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FIGURE DETAILS 2a habitus Tabanus americanus (Tabanidae); 38 wing Sylvicola fenestralis (Anisopodidae); McAlpine 1981a Peterson 1981 2b habitus Brachystoma vesiculosum 39 wing Mochlonyx velutinus (Chaoboridae); Saether (Brachystomatidae), male; Niesiolowski 1992 2002 3 habitus brachycerous fly; Lane & Crosskey 1993 40 wing Ptychoptera lacustris (Ptychopteridae); Peus 4 head calyptrate fly; Lane & Crosskey 1993 1958 5 head calyptrate fly; Lane & Crosskey 1993 41 haltere Ptychoptera contaminata (Ptychopteridae); 6a antenna Aedes alternans (Culicidae), female; Oosterbroek 1981 Colless & McAlpine 1991 42 habitus Tinearia alternata (Psychodidae); Wagner 6b antenna Tabanidae; Merz & Haenni 2000 (draw- 1997a (drawing by A. Szappanos) ing by B. Merz) 42a wing Trichomyia urbica (Psychodidae); Wagner 6c antenna calyptrate fly; Lane & Crosskey 1993 1997a 7 head calyptrate fly; Lane & Crosskey 1993 43 habitus Dixa maculata (Dixidae), female; Wagner 8 head calyptrate fly; Colless & McAlpine 1991 1997e (drawing by A. Szappanos) 9 head Paracantha gentilis (Tephritidae); Hennig 1973 44 antenna Dixella nova (Dixidae); Peters 1981 10 head Anorostoma currani (Heleomyzidae); 45 habitus Aedes vexans (Culicidae), female; Miná˘r Hennig 1973 2000a (drawing by A. Szappanos) 11 thorax Tachinidae; Colless & McAlpine 1991 46 head Chaoborus plumicornis (Chaoboridae), 12 thorax Calliphoridae; Lane & Crosskey 1993 male; Oldroyd 1964 13 hypothetical ground plan of the Diptera wing; 47 wing Thaumalea tricuspis (Thaumaleidae); Tjeder Lane & Crosskey 1993 1949 14 wing Calliphora vicina (Calliphoridae); Lane & 48 head Thaumalea brevidens (Thaumaleidae); Crosskey 1993 Wagner 2002 15 elements of the Diptera leg; Oosterbroek 1981 49 habitus Cecidomyia pini (Cecidomyiidae), male; 16 bristle (macrotrichium) with socket (alveolus); Skuhravá 1997 (drawing by M. Skuhravá) Merz & Haenni 2000 (drawing by B. Merz) 50 wing Greniera spec. (Simuliidae); Peterson 1981 17 antenna Aedes alternans (Culicidae), female; 51 head Twinnia spec. (Simuliidae); Peterson 1981 Colless & McAlpine 1991 52 wing Chironomidae; Oosterbroek 1998 18 antenna Aedes alternans (Culicidae), male; Colless 53 wing Culicoides antennalis (Ceratopogonidae); & McAlpine 1991 Colless & McAlpine 1991 19 antenna Dictenidia bimaculata (Tipulidae), male; 54 wing Liponeura bilobata (Blephariceridae); Mannheims 1951 Hennig 1973 20 antenna Tabanidae; Merz & Haenni 2000 (draw- 55 head Blepharicera tetrophthalma ing by B. Merz) (Blephariceridae), female; Hennig 1973 21 head calyptrate fly; Lane & Crosskey 1993 56 wing Protaxymyia melanoptera (Axymyiidae); 22 head Tipula trivittata (Tipulidae); McAlpine 1981a Krivosheina 2000 (drawing by N.P. Krivosheina) 23 habitus Tipula luna (Tipulidae); Lindner 1948 57 wing Groveriella carpathica (Cecidomyiidae); 24 wing Mycetobia pallipes (Mycetobiidae); Skuhravá 1997 (drawing by M. Skuhravá) Krivosheina 1997d (drawing by N.P. Krivosheina) 58 head Swammerdamella acuta (Scatopsidae); 25 thorax Tipulidae; Hendel 1928 Haenni 1997a (drawing by A. Szappanos) 26 thorax Cylindrotoma distinctissima 59 habitus Scatopse notata (Scatopsidae), male; (Cylindrotomidae); Peus 1952 Colless & McAlpine 1991 27 wing Trichocera saltator (Trichoceridae); Dahl & 60 wing Synneuron decipiens (Synneuridae); Krzeminska 1997 Peterson & Cook 1981 28 wing Diazosma tibeticum (Trichoceridae); Dahl 61 wing Hyperoscelis eximia (Canthyloscelidae); 1957 Haenni 1997b (drawing by S. Podenas) 29 head Prionocera turcica (Tipulidae); Tjeder 1948 62 hind leg Hyperoscelis eximia (Canthyloscelidae); 30 wing Tricyphona protea (Pediciidae); Alexander & Haenni 1997b (drawing by S. Podenas) Byers 1981 63 habitus Bibio marci (Bibionidae), male; Skartveit 31 habitus Elephantomyia edwardsi (Limoniidae); 1997 (drawing by A. Szappanos) Tjeder 1953 64 tibia fore leg Dilophus femoratus (Bibionidae); 32 wing Elliptera tennessa (Limoniidae); Alexander & Zilahi-Sebess 1960 Byers 1981 65 head Hesperinus brevifrons (Hesperinidae), male; 33 wing Tipula tricolor (Tipulidae); Alexander & Hardy 1981 Byers 1981 66 wing Hesperinus brevifrons (Hesperinidae), male; 34 habitus Cylindrotoma distinctissima Hardy 1981 (Cylindrotomidae); Lindner 1948 67 wing Plecia americana (Pleciidae), male; Hardy 35 wing Phalacrocera replicata (Cylindrotomidae); 1981 Alexander & Byers 1981 68 habitus Penthetria funebris (Pleciidae), male; 36 hypopygium Triogma trisulcata Séguy 1940 (Cylindrotomidae); Peus 1952 69 head Pnyxia scabiei (Sciaridae); Steffan 1981 37 ovipositor Triogma trisulcata (Cylindrotomidae); 70 wing Pnyxia scabiei (Sciaridae); Menzel & Mohrig Peus 1952 1997 (drawing by F. Menzel) 194 71 wing Pachyneura fasciata (Pachyneuridae); 105 wing Ibisia marginata (Athericidae); Thomas Krivosheina 1997a (drawing by N.P. Krivosheina) 1997 72 wing Mycetobia pallipes (Mycetobiidae); 106 antenna Atherix marginata (Athericidae); Verrall Krivosheina 1997d (drawing by N.P. Krivosheina) 1909 73 head Sciara spec. (Sciaridae); Colless & McAlpine 107 wing Fallenia fasciata (Nemestrinidae); Richter 1991 1997a (drawing by V.A. Richter) 74 wing Zygoneura sciarina (Sciaridae); Menzel & 108 habitus Nemestrinus obscuripennis Mohrig 1997 (drawing by F. Menzel) (Nemestrinidae), female; Richter 1997a (drawing 75 habitus Mycetophila propria (Mycetophilidae), by Florinskaya) female; Colless & McAlpine 1991 109 wing Trichopsidea costata (Nemestrinidae), 76 wing Ditomyia fasciata (Ditomyiidae); Hendel female; Sack 1933 1928 110a-d antenna: a: Heptatoma pellucens; b: 77 wing Keroplatus spec. (Keroplatidae); Hendel 1928 Haematopota pluvialis; c: H. italica; d: Tabanus 78 habitus Keroplatus tipuloides (Keroplatidae), autumnalis (Tabanidae); Séguy 1926 male; Séguy 1940 111 habitus Tabanus autumnalis (Tabanidae), female; 79 wing Macrocera spec. (Keroplatidae); Hendel 1928 Oldroyd 1970 80 habitus Macrocera centralis (Keroplatidae), 112 habitus Xylophagus ater (Xylophagidae), female; female; Séguy 1940 Séguy 1926 81 wing Bolitophila spec (Bolitophilidae); Hendel 112a antenna Xylophagus ater (Xylophagidae), male; 1928 Séguy 1926 82 wing Diadocidia spec. (Diadocidiidae); Hendel 113 habitus Vermileo degeeri (Vermileonidae), male; 1928 Séguy 1926 83 wing Sciarosoma borealis (Sciaroidea); Chandler 114 habitus Lampromyia cylindrica (Vermileonidae), 2002 male; Séguy 1926 84 wing Sylvicola fenestralis (Anisopodidae); 115 habitus Xylomya maculata (Xylomyidae), female; Peterson 1981 Lindner 1938 85 head Rachicerus obscuripennis (Rachiceridae), 116 habitus Oxycera rara (Stratiomyidae), female; female; James 1981 Séguy 1950 86 habitus Xylomya maculata (Xylomyidae), female; 117 habitus Coenomyia ferruginea (Coenomyiidae), Lindner 1938 male; Rozko˘sn´y & Nagatomi 1997a (drawing by J. 87 wing Vermitigris orientalis (Vermileonidae); Pál) Edwards 1932 117a spined scutellum Coenomyia ferruginea 88 habitus Beris clavipes (Stratiomyidae), female; (Coenomyiidae), male; Oosterbroek 1981 Rozko˘sn´y 1973 118 habitus Rhagio scolopaceus (Rhagionidae), 89 habitus Coenomyia ferruginea (Coenomyiidae), female; Verrall 1909 male; Rozko˘sn´y & Nagatomi 1997a (drawing by J. 119 habitus Chrysopilus splendidus (Rhagionidae), F Pál) male; Séguy 1926 89a spined scutellum Coenomyia ferruginea 120 wing Hispanomydas hispicus (Mydidae); Sack (Coenomyiidae), male; Oosterbroek 1981 1933 90 habitus Xylophagus ater (Xylophagidae), female; 121 head Leptomydas padischach (Mydidae), male; Séguy 1926 Richter 1997b (drawing by V.A. Richter) 91 head calyptrate fly; Séguy 1923 122 wing Hilarimorpha ditissa (Hilarimorphidae); 92 head Haematopota bigoti (Tabanidae), female; Webb 1981b Séguy 1926 123 head Dioctria engeli (Asilidae), male; Goot 1985 93 head Stichopogon trifasciatus (Asilidae), female; 124 head Proagonistes athletes (Asilidae); Oldroyd Wood 1981b 1964 94 head Arthroceras leptis (Rhagionidae), female; 125 head Scenopinus fenestralis (Scenopinidae), James & Turner 1981 female; Kelsey 1981 95 head Atherix variegata (Athericidae), female; 126 habitus Scenopinus fenestralis (Scenopinidae), Webb 1981a female; Tóth 1977 96 head Platypalpus infectus (Hybotidae); Collin 127 habitus Thereva nobilitata (Therevidae), female; 1961 Goot 1985 97 head Hercostomus nobilitatus (Dolichopodidae); 128 habitus Bombylella atra (Bombyliidae), male; Oldroyd 1970 Tóth 1977 98 habitus Ogcodes gibbosus (Acroceridae), male; 129 wing Amphicosmus elegans (Bombyliidae); Hall Sack 1936 1981 99 habitus Cyrtus pusillus (Acroceridae), female; 130 habitus Apolysis andalusiaca (Bombyliidae), Séguy 1926 female; Engel 1932 100 wing Thereva nobilitata (Therevidae), female; 131 habitus Brachystoma vesiculosum Goot 1985 (Brachystomatidae), male; Niesiolowski 1992 101 wing Empidideicus hungaricus 132 wing Scenopinus unifasciatus (Scenopinidae); (Mythicomyiidae); Greathead & Evenhuis 1997 Engel 1932 (drawing by L. Papp) 133 habitus Chelifera diversicauda (Empididae), male; 102 wing Oestrus ovis (Oestridae); Miná˘r 1980 Niesiolowski 1992 103 fifth tarsal segment Inopus rubriceps 134 habitus Clinocera dimidiata (Empididae), male; (Stratiomyidae); Colless & McAlpine 1991 Niesiolowski 1992 104 fifth tarsal segment Musca domestica (Muscidae); 135 habitus Episyrphus balteatus (Syrphidae), male; Colless & McAlpine 1991 Thompson & Rotheray 1998 (drawing by J. Pál) 195.

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