
1943 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 7915 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE Harris H. Barnes, Jr. Richard F. Ladd objection, the nomination is confirmed. Harry E. Pratt to be United States district Archie B. Norford George F. Lewis judge for division No.4, District of Alaska. Thomas M. Brown Herbert E. Roser THE NAVY Robert J. McKirnan Wilford L. Stone MUNICIPAL COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF Philip T. Ku jovsky Frank H. Griffin, Jr. The legislative clerk proceeded to read COLUMBIA sundry nominations in the Navy. J ames L. Cullen John B. Green Ellen K. Raedy to be associate judge of the Richard H. Jeschke, Maurice S. Dampier Mr. BARKLEY. I ask unanimous con­ municipal cgurt for the District of Columbia. Jr. Eugene J. Adams sent that the nominations in the Navy CIRCUIT COURTS, TERRITORY OF HAWAII John E. Shepherd, Jr. Bidwell C. McClel- be confirmed en bloc. Charles E. Cassidy to be third judge of the James T. Pearce land, Jr. The PRESIDING OFFICER. 'Without First Circuit, Circuit Courts, Territory of LeRoy Bald Benjamin W: Dulany objection, the nominations in the ~~avy Hawaii. William L. Dick Frederick Knoth, Jr. are confirmed en bloc. Eugene C. Swift Benjamin H. Sweney UNITED STATES ATTORNEYS SergeS. Gorny Alexander Kositch THE MARINE CORPS Leslie E. Given to be United States attorney Robert S. Stubbs 2d Warren A. Butcher The legislative clerk proceeded to read for the southern district of West Virginia. James K. Roberts Donald R. Hall sundry nominations in the Marine Corps. J ohn J . Boyle to be United States attorney John P. Sawyer 2d Odia "E" Howe, Jr. for the western district of Wisconsin. Mr. BARKLEY. I ask unanimous Harry B. Persinger, Paul M. Hupf Frank E. Flynn to be United States attorney Jr. Robert A. Heath consent that the nominations in the for the district of Arizona. Robert D. Thurst on Hugh C. Kiger Marine Corps be confirmed en bloc. UNITED STATES MARSHALS James B. Ord, Jr. James P. Jacobson The PRESIDING O FFICER. Without Louis G. Nickell 3d objection, the Ma-rine Corps nominations J ames H. Patterson to be United States m arshal for division No. 3, district of Alaska. are confirmed en bloc. J . Henry Goguen to be United States mar­ Mr. BARKLEY. I ask that the Presi­ shal for the district of Massachusetts. dent be notified forthwith of the nomina­ John J. Farrell to be United States marshal 'SENATE tions confirmed this day. for the district of Minnesota. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without CHIEF, BUREAU OF AERONAUTICS, DEPARTMENT THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1943 obj2ction, the President will be notified OF THE NAVY ' forthwith. Rear Admiral DeWitt C. Ramsey to be Chief (Legislative day of Wednesday, Septem· That completes the Executive Calen­ of the Bureau of Aeronautics with the rank of ber 15, 1943) dar. rear admiral, for a term of 4 years. RECESS DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY The Senate met at 12 o'clock noon, on Mr. BARKLEY. As in legislative ses­ APPOINTMENTS FOR TEMPORARY SERVICE the expiration of the recess. sion, I move that the Senate take a recess To be vice admirals The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown until 12 o'clock noon tomorrow. Arthur B. Cook Harris, D. D., offered the following The motion was agreed to; and <at 4 JohnS. McCain prayer: o'clock and 37 minutes p. m.) the S2nate To be rear admirals Our Father God, in this testing day took a .recess until tomorrow, Thursday, Edward W. Hanson Robert B. Carney 'stablish · Thou our hearts as we battle September 30, 1943, at 12 o'clock merid­ Ernest G. Small Arthur W .. Radford not in enmity against men, but against ian. Thomas L. Gatch Van Hubert Ragsdale Ralph 0 . Davis John Wilkes the evil which enslaves and degrades Lloyd J. Wiltse George F. Hussey, Jr. them. Remember our sons and daugh­ NOMINATIONS Henry M. Mullinnix ters in their perils on land and sea and Executive nominations received by the To be commodore in the air. Keep love's banners floating Senate September 29 <legislative day of Samuel A. Clement o'er them; smite death's threatening September 15), 1943: APPOINTMENTS IN THE REGULAR SERVICE wave before them. Give them and us DIPLOMATIC AND FOREIGN SERVICE (The nominations of Jack G. Campbell et the calm assurance that those who are Elvin Seibert, of New York, now a Foreign al., for appointment or promotion in the absent from each other are still present Service officer of class 7 and a secretary in the regular service of the Navy, were confi,rmed with Thee. Deliver them from tempta­ Diplomatic Service, to be also a consul of the today. A complete list of the persons whose tion. In lonely hours grant them United States of America. nominations for appointment or promotion THE JUDICIARY in the regular service were confirmed today, strength and courage for the ordeal which has separated them from the UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE may be found in the Senate proceedings of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD for September 21, 1943, shrines of their love. Comfort them and Luther M. Swygert, of Indiana, to be United beginning with the _name of Jack G. Campbell States district judge for the northern dis­ us by the steadfast faith that they cannot on p. 7700 and ending with the name of be where Thou art not, on any sea or trict of Indiana, vice Han. Thomas W. Slick, John E. Rutherford on p. 7702.) resigned. shore. IN THE MARINE CORPS UNITED STATES MARSHAL 0 Thou great Shepherd of our souls, FOR TEMPORARY SERVICE Jack R. Caufield, of Oregon, to be United when on some far field looking up at the States marshal for the district of Oregon, To be lieutenant general silent stars there seems nothing left but vice Steve Franklin Hamm, deceased. Alexander A. Vandegrift God and prayer, may a familiar voice out CALIFORNIA DEBRIS COMMISSION To be major generals of the unseen whisper to their listening Col. Edwin C. Kelton, Corps of Engineers, Keller E. Rockey hearts the deathless song in the night: I United States Army, for appointment as Allen H. Turnage shall not want. E'en though I walk president and member of the California To be brigadier generals Debris Commission provided for by the act through the valley of the shadow I will of Congress approved March 1, 1893, entitled Earl C. Long Oscar R. Cauldwell fear no evil. Thy rod and Thy staff they "An act to create the California Debris Com­ Pedro A. del Valle Alfred H. Noble comfort me. Thou preparest a table be­ mission and regulate hydraulic mining in the FOR REGULAR SERVICE fore me in the presence of ~Y enemies. State of California," vice Brig. Gen. Warren To be major If it be Thy gracious will, bring them in T. Hannum, to be relieved. Lester S. Hamel Col. Rufus W. Putnam, Corps of Engineers, safety back to the loved homes they de­ United States Army, for appointment as a To be first lieutenant fend and to loyal hearts that hold them membeJ. of the California Debris Commission, Peter D. Lambrecht dear. Bring us all to the homeland of provided for by the act of Congress approved To be second lieutenants Thy eternal love and in peace to gates March 1, 1893, entitled "An act to create the ajar in our Father's fair abode. Amen. California Debris Commission and regulate Frederick·M. Rausch- Joe B. Griffiths, Jr. hydraulic mining in the State of California," enbach Robert V. Perkins THE JOURNAL vice Col. Clay Anderson, Corps of Engineers, George C . .4xtell, Jr. James P. Prowell to be relieved. Raynold G. Tomes Robert L. Scott, Jr. On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by George B. Woodbury Stephen D. Ryan, Jr. unanimous consent, the reading of the CONFIRMATIONS Samuel L. Grigsby Harry Wollin Journal of the proceedings of the cal­ Frank M. Platt, Jr. Paul J. Brown, Jr. endar day Wednesday, S eptember Executive nominations confirmed by Howard G. Gunter Irvin J. Gershen 29, the Senate, September 29 Oegisla,tive day John F. Skorich James F. Hovey 1943, was dispensed with, and the Jour­ of September 15), 1943: · James R. Galbreath William S. Brewer nal was approved. 7916 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE SEPTEMBER 30 MESSAGES FROM THE PRESibENT­ EXECUTiVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. Whereas if we fail to establish the basis APPROVAL OF BILLS for international order and justice as we The ·VICE PRESIDENT laid before failed after the last war, we may again be Messages in writing from the Presi­ the Senate tb.e following letters, which faced with the necessity of m aking the same dent of the United States were commu­ were referred as indicated: terrible sacrifices which are now being made nicated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one by our armed services and by all of our citi­ EMPLOYMENT OF ENGINEERS AND ECONOMISTS zens: Now, therefore, be it of his secretaries, who also announced ON RECLAMATION WORK t that on September 29, 1943, the Presi­ Resolved by the members Of the Rotary dent had approved and signed the fol­ A letter from the Secretary of the In-_ Club of the City of Providence, R. I., That terior, transmitting a draft of proposed (1) a clarification and statement by the Con­ lowing acts: . legislation to amend section 1 of an act gress of the United States expressing its senti­ S. 787. An act for the relief of Samuel entitled "An act aut horizing the Secretary ments with respect to international coopera­ Jacobs and Harry Jacobs; - of the Interior to employ engineers and econ­ tion should be the first order of business of S.
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