DOCUMENT RESUME ED 344 419 FL 019 617 AUTHOR Mathuna, Liam Mac; Singleton, David TITLE Language across Cultures. Proceedings of a Symposium (St. Patrick's College, Dublin, Ireland,July 8-9, 1983). INSTITUTION Irish Association for Applied LingUistics, Dublin. REPORT NO ISBN-0-9509132-0-0 PUB DATE 84 NOTE 284p. PUB TYPE Collected Works - Conference Proceedings (021) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC12 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Bilingualism; Child Language; Children; Contrastive Linguistics; *Cross Cultural Studies; DuLch; English; Ethnicity; Folk Culture; Foreign Countries; Grammar; Hearing Impairments; Hebrew; Immigrants; *Intercultural Communication; Interlanguage; Irish; Language Processing; Language Research; *Language Role; Language Tests; Language Variation;Linguistic Borrowing; Listening Comprehension; Literature Appreciation; Panjabi; Pidgins; Polish; Pragmatics; Second Language Instruction; Semiotics; *Sociocultural Patterns; Speech Acts; Testing; Transfer of Training; Translation; UncommonlyTaught Languagest Vietnamese People IDENTIFIERS Ireland; Meain (Inis); Rumania ABSTRACT Papers presented at the symposium on the relationship between language and culture include, in additionto an opening adress: "Sociosemiotics Across Cultures" (WolfgangKuhlwein); "Translation Across Languages or Across Cultures?" (Albrecht Neubert); "Orammatical Categories AcrossCultures" (Olga Tomic); "On Taking Language Tests: What the Students Report" (AndrewCohen); "Language and Cultural Identity: The Cases of Irelandand Romania" (Martin Croghan); "Sme SociolinguisticObserqations on the Learning of English by Vietnamese in Ireland" (Miriam Dean);"Folklore, Linguistics, and Bilingualism" (Owen Egan); "ASocio-Cultural Model of Communication: Parameters that DefineIt" (Stathis Efstathiadis); "Language and Ethnic Identity: The Irish Languagein the United States" (Jeffrey Kallen); "A Pragmatic Accountof Reference in English and Polish" (Barbara Kryk); "Fossilization,Pidginization, and the Monitor" (Marquette Lowther); "SocialContext and Language Usage: Implications for Children withImpaired Hearing" (Patrick McDonnell); "Expression of Causativityand Factitivity in English and Hebrew" (Ezra Mentcher); "Young PunjabiBilinguals in Northern Ireland: Their Language Competence andIdentity Structure" (Mehroo Northover); "The Influence of Englishon Modern Spoken Hebrew" (Deborah Northmann); "English Wordsand Expressions in the Irish of Inis Meain and the Use of English by the LocalCommunity" (Ciaran Coigligh); "The Value of Literary Translationin Language Teaching" (Cormac Cuilleanain); "Cross-LinguisticSpeech Act Studies: Theoretical and Empirical Issues" (EliteOlshtain and Shoshana Blum-Kulka); "Contrastive Ethologyof Language" (Michael Pickering); "A First Encounter with Dutch: PerceivedLanguage Distance and Language Transfer as Factors in Comprehension"(David Singleton and David Little); and "Language Variationand Foreign Language Teaching: Issues and Orientations" (Albert Valdmann). (MSE) IF IR £8.00 STG £6,55 IRAAL (IRAAL members IR E6.00) Irish Association forApplied Linguistics Cumann na Teangeolaiochta Feidhmi LANGUAGE ACROSSCULTURES :ir Proceedings ofa symposium heldat St Patrick's College,Drumcondra, Dublin, 8-9 July 1983 4 'PERMISSION TO REPRODUCETHIS MAT IAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY A U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Oft. CA Educational Research Ana Improvement ION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORNIAI CENTER lERIC1 914'nitsdocument nes Peen retwoduCed iS reCeived trom ine person ororganization originating it 0 Minor cnsinges nave been made toimptove TO THE EDUCATIONAL reproduonon quIilY RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER(ERIC)." Points of vie* or opinions statedmlniS dOCU Mint do not ncessarily representOficial Edited by OERIpolftrOo Of pOliCy Liam Mac Mathtinaand David Singleton ,1 2 BESTCOPY AVAILABLE L7NGUAG1ACROSS CULTURES Proceedings of asymposium held a_ St. Patrick's College,Drumcondra, Eublin 8 - 9 July 1983 Edited by Liam Mac MatliGa andDavid Singleton IRAAL Irish Assoridtionfor Applied Linguistics Cumlnn na TeangeclarochtaFeidhmr 1984 LANGUAGEACROSSCULTURES ORGANIZINGCOMMITTEE Sr. M%rie de Montfort Supple David Little Liam Mac Mathena (Chairman) Clfona Marsh David Singleton SPONSORS / URRA1 The Trish Association for Applied Linguistics is very grateful for the generous support which this Symposium received from the following sponsors: Ambassade de France en Irlande An Comhchoiste Ramhscolafochta Bank of Ireland Bord Fn.lte Bord na Gaeilge Centre for Lanquage and Communications Studies, T.C.D. Droim Conrach / St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra Comhar na Meinteoire Gaeilge Educational Company of Ireland French Teachers Association Institieid Teangeolaf'ochta lireann The Linguaviva Centre The National Dairy Council / An chomairle Dnrrochta CdarsIsna Gaeltachta Ta Cumann na Teangeola(ochta Veidhm( an-lhu;och de:It hurraf thuasluaite as an tacaiocht fhial a thug siad don SiorpOisiamsec. Irish Association for Applied Linguistics 0 1984 Cumann na Teangeola(Ochta FeidnrX ISBN 0 9509132 0 0 FOREWORD The Republic of Ireland has two official languages which, in the words of Mrs. Gemma Pussey, Minister for Education, 'are the expression of two very different cnItures'. This is a situation which is not unfamiliar also in other bilingual countries. In the past, there has been a tendency to favour the narrow commonicative speet:_ of lonuuage choice - the usefulness of a language for day-to-day business within and across the country's borders. More recently, we have come to reali7e that languagy serves a multitude of functions, and that the impor- tance of a language stretches far beyond the function of earryinu certoin number of bits of information. One function n- a language is tn represent, And indeed to identify, shared cultural values. This aspect of the situation in Ireland was rleal'Iy brouoht hore sn us,in Jul? this yeir, as nartigiponts atthe InternAtional Sy-posium on 'Lanouage Across Cultures' At St. Patrick's Collode, located on the outskirts ff Dublin and surrounded by grekti posturys that lent the symposium the rightIrish atmosphere, ir iddition to serving as a hAer," field of activity f,-1-the dedicated joggers on thy International committee. on beholf of AILA, I want to take thiF opportunity of thAnking the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics for generously hostino this year's meet ino nf the International Committee and for in.flting us to the symposium;I also wont to congratulate IRAAL on the splendid organisation of the symposium and on the publication of the papers in this volume. I Am convinced that those contributions will servo asa useful snurce nf informati-n on The State of the Artin some fields of Applied Linguistics And, in particular,on the linluistio and cultural situation in Ireland. These scholarly analyses will no doubt be felt to Le relevant alsoto cultures and languages to be found for from the shores ci;-Ireland. October (181 Jan Svartvik President, A1LA CONTENTS Opening address by the Minister for Education, Mrs. Gemma 1 Hussey T.D. PLENARY PAPERS (in order of delivery. Sociosemiotics across cultures. Wolfgang KUhlwein 5 Translation across languages or across cultures? Albrecht Neubert 21 Grammatical categories across cultures. 015a Milfeska Tomit4 31 On taking language tests: What the students report. Andrew Cohen 41 SECTION PAPERS Language and cultural identity: The cases Ireland and Romania. Martin J. Croghan 55 Some sociolinguistic observations on the learning of English by Vietnamese in Ireland. Miriam Dean 71 Folklore, linguistics and bilingualism. Owen Egan 83 A socio-cultural model of communication: Parameters th.it define it. Stathis Efstathiadis 93 Language and ethnic identity: The Irish language in the United St..tes. Jeffrey L. Kallen 101 A pragmatic a:count of reference in English and Polish. Barbara Kk 113 FossilizatLor, pidginization and the monitor. Marquette Lowther :27 Social cortext and language usage: Implications fol.- children with impaired hearing. Patrick McDonnell 141 Expression of causativity and factitivity in English and Hebrew. Ezra Mentcher 155 Young Punjabi bilinguals in Northern Ireland: Their lanouaoe competence and identity structure. Mehroo Northover 171 The influence of English on Modern spoken Hebrew. Debora:1 Nothmann 195 English words and expressions in the Irish of Inis Meil'in and the use of English by the local :)mmunity. Ciarn Coic'igh 207 The value 9f literary translation in language teaching. Comae 0 CuilleanKin 221 Cross-linguistic speech act studies: Theoretical and empirical issues. Elite Olshtain and Shoshana Blum-Kulka 235 Contrastive ethology rf language. Michael Pickering 249 A first encounter with Dutch: Perceived lanquaae distance and language transfe as 't-'ors in comprehension. David Singleton and David Little 259 Lanauage variation and foreign lanquaae teaching: 15suus and orientations. Athert Valemann 271 OPENING ADDRESS BY TilE MINISTER FOR EDUCATION, MRS. GEMMA HUSSEY T.D. Tt Ahas orm bheith anseo libh inniu. Gabhaim bufoctlas libh as ucht cuireadh a thabhairt dom chunan siomp6isiam seo a oscailt. I am delighted to be here with you today. It gives me great pleasure to open officially this symposium on tne theme 'Language Across Cultures'. I am very grateful to the Chairman of the Organising Committee for his invitation, It is a real tribute to the work of IRAAL (The Irish Association for Applied Linguistics) that AILA (Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquee) chose Ireland this year as the venue for the annual meeting of its International Committee. For this IRAAL
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