Romania Forest Development Project: Environmental Assessment Update Volume II Annex 3 Environmental Assessment for the Rehabilitation of the Forest Road Valea Mare – Crizbav (Brasov County) and Environmental Assessment for the Rehabilitation of the Forest Road Paltinoasa (Prahova County) Prepared by Intergroup Engineering for the Romania Forest Development Project, May 2001. E NVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND FORESTS E NVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT MINISTRY OF AGRICULTUR E, FOOD AND FORESTS ForestryDevelopment Program INTERGROUPENGINEERING SRL ROMANIA FORESTRYDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTALASSESSMENT FOR PROJECTPREPARATION Valea Mare-Crizbav(Brasov County) DATE: May 2001 EnvironmentalAssessment for the Forest RoadValea Mare-Crizbav Page 1 Forestry DevelopmentProgram Tableof Contents 1 Introduction............................................ 4 1.1 Concept of Forest Roads Sub-componentof FDP .......................................4 1.2 The ProposedProject ........................................... 4 2 A Summary of the Current Situation with Respect to the Forest Road Management(Policy, Legal and AdministrativeContext) ....................................... 5 3 ExistingConditions: Key EnvironmentalParameters ....................................... 9 3.1 AdministrativeIssues, Population and SurfaceArea .................................... 9 3.2 Elementsof Morphologyand Topography ...........................................10 3.3 Elementsof Geology........................................... 10 3.4 Seismic Potential in the Zone........................................... 10 3.5 Types of Soil and its Utilisation........................................... 11 3.6 Water Resources........................................... 11 3.7 Climate........................................... 11 3.8 Flora and Fauna........................................... 11 4 ProposedProject W orks ........................................... 12 5 Scopeof Work for the EnvironmentalAssessment .. ......................................15 5.1 Background to the Environmental Assessment of the "Rehabilitation of Forest Road Valea Mare -CrizbaV.......................................... 15 5.2 Scopeof the EA ............................................................................... 16 5.3 RegulatoryFramework and ApplicableGuidelines .16 5.3.1 Council Directive 85/337/EEC27 June 1985 on assessmentsof certain public and private projects on the environment,and the Amending Directive CD 97/11/EC3 March 1997.16 5.3.2 Romanian EnvironmentalAssessment Regulations .17 6 Identificationof Possible Impacts 18 6.1 ImpactsDuring the ConstructionPeriod (Short Term Impact) 18 6.2 Impacts Duringthe OperationalPeriod (Long Term Impact).20 7 Proposed Measures to Prevent, Reduce or Mitigate the Negative Effects of the Project Implementation ... ......................22 7.1 Public Participation ......................... 22 7.2 ProposedMeasures ......................... 22 7.2.1 Water Quality Protection. .................. ....... 22 7.2.2 Health and Safety Risks......................... 23 7.2.3 Education .........................24 8 Enforcementand Co-ordinationProcedures . .25 9 Abbreviations . 27 10 References..................................................... 27 List of Tables Table 1.1- ScreeningSystem for the ExistingRoads to be Rehabilitated....... .... 4 Table 6.1 - Summaryof Key ConstructionPeriod Impacts................................... 19 Table 6.2 - Summaryof Key OperationalPeriod Impacts.................................... 21 Table 7-1- The Measures Proposedfor the Reductionof the Project Impacton the Environment................................................. 24 EnvironmentalAssessment for the Forest Road Valea Mare-Crizbav Page 2 Forestry DevelopmentProgram List of Figures Figure 1 - Annual Average TemperatureDistribution Figure 2 - Relief in the Road Zone Figure 3 - Rehabilitationof Valea Mare Road:General Layout Figure 4 - Typical Cross Sectionsof the Designed Road List of Photos Photo no. 1 - General view of the road Valea Mare - Crizbav. No significantworks are needed for some adjustments and maintenance of the hydraulic structures along this road. Photo no. 2 - A small bridge on the road Valea Mare - Crizbav.Some materialsare carried forming natural barrages(see photo 3), causing sedimentation in this zone. In this way scouring is avoided. Photo no. 3 - Natural barrage formed by the material carried by the river Valea Mare. This barrage is located near by the bridge (downstream)shown in Photo 2. Photo no. 4 - Intersectionof the road Valea Mare with the road Valea Tiganilor(hm 0+00). Photo no. 5 - At hm 0+04 - the bridge abutmenthas to be restored. Photo no. 6 - Bridge abutmentdeteriorated (hm 1+34). Photo no. 7 - Zone of the road on the bridge shown in Photo 6 where the span was deterioratedby the flow storm. Photo no. 8 - General view of Valea Mare (km 0+00 to hm 0+25). Photo no. 9 - General view of Valea Tiganilor road. The slopes are stable in the road zone. Photo no. 10 - Tyrolese Water Intake on the river Valea Mare, downstreamthe forest road to be rehabilitated. Photo no. 11 - WTP for drinking water supply of Crizbav and Feldioara.The plant is located downstream the intersection of Valea Mare and Valea Tiganilor. Photo no. 12 - Someone needed ballast for construction and excavated the existing road superstructure. EnvironmentalAssessment for the Forest Road Valea Mare-Crizbav Page3 Forestry DevelopmentProgram I Introduction 1.1 Concept of Forest Roads Sub-component of FDP The forest roads sub-componentof the FDP is under development.Because of the physical works involved, this item will absorb a large proportionof the total funds available within the FDP. The Project Concept Document (PCD) estimates were US $ 15.4 millionout of US $ 24.35 million (63%). Romania has a low density of forest roads (approx. 6m/ha). The concept in the PCD was for the Programto provide: '... the physical infrastructurenecessary for economic and environmentallysound access to wood harvesting through construction of forest roads, to the required density and in accordance with best environmentalpractice, in existing production forest and facilitatingcompetitive bidding and pricing of forestroad construction.' The PCD Review Meeting (23 Dec. '99) qualified the PCD by emphasisingthe importance of the forest conservation and sustainable managementfocus of the project, including: 'emphasisingthat forest road construction,and planning for increased density of the forest road network, will only take place in existing areas of productionforest with the objective of reducing the negative environmentalimpacts, as well as the economiccosts of harvestingoperations'. Also of relevanceto the roads sub-component,the Review Meeting highlightedthe importanceof capacity-buildingin all key public and privatesector organisations. 1.2 The ProposedProject The project proposedhas been chosen after applying the screeningsystem based on the environmentalimpact assessment.This grit system is presented in Table 1. 1. All the project titles mentioned in the Table 1.1 have been nominated after a careful selection in such a way that the projects listed would not have any problemsas far as environmentalprotection needs are concerned. The project proposed is related to the rehabilitation of the existing forest road Valea Mare in combinationwith Valea Tiganilorroad. The project is consideredto be representativedue to the positive answers put into evidencein Table 1.1. EnvironmentalAssessment for the ForestRoad Valea Mare-Crizbav Page 4 Table 1.1t.SCREENING SYSTEM FOR THE EXISTINGROADS TO BE REHABILITATED E N V I R 0 N M E N T SO0C IA L SInpStbiiity -d Ermini NA_cn .vation qufi Ai,4dkQ and R m Rnl-atiiandothnr LanI Commaity (LandSananana) Resoaon Mintmanan ng8gativo cfad (LC) SI~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Pkfil1.i I a1 I R.Vtn inlii + 7 V.I. Rii + NA + + * NA + + NA a + ± NA 4 a NA NA + NA I- * NA + + + I ato4ti pw + NA + NA + NA 1-+ NA x + + NA+ 1.98 + + NAT ± NA I + NA + + + II ARAD 16 Bana + 7 Wroai.n + NA- NA NA + + NA x + + + NA 062 + NA NA 4 4A + + NA + + + 13 Zti + INA 4 NA + NA + I * NA a ± ± + NA 55 a NA NA + NA 4 + NA + + + 9 Valea latla + A NA + NA + + NA- a + * ±A 4.27 a NA NA + NA 4 NA + + 17 Bainnas + NA NA- + NA + + NA a 4 + NA+ 136 ± NAN A NA 4 NA + + 4 13 Zlai-Siti + NA4 NA a NA + + NA a o + 4 x NA NA + NA + + NA 4 + + 14 Dok-4 g + NA 4 +NA + NA x + * 4 + 45A7 4 NA NA± ± NA 4 + -+ SI CaVfflta + NA 4 NA -4 4 NA 4 + + + 4 - 11.6 4 NA NAa + ± NA 4 4 4 + + ± 22 CaaaaaSFuain ± 4 NA +NA 4 + NA ± + 4 + 4,27 . NA NA a NA 4 + NA + 4 23 DLao 4 NA + NA 4 NA- 4 NA 4 4 + 4 4 3664 NAI NA + A 4 + -NA 26 RotaDru- linic + - a NA 4 NA 4 a NA a I 4 4 + 2,4A7 a NA NA + NA 4 4 NA 4 + 8 27 Gaasta 4 NA NA 4 NA + NA 4 4 + 4 56' a NA NA a NA + + NA 4 4 4 21 COaan. 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