ISSN: 1863-5598 ZKZ 64717 07-08 Electronics in Motion and Conversion July 2008 1SVI 8LER =SY )\TIGX .*1"2TFSWF CFMPOHT UP *OGJOFPO´T JOOPWBUJWF *(#5 NPEVMF GBNJMZ -+&8 5IF OFX .*1"2 GBNJMZ PG *OGJOFPO JT PGGFSJOH .PEVMFT *OUFHSBUJOH 1PXFS QSHYPI "QQMJDBUJPO 2VBMJUZ .*1"2TFSWF *OGJOFPO %SJWFS JODMVEFE $-5 (VMZIV 1MVH PMBZ TPMVUJPO MRXIKVEXIH Galvanic separation *ODMVEFT UFNQFSBUVSF NFBTVSFNFOU 1-4%5WIVZI < XXXJOGJOFPODPNNJQBR > Analog Applications Journal DESIGN BRIEF New Current-Mode PWM Controllers Support Boost, Flyback, SEPIC and LED-Driver Applications By Jürgen Schneider Ioij[ci;d]_d[[hFem[hIebkj_edi The Devices in a Nutshell Introduction t *OQVUWPMUBHFUP7 With their wide input voltage range, the TPS40210 r $VSSFOUNPEFBSDIJUFDUVSF and TPS40211 PWM controllers are targeted for r 4XJUDIJOHGSFRVFODZL)[UP.)[ isolated and non-isolated power converters used (programmable and synchronizable) in industrial, automotive, and battery-powered r 1SPHSBNNBCMFTPGUTUBSU DMPTFEMPPQ applications. The full freedom in selecting the power stage and its compensation—as well as the r 3FGFSFODFWPMUBHFN7GPS514BOE advanced features, such as programmable soft N7GPS514 start, adjustable/synchronizable oscillator frequen- r *OUFSOBMTMPQFDPNQFOTBUJPO cy and internal slope compensation—supports the r 5ISFTIPMEGPSPWFSDVSSFOUEFUFDUJPON7 use of the devices in many applications. The basic r *OUFSOBM7SFHVMBUPSBOE/DIBOOFM.04'&5 converter architecture can provide different power driver levels by simply changing the power stage. While r 2VJFTDFOUDVSSFOUXIFOEJTBCMFE" the TPS40210 is designed for general-purpose applications, the TPS40211 is tailored for driving r .4011PXFS1"%BOENNYNN high-brightness LEDs. 40/QBDLBHF Boost Converter Application The devices and their basic configuration are single inductors or one coupled inductor, L1, and a described in detail in Reference 1. capacitor C9, which is responsible for the energy transfer. The filter formed by L2 and C11 is optional. SEPIC Converter Application *USFEVDFTUIFPVUQVUSJQQMFWPMUBHFUPN7p-p in The SEPIC-converter shown in Figure 1 allows the UIFFYBNQMFTIPXO8IFOPQFSBUJOHUIFDPOWFSUFS input voltage to be smaller, larger, or equal to the BU .)[ UIF TJ[F PG UIF QPXFS TUBHF JOEVDUPST targeted output voltage. The topology requires two DBQBDJUPST DBOCFNJOJNJ[FE)PXFWFS EVFUPUIF <_]kh['$I;F?9'#C>pYedl[hj[hm_j^.#je),#L_dfkjWdZ'(#L%)#7ekjfkj J^[fbWj\ehcXWhWdZFem[hF7:Wh[jhWZ[cWhaie\J[nWi?dijhkc[dji$Ñ(&&.J?('.&A' increased switching loss at this high frequency, a High-Brightness LED-Driver Application HSFBUFSUIBO"DPOUJOVPVTPVUQVUDVSSFOUSFRVJSFT DC/DC regulators are usually designed to provide a 2 UP CF NPVOUFE PO B IFBU TJOL 0QFSBUJPO XJUI- constant-voltage output; however, LED applications PVU B IFBU TJOL JT QPTTJCMF BU B SFEVDFE TXJUDIJOH SFRVJSFBDPOTUBOUDVSSFOUPVUQVU*O'JHVSF 3JT GSFRVFODZBOEPSSFEVDFENBYJNVNJOQVUWPMUBHF used to sense the LED current. The losses in R1 are 8JUIB"DVSSFOUPVUQVUBOEB.)[TXJUDIJOH minimized with the TPS40211 because of its low frequency, converter efficiency was measured as N7SFGFSFODFWPMUBHF%QSPUFDUTBHBJOTUPVU- GPMMPXTXJUIB 7TPVSDF XJUIB 7 put overvoltage in the event of an LED-string open TPVSDF BOEXJUIB 7TPVSDF circuit. The brightness can be programmed by alter- ing R1, current injection into the FB pin, or by PWM Flyback Converter Application dimming. See Reference 1 for more information. Figure 2 shows the TPS40210 controller configured JO B áZCBDLDPOWFSUFS UPQPMPHZ GPS B EVBMPVUQVU isolated supply. Key components include the trans- GPSNFS 5 UIF TOVCCFST 3 $ % 3 $ 3 3 $BOE$ UIFPQUPDPVQMFS 6 UIF TFDPOEBSZTJEFSFGFSFODFBOEFSSPSBNQMJàFS 6 UIF CJBTSFTJTUPS 3 CFMPOHJOHUP6 UIFMPPQDPNQFO- sation (C19, C20 and R16), the output-voltage divider 3 BOE 3 BOE UIF TFDPOEBSZTJEF TPGUTUBSU BOEPWFSTIPPUDPOUSPM % 3BOE$ 5IFDJSDVJU TIPXOEJSFDUMZDPOUSPMTUIFQPTJUJWFPVUQVUSBJM 7065 ) POMZ/FHBUJWFSBJM SFHVMBUJPO JT CBTFE PO UIF DSPTT regulation between the two secondary windings of <_]kh[)$-&&#c7^_]^#Xh_]^jd[iiB;:Zh_l[h T1. When the negative output does not have a load, R12 and D4 provide a basic load. 0QUJPOBMQBSUT * Snubber for reduction of voltage stress and improved EMI ** Clamps negative output in case of heavily unmatched loads *** Soft start and overshoot control <_]kh[($?iebWj[ZêoXWYaYedl[hj[hm_j^W'&#je'*#L_dfkjWdZĞ'(#L%&$+#7ekjfkj Reference 514%BUBTIFFU 4-64" Related Device 514UP78JEF*OQVU3BOHF Step-Down Converter 'PSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPO WJTJUXXXUJDPNQPXFSF CONTENTS Already part of your vision. Viewpoint The Next Big Thing is Blue Efficiency . 4 LEM. Events . 4 News . 6-9 Product of the Month Multi-Output Programmable Power Manager Combines Advanced Power Delivery with Digital Power Control . 10-11 Guest Editorial Hundred Dollar a Barrela HundredBy Dollar Claus Petersen, Danfoss Silicon Power . 12 Market Electronics Industry Digest By Aubrey Dunford, Europartners . 14 Market DigitalPower is a Mainstrem Power Technology By Douglas Bess, Editor, PowerPulse.NET . 16-17 Cover Story 6500V SPT+ HiPak Modules. Higher power and SOA performance By A. Kopta, M. Rahimo, U. Schlapbach, A. Baschnagel, ABB Semiconductor . 18-21 IGBT 600V Trench IGBTs Optimized for 20 kHz Operation By Carl Blake and Wibawa Chou, International Rectifier . 22-23 MOSFET Renewable Energy Application Efficency By Dean Henderson, Segment Marketing Manager/Computing, Infineon Technologies North America And Christian Wald,Senior Specialist, Regional Marketing Management, Infineon Technologies AG . 24-25 Digital Power A Panoramic View of Applications and Challenges By Steve Mappus, Systems Engineer,Fairchild Semiconductor, High Power Solutions, Bedford, NH . 26-28 Digital Power Digital Power, Hope or Hype? By Dr.– Ing. Artur Seibt, Vienna . 30-31 Power Supply Whatever you invent, imagine Flexible, Accurate & Efficient Power Solutions for or develop, LEM’s transducers LED Backlighting Applications are at the heart of your power By Steve Oliver, VP. V•I Chip Inc. (a Vicor company) . 32-35 electronics applications from the Capacitors very start. Super Capacitor Reference Design By Thomas Delurio, Applications Manager, LEM’s products, R&D, and people Advanced Analogic Technologies, Inc. 36-40 provide knowledge intensive solutions to keep up with your PCIM Impressions changing industry, allowing your Blue Efficiency at the Next Level . 15 visions to come to life. PCIM New Product Review . 40-44 www.lem.com New Products . 45-48 The Gallery 2 July 2008 www.bodospower.com Cure for the Uncommon Power Source Barrel jacks are a simple and effective way of connecting portable electronics to an external power supply. But what happens when the user plugs into a supply operating at the wrong voltage? Or what about when the supply is dirty and full of nasty voltage surges, as is often the case when power is supplied from an automobile power jack? Raychem Circuit Protection PolyZen™ devices can help protect your DC power ports by clamping excess voltages and smoothing inductive voltage surges. 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At PCIM Publishing Editor Europe, my podium discussion gave a repre- Bodo Arlt, Dipl.-Ing. [email protected] sentative view from the electronic perspec- tive. Key messages from the participants are Creative Direction & Production Repro Studio Peschke summarised and published in this edition. It [email protected] is always a pleasure to give an impulse for new trends in the industry and I am happy to Free Subscription to qualified readers see others following in my footsteps. Bodo´s Power magazine is available for the following As expected, I planned something special for subscription charges: the audience at the end of the open discus- Annual charge (12 issues) is 150 € sion. Everyone enjoyed pulling the rope and world wide Single issue is 18 € recognizing the winner. Three winners For all of you who missed traveling to [email protected] received Marklin model train Starter Sets, Nuremberg to see the innovations at PCIM, circulation ten got Lego Locomotives, and eighty-seven the magazine has a summary of what was printrun enjoyed pickles in a can - and every winner showcased. 20000 got a bonus CD with all issues of Bodo’s Power. Now we are ready to take a break
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