” 21 PM631 Spitfire PRXIX BoBMF “Spitfire98” ZF210/210 Tucano T.1 1 FTS “LOP555” 24 XX218/218 Hawk T.1A 208(R) Sqn “VYT13”* ZF140/140 Tucano T.1 1 FTS “LOP551” 25 XX194/194 Hawk T.1A 208(R) Sqn “VYT13”* 09 ZK032 Hawk T.2 4(R) Sqn “VYT99”* 31 ZK456/P King Air 200 45(R) Sqn “Camel01”* 10 ZH536 Islander CC.2 Northolt St Flt “RRR7959” ZK455/O King Air 200 45(R) Sqn “Camel021”* 11 ZK019 Hawk T.2 4(R) Sqn “VYT71”* 539 MoD BOSCOMBE DOWN - Adding to MAR484 ZH871 Hercules C.4 arrived at Marshall Aerospace, Cambridge on 16.08. XV666/21 Sea King HU.5SAR departed from 771NAS Culdrose on 10.09 and arrived here with QinetiQ for trials. During a ceremony on 12.09 at the Eurocopter’s facility at Kidlington the first upgraded Puma HC.2 XW216/F-ZWOO was handed over to the MoD. It was then flown to Boscombe Down for trials. RAF BOULMER - 202 Sqn A Flt Sea King HAR.3 noted during September: - XZ590/F. Sea King HAR.3 XZ585/A departed to SKAMG Yeovilton on 13.09, the crew returned with XZ596/L for 202 Sqn A Flt on 13.09. BOURNEMOUTH HURN AIRPORT - Military visitors noted during September: - (With thanks to BAEG) 07 ZE426/WX Sea King HC.4 848NAS “Avenger927”* 21 ZJ992/AB Merlin HC.3A 28/78 Sqn “SHF295”* 08 P7350/EB-G Spitfire IIA BoBMF 24 ZH877/877 Hercules C.4 24/30 Sqn “RRR317”* 11 ZJ133/R Merlin HC.3 28/78 Sqn * 25 ZA675/AE Chinook HC.2 Odiham Wg XV303/303 Hercules C.3A 47 Sqn “RRR604 Form” 26 ZA314/WT Sea King HC.4 848NAS “Avenger917”* ZH881/881 Hercules C.5 24/30 Sqn* 503 C-130H RAFO 4 Sqn “MJN282” 14 PA474/HW-R Lancaster B.1 BoBMF “Memorial1” (departed 12.10) 18 XS743 Basset CC.1 ETPS* 28 ZH004 Defender T.3 651 Sqn “Vectus1”* 19 ZK453/M King Air 200 45(F) Sqn “Tester72”* ZH881/881 Hercules C.5 24/30 Sqn * 20 ZZ504 Shadow R.1 14 Sqn “Rafair7219”* Voyager K.2 EC-331 appeared outside of Cobham Aviation Services on 08.09, by 08.10 the aircraft had MRTT018 applied over the EC-331 markings. BRISTOL AIRPORT - Military visitors noted during August: - 03 ZJ198 Apache AH.1 3/4 Regt “Papa82”* 20 ZK452/L King Air 200 ETPS “ETPS012” ZJ119/C Merlin HC.3 28/78 Sqn “SHF394” 22 ZH885/885 Hercules C.5 24/30 Sqn “RRR316” 10 ZJ134/S Merlin HC.3 28/78 Sqn “SHF285” 23 ZF118/O Sea King HC.4 845NAS “Commando510” 11 MK356/UF-Q Spitfire LFIXC BoBMF “Spitfire96” 24 ZH873/873 Hercules C.4 24/30 Sqn “RRR318” 15 ZD626/S Sea King HC.4 845NAS “NVY Y435” 30 ZE426/WX Sea King HC.4 848NAS “NVY Y442” 16 ZK001/AF Merlin HC.3A 28/78 Sqn “SHF394” ZF119/WY Sea King HC.4 848NAS “NVY Y442” RAF BRIZE NORTON - Additional Military visitors noted during September: - 05 ZJ693 Sentinel R.1 5 Sqn 18 ZJ207 Apache AH.1 3/4 Regt ZJ191 Apache AH.1 3/4 Regt ZJ221 Apache AH.1 3/4 Regt 10 T-255 DC-10-30 Klu 334Sqn 25 ZK379/BB Typhoon T3 29(R) Sqn “Typhoon38”* 12 ZD843/106 Tornado GR.4 Marham Wg “MRH03”* 28 10-0217 C-17A 62/446 AW 13 091/YK Xingu FrAF EAT00.319 29 01(Black) An-30 Russian AF “OSY33T” 15 KAF323 L-100-30 Kuwait AF 41 Sqn The Annual Families Day took place on 15.09, participating aircraft were: - ZH901 Chinook HC.3
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