Downtown/Natomas/Airport Corridor in the City and County of Sacramento FINAL Program Environmental Impact Report April 2008 TB072007001SAC Sacramento Regional Transit District Final Program Environmental Impact Report for the Downtown/Natomas/Airport Corridor in the City and County of Sacramento Prepared in Accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, PRC 21000 et seq.; and the State of California CEQA Guidelines, California Administrative Code, 15000 et seq. by the SACRAMENTO REGIONAL TRANSIT DISTRICT April 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page CHAPTER 1.0: INTRODUCTION -------------------------------------------------------------------1-1 1.1 Purpose of the PEIR--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-1 1.2 Organization of the Final PEIR ------------------------------------------------------------------------1-1 1.3 Intended uses of the PEIR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-2 Chapter 2.0: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------------2-1 2.1 Scope and Intended Use of this Document---------------------------------------------------------2-1 2.2 Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-2 2.2.1 Definition of the DNA Study Area -----------------------------------------------------------2-2 2.2.2 Objectives of the Project-----------------------------------------------------------------------2-2 2.3 Project Description----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-8 2.3.1 Alignment---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-11 2.3.2 Stations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-12 2.3.3 Traction Electrification System------------------------------------------------------------- 2-13 2.3.4 DNA Project and Feeder Bus Operating Plan------------------------------------------ 2-13 2.3.5 Maintenance and Vehicle Storage Facilities-------------------------------------------- 2-13 2.3.6 Project Phasing-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-14 2.3.7 Capital and O&M Cost Summary---------------------------------------------------------- 2-17 2.4 Transportation Impacts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-18 2.4.1 Transit Impacts--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-18 2.4.2 Street and Highway Impacts---------------------------------------------------------------- 2-19 2.4.3 Intersection Impacts-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-20 2.4.4 Parking Impacts-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-21 2.5 Environmental Consequences ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-21 2.6 Areas of Known Controversy and Issues to be Resolved------------------------------------- 2-22 2.6.1 Areas of Controversy ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-22 2.6.2 Issues to be Resolved------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-23 2.7 Alternatives Considered ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-23 2.8 Coordination and Consultation----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-25 2.9 Implementation Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-26 2.9.1 Opportunities in the Making----------------------------------------------------------------- 2-26 2.9.2 Timing is Key ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-27 DNA Corridor Final PEIR iii Table of Contents TB072007001SAC/168338/081000004 Table of Contents CHAPTER 3.0: COMMENTS AND RESPONSES TO COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT PEIR --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-1 3.1 Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-1 3.2 List of Commenters---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-1 Comments and Responses to Comments ----------------------------------------------------------3-5 CHAPTER 4.0: ERRATA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-1 4.1 Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-1 4.2 Changes and Edits to the Draft PEIR ----------------------------------------------------------------4-1 4.2.1 Table of Contents - Tables--------------------------------------------------------------------4-1 4.2.2 Executive Summary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------4-1 4.2.3 Chapter 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-3 4.2.4 Chapter 2------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-4 4.2.5 Chapter 3------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-7 4.2.6 Chapter 4---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-12 4.2.7 Chapter 5---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-19 4.2.8 Chapter 9---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-20 4.2.9 Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-20 Attachment Final Program EIR List of Tables 2-1 Capital Costs for DNA Project (Millions of 2006$) 2-2 Systemwide Annual O&M Cost Estimates (Millions of 2006$) 2-3 AM Peak Transit Travel Times (Transit/Walk Access in Minutes) 2-4 Average Weekday Systemwide Linked Transit Trips in the DNA Corridor 2-5 2027 Parking Demand and Parking Demand Decrease in the Central Business District 2-6 Summary of Impacts and Proposed Mitigation for the DNA Project 3.1 List of Commenters List of Figures 2-1 DNA Corridor Study Area 2-2 DNA Project 2-3 MOS-1 Project Area Table of Contentss iv DNA Corridor Final PEIR TB072007001SAC/168338/081000004 CHAPTER 1.0: INTRODUCTION This Final Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) was prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and CEQA Guidelines (Section 15132). The Sacramento Regional Transit District (RT) is the lead agency for the environmental review of the Downtown-Natomas-Airport (DNA) project and has the principal responsibility for approving the project. As a California special district, RT’s action is subject to CEQA. This Final PEIR summarizes the expected environmental impacts resulting from approval and responds to comments received on the Draft PEIR. 1.1 PURPOSE OF THE PEIR As described in State CEQA Guidelines Section 15121(a), an EIR is an informational document for decision-makers and the general public that analyzes the significant environmental impacts of a project, identifies possible ways to minimize those impacts found to be significant, and evaluates alternatives to the project that could reduce or avoid adverse environmental impacts. Preparation of an environmental impact report is required prior to approving any project that may have a significant effect on the environment. This document is the environmental analysis of the DNA project. It is a program-level analysis of the entire project – focused documents will be prepared for each individual segment as those projects are advanced to subsequent stages of project development. As a programmatic document, this analysis addresses the general environmental impacts of the DNA project as a whole based upon the general alignment adopted by RT in 2003. As indicated in the CEQA Guidelines (Section 15168), a PEIR can be prepared on a series of related actions that can be characterized as one large project. The DNA project is a series of related actions made up of individual segments that will be implemented over time. These actions are expected to be phased over a period of years depending on available funding. Tiering of environmental analyses is appropriate when the sequence of analysis is from a program-level to a project-level. This approach can eliminate repetitive discussions of the same issues allowing the later EIR to focus solely on the issues specific to the later project. The Draft PEIR was circulated for public and agency review on December 28, 2007. The 60-day comment period closed on February 26, 2008. During the review period, the Draft PEIR was discussed at five meetings as follows. • Presentation to the DNA Technical Review Panel on January 31, 2008. • Presentation to the DNA Citizen Review Panel on February 1, 2008. • Open Houses for the public on February 9, 2008 and February 11, 2008. • Public Hearing with the RT Board of Directors on February 25, 2008. The PEIR has been updated in response to comments received during the review period. 1.2 ORGANIZATION OF THE FINAL PEIR The PEIR evaluates the environmental impacts of the entire DNA project to the greatest extent possible. In accordance with State CEQA Guidelines (Section 15126), this PEIR DNA Corridor Final PEIR 1-1 Introduction TB072007001SAC/168338/080980003 Chapter 1.0: Introduction should be used as the primary document to evaluate all subsequent planning and permitting actions associated
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