PRO. 18 (N) (Ordy) --~92f---- CENSUS O}-' INDIA 1961 VOLUME V GUJARAT PART V-A TABLES ON SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES R. K. TRIVEDI Superintendent of Census Operations, Gujarat PUBLISHED BY THE MANAGER OF PUBLICATIONS, DELHI 1964 PRICE Rs. 6.10 oP. or 14 Sh. 3 d. or $ U. S. 2.20 0 .. z 0", '" o~ Z '" ::::::::::::::::3i=:::::::::=:_------_:°i-'-------------------T~ uJ ~ :2 I I I .,0 ..rtJ . I I I I . ..,N I 0-t,... 0 <I °...'" C/) oZ C/) ?!: o - UJ z 0-t 0", '" '" Printed by Mafatlal Z. Gandhi at Nayan Printing Press, Ahmedabad-} CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS CENTRAl- GoVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS Census of India, 1961 Volume V-:Gujatat is being published in the following parts: I-A General Eep8rt 1-·B Report on Vital Statistics and Fertility Survey I~C Subsidiary Tables II-A General Population Tables n-B(l) General Economic Tables (Table B-1 to B-lV-C) II-B(2) General Economic Tables (Table B-V to B-IX) Il-C Cultural and Migration Tables IU Household Economic Tables (Tables B-X to B-XVII) IV-A Report on Housing and Establishments IV-B Housing and Establishment Tables V-A Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes V-B Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (including reprints) VI Village Survey Monographs (25 Monographs) VII-A Seleted Crafts of Gujarat VII-B Fairs and Fest,ivals VIlI-A Administration Report-EnumeratiOn) Not for Sale VllI-B Administration Report-Tabulation IX Atlas Volume X Special Report on Cities STATE GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS 17 District Census Handbooks in English 17 District Census Handbooks in Gujarati CO NTF;N'TS Table Pages Note 1- 6 SCT-I PART-A Industrial Classification of Persons at Work and Non·workers by Sex for Scheduled Castes . 7- 63 SeT-I PART -B Industrial Classification of Persons at Work and Non-workers by Sex for Scheduled Tribes 64-109 SCT-II PART-A Age and Marital Status for Schedult:d Castes 111-168 SCT-II PART-B Age and Marital Status for Scheduled Tribes 169-221 SCT-III PART-A(i) Education in Urban Areas only for Scbeduled Castes 223-239 SCT-III PART-A(ii) Education in Urban Areas only for Scheduled Tribes 240-253 SCT-HI PART-B(i) Education in Rural Areas only for Scheduled Castes 254-263 SCf-III PART-B(ii) Education in Rural Areas only (or Scheduled Tribes 264-272 SCT-IV PART-A Religion for Scheduled Castes 273-275 SCT-IV PART-B Religion for Scheduled Tribes 276:..297 SCT-V PART-A Sample Households engaged in Cultivation classified by Interest in Land and Size of Land Cultivated in Rural Areas only for Members of Scheduled Castes 299-302 SCT-V PART-B Sample Households engaged in Cultivation classified by Interest in Land and Size of Land Cultivated in Rural Areas only for Members of Scheduled Tribes 303-305 SC-l Persons not at Work classified by Sex, Type of Activity and Educational Levels for Scheduled Castes 307-319 ST-I Mother tongue and Bi-lingualism for Scheduled Tribes 321-371 ST -II Persons not at Work classified by Sex and Type of Activity for Scheduled Tribes 373-384 ANNEXURE A List of Scheduled Castes 385 ANNEXURE B List of Scheduled Trib~s 385 MAP Administrative Divisions Frontispi,ce PART V-A TABLES ON SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES seT-SC-ST SERIES SPECIAL TABLES FOR SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES The Constitution has provided special safeguards for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The Centre and the States through the successive Five Year Plans are taking various welfare mealures, for the formulation of which detailed statistics are necessary. At the 1951 Census there were no special tables for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, except Table D-III giving the total number of persons belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and their distribution among the eight livelihood classes adopted for that Census for certain rural and urban tracts. These tracts were arbitrary and formed by grouping rural and urban areas of two or more talukas/mahals. Difficulties were, therefore, experienced in framing schemes for their amelioration. More detailed tabulation at this Census will remove this lacuna and these tables will serve as a bench mark for evaluating future schemes. The data will also prove useful in planning for the future. With this end in view, villagewise population of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes with their break-up into males and females as given in the Primary Census Abstract, are printed in the District Census Handbooks. Special tables have been devised to give the population figures for each Sche­ duled Caste and Scheduled Tribe and their cross classification by religion, age, marital status, education, mother tongue, bilingualism and economic activity. There is also a table on household cultivation confined to the total of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. All these tables form part of this publication, Volume V, Part-V-A. According to the Tabulation Plan for the 1961 Census, there are 5 tables in SCT series, 1 in SC series and 2 in ST series as against one in 1951. They are: Special Tables for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes SCT-I-Industrial Classification of Persons at Work and Non-workers by Sex Part A for Scheduled Castes Part B for Scheduled Tribes SCT -II-Age and Marital Status Part A for Scheduled Castes Part B for Scheduled Tribes SCT -III-Education Part A 0) for Urban Areas for Scheduled Castes Part A (ii) for Urban Areas for Scheduled Tribes Part B (0 for Rural Areas for Scheduled Castes Part B (ii) for Rural Areas for Scheduled Tribes SCT -IV-Religion Part A for Scheduled Castes Part B for Scheduled Tribes SCT-V-Sample Households Engaged in Cultivation Classified by Interest in Land and Size of Land Cultivated in Rural Areas Only Part A for Scheduled Castes Part B for Scheduled Tribes Special Table for Scheduled Castes Only SC-I-Persons not at Work Classified by Sex, Type of Activity and Educational Levels for Scheduled Castes Special Tables for Scheduled Tribes Only ST-I-Mother Tongue and Bilingualism for Scheduled Tribes ST-I1-Persons not at Work Classified by Sex and Type of Activity for SchedUled Tribes SCf-l 2 Table SCT-V is prepared on a 20% sample of households from Household Schedules by mecha­ nical tabulation. All other tables are prepared on full count from individual slips. A person is treated as Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe, if he belongs to a Caste/Tribe declared as such in the President's Orders, viz., the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950 and the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes listed in the 7th and 8th SchedUles annexed to the Bombay Reorganisation Act amending these orders so far as'they relate to part IV-Gujarat are reproduced in Annexures A and B. Scheduled Castes can belong to the Hindu or Sikh religion only, while Scheduled Tribes may belong to any religion. General and vague terms like Achhut, Harijan and Adivasi returned by the enumerator are treated as unclassified Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, While the percentage of unclassified Scheduled Castes is 2.07, that of unclassified Scheduled Tribe 0.461. of their total population, thus revealing the greater tendency on the part of the former to be known by such vague terms as Harijan, etc. In these tables all the names of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes along with their generic names or synonyms/sub-tribes as they appear in the President's Orders are shown irrespective of the fact whether there are any figures for anyone of them or not. Caste/Tribe names are spelt strictly in accardance with the said Orders. It will be observed from the President's Orders that while some Castes/Tribes are Scheduled th.rough­ out the State exclusive of some districts, there are others which are so in certain districts or talukas only. A statement showing the total population of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes with the break-Up of persons, males and females according to the area restrictions is given below to enable the reader to (know which of the Castes/Tribes are scheduled and for which districts or talukas. Persons, Males and Females of Scheduled Castes according to the Area Restrictions Sl. No. Name of Caste Area where scheduled Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 A In Rajkot Division, or in the districts of (i) Jamnagar (ii) Rajkot (iii) Suren- dranagar (iv) Amreli (v) Junagadh (vi) Bhavnagar /-'1 Bawa (Dedh) or Dedh-Sadhu J , 2 3,187 j 1.645 1,542 Bhangi or Rukhi . " 41,609 " 20,901 20,708 ,. 3 Chamadia " 1,235 635 600 ,/'A Chamar, Nalia or Rohit " 65,957'/ 33,046 32,911 . 5 Dangashia " 1,673/ 850 " 823 /6 Garoda. 5,026 " 2,506 2,520 , 7 Garmatang . " 730 383 347 Hadi " 6,521"'" 3,255 3,266 /_..~ Meghwal " 76.403 :,; 38,181 38,222 /10 Senva " 1,992-1 979 1,013 ( " 11 Shemalia • 1 .. J 12 Thori " '73J. 32 41 -13 Turi-Barot or Dedh-Barot • " 1,561 .' 796 765 /' 14 Vankar, Dhedh or Antyaj " 155,199 " 78,676 76,523 I " In the district of Kutch /'1 Bhangi . 1,682~ 877 805 ~ Chamar. " 1,841 907 934 . 3 Garoda . " 659 309 350 ..... 4 Meghwal " 55,017 • 27,159 27,858 /' <-5 Turi-Barot " -.j " 226 109 117 In the district of Dangs /1 Mochi " B Throughout the State ,/ 1 Turi .. 9,775 j 4,836 4,939 C In Umbergaon taluka of Surat district ~ 1 Mochi " 3 Persons, Males and Females of Scheduled Castes according to the Area Restrictions-contd.
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