19940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE September 19 representatives of the 50 sovereign adjourned, under the previous order, un­ in which the concurrence of the House States, that the Founding Fathers placed til tomorrow, Thursday, September 20, is requested, a bill of the House of the great responsibility and faith in the leg­ 1962, at 10 o'clock a.m. following title: islative process. In fact, in the minds of H.R. 11'266. An act to amend the act of a majority of the founders, Congress was •• .... • • March 8, 1922, as amended, to extend its seen as the cornerstone of the American provisions to the townslte laws applicable system of government. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in the State of Alaska. Woodrow Wilson, one of the great WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1962 The message also announced that the Presidents of this Nation, while he served Senate agrees to the amendments of the as president of Princeton University and The House met at 12 o'clock noon. House to bills of the Senate of the fol­ as a teacher in the field of political sci­ The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, lowing titles: ence, wrote one of the most important D.D., offered the following prayer: S. 4. An act to provide for the establish­ documents ever written about our Gov­ ment of the Padre Island National Seashore; ernment. It was entitled "Congressional The prayer of the Master for His dis­ and Government." This indicates to me that ciples. John 17: 21: That they all may S. 2511. An act to provide for the produc­ this great student and scholar of Ameri­ be one. tion and distribution of educational and can history and American law under­ Eternal and ever-blessed God, at the training films for use by deaf persons, and stood the importance of the legislative noon hour of this new day we are uniting for other purposes. process and of the legislative institutions our hearts in the sacrament of adora­ The SPEAKER. The gentleman from in our constitutional system. tion and praise, of penitence and con­ Mississippi makes the point of order that Each of us upon assuming his respon­ fession, of petition and supplication. a quorum is not present. sibilities in this body takes a solemn oath We earnestly beseech Thee to show us Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I with­ to protect and preserve the Constitution. the need and strength of cultivating the hold that point of order. At times I believe the Congress far sur­ spirit of fellowship and brotherhood passes the vision of the founders in ful­ among all the members of the human filling its duties under the Constitution. family. DISPENSING WITH CALENDAR We have our good days; and some days Make us eager to identify ourselves WEDNESDAY BUSINESS are even great. with mankind in its struggles and sor­ Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask But we also must frankly recognize rows for we cannot enjoy health and unanimous consent that the business in that other days we do not accomplish happiness while vast multitudes are mis­ order under the Calendar Wednesday what needs to be done; we do not fulfill erable and bearing the burdens of in­ rule may be dispensed with, today. the vision of the founders. At such justice, oppression, and inhumanity. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to times we could hardly do better than to Help us to understand that we are all the request of the gentleman from Okla­ recognize anew the great inheritance Thy creatures and children and that the homa? that the Constitution grants to us. We injury of one, however slight and small, Mr. PERKINS. Mr. Speaker, I ob­ are legatees of the most workable and is the harm and hurt of all. ject. equitable system of government in the Inspire us to condemn and crucify Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask history of the world. But it is ultimate­ that selfish and supercilious spirit which unanimous consent to insert in the Ap­ ly our responsibility, and the responsi­ is so wholly contrary to the fundamental pendix of the RECORD with my own re­ bility of every U.S. citizen, to make this purpose and passion of the Master whose marks a letter from the Secretary of system function as effectively today as it incomparable life was the supreme reve­ State addressed to the Speaker of the has in the past. lation of Thyself and the realized ideal House. In Philadelphia, President Truman of humanity. Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I re­ formally commemorated Constitution Hear us in His name. Amen. new my point of order. Day. In his characteristically vigorous The SPEAKER. The Chair will state fashion, President Truman expressed the THE JOURNAL that unanimous-consent requests will timeless message of the Constitution in have to wait until after the Journal has terms relevant to our contemporary du­ The SPEAKER. The Clerk will read been read and acted upon. ties and responsibilities as leader of the the Journal of the preceding session. free democratic community of nations. Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I de­ This message bears repeating, not only mand that the Journal be read in full. CALL OF THE HOUSE in this body, but throughout the Nation The SPEAKER. The Clerk will read Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I make and the world. Quite simply, it is this: the Journal. the point of order that a quorum is not the United States will never sacrifice her Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I make present. basic freedoms in our struggle against the point of order that a quorum is not The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Communist tyranny, present. Mississippi makes the point of order that Smely this is the same message the The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman a quorum is not present. Evidently a founders of this Nation made in their withhold his point of order? quorum is not present. struggle for independence and for the Mr. WILLIAMS. I withhold my point Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I move a establishment of a viable system of gov­ of order, Mr. Speaker. call of the House. ernment. And this is the message they A call of the House was ordered. would have made today in the circum­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The Clerk called the roll, and the fol­ stance we face. lowing Members failed to answer to their I think it most appropriate that a The SPEAKER. The Chair will re­ names: farmer President of the United States, ·Ceive a message. [Roll No. 225] one who understood the Constitution and The DOORKEEPER. Mr. Speaker, a Adair Hoffman, Mich. Pfost message from the Senate. Anfuso Hull Pilcher lived by it, President Truman, chose Barry Johnson, Md. Powell Constitution Day to remind us once The SPEAKER. Mr. Secretary. Bass,N.H Jones, Ala. Riley again of the great tasks before us. A message from the Senate by Mr. Blitch Kearns Rivers, Alaska Bromwell Kilburn Rivers, S.C. McGown, one oi its clerks, announced Buckley Lane Rogers, Tex. that the Senate had passed without Curtis, Mass. McDonough St. George ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 10 A.M. amendment a bill of the House of the Davis, Mcsween St. Germain TOMORROW following title: JamesC. McVey Saund Diggs Macdonald Sikes Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, if H.R. 12628. An act to provide additional Dooley Martin, Mass. Smith, Calif. there is no further business to come be­ funds under section 202(a) (4) of the Hous­ Edmondson Merrow Spence fore the Senate, under the previous or­ ing Act of 1959, and to amend title V of the Fino Moorehead, Thompson, La. Housing Act of 1949, in order to provide low Ford Ohio Thompson, N .J, der, I move that the Senate stand in Gary Morrison Vinson adjournment until 10 o'clock tomorrow and moderate cost housing, both urban and Gavin Moulder Weis rural, for the elderly. Goodell Norrell Whalley morning. Harvey, Ind. O'Brien, Ill. Yates The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 The message also announced that the Hebert Patman Zelenko o'clock and 44 minutes p.m.) the Senate Senate had passed, with an amendment Hoffman, Ill. Peterson 1962 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 19941 The SPEAKER. On this rollcall, 372 McIntire Perkins Shriver Mr. Buckley with Mr. Ford. McMillan Phllpin Sibal Mr. Lane with Mr. Wilson of California. Members have answered to their names, MacGregor Pike Sller Mr. Johnson of Maryland with Mr. Goodell. a quorum. Mack Pirnie Slack Mr. Gary with Mr. Smith of California. Without objection, further proceed­ Madden Poage Smith, Iowa Magnuson Poff Smith, Miss. Mr. Rivers of Alaska with Mr. Dooley. ings under the call will be dispensed with. Mahon Price Smith, Va. Mr. O'Brien of Illinois with Mr. Merrow. Mr. WILLIAMS. I object, Mr. Speaker. Mailliard Pucinski Spence Mrs. Riley with Mr. Bass of New Hamp- Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I move Marshall Purcell Springer shire. Martin, Nebr. Quie Stafford Mr. Edmondson with Mr. McVey. that further proceedings under the call Rains Mathias Staggers Mr. Diggs with Mr. Hoffman of Michigan. be dispensed with. Matthews Randall Steed The SPEAKER. The question is on May Reece Stephens Mr. Macdonald with Mr. Curtis of Massa- the motion. Meader Reifel Stratton chusetts. Michel Reuss Stubblefield Mr. Zelenko with Mr. Mason. The question was taken; and on a Miller, Clem Rhodes, Ariz. Sullivan division (demanded by Mr. WILLIAMS), Miller, Rhodes.Pa. Taylor The result of the vote was announced GeorgeP. Riehlman Teague, Calif. there were--ayes 8~. noes 25. Miller, N.Y. Roberts, Ala. Teague, Tex. as above recorded. Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I ob­ Milliken Roberts, Tex. Thomas The doors were opened. ject to the vote on the ground that a Mills Robison Thompson, Tex.
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